Пример #1
        public void TestOptimization()
            // generate x_i, y_i observations on test function
            var random = new Random();

            int n = 200;

            var matX = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(n);

            var matY = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(n);

            double a = 100;
            double b = 102;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double x = (random.NextDouble() / (Math.PI / 4.0)) - (Math.PI / 8.0);
                double y = (a * Math.Cos(b * x)) + (b * Math.Sin(a * x)) + (random.NextDouble() * 0.1);
                matX[i] = x;
                matY[i] = y;

            LevenbergMarquardt.Function f = (Vector <double> parameters) =>
                // return y_i - f(x_i, parameters) as column vector
                var error = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(n);

                double a2 = parameters[0];
                double b2 = parameters[1];

                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    double y = (a2 * Math.Cos(b2 * matX[i])) + (b2 * Math.Sin(a2 * matX[i]));
                    error[i] = matY[i] - y;


            var levenbergMarquardt = new LevenbergMarquardt(f);

            var parameters0 = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(2);

            parameters0[0] = 90;
            parameters0[1] = 96;

            var rmsError = levenbergMarquardt.Minimize(parameters0);
        static double CalibrateColorCamera(List <Matrix> worldPoints, List <System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints, Matrix cameraMatrix, Matrix distCoeffs, Matrix rotation, Matrix translation)
            int nPoints = worldPoints.Count;

                Matrix R, t;
                CameraMath.DLT(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, worldPoints, imagePoints, out R, out t);
                //var r = Orientation.RotationVector(R);
                var r = RoomAliveToolkit.ProjectorCameraEnsemble.RotationVectorFromRotationMatrix(R);

            // pack parameters into vector
            // parameters: fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, + 3 for rotation, 3 translation = 12
            int nParameters = 12;
            var parameters  = new Matrix(nParameters, 1);

                int pi = 0;
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 0]; // fx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 1]; // fy
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 2]; // cx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 2]; // cy
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[0];      // k1
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[1];      // k2
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[0];
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[1];
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[2];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[0];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[1];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[2];

            // size of our error vector
            int nValues = nPoints * 2; // each component (x,y) is a separate entry

            LevenbergMarquardt.Function function = delegate(Matrix p)
                var fvec = new Matrix(nValues, 1);

                // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = p[pi++];
                double fy = p[pi++];
                double cx = p[pi++];
                double cy = p[pi++];

                double k1 = p[pi++];
                double k2 = p[pi++];

                var K = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);
                K[0, 0] = fx;
                K[1, 1] = fy;
                K[0, 2] = cx;
                K[1, 2] = cy;

                var d = Matrix.Zero(5, 1);
                d[0] = k1;
                d[1] = k2;

                var r = new Matrix(3, 1);
                r[0] = p[pi++];
                r[1] = p[pi++];
                r[2] = p[pi++];

                var t = new Matrix(3, 1);
                t[0] = p[pi++];
                t[1] = p[pi++];
                t[2] = p[pi++];

                //var R = Orientation.Rodrigues(r);
                var R = RoomAliveToolkit.ProjectorCameraEnsemble.RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(r);

                var x = new Matrix(3, 1);

                int fveci = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < worldPoints.Count; i++)
                    // transform world point to local camera coordinates
                    x.Mult(R, worldPoints[i]);

                    // fvec_i = y_i - f(x_i)
                    double u, v;
                    CameraMath.Project(K, d, x[0], x[1], x[2], out u, out v);

                    var imagePoint = imagePoints[i];
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.X - u;
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.Y - v;

            // optimize
            var calibrate = new LevenbergMarquardt(function);

            while (calibrate.State == LevenbergMarquardt.States.Running)
                var rmsError = calibrate.MinimizeOneStep(parameters);
                Console.WriteLine("rms error = " + rmsError);
            for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(parameters[i] + "\t");

            // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = parameters[pi++];
                double fy = parameters[pi++];
                double cx = parameters[pi++];
                double cy = parameters[pi++];
                double k1 = parameters[pi++];
                double k2 = parameters[pi++];
                cameraMatrix[0, 0] = fx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 1] = fy;
                cameraMatrix[0, 2] = cx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 2] = cy;
                distCoeffs[0]      = k1;
                distCoeffs[1]      = k2;
                rotation[0]        = parameters[pi++];
                rotation[1]        = parameters[pi++];
                rotation[2]        = parameters[pi++];
                translation[0]     = parameters[pi++];
                translation[1]     = parameters[pi++];
                translation[2]     = parameters[pi++];

        static double CalibrateDepthCamera(List <Matrix> worldPoints, List <System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints, Matrix cameraMatrix, Matrix distCoeffs)
            int nPoints = worldPoints.Count;

            // pack parameters into vector
            // parameters: fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2 = 6 parameters
            int nParameters = 6;
            var parameters  = new Matrix(nParameters, 1);

                int pi = 0;
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 0]; // fx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 1]; // fy
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 2]; // cx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 2]; // cy
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[0];      // k1
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[1];      // k2

