Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the Hurst Exponent, considering the specified hypothetical next value of the already stored time series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Operation does not change the instance data.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The resulting linear fit object.</returns>
        public LinearFit ComputeNext(double simValue)
            //Affect the simulated next value into the existing averages
            double[] avgValues = new double[_avgCollection.Count];
            Parallel.For(0, _subIntervalLengthCollection.Count, _subIntervalIdx =>
                int intervalLength = _subIntervalLengthCollection[_subIntervalIdx];
                RescaledRange intervalRescaledRange = new RescaledRange(intervalLength);
                for (int valueIdx = (_valueCollection.Count - intervalLength) + 1; valueIdx < _valueCollection.Count; valueIdx++)
                avgValues[_subIntervalIdx] = _avgCollection[_subIntervalIdx].SimulateNext(intervalRescaledRange.Compute());
            //Add updated existing points
            LinearFit linFit = new LinearFit();

            for (int i = 0; i < _avgCollection.Count; i++)
                double x   = Math.Log(_subIntervalLengthCollection[i]);
                double avg = avgValues[i];
                double y   = 0;
                if (avg != 0)
                    y = Math.Log(avg);
                linFit.AddSamplePoint(x, y);
        public SensitivityAnalysis(GrowthCurve GD, MatrixArrayPlot.ArrayPlot AP)
            this.GD = GD;

            if (GD.ExpModelFitted && GD.ODValues.Max() > .08)
                double current        = GD.GrowthRate.GrowthRate;
                double MaxAllowed     = 1.2 * current;
                double MinAllowed     = .8 * current;
                double BaseGrowthRate = GD.ExpFit.GrowthRate;
                Measurements = (GD.TimeValues_As_Double.Zip(GD.ODValues, (time, od) => new Measurement()
                    ODValue = od, Time = time
                double[,] Array = new double[Measurements.Count, Measurements.Count];
                double lastValue = Double.NaN;
                for (int i = 0; i < Measurements.Count; i++)
                    Array[i, i] = Double.NaN;
                    for (int j = (i + 1); j < Measurements.Count; j++)
                        double   value = lastValue;
                        var      Fit   = from b in Enumerable.Range(i, (j - i + 1)) select Measurements[b];
                        double[] times = (from b in Fit select b.Time).ToArray();
                        double[] ods   = (from b in Fit select b.ODValue).ToArray();
                        int      count = times.Length;
                        value = Double.NaN;
                        double[] LogValues = ods.Select(z => Math.Log(z)).ToArray();
                        if (count > 2)
                            ExponentialFit EF = new ExponentialFit(times, ods);
                            //LinearFit EF = new LinearFit(times, LogValues);
                            value = EF.GrowthRate;
                        if (count == 2)
                            LinearFit LF = new LinearFit(times, LogValues);
                            value = LF.Slope;
                        if (value <MinAllowed | value> MaxAllowed)
                            value = Double.NaN;
                        Array[i, j] = value;
                        Array[j, i] = value;
                        lastValue   = value;
                string[] rowNames = (from x in Measurements select x.ODValue.ToString("g2")).ToArray();
                string[] colNames = Enumerable.Range(0, rowNames.Length).Select(x => x % 2 == 0?rowNames[x]:"").ToArray();
                AP.SetMatrixForPlotting(Array, rowNames, colNames);
                //throw new Exception("Your maximum OD is below 0.2 or your curve has not been fit.  Obtain higher quality data before fitting");
Пример #3
        protected internal override double CalculateGrowthRate(double[] times, double[] ods)
            double value = Double.NaN;
            int    count = times.Length;

            if (count >= 2)
                double[]  LogValues = ods.Select(z => Math.Log(z)).ToArray();
                LinearFit LF        = new LinearFit(times, LogValues);
                value = LF.Slope;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the Hurst Exponent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The resulting linear fit object</returns>
        public LinearFit Compute()
            LinearFit linFit = new LinearFit();

