/// <summary>
        /// Create new ReceiptDTO model
        /// </summary>
        private LineReceiptDTO CreateReceiptDTOModel(Customer customer, Line line, Payment linePayment)
            LineReceiptDTO newReceipt = new LineReceiptDTO(linePayment);

            newReceipt.CustomerName = $"{customer.FirstName} {customer.LastName}";
            newReceipt.LineNumber   = line.LineNumber;
            int usageCallMinute = newReceipt.UsageCall;

            newReceipt.MinutesBeyondPackageLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(linePayment.MinutesBeyondPackageLimit);
            newReceipt.LeftMinutes             = newReceipt.PackageMinute - usageCallMinute < 0 ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(newReceipt.PackageMinute - usageCallMinute);
            newReceipt.LeftSms                 = newReceipt.PackageMinute - usageCallMinute < 0 ? 0 : newReceipt.PackageSms - newReceipt.UsageSms;
            newReceipt.MinutesUsagePrecent     = newReceipt.PackageMinute == 0 ? 0 : (100 - (int)((newReceipt.LeftMinutes.TotalMinutes / newReceipt.PackageMinute) * 100));
            newReceipt.SmsUsagePrecent         = newReceipt.PackageSms == 0 ? 0 : (100 - (int)((newReceipt.LeftSms / newReceipt.PackageSms) * 100));
            newReceipt.PricePerMinute          = customer.CustomerType.MinutePrice;
            newReceipt.PricePerSms             = customer.CustomerType.SmsPrice;
            newReceipt.ExceptionalMinutesPrice = newReceipt.MinutesBeyondPackageLimit.TotalMinutes * newReceipt.PricePerMinute;
            newReceipt.ExceptionalSmsPrice     = newReceipt.SmsBeyondPackageLimit * newReceipt.PricePerSms;
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces an invoice for the customer according to all the lines in his possession
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idCard">Customer identity card</param>
        /// <param name="date">Requested month and year</param>
        /// <returns>List of customer line's receipts  if succeeded otherwise null</returns>
        public List <LineReceiptDTO> GetCustomerReceipt(string idCard, DateTime date)
            List <LineReceiptDTO> receipts = new List <LineReceiptDTO>();
            Customer customer;

            customer = _unitOfWork.Customer.GetCustomerWithTypeLinesAndPayment(idCard);

            if (customer != null)
                foreach (var line in customer.Lines)
                    Payment linePayment = line.Payments.Where((p) => p.Date.Year == date.Year && p.Date.Month == date.Month).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (linePayment != null) //Create new receipt according to payment details
                        LineReceiptDTO newReceipt = CreateReceiptDTOModel(customer, line, linePayment);

        private PdfPTable CreateLineTable(LineReceiptDTO receipt)
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3)
                WidthPercentage = 100

            PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Line Number:" + receipt.LineNumber));

            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            table.AddCell("Total line price: " + receipt.LineTotalPrice + "₪");
            cell         = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Package info:"));
            cell.Colspan = 2;

            cell                     = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Package"));
            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

            table.AddCell("Minute: " + receipt.UsageCall);                       // "Row 4, Col 1"
            table.AddCell("Minute left: " + receipt.LeftMinutes);                // "Row 4, Col 2"
            table.AddCell("Package used: " + receipt.MinutesUsagePrecent + "%"); // "Row 4, Col 3"

            table.AddCell("SMS: " + receipt.UsageSms);                           // "Row 5, Col 1"
            table.AddCell("SMS left: " + receipt.LeftSms);                       // "Row 5, Col 2"
            table.AddCell("Package used: " + receipt.SmsUsagePrecent + "%");     // "Row 5, Col 3"

            cell                     = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Package price: " + receipt.PackagePrice + "₪"));
            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            cell                     = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Out of Package"));
            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

            table.AddCell("Minute beyond package: " + receipt.MinutesBeyondPackageLimit); // "Row 8, Col 1"
            table.AddCell("price per minunte: " + receipt.PricePerMinute + "₪");          // "Row 8, Col 2"
            table.AddCell("Total: " + receipt.ExceptionalMinutesPrice);                   // "Row 8, Col 3"

            table.AddCell("SMS beyond package: " + receipt.SmsBeyondPackageLimit);        // "Row 9, Col 1"
            table.AddCell("price per SMS: " + receipt.PricePerSms + "₪");                 // "Row 9, Col 2"
            table.AddCell("Total: " + receipt.ExceptionalSmsPrice);                       // "Row 9, Col 3"

            //cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Total:" + receipt.));
            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;

            cell                     = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("  "));
            cell.Colspan             = 3;
            cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
