Пример #1
    protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Booking booking    = BookingDB.GetByID(GetFormBooking());
        bool    isAgedCare = booking.Organisation.IsAgedCare;

        string tmpLettersDirectory = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory());


        string templateFileName = isAgedCare ? "ACTreatmentList.docx" : "TreatmentList.docx";
        string originalFile     = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + templateFileName;
        string tmpOutputFile    = tmpLettersDirectory + "TreatmentList.pdf"; // System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

        if (!File.Exists(originalFile))
            SetErrorMessage("Template File '" + templateFileName + "' does not exist.");

        MergeFile(isAgedCare, originalFile, tmpOutputFile);

        Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "TreatmentList.pdf");
        System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpLettersDirectory, FileAttributes.Normal);
        System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory, true);

        // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
        // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
        // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
        Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
Пример #2
    protected void btnGenerateSystemLetters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        System.Collections.ArrayList fileContentsList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

        Booking[] bookings = BookingDB.GetBookingsToGenerateSystemLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, GetFormID());
        for (int i = 0; i < bookings.Length; i++)
            // send referrer letters

            PatientReferrer[] patientReferrers = PatientReferrerDB.GetActiveEPCPatientReferrersOf(bookings[i].Patient.PatientID);
            if (patientReferrers.Length > 0)
                HealthCard hc = HealthCardDB.GetActiveByPatientID(bookings[i].Patient.PatientID);
                bool       needToGenerateTreatmentLetter = patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.ReportEveryVisitToReferrer;

                Letter.FileContents[] bookingFileContentsList = bookings[i].GetSystemLettersList(Letter.FileFormat.Word, bookings[i].Patient, hc, bookings[i].Offering.Field.ID, patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Referrer, true, bookings[i].NeedToGenerateFirstLetter, bookings[i].NeedToGenerateLastLetter, needToGenerateTreatmentLetter, false, Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), 1);
                BookingDB.UpdateSetGeneratedSystemLetters(bookings[i].BookingID, bookings[i].NeedToGenerateFirstLetter, bookings[i].NeedToGenerateLastLetter, true);

        Letter.FileContents mergedFileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])fileContentsList.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Treatment Letters.doc"); // .pdf
        if (mergedFileContents != null)
            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = mergedFileContents.Contents;
            Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = mergedFileContents.DocName;
            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

Пример #3
    protected static Letter.FileContents GenerteLetter(Booking booking, Letter.FileFormat fileFormat, Hashtable lettersHash, Site[] sites)
            bool isClinic   = booking.Organisation.OrganisationType.OrganisationTypeGroup.ID == 5;
            bool isAgedCare = booking.Organisation.OrganisationType.OrganisationTypeGroup.ID == 6;

            Site site = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length; i++)
                if ((isClinic && sites[i].SiteType.ID == 1) || (isAgedCare && sites[i].SiteType.ID == 2))
                    site = sites[i];

            // get letter and make sure it exists
            Letter letter             = (Letter)lettersHash[booking.Offering.ReminderLetterID];
            string sourchTemplatePath = letter.GetFullPath(site.SiteID);
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(sourchTemplatePath))
                throw new CustomMessageException("File doesn't exist.");

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.CreateLetter(

        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void btnPrintBookingList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataTable tblBookingList = SetBookingsList();
        if (tblBookingList == null)

            string originalFile = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"BookingListForPatient.docx";
            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            string tmpOutputFile = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // create table data to populate

            DataTable dt = tblBookingList;
            string[,] tblInfo = null;
            bool tblEmpty = (dt.Rows.Count == 1 && dt.Rows[0][0] == DBNull.Value);
            if (tblEmpty)
                tblInfo = new string[1, 4];
                tblInfo[0, 0] = "No Bookings Found";
                tblInfo[0, 1] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 2] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 3] = "";
                tblInfo = new string[dt.Rows.Count, 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string inv_type_text = tblBookingList.Rows[i]["inv_type_text"].ToString();
                    if (inv_type_text.Length > 0) inv_type_text = " (" + inv_type_text + ")";