            for (int i = 0; i < _avgCollection.Count; i++)
                double x   = Math.Log(_subIntervalLengthCollection[i]);
                double avg = _avgCollection[i].Result;
                double y   = 0;
                if (avg != 0)
                    y = Math.Log(avg);
                linFit.AddSamplePoint(x, y);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes Hurst exponent estimation for next hypothetical value in time series.
        /// Function does not change the instance, it is a simulation only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simValue">Next time series value</param>
        public double ComputeNext(double simValue)
            //Affect new value to existing averages
            double[] avgValues = new double[_avgCollection.Count];
            Parallel.For(0, _subIntervalLengthCollection.Count, _subIntervalIdx =>
                int intervalLength = _subIntervalLengthCollection[_subIntervalIdx];
                RescalledRange intervalRescalledRange = new RescalledRange(intervalLength);
                for (int valueIdx = (_valueCollection.Count - intervalLength) + 1; valueIdx < _valueCollection.Count; valueIdx++)
                avgValues[_subIntervalIdx] = _avgCollection[_subIntervalIdx].SimulateNext(intervalRescalledRange.Compute());
            //Add updated existing points
            LinearFit linFit = new LinearFit();

            for (int i = 0; i < _avgCollection.Count; i++)
                double x   = Math.Log(_subIntervalLengthCollection[i]);
                double avg = avgValues[i];
                double y   = 0;
                if (avg != 0)
                    y = Math.Log(avg);
                linFit.AddSamplePoint(x, y);
            //Add new point for sub-interval length = (_timeSeries.Length + 1)
            RescalledRange fullRescalledRange = new RescalledRange(_valueCollection.Count + 1);

            foreach (double value in _valueCollection)
            double fullRangeAvg = fullRescalledRange.Compute();

            linFit.AddSamplePoint(Math.Log(_valueCollection.Count + 1), fullRangeAvg == 0 ? 0 : Math.Log(fullRangeAvg));
Пример #6
        protected internal virtual double CalculateGrowthRate(double[] times, double[] ods)
            double value = Double.NaN;
            int    count = times.Length;

            if (count > 2)
                ExponentialFit EF = new ExponentialFit(times, ods);
                //LinearFit EF = new LinearFit(times, LogValues);
                value = EF.GrowthRate;
            if (count == 2)
                double[]  LogValues = ods.Select(z => Math.Log(z)).ToArray();
                LinearFit LF        = new LinearFit(times, LogValues);
                value = LF.Slope;
Пример #7
        public static LinearFit.LfReValue get_equation(spec_metadata spec_obj, int element_index, ref double[] concentration, ref double[] standards_integration_average_strenth, int bs)
            double[]       wave_all     = spec_obj.read_wave_all;
            double[]       env          = spec_obj.env_spec;
            standard[]     standards    = spec_obj.standards;
            int            standard_cnt = spec_obj.standard_cnt;
            select_element element      = spec_obj.elements[element_index];

            double[,,] spec_standard = spec_obj.read_standard_spec;

            standards_integration_average_strenth = new double[standard_cnt];
            for (int i = 0; i < standard_cnt; i++)              //每个标样
                double standard_element_interval_average = 0.0; //平均的平均
                double[] strenght_oneshot = get_oneshot_all_strength(spec_obj, i, element_index);
                for (int t = 0; t < standards[i].average_times; t++)
                    standard_element_interval_average += strenght_oneshot[t];
                standards_integration_average_strenth[i] = standard_element_interval_average / standards[i].average_times;
            concentration = new double[standard_cnt]; //浓度
            for (int j = 0; j < standard_cnt; j++)
                concentration[j] = standards[j].standard_ppm[element.sequece_index - 1];
            LinearFit.LfReValue equation;
            if (bs == 0)
                equation = LinearFit.linearFitFunc(concentration, standards_integration_average_strenth, standard_cnt);
                equation = LinearFit.linearFitFunc_blank(concentration, standards_integration_average_strenth, standard_cnt);

