Пример #1
        public static void ExportMixMaps(string[] astr)
            // Expand filespecs
            ArrayList alsFiles = new ArrayList();

            for (int n = 1; n < astr.Length; n++)
                string strFileT = Path.GetFileName(astr[n]);
                string strDirT  = Path.GetDirectoryName(astr[n]);
                if (strDirT == "")
                    strDirT = ".";
                string[] astrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strDirT, strFileT);

            foreach (string strFile in alsFiles)
                LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.NewDocument(typeof(LevelDoc), null);
                Console.Write("Exporting " + strFile + " as ");
                string strFileExport = MixSuck.ImportExportMixMap(strFile, lvld);
                if (strFileExport == null)
                    Console.Write("Error exporting!\n");
                    Console.Write(strFileExport + "\n");
Пример #2
        public static void ImportText(string[] astr)
            // Expand filespecs
            ArrayList alsFiles = new ArrayList();

            for (int n = 1; n < astr.Length; n++)
                string strFileT = Path.GetFileName(astr[n]);
                string strDirT  = Path.GetDirectoryName(astr[n]);
                if (strDirT == "")
                    strDirT = ".";
                string[] astrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strDirT, strFileT);

            Console.WriteLine("Importing text from {0} files", alsFiles.Count);

            // Attempt to process these text files/level docs

            foreach (string strTextFile in alsFiles)
                string strFile = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(strTextFile).Replace(".txt", ".ld");
                Console.Write("Writing " + strTextFile + " to " + strFile + "...");
                LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.OpenDocument(strFile);
                if (lvld == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not load level doc " + strFile);

                StreamReader stmr = new StreamReader(strTextFile);
                string       str  = stmr.ReadToEnd();
                str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                int ichErrorPos;
                if (!lvld.SetLevelText(str, out ichErrorPos))
                    Console.WriteLine(" error at char " + ichErrorPos);
                    Console.WriteLine(" saved");
Пример #3
        public static void ExportImages(string[] astr)
            // Get directory
            //string strDir = Path.GetFullPath(astr[1]);
            string strDir    = ".";
            string strPrefix = astr[1];

            // Expand filespecs
            ArrayList alsFiles = new ArrayList();

            for (int n = 2; n < astr.Length; n++)
                string strFileT = Path.GetFileName(astr[n]);
                string strDirT  = Path.GetDirectoryName(astr[n]);
                if (strDirT == "")
                    strDirT = ".";
                string[] astrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strDirT, strFileT);

            // Attempt to process these level docs
            foreach (string strFile in alsFiles)
                Console.Write("Map of " + strFile + " -> ");
                LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.OpenDocument(strFile);
                if (lvld == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not load level doc " + strFile);
                string strPng = strDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strPrefix + Path.GetFileName(strFile).Replace(".ld", ".png");
                Console.Write(strPng + "...");
                TemplateDoc tmpd = lvld.GetTemplateDoc();
                Bitmap      bm   = lvld.GetMapBitmap(tmpd.TileSize, tmpd, true);
                bm.Save(strPng, ImageFormat.Png);
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");
Пример #4
        public static void ExportText(string[] astr)
            // Expand filespecs
            ArrayList alsFiles = new ArrayList();

            for (int n = 1; n < astr.Length; n++)
                string strFileT = Path.GetFileName(astr[n]);
                string strDirT  = Path.GetDirectoryName(astr[n]);
                if (strDirT == "")
                    strDirT = ".";
                string[] astrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strDirT, strFileT);

            Console.WriteLine("Exporting text from {0} files", alsFiles.Count);

            // Attempt to process these level docs

            foreach (string strFile in alsFiles)
                Console.Write("Writing text of " + strFile + "...");
                LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.OpenDocument(strFile);
                if (lvld == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not load level doc " + strFile);
                string strTextFile = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(strFile).Replace(".ld", ".txt");
                string str         = lvld.GetLevelText();
                str = str.Replace("\n", "\r\n");
                StreamWriter stmw = new StreamWriter(strTextFile);
                Console.WriteLine(" done");
Пример #5
        public static void ExportLevels(string[] astr, int nVersion)
            // Get tile size

