/// <summary>
        /// Returns information about an intersection between a ray and a plane
        /// </summary>
        public static Line3Intersection GetRayIntersection( Ray3 ray, Plane3 plane )
            float	startDot	= plane.Normal.Dot( ray.Origin );
            float	diffDot		= plane.Normal.Dot( ray.Direction );

            if ( !Utils.CloseToZero( diffDot ) )
                float t = ( startDot + plane.Distance ) / -diffDot;

                if ( t >= 0 )
                    Line3Intersection result = new Line3Intersection( );
                    result.IntersectedObject	= plane;
                    result.IntersectionPosition = ray.Origin + ( ray.Direction * t );
                    result.IntersectionNormal	= plane.Normal;
                    result.Distance				= t;
                    return result;

            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information about an intersection between a ray, and a plane defined by a point and a normal
        /// </summary>
        public static Line3Intersection GetRayIntersection( Ray3 ray, Point3 pt, Vector3 vec )
            float	startDot	= vec.Dot( ray.Origin );
            float	diffDot		= vec.Dot( ray.Direction );

            if ( !Utils.CloseToZero( diffDot ) )
                float d = -vec.Dot( pt );
                float t = ( startDot + d ) / -diffDot;

                if ( t >= 0 )
                    Line3Intersection result = new Line3Intersection( );
                    result.IntersectedObject	= null;
                    result.IntersectionPosition = ray.Origin + ( ray.Direction * t );
                    result.IntersectionNormal	= vec;
                    result.Distance				= t;
                    return result;

            return null;