public virtual LinkCollection GetLinkListBySourceId(Int32 sourceId ,LinkColumns orderBy, string orderDirection, int page, int pageSize, out int totalRecords) { try { Database database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); DbCommand dbCommand = database.GetStoredProcCommand("spLinkGetListBySource"); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@SourceId", DbType.Int32, sourceId); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@OrderBy", DbType.AnsiString, orderBy.ToString()); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@OrderDirection", DbType.AnsiString, orderDirection.ToString()); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@Page", DbType.Int32, page); database.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "@PageSize", DbType.Int32, pageSize); database.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "@TotalRecords", DbType.Int32, 4); LinkCollection linkCollection = new LinkCollection(); using (IDataReader reader = database.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { Link link = CreateLinkFromReader(reader); linkCollection.Add(link); } reader.Close(); } totalRecords = (int)database.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "@TotalRecords"); return linkCollection; } catch (Exception ex) { // log this exception log4net.Util.LogLog.Error(ex.Message, ex); // wrap it and rethrow throw new ApplicationException(SR.DataAccessGetLinkListException, ex); } }
public LinkSettings() { Links = new LinkCollection(); Links.Add(new Link()); Links[0].ImageUrlSrc = UrlUtil.JoinUrl(Globals.GetRelativeUrl(SystemDirecotry.Assets_LinkIcon), "bbsmax.gif"); Links[0].Name = "bbsMax"; Links[0].Url = ""; Links[0].Index = 0; Links[0].ID = 1; MaxID = 100; }
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { var hrefs = serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(reader); if (hrefs == null) return existingValue; var result = new LinkCollection(); foreach (var href in hrefs) { result.Add(href.Key, new Link(href.Value)); } return result; }
public void changeLinks(List<Order> orders) { _links = new LinkCollection(); foreach (var order in orders) { _links.Add(new Link() { DisplayName = "Order " + order.Id, Source = new Uri("StorageManager/Views/OrderProductsDetailsControl.xaml#" + order.Id, UriKind.Relative) }); } tabOrders.Links = _links; }
public void LinkCollectionOperationalTests() { LinkCollection c = new LinkCollection(); Link link1 = new Link(); c.Add(new Link()); c.Add(link1); c.Add(new Link()); Assert.AreEqual(3, c.Count); Assert.IsTrue(c.Contains(link1)); c.Remove(link1); Assert.IsFalse(c.Contains(link1)); Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Count); Link[] linkarray = new Link[2]; c.CopyTo(linkarray, 0); c.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Count); c = new LinkCollection(linkarray); Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Count); Assert.IsFalse(c.IsReadOnly); foreach (Link link in c) { Assert.IsNotNull(link); } c[0] = link1; Assert.AreSame(link1, c[0]); }
public void LinkCollectionTestInsertRetry() { var data = new AssetData { }; var fakeException = new WebException("test", WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed); var dataContextMock = TestMediaServicesClassFactory.CreateSaveChangesMock(fakeException, 2, data); _mediaContext.MediaServicesClassFactory = new TestMediaServicesClassFactory(dataContextMock.Object); data.SetMediaContext(_mediaContext); var target = new LinkCollection<IAsset, AssetData>(dataContextMock.Object, data, "", new IAsset[] { }); target.Add(data); dataContextMock.Verify((ctxt) => ctxt.SaveChanges(), Times.Exactly(2)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a collection of mod categories /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<LinkCollection> GetCategories() { var webClient = new HttpClient(); var result = await webClient.GetStringAsync(""); var categories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Category[]>(result); var lCollection = new LinkCollection(from c in categories select new Link { DisplayName = c.Title, Source = new Uri($"{c.Name}") }); lCollection.Add(new Link { DisplayName = "All", Source = new Uri("") }); var orderedCollection = lCollection.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayName).ToList(); return new LinkCollection(from n in orderedCollection select n); }