            // size of our error vector
            int nValues = nPoints * 2; // each component (x,y) is a separate entry

            LevenbergMarquardt.Function function = delegate(Matrix p)
                var fvec = new Matrix(nValues, 1);

                // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = p[pi++];
                double fy = p[pi++];
                double cx = p[pi++];
                double cy = p[pi++];
                double k1 = p[pi++];
                double k2 = p[pi++];

                var K = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);
                K[0, 0] = fx;
                K[1, 1] = fy;
                K[0, 2] = cx;
                K[1, 2] = cy;

                var d = Matrix.Zero(5, 1);
                d[0] = k1;
                d[1] = k2;

                int fveci = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < worldPoints.Count; i++)
                    // fvec_i = y_i - f(x_i)
                    double u, v;
                    var    x = worldPoints[i];
                    CameraMath.Project(K, d, x[0], x[1], x[2], out u, out v);

                    var imagePoint = imagePoints[i];
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.X - u;
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.Y - v;

            // optimize
            var calibrate = new LevenbergMarquardt(function);

            while (calibrate.State == LevenbergMarquardt.States.Running)
                var rmsError = calibrate.MinimizeOneStep(parameters);
                Console.WriteLine("rms error = " + rmsError);
            for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(parameters[i] + "\t");

            // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = parameters[pi++];
                double fy = parameters[pi++];
                double cx = parameters[pi++];
                double cy = parameters[pi++];
                double k1 = parameters[pi++];
                double k2 = parameters[pi++];
                cameraMatrix[0, 0] = fx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 1] = fy;
                cameraMatrix[0, 2] = cx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 2] = cy;
                distCoeffs[0]      = k1;
                distCoeffs[1]      = k2;

Пример #4
        private static double CalibrateColorCamera(List <Vector <double> > worldPoints, List <System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints, Matrix <double> cameraMatrix, Vector <double> distCoeffs, Vector <double> rotation, Vector <double> translation, bool silent = true)
            int nPoints = worldPoints.Count;

                Matrix <double> R;
                Vector <double> t;
                DLT(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, worldPoints, imagePoints, out R, out t);
                var r = RotationExtensions.MatrixToAxisAngle(R);

            // pack parameters into vector
            // parameters: fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, + 3 for rotation, 3 translation = 12
            int nParameters = 12;
            var parameters  = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(nParameters);

                int pi = 0;
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 0]; // fx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 1]; // fy
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 2]; // cx
                parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 2]; // cy
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[0];      // k1
                parameters[pi++] = distCoeffs[1];      // k2
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[0];
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[1];
                parameters[pi++] = rotation[2];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[0];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[1];
                parameters[pi++] = translation[2];

            // size of our error vector
            int nValues = nPoints * 2; // each component (x,y) is a separate entry

            LevenbergMarquardt.Function function = delegate(Vector <double> p)
                var fvec = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(nValues);

                // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = p[pi++];
                double fy = p[pi++];
                double cx = p[pi++];
                double cy = p[pi++];

                double k1 = p[pi++];
                double k2 = p[pi++];

                var K = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseIdentity(3, 3);

                K[0, 0] = fx;
                K[1, 1] = fy;
                K[0, 2] = cx;
                K[1, 2] = cy;

                var d = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(5, 0);

                d[0] = k1;
                d[1] = k2;

                var r = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(3);

                r[0] = p[pi++];
                r[1] = p[pi++];
                r[2] = p[pi++];

                var t = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(3);

                t[0] = p[pi++];
                t[1] = p[pi++];
                t[2] = p[pi++];

                var R = RotationExtensions.AxisAngleToMatrix(r);

                int fveci = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < worldPoints.Count; i++)
                    // transform world point to local camera coordinates
                    var x = R * worldPoints[i];
                    x += t;

                    // fvec_i = y_i - f(x_i)
                    double u, v;
                    KinectInternalCalibration.Project(K, d, x[0], x[1], x[2], out u, out v);

                    var imagePoint = imagePoints[i];
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.X - u;
                    fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.Y - v;

            // optimize
            var calibrate = new LevenbergMarquardt(function);

            while (calibrate.State == LevenbergMarquardt.States.Running)
                var rmsError = calibrate.MinimizeOneStep(parameters);
                if (!silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("rms error = " + rmsError);
            if (!silent)
                for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine(parameters[i] + "\t");
            // unpack parameters
                int    pi = 0;
                double fx = parameters[pi++];
                double fy = parameters[pi++];
                double cx = parameters[pi++];
                double cy = parameters[pi++];
                double k1 = parameters[pi++];
                double k2 = parameters[pi++];
                cameraMatrix[0, 0] = fx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 1] = fy;
                cameraMatrix[0, 2] = cx;
                cameraMatrix[1, 2] = cy;
                distCoeffs[0]      = k1;
                distCoeffs[1]      = k2;
                rotation[0]        = parameters[pi++];
                rotation[1]        = parameters[pi++];
                rotation[2]        = parameters[pi++];
                translation[0]     = parameters[pi++];
                translation[1]     = parameters[pi++];
                translation[2]     = parameters[pi++];

