Пример #1
 public void StartLevel(LevelAddress address)
     #if UNITY_EDITOR // In editor? Noice. Reload all levels from file so we can update during runtime!
Пример #2
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Initialize
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    public PackData(LevelAddress myAddress, PackDataXML packDataXML)       //PackCollectionData myCollectionData,
//		this.myCollectionData = myCollectionData;
        this.MyAddress = myAddress;
        this.PackName  = packDataXML.packName;

Пример #3
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Events
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    private void OnStartLevel(Level level)
        this.currLevel = level;
        LevelAddress addr = this.currLevel.MyAddress;

        t_levelName.text = addr.pack + "-" + addr.level;
        t_packName.text  = currLevel.MyPackData == null ? "null" : currLevel.MyPackData.PackName;
Пример #4
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Initialize
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    public LevelData(LevelAddress myAddress, LevelDataXML ldxml)
        // Basic properties
        this.myAddress = myAddress;
        boardData      = new BoardData(ldxml);
        startingZoom   = ldxml.zoom;

        // LOAD up stats!
        DidCompleteLevel = SaveStorage.GetBool(SaveKeys.DidCompleteLevel(myAddress));
Пример #5
 public LevelAddress GetLastPlayedLevelAddress()
     // Save data? Use it!
     if (SaveStorage.HasKey(SaveKeys.LastPlayedLevelAddress))
     // No save data. Default to the first level, I guess.
         return(new LevelAddress(0, 0));
Пример #6
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 //  LevelDatas
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 /** Makes a LevelData for every level file in our world's levels folder!! */
 private void LoadAllLevelDatas(PackDataXML packDataXML)
     // Convert the XML to LevelDatas!
     levelDatas = new List <LevelData>();
     for (int i = 0; i < packDataXML.levelDataXMLs.Count; i++)
         LevelAddress levelAddress = new LevelAddress(MyAddress.pack, i);
         LevelData    newLD        = new LevelData(levelAddress, packDataXML.levelDataXMLs[i]);
     // Update this value now that we've got our datas.
Пример #7
 public LevelAddress PrevLevelAddress(LevelAddress addr)
     if (addr == LevelAddress.zero)
     }                     // Safety check; can't go before 0,0.
     if (addr.level < 0)   // Wrap back to previous pack.
         addr.level = GetPackData(addr.pack).NumLevels - 1;
Пример #8
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Doers
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    public void OnCompleteLevel(LevelAddress levelAddress)
        LevelData levelData = GetLevelData(levelAddress);

        if (levelData != null)
            Debug.LogError("LevelData is null for OnCompleteLevel. Hmm.");
        }                                                                                // Hmm.
Пример #9
    public LevelAddress NextLevelAddress(LevelAddress addr)
        PackData pack = GetPackData(addr.pack);

        if (pack == null)
        }                                   // Safety check.
        if (addr.level >= pack.NumLevels)   // Wrap over to next pack.
            addr.level = 0;
        public void ReadJumpTable(CancellationToken ct)

            if (!m_hasHeader)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot read the Jump Table without reading the Header first!");

            // an empty database will have at least 2 pages: the header and the JT
            if (m_file.Length < checked (m_pageSize << 1))
                throw ParseError("File size ({0}) is too small to be a valid snapshot", m_file.Length);

            // the jumptable is always in the last page of the file and is expected to fit nicely
            // > file size MUST be evenly divible by page size
            // > then JT offset will be file.Length - pageSize
            if (m_file.Length % m_pageSize != 0)
                throw ParseError("The file size ({0}) is not a multiple of the page size ({1}), which may be a symptom of truncation", m_file.Length, m_pageSize);

            var jumpTableStart = m_file.Length - m_pageSize;

            Contract.Assert(jumpTableStart % m_pageSize == 0);
            m_dataEnd = jumpTableStart;

            var reader = m_file.CreateReader(jumpTableStart, m_pageSize);

            // "JMPT"
            var signature = reader.ReadFixed32();
            // Page Size (repeated)
            var pageSizeRepeated = (int)reader.ReadFixed32();
            // Sequence Number (repeated)
            var sequenceRepeated = reader.ReadFixed64();
            // Database ID (repeated)
            var uidRepeated = new Uuid128(reader.ReadBytes(16).GetBytes());
            // Header CRC (repeated)
            var headerChecksumRepeated = reader.ReadFixed32();

            // Sanity checks

            if (signature != SnapshotFormat.JUMP_TABLE_MAGIC_NUMBER)
                throw ParseError("Last page does not appear to be the Jump Table");
            if (pageSizeRepeated != m_pageSize)
                throw ParseError("Page size in Jump Table does not match the header value");
            if (sequenceRepeated != m_sequence)
                throw ParseError("Sequence in Jump Table does not match the header value");
            if (uidRepeated != m_uid)
                throw ParseError("Database ID in Jump Table does not match the header value");
            if (headerChecksumRepeated != m_headerChecksum)
                throw ParseError("Database ID in Jump Table does not match the header value");

            // read the table itself
            int levels = (int)reader.ReadFixed32();

            if (levels < 0 || levels > 32)
                throw ParseError("The number of levels in the snapshot does not appear to be valid");

            var table = new LevelAddress[levels];

            for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++)
                ulong offset = reader.ReadFixed64();
                ulong size   = reader.ReadFixed64();