public static void ConvertLinks() { string sql = @" IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE [type] = N'U' AND [name] = N'bbsMax_Links') BEGIN SELECT * FROM bbsMax_Links; END ELSE SELECT -9999 AS LinkID; "; LinkSettings linkSetting = new LinkSettings(); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(Settings.Current.IConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); command.CommandTimeout = 60; try { bool hasCreateErrorLog = false; using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { int linkID = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("LinkID")); if (linkID == -9999) return; Link link = new Link(); link.ID = linkID; link.Name = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("LinkName")); link.Description = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("LinkDescription")); link.Url = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Url")); string imgUrl = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("LogoUrl")).Replace("\\", "/").Trim(); if (imgUrl.StartsWith("http://")) link.ImageUrlSrc = imgUrl; else { int i = imgUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1; string iconName = string.Empty; if (imgUrl.Length > i) { iconName = imgUrl.Substring(i, imgUrl.Length - i); string targetDir = MaxLabs.bbsMax.UrlUtil.JoinUrl(MaxLabs.bbsMax.Globals.ApplicationPath, "/max-assets/logo-link/"); string targetIconUrl = targetDir + iconName; imgUrl = MaxLabs.bbsMax.UrlUtil.JoinUrl(MaxLabs.bbsMax.Globals.ApplicationPath, imgUrl); if (File.Exists(imgUrl)) { if (File.Exists(targetIconUrl)) { } else { try { if (Directory.Exists(targetDir) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDir); File.Move(imgUrl, targetIconUrl); } catch { if (hasCreateErrorLog == false) { hasCreateErrorLog = true; ErrorMessages.Add("�ƶ���������ͼ��ʧ��,���ֶ��ѡ�/Images/Logos/��Ŀ¼�µ�����ͼ�긴�Ƶ���/max-assets/logo-link/��Ŀ¼��"); } } } } link.ImageUrlSrc = "~/max-assets/logo-link/" + iconName; } else link.ImageUrlSrc = string.Empty; } link.Index = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("SortOrder")); links.Add(link); if (linkSetting.MaxID < link.ID) linkSetting.MaxID = link.LinkID; } } linkSetting.Links = links; sql = @" UPDATE bx_Settings SET [Value] = @LinkString WHERE TypeName = 'MaxLabs.bbsMax.Settings.LinkSettings' AND [Key] = '*'; IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 INSERT INTO bx_Settings ([Key], [Value], [TypeName]) VALUES ('*', @LinkString, 'MaxLabs.bbsMax.Settings.LinkSettings'); DROP TABLE bbsMax_Links; "; command.CommandText = sql; SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@LinkString", SqlDbType.NText); param.Value = linkSetting.ToString(); command.Parameters.Add(param); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { CreateLog(ex); throw new Exception("����������������ʧ��" + ex.Message + sql); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Visits a navigation link item. /// </summary> /// <param name="navigationLink">The navigation link to visit.</param> protected override ODataPayloadElement VisitNavigationLink(ODataNestedResourceInfo navigationLink) { ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(navigationLink, "navigationLink"); ODataPayloadElement navigationPropertyContent = null; // check whether there is an entry or feed associated with the link var expandedItemAnnotation = navigationLink.GetAnnotation <ODataNavigationLinkExpandedItemObjectModelAnnotation>(); if (expandedItemAnnotation != null) { string navigationLinkUrlString = !this.payloadContainsIdentityMetadata || navigationLink.Url == null ? null : navigationLink.Url.OriginalString; if (expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem is ODataResource) { navigationPropertyContent = new ExpandedLink(this.Visit((ODataResource)expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem)) { UriString = navigationLinkUrlString }; } else if (expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem is ODataResourceSet) { navigationPropertyContent = new ExpandedLink(this.Visit((ODataResourceSet)expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem)) { UriString = navigationLinkUrlString }; } else if (expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem is ODataEntityReferenceLink) { ExceptionUtilities.Assert(!this.response, "Entity reference links in navigation links can only appear in requests."); navigationPropertyContent = this.VisitEntityReferenceLink((ODataEntityReferenceLink)expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem); } else if (expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem is List <ODataItem> ) { ExceptionUtilities.Assert(!this.response, "Navigation links with multiple items in content can only appear in requests."); LinkCollection linkCollection = new LinkCollection(); foreach (ODataItem item in (List <ODataItem>)expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem) { if (item is ODataResourceSet) { linkCollection.Add(new ExpandedLink(this.Visit((ODataResourceSet)item))); } else { ExceptionUtilities.Assert(item is ODataEntityReferenceLink, "Only feed and entity reference links can appear in navigation link content with multiple items."); linkCollection.Add(this.VisitEntityReferenceLink((ODataEntityReferenceLink)item)); } } navigationPropertyContent = linkCollection; } else { ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expandedItemAnnotation.ExpandedItem == null, "Only expanded entry, feed or null is allowed."); navigationPropertyContent = new ExpandedLink(new EntityInstance(null, true)) { UriString = navigationLinkUrlString }; } } else { ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.response, "Deferred links are only valid in responses."); // this is a deferred link DeferredLink deferredLink = new DeferredLink() { UriString = !this.payloadContainsIdentityMetadata || navigationLink.Url == null ? null : navigationLink.Url.OriginalString, }; navigationPropertyContent = deferredLink; } DeferredLink associationLink = null; if (this.payloadContainsIdentityMetadata && navigationLink.AssociationLinkUrl != null) { associationLink = new DeferredLink() { UriString = navigationLink.AssociationLinkUrl.OriginalString }; } return(new NavigationPropertyInstance(navigationLink.Name, navigationPropertyContent, associationLink)); }