                    Booking booking = BookingDB.LoadFull(dt.Rows[i]);
                    tblInfo[i, 0] = booking.DateStart.ToString("d MMM yyyy") + Environment.NewLine + booking.DateStart.ToString("h:mm") + " - " + booking.DateEnd.ToString("h:mm") + (booking.DateEnd.Hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
                    tblInfo[i, 1] = booking.Patient == null ? "" : booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 2] = (booking.Offering == null ? "" : booking.Offering.Name + Environment.NewLine) + booking.Provider.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename + " @ " + booking.Organisation.Name;
                    tblInfo[i, 3] = booking.BookingStatus.Descr + Environment.NewLine + inv_type_text;

            // create empty dataset

            System.Data.DataSet sourceDataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();

            // merge

            string errorString = null;



                out errorString);

            if (errorString != string.Empty)
                throw new CustomMessageException(errorString);

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
            // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
            // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
            Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // re-fill grid in case two broswer windows are open with 2 different booking lists and only the one on the other page is in the session memory...

            string originalFile        = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"BookingList.docx";
            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            string tmpOutputFile       = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // create table data to populate

            DataTable dt = Session["bookinglist_data"] as DataTable;
            string[,] tblInfo = null;
            bool tblEmpty = (dt.Rows.Count == 1 && dt.Rows[0][0] == DBNull.Value);
            if (tblEmpty)
                tblInfo       = new string[1, 4];
                tblInfo[0, 0] = "No Bookings Found";
                tblInfo[0, 1] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 2] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 3] = "";
                tblInfo = new string[dt.Rows.Count, 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Booking booking = BookingDB.LoadFull(dt.Rows[i]);
                    tblInfo[i, 0] = booking.DateStart.ToString("d MMM") + " " + booking.DateStart.ToString("h:mm") + " - " + booking.DateEnd.ToString("h:mm") + (booking.DateEnd.Hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
                    tblInfo[i, 1] = booking.Patient == null ? "" : booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 2] = booking.Provider.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 3] = booking.Organisation.Name;

            // create empty dataset

            System.Data.DataSet sourceDataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();

            // merge

            string errorString = null;



                out errorString);

            if (errorString != string.Empty)
                throw new CustomMessageException(errorString);

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
            // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
            // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
            Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    public static Letter.FileContents Run(SendMethod sendMethod, int siteID, int staffID, int registerReferrerID, bool incBatching, bool incUnsent, bool incWithEmailOrFaxOnly, bool viewListOnly, bool viewFullList, out string outputInfo, out string outputList, string btnViewListClientID)
        int bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID = !viewListOnly && UseBulkLetterSender ? BulkLetterSendingQueueBatchDB.Insert(DebugEmail, false) : -1;

        RndPageID = (new Random()).Next().ToString();

        bool debugMode = true;

        bool AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs").Value) == 1;

        string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
        if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
            throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

        int    startTime = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeClinic                  = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic   = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeAgedCare                = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = 0;

        outputInfo = string.Empty;
        outputList = string.Empty;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

        Site[] allSites    = SiteDB.GetAll();
        bool   runAllSites = siteID == -1;

        Site   agedCareSite = null;
        Site   clinicSite   = null;
        Site[] sitesToRun   = runAllSites ? allSites : new Site[] { SiteDB.GetByID(siteID) };
        foreach (Site s in sitesToRun)
            if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                clinicSite   = s;
            else if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                agedCareSite = s;

        Hashtable orgHash = OrganisationDB.GetAllHashtable(true, true, false, false, true, true);

        ArrayList filesToPrintClinic   = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filesToPrintAgedCare = new ArrayList();
        string debugOutput = string.Empty;
        int numGenerated = 0;

        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic   = null;
        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = null;

        if (clinicSite != null)

            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int currentRegReferrerID = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            Hashtable rowIDsToRemove = new Hashtable();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows)

                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))

                Tuple<Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, bool, string, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadClinicRow(row);

                // realod org to get full org data (in particular, org type to get site-type
                if (orgHash[rowData.Item1.Organisation.OrganisationID] != null)
                    rowData.Item1.Organisation = (Organisation)orgHash[rowData.Item1.Organisation.OrganisationID];

                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasFax   = rowData.Item4;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item5;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item6;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item7;

                bool refHasEmailOrFax = AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs ? (refHasEmail || refHasFax) : refHasEmail;
                if (incWithEmailOrFaxOnly && !refHasEmailOrFax)
                    rowIDsToRemove[booking.BookingID] = 1;

