public virtual void DoUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { int itemCode = values.ItemCode; if ((itemCode <= 0) || (itemCode > this.table.items.Length)) { throw new PushServerException(2); } ProcessUpdate(values, itemCode - 1, this.table, this.listener); }
private static void AddConstraints(Hashtable parameters, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints constraints) { if (!(constraints.maxBandwidth == -1.0)) { parameters["LS_requested_max_bandwidth"] = constraints.maxBandwidth.ToString(); } if (!(constraints.topMaxFrequency == -1.0)) { parameters["LS_top_max_frequency"] = constraints.topMaxFrequency.ToString(); } else if (!(constraints.slowingFactor == -1.0)) { parameters["LS_slowing_factor"] = constraints.slowingFactor.ToString(); } }
internal static void ProcessUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values, int itemIndex, ExtendedTableInfo table, IExtendedTableListener listener) { string item = table.items[itemIndex]; if (values.EOS) { try { listener.OnSnapshotEnd(item); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (values.Overflow > 0) { if (!table.hasUnfilteredData()) { throw new PushServerException(7); } actionsLogger.Warn("Got notification of updates lost for item " + item); try { listener.OnRawUpdatesLost(item, values.Overflow); } catch (Exception) { } } else { if (values.Size != table.fields.Length) { throw new PushServerException(3); } IDictionary map = values.GetMap(table.fields); if (actionsLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { actionsLogger.Debug("Got event for item " + item + " with values " + CollectionsSupport.ToString(map)); } try { listener.OnUpdate(item, map); } catch (Exception) { } } }
private static void ProcessFastUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values, int itemIndex, ExtendedTableInfo table, IFastItemsListener listener) { if (values.EOS) { try { listener.OnSnapshotEnd(itemIndex + 1); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (values.Overflow > 0) { if (!table.hasUnfilteredData()) { throw new PushServerException(7); } try { listener.OnRawUpdatesLost(itemIndex + 1, values.Overflow); } catch (Exception) { } } else { if (values.Size != table.fields.Length) { throw new PushServerException(3); } string[] array = values.Array; if (actionsLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { actionsLogger.Debug("Got event for item " + table.items[itemIndex] + " with values " + CollectionsSupport.ToString(array) + " for fields " + CollectionsSupport.ToString(table.fields)); } try { listener.OnUpdate(itemIndex + 1, array); } catch (Exception) { } } }
public virtual void ChangeConstraints(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints constraints) { ServerManager currConnManager; try { currConnManager = this.ConnManager; } catch (SubscrException) { return; } try { currConnManager.ChangeConstraints(constraints); } catch (PhaseException) { } }
public virtual void DoUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { int itemCode = values.ItemCode; if (values.EOS) { try { this.listener.OnSnapshotEnd(itemCode); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (values.Overflow > 0) { if (!this.table.hasUnfilteredData()) { throw new PushServerException(7); } try { this.listener.OnRawUpdatesLost(itemCode, values.Overflow); } catch (Exception) { } } else { string[] array = values.Array; if (actionsLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { actionsLogger.Debug(string.Concat(new object[] { "Got event for item n\x00b0", itemCode, " in group ",, " with values ", CollectionsSupport.ToString(array) })); } try { this.listener.OnUpdate(itemCode, array); } catch (Exception) { } } }
public virtual void DoUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { if (values.ItemCode != 1) { throw new PushServerException(2); } this.enclosingInstance.managerWithListener.ProcessUpdate(values, this.itemIndex + 1, this.itemIndex); }
internal virtual void UnsubscrTables(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] subscrKeys, bool batchable) { if (subscrKeys.Length == 0) { if (batchable) { this.UnbatchRequest(); } } else { this.localPushServerProxy.DelSubscrs(subscrKeys, batchable ? this.batchMonitor : null); } }
private void MessageUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { if (values.ErrorCode == 0x27) { this.ExpandMultipleMessageUpdate(values); } else { lock (this.sequencesHandler) { SequenceHandler seq = this.sequencesHandler.GetSequence(values.MessageSequence); MessageManager message = seq.GetMessage(values.MessageProg); if (message == null) { this.serverListener.OnDataError(new PushServerException(13)); } else { this.serverListener.OnMessageOutcome(message, seq, values, null); } } } }
private void ExpandMultipleMessageUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { int losts = 0; bool ok = false; try { losts = Convert.ToInt32(values.ErrorMessage); ok = true; } catch (FormatException) { } catch (OverflowException) { } finally { if (!ok) { this.serverListener.OnDataError(new PushServerException(7)); } } if (ok && (losts > 0)) { for (int next = (values.MessageProg - losts) + 1; next <= values.MessageProg; next++) { this.MessageUpdate(new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent(values.MessageSequence, next, 0x26, "Message discarded")); } } }
internal virtual void ChangeConstraints(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints constraints) { this.localPushServerProxy.RequestNewConstraints(constraints); }
public virtual void ForceUnsubscribeTable(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey tableKey) { ServerManager currConnManager = this.ConnManager; if (tableKey.KeyValue != -1) { Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys = new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] { tableKey }; try { currConnManager.UnsubscrTables(tableKeys, false); } catch (PhaseException) { throw new SubscrException("Connection closed"); } } }
