Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deal with a single line. It either starts with '0' and is to be a new record,
        /// or is accumulated into a record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="lineNum"></param>
        private bool ProcessLine(char [] line, int lineNum)
            int len = line.Length;
            int dex = LineUtil.FirstChar(line, 0, len);

            if (dex < 0)
                if (_emptyLineSeen == 0)
                    DoError(UnkRec.ErrorCode.EmptyLine, lineNum);
                return(true); // empty line
            if (len > 255)    // TODO anything special for UTF-16?
                DoError(UnkRec.ErrorCode.LineTooLong, lineNum);
                // proceed anyway

            char level = line[dex];

            if (level < '0' || level > '9')
                DoError(UnkRec.ErrorCode.InvLevel, lineNum);
                return(false); // cannot proceed

            // NOTE: do NOT warn about leading spaces "GEDCOM readers should ignore it when it occurs".

            if (level == '0' && _currRec.LineCount > 0)
                // start of a new record. deal with the previous record first

                // TODO records should go into a 'to parse' list and asynchronously turned into head/indi/fam/etc
                var parsed = Parser.Parse(_currRec);
                if (parsed == null)

                _currRec = new GedRecord(lineNum, line);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the level value for a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linedex">Index in the record for the line in question</param>
        /// <param name="sublinedex">The index WITHIN the line for the first character. non-zero if leading spaces.</param>
        /// <returns>Space on error; otherwise the level as a character</returns>
        public char GetLevel(int linedex, out int sublinedex)
            sublinedex = -1;
            if (linedex >= Max)
                return(' ');
            var line = _lines[linedex];
            int dex  = LineUtil.FirstChar(line, 0, line.Length);

            // Can't happen? empty lines stripped earlier...
            //if (dex < 0)
            //    return ' '; // empty line
            sublinedex = dex;

            // TODO can level values exceed 9 ???