                //if (booking.Patient == null || (booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, allSites, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));
                    currentRegReferrerID = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            if (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (rowIDsToRemove[Convert.ToInt32(bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows[i]["booking_booking_id"])] != null)

            // process last group
            filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, allSites, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        if (agedCareSite != null)

            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = BookingPatientDB.GetBookingsPatientOfferingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int currentRegReferrerID = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            Hashtable rowIDsToRemove = new Hashtable();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows)
                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))
                Tuple<BookingPatient, Offering, PatientReferrer, bool, bool, string, string, Tuple<HealthCard>> rowData = LoadAgedCareRow(row);

                // realod org to get full org data (in particular, org type to get site-type
                if (orgHash[rowData.Item1.Booking.Organisation.OrganisationID] != null)
                    rowData.Item1.Booking.Organisation = (Organisation)orgHash[rowData.Item1.Booking.Organisation.OrganisationID];

                BookingPatient  bp          = rowData.Item1;
                Offering        offering    = rowData.Item2;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item4;
                bool            refHasFax   = rowData.Item5;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item6;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item7;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Rest.Item1;

                bool refHasEmailOrFax = AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs ? (refHasEmail || refHasFax) : refHasEmail;
                if (incWithEmailOrFaxOnly && !refHasEmailOrFax)
                    rowIDsToRemove[bp.BookingPatientID] = 1;

                //if (bp.Booking.Patient == null || (bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, allSites, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));
                    currentRegReferrerID = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            if (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (rowIDsToRemove[Convert.ToInt32(bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows[i]["bp_booking_patient_id"])] != null)

            // process last group
            filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, allSites, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;


        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        bool zipSeperately = true;
        Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = null;

        if (zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)

            // if 2 sites exist in the system - change doc names to have "[AgedCare]" or "[Clinics]" before docname
            if (allSites.Length > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintClinic.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName = "[Clinics] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName;
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintAgedCare.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName = "[AgedCare] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
            Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                    filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

            // merge and put merged files into temp dir
            string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
            string tmpDir = baseTmpDir + "Referral Letters" + @"\";
            string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
            IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
            for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                ArrayList files = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                string docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

            // zip em
            string zipFileName = "Referral Letters.zip";
            string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
            zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

            // get filecontents of zip here
            zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

            // delete files
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)
            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            zipFileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!viewListOnly && registerReferrerID == -1 && incBatching)

        double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        if (debugMode)
            int total = (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows.Count) + (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows.Count);
            string countGenrated = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " generated" : total.ToString() + " generated";
            string countShowing = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", the next " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : total.ToString();
            if (total > MaxSending && viewFullList)
                countShowing = total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", only the first " + MaxSending + " will be generated and batches of " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after.";

            string queryExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeClinic.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeAgedCare.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + queryExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + queryExecutionTimeAgedCare + "]";

            string restExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + "] [Merging" + restExecutionTime + "]";

            if (!viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + sendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputList = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                        <th>Send By</th>
                                        <th>Update Email/Fax</th>
                                    </tr>" +
                                    (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"9\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +

        if (UseBulkLetterSender)
            BulkLetterSendingQueueBatchDB.UpdateReadyToProcess(bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID, true);

        return zipFileContents;
Пример #7
    public static void GenerateAllInvoicesAndTypes(int[] invoiceIDs, HttpResponse response)
        Site site = SiteDB.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SiteID"]));

        bool invoiceGapPayments = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("InvoiceGapPayments").Value) == 1;

        Invoice[] invoices        = InvoiceDB.GetByIDs(invoiceIDs);
        Hashtable invoiceLineHash = InvoiceLineDB.GetBulkInvoiceLinesByInvoiceID(invoices);
        Hashtable receiptHash     = ReceiptDB.GetBulkReceiptsByInvoiceID(invoices);
        Hashtable creditNoteHash  = CreditNoteDB.GetBulkCreditNotesByInvoiceID(invoices);

        ArrayList entityIDsList = new ArrayList();
        foreach (Invoice invoice in invoices)
            if (invoice.Booking != null && invoice.Booking.Patient != null)
            if (invoice.Booking != null && invoice.Booking.Organisation != null)
            if (invoice.PayerPatient != null)
            if (invoice.PayerOrganisation != null)
        int[] entityIDs = (int[])entityIDsList.ToArray(typeof(int));