public bool SaveSettings() { MessageDisplay msgDisplay = CreateMessageDisplay("url", "name"); int rowindex = 0; int[] linkids = StringUtil.Split<int>(_Request.Get("linkids", Method.Post)); LinkSettings settings = SettingManager.CloneSetttings<LinkSettings>(AllSettings.Current.LinkSettings); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); Link temp; foreach (int id in linkids) { temp = new Link(); temp.LinkID = id; temp.Url = _Request.Get("url." + id, Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("name." + id, Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("imageurl." + id, Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("description." + id, Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get<int>("index." + id, Method.Post, 0); temp.IsNew = _Request.Get<bool>("isnew." + id, Method.Post, false); ValidateLink(temp, msgDisplay, rowindex); rowindex++; links.Add(temp); } ///客户端无脚本 if (_Request.Get("newlinkid", Method.Post) != null && _Request.Get("newlinkid").Contains("{0}")) { temp = settings.CreateLink(); temp.Url = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get<int>("{0}", Method.Post, 0); rowindex++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp.Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp.Url)) links.Add(temp); } else { int[] newLinkArray = StringUtil.Split<int>(_Request.Get("newlinkid", Method.Post)); foreach (int id in newLinkArray) { temp = settings.CreateLink(); temp.IsNew = true; temp.Url = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get<int>("" + id, Method.Post, 0); ValidateLink(temp, msgDisplay, rowindex); rowindex++; links.Add(temp); } } if (msgDisplay.HasAnyError()) { msgDisplay.AddError(new DataNoSaveError()); m_LinkList = links; } else { foreach (Link l in links) { l.IsNew = false; } settings.Links = links; SettingManager.SaveSettings(settings); m_LinkList = null; } return true; }
public MainViewModel(IstarLogic context) { _context = context; if (_context.GetJobs().Count == 0) { _context.AddNewJob(new Job { Jobdate = DateTime.Today, Jobtitle = "ВНИМАНИЕ! Необходимо обновить базу данных.", Jobtext = "Перед началом работы с программой требуется выполнить скрипт для обновления базы данных.", Ismonthly = true, Iscomplete = false }); } TitleLinks = new LinkCollection(); SettingsLink = new Link { DisplayName = "Настройки", Source = new Uri("/Shared/Settings.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }; AboutLink = new Link { DisplayName = "О программе", Source = new Uri("cmd://AboutThis", UriKind.Absolute) }; SchemaLink = new Link { DisplayName = "Подготовить базу", Source = new Uri("cmd://GoSchema", UriKind.Absolute) }; ScriptLink = new Link { DisplayName = "Заполнить базу", Source = new Uri("cmd://GoScript", UriKind.Absolute) }; SoundLink = new Link { DisplayName = "Выключить звук", Source = new Uri("cmd://GoSound", UriKind.Absolute) }; ExitLink = new Link { DisplayName = "Выход", Source = new Uri("cmd://GoExit", UriKind.Absolute) }; TitleLinks.Add(SettingsLink); TitleLinks.Add(AboutLink); if (CanExecuteSchema) { TitleLinks.Add(SchemaLink); } else { if (CanExecuteScript) { TitleLinks.Add(ScriptLink); } } TitleLinks.Add(SoundLink); TitleLinks.Add(ExitLink); MainWin = Application.Current.MainWindow; MainWin.Closing += (sender, cancelEventArgs) => GoExit(); }
public bool SaveSettings() { MessageDisplay msgDisplay = CreateMessageDisplay("url", "name"); int rowindex = 0; int[] linkids = StringUtil.Split <int>(_Request.Get("linkids", Method.Post)); LinkSettings settings = SettingManager.CloneSetttings <LinkSettings>(AllSettings.Current.LinkSettings); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); Link temp; foreach (int id in linkids) { temp = new Link(); temp.LinkID = id; temp.Url = _Request.Get("url." + id, Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("name." + id, Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("imageurl." + id, Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("description." + id, Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get <int>("index." + id, Method.Post, 0); temp.IsNew = _Request.Get <bool>("isnew." + id, Method.Post, false); ValidateLink(temp, msgDisplay, rowindex); rowindex++; links.Add(temp); } ///客户端无脚本 if (_Request.Get("newlinkid", Method.Post) != null && _Request.Get("newlinkid").Contains("{0}")) { temp = settings.CreateLink(); temp.Url = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("{0}", Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get <int>("{0}", Method.Post, 0); rowindex++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp.Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp.Url)) { links.Add(temp); } } else { int[] newLinkArray = StringUtil.Split <int>(_Request.Get("newlinkid", Method.Post)); foreach (int id in newLinkArray) { temp = settings.CreateLink(); temp.IsNew = true; temp.Url = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Name = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.ImageUrlSrc = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Description = _Request.Get("" + id, Method.Post); temp.Index = _Request.Get <int>("" + id, Method.Post, 0); ValidateLink(temp, msgDisplay, rowindex); rowindex++; links.Add(temp); } } if (msgDisplay.HasAnyError()) { msgDisplay.AddError(new DataNoSaveError()); m_LinkList = links; } else { foreach (Link l in links) { l.IsNew = false; } settings.Links = links; SettingManager.SaveSettings(settings); m_LinkList = null; } return(true); }
private LinkCollection GetInLinks(IFactory factory) { LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); ChartObjectCollection nodes = new ChartObjectCollection(); nodes.Add(_node); // Collect all objects within that group if (_keepGroups) { int i = 0; while (i < nodes.Count) { Node node = nodes[i] as Node; i++; if (node.SubordinateGroup != null) { foreach (ChartObject sub in node.SubordinateGroup.AttachedObjects) { // Check if attached object is a node if (!(sub is Node)) { continue; } // Add the node to the nodes of the group if (!nodes.Contains(sub)) { nodes.Add(sub); } } } } } foreach (Node node in nodes) { foreach (Arrow a in node.IncomingArrows) { // Ignore non-layoutable objects if (a.IgnoreLayout) { continue; } if (a.Origin.Frozen) { continue; } if (!a.IsConnected) { continue; } // Add only if it comes from outside the group if (!nodes.Contains(a.Origin)) { // Use the factory to create the adapter link. // That way, if the adapter for the arrow already // exists, it will be returned instead of creating a // new adapter. links.Add(factory.CreateLink(a, _keepGroups, _ignoreArrowDirection)); } } if (node is Table) { Table t = node as Table; foreach (Table.Row r in t.Rows) { foreach (Arrow a in r.IncomingArrows) { // Ignore non-layoutable objects if (a.IgnoreLayout) { continue; } if (a.Origin.Frozen) { continue; } if (!a.IsConnected) { continue; } // Add only if it comes from outside the group if (!nodes.Contains(a.Origin)) { // Use the factory to create the adapter link. // That way, if the adapter for the arrow already // exists, it will be returned instead of creating a // new adapter. links.Add(factory.CreateLink(a, _keepGroups, _ignoreArrowDirection)); } } } } } return(links); }
/// <summary> /// Cria um valor compatível para o tipo indicado com base no conteúdo /// do modelo deserializado. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">O tipo do dado esperado.</param> /// <param name="node">O modelo deserializado.</param> /// <returns>O valor obtido da compatibilização.</returns> private object CreateCompatibleValue(Type type, NodeModel node) { if (node == null) { return(null); } if (type == typeof(PropertyCollection)) { return((PropertyCollection)CreateCompatibleValue(typeof(object), node)); } if (type == typeof(NameCollection)) { var target = new NameCollection(); foreach (var item in node.ChildValues()) { target.Add(item.Value.ToString()); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(FieldCollection)) { var target = new FieldCollection(); foreach (var @object in node.ChildObjects()) { var field = new Field(); CopyNodeProperties(@object, field); target.Add(field); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(LinkCollection)) { var target = new LinkCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var link = new Link(); CopyNodeProperties(item, link); target.Add(link); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(EntityActionCollection)) { var target = new EntityActionCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var action = new EntityAction(); CopyNodeProperties(item, action); target.Add(action); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(EntityCollection)) { var target = new EntityCollection(); foreach (var item in node.Children()) { var entity = new Entity(); CopyNodeProperties(item, entity); target.Add(entity); } return(target); } if (type == typeof(CaseVariantString)) { var text = (node as ValueModel)?.Value.ToString(); return(text.ChangeCase(TextCase.PascalCase)); } return(CreateCompatibleValue(node)); }
/// <summary> /// Deserializes a collection of links /// </summary> /// <param name="links">Xml element representing the links collection</param> /// <returns>Deserialized link collection</returns> private LinkCollection DeserializeLinks(XElement links) { LinkCollection collection = new LinkCollection(); AddXmlBaseAnnotation(collection, links); // read the count, if present XElement count = links.Element(MetadataCount); if (count != null) { collection.InlineCount = long.Parse(count.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } // read the next-link if present XElement nextLink = links.Element(DataServicesNext); if (nextLink != null) { collection.NextLink = nextLink.Value; } // deserialize each element as a link and add it to the collection foreach (var link in links.Elements(MetadataUri)) { collection.Add(this.DeserializeLink(link)); } return collection; }
