} //END GetDefaultBookDetails

        public List <Object> QueryBookLibrary(Library.whichLibrary libraryToSearch, string bookKey)
            Book foundBook = currLibrary.GetBookFromLib(libraryToSearch, bookKey);

            currBook = currLibrary.FetchBookAsList(foundBook);

        }//END List
        }//END GetLibItemCount

        // Creates the display list based on the current view by collecting items from the appropriate library
        private static void CompileListForDisplay(Library.whichLibrary libraryToUse)
            if (libraryToUse == Library.whichLibrary.Owned)
                listForDisplay = currLibrary.GetLibrarySubset(Library.whichLibrary.Owned);
            else if (libraryToUse == Library.whichLibrary.Wishlist)
                listForDisplay = currLibrary.GetLibrarySubset(Library.whichLibrary.Wishlist);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error retrieving a specific library. An improper or empty library name was specified!");
        }//END CompileListForDisplay
        }//END List

        // Gets the total number of books currently in a given library
        public int GetLibItemCount(Library.whichLibrary libToCount)
            int bookTotal = 0;

            if (libToCount == Library.whichLibrary.Owned)
                bookTotal = currLibrary.OwnedTotal();
            else if (libToCount == Library.whichLibrary.Wishlist)
                bookTotal = currLibrary.WishlistTotal();
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error getting the total. An invalid library was specified!");

        }//END GetLibItemCount