        Hashtable addressHash     = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk("1",  null,  entityIDs, -1);
        Hashtable phoneHash       = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk(null, "30,33,34",  entityIDs, -1);
        Hashtable faxHash         = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk(null, "29",  entityIDs, -1);
        Hashtable webHash         = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk(null, "28",  entityIDs, -1);
        Hashtable emailHash       = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk(null, "27",  entityIDs, -1);
        Hashtable acPtBedroomHash = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBullk(null, "166", entityIDs, -1);

        object siteAddressList = addressHash[site.EntityID] == null ? null : addressHash[site.EntityID];
        object sitePhoneList   = phoneHash[site.EntityID]   == null ? null : phoneHash[site.EntityID];
        object siteFaxList     = faxHash[site.EntityID]     == null ? null : faxHash[site.EntityID];
        object siteWebList     = webHash[site.EntityID]     == null ? null : webHash[site.EntityID];
        object siteEmailList   = emailHash[site.EntityID]   == null ? null : emailHash[site.EntityID];

        object siteAddress = siteAddressList == null ? null : (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus" ? (object)((ContactAus[])siteAddressList)[0] : (object)((Contact[])siteAddressList)[0]);
        object sitePhone   = sitePhoneList   == null ? null : (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus" ? (object)((ContactAus[])sitePhoneList)[0]   : (object)((Contact[])sitePhoneList)[0]);
        object siteFax     = siteFaxList     == null ? null : (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus" ? (object)((ContactAus[])siteFaxList)[0]     : (object)((Contact[])siteFaxList)[0]);
        object siteWeb     = siteWebList     == null ? null : (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus" ? (object)((ContactAus[])siteWebList)[0]     : (object)((Contact[])siteWebList)[0]);
        object siteEmail   = siteEmailList   == null ? null : (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus" ? (object)((ContactAus[])siteEmailList)[0]   : (object)((Contact[])siteEmailList)[0]);

        string tmpLettersDirectory                 = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory());
        string tmpLettersDirectory2                = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory());
        string originalFile_BookingClinicInvoices  = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"InvoiceTemplate.docx";
        string originalFile_BookingACInvoices      = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"InvoiceTemplateAC.docx";
        string originalFile_PrivateInvoices        = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"PrivateInvoiceTemplate.docx";

        ArrayList filePaths_BookingClinicInvoices = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filePaths_BookingACInvoices     = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filePaths_PrivateInvoices       = new ArrayList();

        foreach (Invoice invoice in invoices)
            InvoiceLine[] lines       = invoiceLineHash[invoice.InvoiceID] == null ? new InvoiceLine[]{} : (InvoiceLine[])invoiceLineHash[invoice.InvoiceID];
            Receipt[]     receipts    = receiptHash[invoice.InvoiceID]     == null ? new Receipt[]{}     : (Receipt[])    receiptHash[invoice.InvoiceID];
            CreditNote[]  creditNotes = creditNoteHash[invoice.InvoiceID]  == null ? new CreditNote[]{}  : (CreditNote[]) creditNoteHash[invoice.InvoiceID];

            bool isClinicInvoice  = invoice.Site.SiteType.ID == 1;
            bool isBookingInvoice = invoice.Booking != null;

            string originalFile = !isBookingInvoice ? originalFile_PrivateInvoices : (isClinicInvoice ? originalFile_BookingClinicInvoices : originalFile_BookingACInvoices);
            string outputFile   = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "Invoice_" + invoice.InvoiceID + "." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // 1. change address/phone section below to use hashes
            // 2. just use one table to see if it works
            // 3. if works .. send in multiple tables as an array .. prob just add to arraylist of arrays

            bool isMedicareInvoice  = invoice.PayerOrganisation != null && (invoice.PayerOrganisation.OrganisationID == -1 || invoice.PayerOrganisation.OrganisationID == -2);
            bool isTACInvoice       = invoice.PayerOrganisation != null && invoice.PayerOrganisation.OrganisationType.OrganisationTypeID == 150;