internal void ProcessUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values, int itemPos, int itemIndex) { string name = null; ItemInfo info; if (this.extInfo != null) { if ((itemIndex < 0) || (itemIndex >= this.extInfo.items.Length)) { throw new PushServerException(2); } name = this.extInfo.items[itemIndex]; } lock (this.itemInfos) { if (this.unsubscrDone) { return; } while (this.itemInfos.Count <= itemIndex) { this.itemInfos.Add(null); } info = (ItemInfo) this.itemInfos[itemIndex]; if (info == null) { if (this.isCommandLogic) { info = new CommandLogicItemInfo(this, itemPos, name); } else { info = new ItemInfo(this, itemPos, name); } this.itemInfos[itemIndex] = info; } } if (values.EOS) { info.snapshotPending = false; try { this.listener.OnSnapshotEnd(itemPos, name); } catch (Exception) { } } else if (values.Overflow > 0) { if (!this.baseInfo.hasUnfilteredData()) { throw new PushServerException(7); } actionsLogger.Warn("Got notification of updates lost for item " + info); try { this.listener.OnRawUpdatesLost(itemPos, name, values.Overflow); } catch (Exception) { } } else { if ((this.extInfo != null) && (values.Size != this.extInfo.fields.Length)) { throw new PushServerException(3); } string[] array = values.Array; if (actionsLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { actionsLogger.Debug(string.Concat(new object[] { "Got event for item ", info, " with values ", CollectionsSupport.ToString(array) })); } bool snapshotPending = info.snapshotPending; string[] prevState = info.Update(array); if (prevState != null) { IUpdateInfo update = new UpdateInfoImpl(info, prevState, array, snapshotPending); if (actionsLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { actionsLogger.Debug(string.Concat(new object[] { "Notifying event for item ", info, " with values ", update })); } try { this.listener.OnUpdate(itemPos, name, update); } catch (Exception) { } } } }
public virtual void DoUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { int itemCode = values.ItemCode; int itemIndex = itemCode - 1; this.ProcessUpdate(values, itemCode, itemIndex); }
public virtual void UnsubscribeTables(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys) { int num2; ServerManager connManager = this.ConnManager; ITableManager[] managerArray = connManager.DetachTables(tableKeys); int num = 0; for (num2 = 0; num2 < managerArray.Length; num2++) { if (managerArray[num2] != null) { managerArray[num2].NotifyUnsub(); num++; } } if (num == 0) { } Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] subscrKeys = new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[num]; int index = 0; for (num2 = 0; num2 < managerArray.Length; num2++) { if (managerArray[num2] != null) { subscrKeys[index] = tableKeys[num2]; index++; } } try { connManager.UnsubscrTables(subscrKeys, true); } catch (PhaseException) { throw new SubscrException("Connection closed"); } }
public virtual void DoUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { throw new PushServerException(12); }
internal virtual void CallConstrainRequest(PushServerProxy.PushServerProxyInfo pushInfo, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints newConstraints) { Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); parameters["LS_session"] = pushInfo.sessionId; parameters["LS_op"] = "constrain"; = (Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints) newConstraints.Clone(); AddConstraints(parameters,; string controlUrl = pushInfo.controlAddress + "/lightstreamer/control.txt"; StreamReader notBatchedAnswer = this.batchManager.GetNotBatchedAnswer(controlUrl, parameters); try { this.CheckAnswer(notBatchedAnswer); } finally { try { streamLogger.Debug("Closing connection"); notBatchedAnswer.Close(); } catch (IOException exception) { streamLogger.Debug("Error closing connection", exception); } } }
internal virtual Stream CallResync(PushServerProxy.PushServerProxyInfo pushInfo, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints newConstraints) { IDictionary parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters["LS_session"] = pushInfo.sessionId; if (newConstraints != null) { = (Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints) newConstraints.Clone(); } AddConnectionProperties(parameters,; AddConstraints(parameters,; HttpProvider provider = new HttpProvider(pushInfo.rebindAddress + "/lightstreamer/bind_session.txt", this.cookies); protLogger.Info("Opening stream connection to rebind current session"); if (protLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { protLogger.Debug("Rebinding params: " + CollectionsSupport.ToString(parameters)); } parameters["LS_silverlightWP_version"] = Constants.localVersion; bool useGet = ! &&; return provider.DoHTTP(parameters, !useGet); }
public virtual void UnsubscribeTable(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey tableKey) { ServerManager currConnManager = this.ConnManager; if (tableKey.KeyValue != -1) { Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys = new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] { tableKey }; ITableManager[] infos = currConnManager.DetachTables(tableKeys); if (infos[0] == null) { try { currConnManager.UnsubscrTables(new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[0], true); } catch (PhaseException) { } throw new SubscrException("Table not found"); } infos[0].NotifyUnsub(); try { currConnManager.UnsubscrTables(tableKeys, true); } catch (PhaseException) { throw new SubscrException("Connection closed"); } } }