Пример #5
        public static double CalibrateCameraExtrinsicsOnly(List <List <Matrix> > worldPointSets, List <List <System.Drawing.PointF> > imagePointSets,
                                                           Matrix cameraMatrix, ref List <Matrix> rotations, ref List <Matrix> translations)
            int nSets   = worldPointSets.Count;
            int nPoints = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nSets; i++)
                nPoints += worldPointSets[i].Count; // for later
            var distCoeffs = Matrix.Zero(2, 1);

            //// if necessary run DLT on each point set to get initial rotation and translations
            //if (rotations == null)
            //    rotations = new List<Matrix>();
            //    translations = new List<Matrix>();

            //    for (int i = 0; i < nSets; i++)
            //    {
            //        Matrix R, t;
            //        CameraMath.DLT(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, worldPointSets[i], imagePointSets[i], out R, out t);

            //        var r = CameraMath.RotationVectorFromRotationMatrix(R);

            //        rotations.Add(r);
            //        translations.Add(t);
            //    }

            // Levenberg-Marquardt for camera matrix (ignore lens distortion for now)

            // pack parameters into vector
            // parameters: camera has f, cx, cy; each point set has rotation + translation (6)
            //int nParameters = 3 + 6 * nSets;
            int nParameters = 6 * nSets;
            var parameters  = new Matrix(nParameters, 1);

                int pi = 0;
                //parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 0]; // f
                //parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[0, 2]; // cx
                //parameters[pi++] = cameraMatrix[1, 2]; // cy
                for (int i = 0; i < nSets; i++)
                    parameters[pi++] = rotations[i][0];
                    parameters[pi++] = rotations[i][1];
                    parameters[pi++] = rotations[i][2];
                    parameters[pi++] = translations[i][0];
                    parameters[pi++] = translations[i][1];
                    parameters[pi++] = translations[i][2];

            // size of our error vector
            int nValues = nPoints * 2; // each component (x,y) is a separate entry

            LevenbergMarquardt.Function function = delegate(Matrix p)
                var fvec = new Matrix(nValues, 1);

                // unpack parameters
                int pi = 0;
                //double f = p[pi++];
                //double cx = p[pi++];
                //double cy = p[pi++];

                var K = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);
                //K[0, 0] = f;
                //K[1, 1] = f;
                //K[0, 2] = cx;
                //K[1, 2] = cy;

                K[0, 0] = cameraMatrix[0, 0];
                K[1, 1] = cameraMatrix[1, 1];
                K[0, 2] = cameraMatrix[0, 2];
                K[1, 2] = cameraMatrix[1, 2];

                var d = Matrix.Zero(2, 1);

                int fveci = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < nSets; i++)
                    var rotation = new Matrix(3, 1);
                    rotation[0] = p[pi++];
                    rotation[1] = p[pi++];
                    rotation[2] = p[pi++];
                    var R = RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(rotation);

                    var t = new Matrix(3, 1);
                    t[0] = p[pi++];
                    t[1] = p[pi++];
                    t[2] = p[pi++];

                    var worldPoints = worldPointSets[i];
                    var imagePoints = imagePointSets[i];
                    var x           = new Matrix(3, 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < worldPoints.Count; j++)
                        // transform world point to local camera coordinates
                        x.Mult(R, worldPoints[j]);

                        // fvec_i = y_i - f(x_i)
                        double u, v;
                        CameraMath.Project(K, d, x[0], x[1], x[2], out u, out v);

                        var imagePoint = imagePoints[j];
                        fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.X - u;
                        fvec[fveci++] = imagePoint.Y - v;

            // optimize
            var calibrate = new LevenbergMarquardt(function);

            calibrate.minimumReduction = 1.0e-4;

            //while (calibrate.State == LevenbergMarquardt.States.Running)
            //    var rmsError = calibrate.MinimizeOneStep(parameters);
            //    Console.WriteLine("rms error = " + rmsError);
            //for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(parameters[i] + "\t");

            // unpack parameters
                int pi = 0;
                //double f = parameters[pi++];
                //double cx = parameters[pi++];
                //double cy = parameters[pi++];
                //cameraMatrix[0, 0] = f;
                //cameraMatrix[1, 1] = f;
                //cameraMatrix[0, 2] = cx;
                //cameraMatrix[1, 2] = cy;

                for (int i = 0; i < nSets; i++)
                    rotations[i][0] = parameters[pi++];
                    rotations[i][1] = parameters[pi++];
                    rotations[i][2] = parameters[pi++];

                    translations[i][0] = parameters[pi++];
                    translations[i][1] = parameters[pi++];
                    translations[i][2] = parameters[pi++];