            // was rejected when
            // - pt pays invoice, and
            // - booking has a medicare/dva invoice that has been rejected
            //      ie  payer org = -1/-2 and single adj/cr note equal to total, and single inv line with same offering as this one single inv line)
            bool wasRejectedMedicareInvoice = false;
            if (!isMedicareInvoice && lines.Length == 1 && invoice.Booking != null)
                foreach (Invoice curInvoice in InvoiceDB.GetByBookingID(invoice.Booking.BookingID, false))
                    // make sure is medicare/dva booking
                    if (curInvoice.PayerOrganisation == null || (curInvoice.PayerOrganisation.OrganisationID != -1 && curInvoice.PayerOrganisation.OrganisationID != -2))

                    // make sure is wiped (paid, nothing due, no receipts, credit notes == total of bill)
                    if (!curInvoice.IsPaID || curInvoice.TotalDue != 0 || curInvoice.ReceiptsTotal != 0 || curInvoice.CreditNotesTotal != curInvoice.Total)

                    // if only one invoice line on both this and the non-mediare/dva invoice and same offering
                    InvoiceLine[] curInvLines = InvoiceLineDB.GetByInvoiceID(curInvoice.InvoiceID);
                    if (curInvLines.Length == 1                                            &&
                        lines.Length       == 1                                            &&
                        curInvLines[0].Offering.OfferingID == lines[0].Offering.OfferingID &&
                        curInvLines[0].Price               == lines[0].Price               &&
                        curInvLines[0].Quantity            == lines[0].Quantity            &&
                        curInvLines[0].Tax                 == lines[0].Tax)
                            wasRejectedMedicareInvoice = true;

            string message = invoice.Message.Length > 0 ? invoice.Message : (wasRejectedMedicareInvoice ? "*Claim rejected by Medicare" : "");

            // merge the invoice fields

            // create dataset of merge fields from invoice
            System.Data.DataSet sourceDataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();

            if (invoice.Booking != null)

                sourceDataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Add("pt_name");           // depricated as same as bk_pt_fullname
                sourceDataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Add("pt_addr");           // depricated as same as bk_addr
                sourceDataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Add("pt_addr_tabbedx1");  // depricated as same as bk_addr_tabbedx1

            else // private non-booking invoice


            Booking nextBooking = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Patient == null ? null : BookingDB.GetNextAfterToday(invoice.Booking.Patient.PatientID, false);
            string nextBookingText = nextBooking == null ? " " : "Next appointment: " + Environment.NewLine + nextBooking.DateStart.ToString("h:mm") + (nextBooking.DateStart.Hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm") + " " + nextBooking.DateStart.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy") + " at " + nextBooking.Organisation.Name;

            RegisterStaff registerStaff = invoice.Booking == null ? null         : RegisterStaffDB.GetByStaffIDAndOrganisationID(invoice.Booking.Provider.StaffID, invoice.Booking.Organisation.OrganisationID);
            string providerNbrThisOrg   = registerStaff   == null ? string.Empty : registerStaff.ProviderNumber;
            string providerNbrThisStaff = invoice.Booking == null ? string.Empty : invoice.Booking.Provider.ProviderNumber;

            int    debtorEntityID = -1;
            string debtorName = "No debtor name found";
            bool?  debtorIsPatient = null;
            if (invoice.PayerOrganisation != null)
                debtorEntityID = invoice.PayerOrganisation.EntityID;
                debtorName = invoice.PayerOrganisation.Name;
                debtorIsPatient = false;
            else if (invoice.PayerPatient != null)
                debtorEntityID = invoice.PayerPatient.Person.EntityID;
                debtorName = invoice.PayerPatient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                debtorIsPatient = true;
                if (invoice.Booking != null && invoice.Booking.Patient != null)
                    debtorEntityID = invoice.Booking.Patient.Person.EntityID;
                    debtorName = invoice.Booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    debtorIsPatient = true;
                else // no debtor for some cash invoices

            string patientAddressText, patientAddressTabbedText;
            string orgAddressText    , orgAddressTabbedText      , orgPhoneText , orgFaxText, orgWebText, orgEmailText;
            string debtorAddressText , debtorAddressTabbedText;
            if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "Contact")
                Contact patientAddress = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Patient == null || addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? null : ((Contact[])addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                patientAddressText       = patientAddress != null ? patientAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found")    : "No address found";
                patientAddressTabbedText = patientAddress != null ? patientAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1) : "No address found";