                // Offset and Size cannot be negative
                // Empty levels (size == 0) must have a zero offset
                // Non empty levels (size > 0) must have a non zero offset that is greater than the headerSize
                if ((size == 0 && offset != 0) || (size > 0 && offset < m_dataStart))
                    throw ParseError("Level in Jump Table has invalid size ({0}) or offset ({1})", size, offset);
                if (checked (offset + size) > m_dataEnd)
                    throw ParseError("Level in Jump Table would end after the end of the file");

                table[level].Offset     = offset;
                table[level].Size       = size;
                table[level].PaddedSize = RoundUp(size, m_pageSize);

            // end attributes
            uint attributeCount = reader.ReadFixed32();

            if (attributeCount != 0)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Footer attributes not yet implemented!");

            // end marker
            if (reader.ReadFixed32() != uint.MaxValue)
                throw ParseError("Jump Table end marker not found");

            // checksum
            uint actualChecksum = SnapshotFormat.ComputeChecksum(reader.Base, reader.Offset);
            uint checksum       = reader.ReadFixed32();

            if (actualChecksum != checksum)
                throw ParseError("Jump Table checksum does not match ({0} != {1}). This may be an indication of data corruption", checksum, actualChecksum);

            m_jumpTable    = table;
            m_levels       = levels;
            m_hasJumpTable = true;
Пример #11
 public LevelData GetLevelData(LevelAddress address)
     return(GetLevelData(address.pack, address.level));
Пример #12
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 //  Getters
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 public PackData GetPackData(LevelAddress address)
		public void ReadJumpTable(CancellationToken ct)

			if (!m_hasHeader)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot read the Jump Table without reading the Header first!");

			// an empty database will have at least 2 pages: the header and the JT
			if (m_file.Length < checked(m_pageSize << 1))
				throw ParseError("File size ({0}) is too small to be a valid snapshot", m_file.Length);

			// the jumptable is always in the last page of the file and is expected to fit nicely
			// > file size MUST be evenly divible by page size
			// > then JT offset will be file.Length - pageSize
			if (m_file.Length % m_pageSize != 0)
				throw ParseError("The file size ({0}) is not a multiple of the page size ({1}), which may be a symptom of truncation", m_file.Length, m_pageSize);

			var jumpTableStart = m_file.Length - m_pageSize;
			Contract.Assert(jumpTableStart % m_pageSize == 0);
			m_dataEnd = jumpTableStart;

			var reader = m_file.CreateReader(jumpTableStart, m_pageSize);

			// "JMPT"
			var signature = reader.ReadFixed32();
			// Page Size (repeated)
			var pageSizeRepeated = (int)reader.ReadFixed32();
			// Sequence Number (repeated)
			var sequenceRepeated = reader.ReadFixed64();
			// Database ID (repeated)
			var uidRepeated = new Uuid128(reader.ReadBytes(16).GetBytes());
			// Header CRC (repeated)
			var headerChecksumRepeated = reader.ReadFixed32();

			// Sanity checks

			if (signature != SnapshotFormat.JUMP_TABLE_MAGIC_NUMBER) throw ParseError("Last page does not appear to be the Jump Table");
			if (pageSizeRepeated != m_pageSize) throw ParseError("Page size in Jump Table does not match the header value");
			if (sequenceRepeated != m_sequence) throw ParseError("Sequence in Jump Table does not match the header value");
			if (uidRepeated != m_uid) throw ParseError("Database ID in Jump Table does not match the header value");
			if (headerChecksumRepeated != m_headerChecksum) throw ParseError("Database ID in Jump Table does not match the header value");

			// read the table itself
			int levels = (int)reader.ReadFixed32();
			if (levels < 0 || levels > 32) throw ParseError("The number of levels in the snapshot does not appear to be valid");

			var table = new LevelAddress[levels];
			for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++)
				ulong offset = reader.ReadFixed64();
				ulong size = reader.ReadFixed64();

				// Offset and Size cannot be negative
				// Empty levels (size == 0) must have a zero offset
				// Non empty levels (size > 0) must have a non zero offset that is greater than the headerSize
				if ((size == 0 && offset != 0) || (size > 0 && offset < m_dataStart)) throw ParseError("Level in Jump Table has invalid size ({0}) or offset ({1})", size, offset);
				if (checked(offset + size) > m_dataEnd) throw ParseError("Level in Jump Table would end after the end of the file");

				table[level].Offset = offset;
				table[level].Size = size;
				table[level].PaddedSize = RoundUp(size, m_pageSize);

			// end attributes
			uint attributeCount = reader.ReadFixed32();
			if (attributeCount != 0) throw new NotImplementedException("Footer attributes not yet implemented!");

			// end marker
			if (reader.ReadFixed32() != uint.MaxValue) throw ParseError("Jump Table end marker not found");

			// checksum
			uint actualChecksum = SnapshotFormat.ComputeChecksum(reader.Base, reader.Offset);
			uint checksum = reader.ReadFixed32();
			if (actualChecksum != checksum) throw ParseError("Jump Table checksum does not match ({0} != {1}). This may be an indication of data corruption", checksum, actualChecksum);

			m_jumpTable = table;
			m_levels = levels;
			m_hasJumpTable = true;
Пример #14
 public LevelData GetLevelData(LevelAddress levelAddress)
Пример #15
 public static string DidCompleteLevel(LevelAddress address)
     return("DidCompleteLevel_" + address.ToString());