private static void AddConstraints(IDictionary parameters, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints constraints) { if (!(constraints.MaxBandwidth == -1.0)) { parameters["LS_requested_max_bandwidth"] = constraints.MaxBandwidth.ToString(); } }
public virtual void UnsubscribeTables(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys) { int i; ServerManager currConnManager = this.ConnManager; ITableManager[] infos = currConnManager.DetachTables(tableKeys); int found = 0; for (i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { if (infos[i] != null) { infos[i].NotifyUnsub(); found++; } } if (found == 0) { } Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] foundTableKeys = new Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[found]; int curr = 0; for (i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { if (infos[i] != null) { foundTableKeys[curr] = tableKeys[i]; curr++; } } try { currConnManager.UnsubscrTables(foundTableKeys, true); } catch (PhaseException) { throw new SubscrException("Connection closed"); } }
internal virtual void RequestItemsSubscr(VirtualTableManager table, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] subscrKeys, BatchMonitor batch) { string[] winCodes = new string[subscrKeys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < subscrKeys.Length; i++) { winCodes[i] = subscrKeys[i].KeyValue.ToString(); } this.Check(); try { this.serverTranslator.CallItemsRequest(this.serverInfo, winCodes, table, batch); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new PushConnException(exception); } catch (WebException exception2) { throw new PushConnException(exception2); } this.Check(); }
internal virtual ITableManager[] DetachTables(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] subscrKeys) { int i; ITableManager[] infos = new ITableManager[subscrKeys.Length]; lock (this.tables.SyncRoot) { i = 0; while (i < subscrKeys.Length) { if (subscrKeys[i].KeyValue != -1) { object tempObject = this.tables[subscrKeys[i].KeyValue]; this.tables.Remove(subscrKeys[i].KeyValue); infos[i] = (ITableManager) tempObject; } else { infos[i] = null; } i++; } } if (actionsLogger.IsInfoEnabled) { for (i = 0; i < subscrKeys.Length; i++) { actionsLogger.Info(string.Concat(new object[] { "Removed ", infos[i], " from session ", this.localPushServerProxy.SessionId })); } } return infos; }
internal virtual void RequestNewConstraints(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints constraints) { this.Check(); try { this.serverTranslator.CallConstrainRequest(this.serverInfo, constraints); } catch (PushUserException exception) { protLogger.Debug("Refused constraints request", exception); throw new PushServerException(7); } catch (IOException exception2) { throw new PushConnException(exception2); } catch (WebException exception3) { throw new PushConnException(exception3); } this.Check(); }
private ITableManager GetUpdatedTable(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { lock (this.tables.SyncRoot) { return (ITableManager) this.tables[values.TableCode]; } }
internal virtual void RequestSubscr(ITableManager table, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey subscrKey, BatchMonitor batch) { string winCode = subscrKey.KeyValue.ToString(); this.Check(); try { this.serverTranslator.CallTableRequest(this.serverInfo, winCode, table, batch); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new PushConnException(exception); } catch (WebException exception2) { throw new PushConnException(exception2); } this.Check(); }
private void TableUpdate(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { ITableManager table = this.GetUpdatedTable(values); if (table == null) { if (!this.localPushServerProxy.IsTableCodeConsumed(values.TableCode)) { this.serverListener.OnDataError(new PushServerException(1)); } } else { this.serverListener.OnUpdate(table, values); } }
internal virtual void DelSubscrs(Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.SubscribedTableKey[] subscrKeys, BatchMonitor batch) { string[] winCodes = new string[subscrKeys.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < subscrKeys.Length; i++) { winCodes[i] = subscrKeys[i].KeyValue.ToString(); } this.Check(); try { this.serverTranslator.CallDelete(this.userId, this.serverInfo, winCodes, batch); } catch (PushUserException exception) { protLogger.Debug("Refused delete request", exception); throw new PushServerException(7); } catch (IOException exception2) { throw new PushConnException(exception2); } catch (WebException exception3) { throw new PushConnException(exception3); } this.Check(); }
public virtual bool OnUpdate(ITableManager table, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ServerUpdateEvent values) { if (this.owner.GetActiveListener(this.currPhase) != null) { try { table.DoUpdate(values); } catch (PushServerException exception) { actionsLogger.Debug("Error in received values", exception); this.OnDataError(exception); } return true; } return false; }
internal virtual Stream CallResync(PushServerProxy.PushServerProxyInfo pushInfo, Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints newConstraints) { Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable(); parameters["LS_session"] = pushInfo.sessionId; if (newConstraints != null) { = (Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionConstraints) newConstraints.Clone(); } AddConnectionProperties(parameters,; AddConstraints(parameters,; HttpProvider provider = new HttpProvider(pushInfo.rebindAddress + "/lightstreamer/bind_session.txt"); protLogger.Info("Opening stream connection to rebind current session"); if (protLogger.IsDebugEnabled) { protLogger.Debug("Rebinding params: " + CollectionsSupport.ToString(parameters)); } return provider.DoPost(parameters); }