                Contact orgAddress = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (Contact)siteAddress : ((Contact[])addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                Contact orgPhone   = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || phoneHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (Contact)sitePhone   : ((Contact[])phoneHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                Contact orgFax     = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || faxHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (Contact)siteFax     : ((Contact[])faxHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                Contact orgWeb     = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || webHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (Contact)siteWeb     : ((Contact[])webHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                Contact orgEmail   = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || emailHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (Contact)siteEmail   : ((Contact[])emailHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];

                orgAddressText            = orgAddress     == null    ? "No address found"      : orgAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found");
                orgAddressTabbedText      = orgAddress     == null    ? "No address found"      : orgAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1);
                orgPhoneText              = orgPhone       == null    ? "No phone number found" : orgPhone.GetFormattedPhoneNumber("No phone number found");
                orgFaxText                = orgFax         == null    ? "No fax number found"   : orgFax.GetFormattedPhoneNumber("No fax number found");
                orgWebText                = orgWeb         == null    ? "No website found"      : orgWeb.AddrLine1;
                orgEmailText              = orgEmail       == null    ? "No email found"        : orgEmail.AddrLine1;

                Contact debtorAddress     = debtorEntityID == -1 || addressHash[debtorEntityID] == null ? null : ((Contact[])addressHash[debtorEntityID])[0];
                debtorAddressText         = debtorAddress != null ? debtorAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found")    : "No address found";
                debtorAddressTabbedText   = debtorAddress != null ? debtorAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1) : "No address found";

                // if AC && debtor is PT && no address found for PT .. then use fac address
                if (!isClinicInvoice && debtorIsPatient != null && debtorIsPatient.Value == true && debtorAddress == null)
                    debtorAddressText       = orgAddressText;
                    debtorAddressTabbedText = orgAddressTabbedText;
            else if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus")
                ContactAus patientAddress = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Patient == null || addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? null : ((ContactAus[])addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                patientAddressText       = patientAddress != null ? patientAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found")    : "No address found";
                patientAddressTabbedText = patientAddress != null ? patientAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1) : "No address found";

                ContactAus orgAddress = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (ContactAus)siteAddress : ((ContactAus[])addressHash[invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                ContactAus orgPhone   = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || phoneHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (ContactAus)sitePhone   : ((ContactAus[])phoneHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                ContactAus orgFax     = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || faxHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (ContactAus)siteFax     : ((ContactAus[])faxHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                ContactAus orgWeb     = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || webHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (ContactAus)siteWeb     : ((ContactAus[])webHash    [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];
                ContactAus orgEmail   = invoice.Booking == null || invoice.Booking.Organisation == null || emailHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID] == null ? (ContactAus)siteEmail   : ((ContactAus[])emailHash  [invoice.Booking.Organisation.EntityID])[0];

                orgAddressText            = orgAddress     == null    ? "No address found"      : orgAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found");
                orgAddressTabbedText      = orgAddress     == null    ? "No address found"      : orgAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1);
                orgPhoneText              = orgPhone       == null    ? "No phone number found" : orgPhone.GetFormattedPhoneNumber("No phone number found");
                orgFaxText                = orgFax         == null    ? "No fax number found"   : orgFax.GetFormattedPhoneNumber("No fax number found");
                orgWebText                = orgWeb         == null    ? "No website found"      : orgWeb.AddrLine1;
                orgEmailText              = orgEmail       == null    ? "No email found"        : orgEmail.AddrLine1;

                ContactAus debtorAddress     = debtorEntityID == -1 || addressHash[debtorEntityID] == null ? null : ((ContactAus[])addressHash[debtorEntityID])[0];
                debtorAddressText         = debtorAddress != null ? debtorAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found")    : "No address found";
                debtorAddressTabbedText   = debtorAddress != null ? debtorAddress.GetFormattedAddress("No address found", 1) : "No address found";