Пример #8
        private static void fill_datagrid_data(spec_metadata spec_obj, ref double[,] standard_val, ref double[,] sample_val, int bs)
            select_element[] elements  = spec_obj.elements;
            standard[]       standards = spec_obj.standards;
            sample[]         samples   = spec_obj.samples;
            double[]         wave_all  = spec_obj.read_wave_all;
            double[]         env       = spec_obj.env_spec;
            double[,,] spec_standard = spec_obj.read_standard_spec;
            double[,,] spec_sample   = spec_obj.read_sample_spec;
            int standard_cnt = spec_obj.standard_cnt;
            int sample_cnt   = spec_obj.sample_cnt;
            int element_cnt  = spec_obj.element_cnt;
            int pixel_cnt    = spec_obj.read_wave_all.Length;

            double[,] standards_integration_average_strenth = new double[standard_cnt, element_cnt];
            double[,] samples_integration_average_strenth   = new double[sample_cnt, element_cnt];
            for (int i = 0; i < standard_cnt; i++) //每个标样
                if (!standards[i].is_readed)
                for (int t = 0; t < standards[i].average_times; t++)
                    double[] spec_temp_all = new double[pixel_cnt];
                    for (int k = 0; k < pixel_cnt; k++)
                        spec_temp_all[k] = spec_standard[i, t, k];
                    for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)  //每一个元素
                        standards_integration_average_strenth[i, j] += data_util.get_integration_average(wave_all, spec_temp_all, env, elements[j].interval_start, elements[j].interval_end);
                for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)
                    standards_integration_average_strenth[i, j] /= standards[i].average_times;
            for (int i = 0; i < sample_cnt; i++) //每个标样
                if (!samples[i].is_read)
                for (int t = 0; t < samples[i].average_times; t++)
                    double[] spec_temp_all = new double[pixel_cnt];
                    for (int k = 0; k < pixel_cnt; k++)
                        spec_temp_all[k] = spec_sample[i, t, k];
                    for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)  //每一个元素
                        samples_integration_average_strenth[i, j] += data_util.get_integration_average(wave_all, spec_temp_all, env, elements[j].interval_start, elements[j].interval_end);
                for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)
                    samples_integration_average_strenth[i, j] /= samples[i].average_times;
            if (datagrid_control.show_strenth)
                standard_val = standards_integration_average_strenth;
                sample_val   = samples_integration_average_strenth;
            // 当已经读取所有标样,则计算线性拟合方程,计算样本浓度
                bool is_need_calculate = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < standard_cnt; i++)
                    if (!standards[i].is_readed)
                        is_need_calculate = false;                          //标样没有全部读取完,则不需要计算方程
                    for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)
                        standard_val[i, j] = standards[i].standard_ppm[j];
                if (is_need_calculate)
                    // 根据标样浓度和对应强度计算
                    for (int i = 0; i < element_cnt; i++)
                        double[] concentration = new double[standard_cnt]; //浓度
                        double[] strenth       = new double[standard_cnt];
                        for (int j = 0; j < standard_cnt; j++)
                            concentration[j] = standards[j].standard_ppm[i];
                            strenth[j]       = standards_integration_average_strenth[j, i];
                        LinearFit.LfReValue equation;
                        if (bs == 0)
                            equation = LinearFit.linearFitFunc(concentration, strenth, standard_cnt);
                            equation = LinearFit.linearFitFunc_blank(concentration, strenth, standard_cnt);
                        for (int j = 0; j < sample_cnt; j++)
                            if (!samples[j].is_read)
                            sample_val[j, i] = (samples_integration_average_strenth[j, i] - equation.getA()) / equation.getB();
                else //不需要计算时设置为0
                    for (int i = 0; i < sample_cnt; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < element_cnt; j++)
                            sample_val[i, j] = 0;