private IEnumerable<NavigationPropertyInstance> DeserializeNavigationProperties(IEnumerable<XElement> links) { // get the links and convert them into navigation properties ILookup<string, XElement> linksByName = links .Select(link => link.Attribute(Rel)) .Where(rel => rel != null) .Where(rel => rel.Value.StartsWith(ODataConstants.DataServicesRelatedNamespaceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .ToLookup( rel => rel.Value.Substring(ODataConstants.DataServicesRelatedNamespaceName.Length), rel => rel.Parent); List<NavigationPropertyInstance> results = new List<NavigationPropertyInstance>(linksByName.Count); foreach (var group in linksByName) { NavigationPropertyInstance navProp = new NavigationPropertyInstance(); navProp.Name = group.Key; List<XElement> elements = group.ToList(); if (elements.Count > 1) { LinkCollection collection = new LinkCollection(); foreach (XElement link in elements) { ODataPayloadElement linkValue = this.DeserializeLink(link); ExceptionUtilities.Assert( linkValue.ElementType == ODataPayloadElementType.DeferredLink, "Navigation property '" + group.Key + "' had multiple <link> elements which were not all deferred"); collection.Add(linkValue); } navProp.Value = collection; } else { // Note: it is possible in cases where we are parsing an update payload, that this was really a collection of size one // however, we cannot possibly detect this case here, so we will have to deal with it elsewhere should it arise navProp.Value = this.DeserializeLink(elements[0]); } results.Add(navProp); } return results; }
private void UpdateSelection() { LinkGroup selectedGroup = null; Link selectedLink = null; LinkCollection toolLinks = new LinkCollection(); if (this.LinkGroups != null) { // find the current select group and link based on the selected source var linkInfo = (from g in this.LinkGroups from l in g.Links where l.Source == this.SelectedSource select new { Group = g, Link = l }).FirstOrDefault(); if (linkInfo != null) { selectedGroup = linkInfo.Group; selectedLink = linkInfo.Link; } else { // could not find link and group based on selected source, fall back to selected link group selectedGroup = this.SelectedLinkGroup; // if selected group doesn't exist in available groups, select first group if (!this.LinkGroups.Any(g => g == selectedGroup)) { selectedGroup = this.LinkGroups.FirstOrDefault(); } } //获取需要添加的工具栏的link var toolLink = from g in this.LinkGroups from l in g.Links where l.ShowInTool == true select l; if (toolLink != null) { foreach (Link l in toolLink) { toolLinks.Add(l); } } } ReadOnlyLinkGroupCollection groups = null; if (selectedGroup != null) { // ensure group itself maintains the selected link selectedGroup.SelectedLink = selectedLink; // find the collection this group belongs to var groupKey = GetGroupKey(selectedGroup); this.groupMap.TryGetValue(groupKey, out groups); } this.isSelecting = true; // update selection SetValue(VisibleLinkGroupsPropertyKey, groups); SetCurrentValue(SelectedLinkGroupProperty, selectedGroup); SetCurrentValue(SelectedLinkProperty, selectedLink); SetCurrentValue(ToolLinksProperty, toolLinks); this.isSelecting = false; }
private void ModernTab_SelectedSourceChanged(object sender, SourceEventArgs e) { if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Vasco da Gama")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "102"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Alvaláxia")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "98"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Colombo")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "140"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Dolce Vita Porto")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "102"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Algarve Shopping")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "130"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Viana Shopping")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "140"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Glicínias Plaza")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "170"; } if (e.Source.OriginalString.EndsWith("Leiria Shopping")) { var salas_list = (ModernTab)this.FindName("salas_list"); LinkCollection links = new LinkCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Link link = new Link(); link.DisplayName = (i + 1) + ""; link.Source = new Uri((i + 1) + "", UriKind.Relative); links.Add(link); } salas_list.Links = links; var capacidade = (TextBox)this.FindName("capacidade_textbox"); capacidade.Text = "165"; } }
private void LoadUserList(IEnumerable<string> userlist) { CurrentUsers = new LinkCollection(); foreach (var user in userlist) { if (Users.Contains(user)) { return; } else { Users.Add(user); CurrentUsers.Add(new Link() { DisplayName = user, Source = new Uri("/Pages/Chat/MainRoom.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }); } } }