                // if AC && debtor is PT && no address found for PT .. then use fac address
                if (!isClinicInvoice && debtorIsPatient != null && debtorIsPatient.Value == true && debtorAddress == null)
                    debtorAddressText       = orgAddressText;
                    debtorAddressTabbedText = orgAddressTabbedText;
                throw new Exception("Unknown AddressType in config: " + Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString().ToString());

            if (invoice.Booking != null)
                string ptName = string.Empty;
                if (invoice.Booking != null && invoice.Booking.Patient != null)
                    ptName = invoice.Booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                if (invoice.Booking == null && invoice.PayerPatient != null)
                    ptName = invoice.PayerPatient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;

                    DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy"),
                    invoice.InvoiceID.ToString() + (invoice.HealthcareClaimNumber.Trim().Length > 0 ? "  (Claim No. " + invoice.HealthcareClaimNumber.Trim() + ")" : ""),
                    invoice.InvoiceDateAdded.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy"),
                    invoice.Booking == null ? string.Empty : invoice.Booking.Provider.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename,
                    isClinicInvoice ? providerNbrThisOrg : providerNbrThisStaff,
                    invoice.Booking == null ? string.Empty : invoice.Booking.DateStart.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy"),
                    invoice.Booking != null && invoice.Booking.Patient != null && invoice.Booking.Patient.IsCompany ? "Purchase Order Nbr. " + invoice.Booking.SterilisationCode : " ",

                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.AddrLine1.Length == 0  ? "No address found" : patientAddress.AddrLine1,
                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.AddrLine2.Length == 0  ? " " : patientAddress.AddrLine2,
                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.AddressChannel == null ? " " : (patientAddress.AddressChannel.AddressChannelID == 1 ? " " : patientAddress.AddressChannel.DisplayName),
                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.Suburb  == null        ? " " : patientAddress.Suburb.Name,
                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.Suburb  == null        ? " " : patientAddress.Suburb.Postcode,
                    //patientAddress == null || patientAddress.Country == null        ? " " : patientAddress.Country.Descr

                    invoice.Booking == null ? invoice.NonBookinginvoiceOrganisation.Name : invoice.Booking.Organisation.Name,
                    invoice.Booking == null ? invoice.NonBookinginvoiceOrganisation.Abn : invoice.Booking.Organisation.Abn,
                    invoice.Booking == null ? invoice.NonBookinginvoiceOrganisation.Acn : invoice.Booking.Organisation.Acn,
                    invoice.Booking == null ? invoice.NonBookinginvoiceOrganisation.BpayAccount : invoice.Booking.Organisation.BpayAccount,
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy"),
                    invoice.InvoiceDateAdded.ToString("d MMMM, yyyy"),
                    invoice.PayerPatient == null ? "--" : invoice.PayerPatient.Person.FullnameWithTitleWithoutMiddlename,


            // create table data to populate from invoice lines

            string[,] tblInfo;

            if (isMedicareInvoice)
                tblInfo = new string[lines.Length + 2, 4];

                int row = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = lines[i].Offering.Name + (invoiceGapPayments ? " - bulk billed to Medicare" : " - normally $" + lines[i].Offering.DefaultPrice.ToString() + " but bulk billed to Medicare");
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = ((lines[i].Quantity % 1) == 0) ? Convert.ToInt32(lines[i].Quantity).ToString() : lines[i].Quantity.ToString();
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = "0.00";

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = string.Empty;

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Balance Due: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<b>0.00</b>";
            else if (isTACInvoice)
                tblInfo = new string[lines.Length + 2, 4];

                int row = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = lines[i].Offering.Name;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = ((lines[i].Quantity % 1) == 0) ? Convert.ToInt32(lines[i].Quantity).ToString() : lines[i].Quantity.ToString();
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = lines[i].Price.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = string.Empty;

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Balance Due: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<b>" + invoice.TotalDue.ToString() + "</b>";
            else if (invoice.Booking == null)  // private invoice
                tblInfo = new string[lines.Length + receipts.Length + creditNotes.Length + 4, 4];

                int row = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = lines[i].Offering.Name;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = ((lines[i].Quantity % 1) == 0) ? Convert.ToInt32(lines[i].Quantity).ToString() : lines[i].Quantity.ToString();
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = lines[i].Price.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < receipts.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = "Receipt " + receipts[i].ReceiptID + " - " + receipts[i].ReceiptPaymentType.Descr;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = "1";
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = receipts[i].Total.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < creditNotes.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = "Adjustment Note  " + creditNotes[i].CreditNoteID;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = "1";
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = creditNotes[i].Total.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = string.Empty;