            Size sizTile = new Size(0, 0);

            sizTile.Width  = int.Parse(astr[1]);
            sizTile.Height = sizTile.Width;

            // Get depth

            int nDepth = Int32.Parse(astr[2]);

            // Get background threshold

            double nAreaBackgroundThreshold = double.Parse(astr[3]);

            // Background luminance multiplier

            double nLuminanceMultBackground = double.Parse(astr[4]);

            // Background saturation multiplier

            double nSaturationMultBackground = double.Parse(astr[5]);

            // Foreground luminance multiplier

            double nLuminanceMultForeground = double.Parse(astr[6]);

            // Foreground saturation multiplier

            double nSaturationMultForeground = double.Parse(astr[7]);

            // Palette directory

            string strPalDir = astr[8];

            // Get output directory

            string strDir = Path.GetFullPath(astr[9]);

            // Expand filespecs
            ArrayList alsFiles = new ArrayList();

            for (int n = 9; n < astr.Length; n++)
                string strFileT = Path.GetFileName(astr[n]);
                string strDirT  = Path.GetDirectoryName(astr[n]);
                if (strDirT == "")
                    strDirT = ".";
                string[] astrFiles = Directory.GetFiles(strDirT, strFileT);

            // Attempt to process these level doc
            ArrayList alsTileSets = new ArrayList();

            foreach (string strFile in alsFiles)
                Console.Write("Loading " + strFile + "...");
                LevelDoc lvld = (LevelDoc)DocManager.OpenDocument(strFile);
                if (lvld == null)
                    throw new Exception("Could not load level doc " + strFile);
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");

                // Size this template collection if necessary

                TemplateDoc tmpd = lvld.GetTemplateDoc();
                if (sizTile.Width != tmpd.TileSize.Width || sizTile.Height != tmpd.TileSize.Height)
                    TemplateTools.ScaleTemplates(tmpd, sizTile);

                // Get appropriate TileSet, or make one if this map
                // uses a new tile collection
                TileSet tset = null;
                foreach (TileSet tsetT in alsTileSets)
                    if (tsetT.TileCollectionFileName == Path.GetFileName(lvld.GetTemplateDoc().GetPath()))
                        tset = tsetT;

                // Create new tile set if none found
                if (tset == null)
                    string strTcPath = lvld.GetTemplateDoc().GetPath();
                    string strTcName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strTcPath);
                    string strTcDir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(strTcPath);
                    string strT3     = strTcDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strPalDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strTcName;
                    tset = new TileSet(lvld.GetTemplateDoc(), Path.GetFileName(strTcPath), strT3, nDepth, sizTile);

                // Get and save a tile map for this level
                string strTmap     = Path.GetFileName(lvld.GetPath().Replace(".ld", ".tmap"));
                string strFileTmap = strDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strTmap;
                Console.Write("Creating & writing " + strFileTmap + "...");
                TileMap tmap = TileMap.CreateFromImage(tset, lvld.GetMapBitmap(tmpd.TileSize, tmpd, true), tmpd.TileSize);
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");

                // Get and save terrain map for this level
                string strTrmap     = Path.GetFileName(lvld.GetPath().Replace(".ld", ".trmap"));
                string strFileTrmap = strDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strTrmap;
                Console.Write("Creating & writing " + strFileTrmap + "...");
                TerrainMap trmap = new TerrainMap(lvld.GetTerrainMap(tmpd.TileSize, tmpd, false));
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");

                // Save .ini for this level doc
                string strFileIni = strDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(strFile).Replace(".ld", ".lvl");
                Console.Write("Writing " + strFileIni + "...");
                lvld.SaveIni(strFileIni, nVersion, strTmap, strTrmap, tset.PalBinFileName);
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");

            // Now write out tilesets
            foreach (TileSet tset in alsTileSets)
                // Save tile set
                string strFileTset = strDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + tset.FileName;
                Console.Write("Creating & writing " + strFileTset + ", " + tset.Count.ToString() + " tiles...");
                tset.SaveMini(strFileTset, nAreaBackgroundThreshold, nLuminanceMultBackground, nSaturationMultBackground, nLuminanceMultForeground, nSaturationMultForeground);
                Console.Write(" Done.\n");