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>GST: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = invoice.Gst.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Payments & Adjustments: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = (invoice.ReceiptsTotal + invoice.CreditNotesTotal).ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Balance Due: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<b>" + invoice.TotalDue.ToString() + "</b>";
            else if (isClinicInvoice)
                tblInfo = new string[lines.Length + receipts.Length + creditNotes.Length + 4, 4];

                int row = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = lines[i].Offering.Name + (i == lines.Length - 1 && message.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine + message : "");
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = ((lines[i].Quantity % 1) == 0) ? Convert.ToInt32(lines[i].Quantity).ToString() : lines[i].Quantity.ToString();
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = lines[i].Price.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < receipts.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = "Receipt " + receipts[i].ReceiptID + " - " + receipts[i].ReceiptPaymentType.Descr;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = "1";
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = receipts[i].Total.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < creditNotes.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = "Adjustment Note  " + creditNotes[i].CreditNoteID;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = "1";
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = creditNotes[i].Total.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = string.Empty;

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>GST: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = invoice.Gst.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Payments & Adjustments: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = (invoice.ReceiptsTotal + invoice.CreditNotesTotal).ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = "<align=right><b>Balance Due: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<b>" + invoice.TotalDue.ToString() + "</b>";
            else // isAgedCareInvoice (private)
                tblInfo = new string[lines.Length + receipts.Length + creditNotes.Length + 4, 6];

                int row = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++, row++)

                    // 0 = i (row nbr)
                    // 1 = room (addr1 of patient)
                    // 2 = patient name
                    // 3 = offering
                    // 4 = qty
                    // 5 = space
                    // 6 = price

                    string ptBedroom = PatientsContactCacheDB.GetBedroom(isClinicInvoice ? null : acPtBedroomHash, lines[i].Patient.Person.EntityID);

                    tblInfo[row, 0] = (row + 1).ToString();
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = ptBedroom == null ? string.Empty : ptBedroom;
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = lines[i].Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = (lines[i].Offering == null ? "" : lines[i].Offering.Name) + (i == lines.Length - 1 && message.Length > 0 ? Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + message : "");
                    tblInfo[row, 4] = ((lines[i].Quantity % 1) == 0) ? Convert.ToInt32(lines[i].Quantity).ToString() : lines[i].Quantity.ToString(); ;
                    tblInfo[row, 5] = lines[i].Price.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < receipts.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = "Receipt " + receipts[i].ReceiptID + " - " + receipts[i].ReceiptPaymentType.Descr;
                    tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 5] = receipts[i].Total.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < creditNotes.Length; i++, row++)
                    tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 3] = "Adjustment Note  " + creditNotes[i].CreditNoteID;
                    tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                    tblInfo[row, 5] = creditNotes[i].Total.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 5] = string.Empty;

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<align=right><b>GST: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 5] = invoice.Gst.ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<align=right><b>Payments & Adjustments: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 5] = (invoice.ReceiptsTotal + invoice.CreditNotesTotal).ToString();

                tblInfo[row, 0] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 1] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 2] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 3] = "<align=right><b>Balance Due: </b></align>";
                tblInfo[row, 4] = string.Empty;
                tblInfo[row, 5] = "<b>" + invoice.TotalDue.ToString() + "</b>";

            // merge

            string errorString = null;



                ((SystemVariables)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SystemVariables"])["EziDebit_Enabled"].Value != "1" ? null : @"https://portal.mediclinic.com.au/InvoicePaymentV2.aspx?id=" + Invoice.EncodeInvoiceHash(invoice.InvoiceID, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["DB"].ToString()),
                out errorString);

            if (errorString != string.Empty)
                throw new Exception(errorString);

            if (!isBookingInvoice)
            else if (isClinicInvoice)

        // then merge them all into pdfs of each template type
        if (filePaths_BookingClinicInvoices.Count > 0)
            MergeInvoices((string[])filePaths_BookingClinicInvoices.ToArray(typeof(string)), tmpLettersDirectory + @"InvoiceTemplate.pdf",        true);
        if (filePaths_BookingACInvoices.Count > 0)
            MergeInvoices((string[])filePaths_BookingACInvoices.ToArray(typeof(string)),     tmpLettersDirectory + @"InvoiceTemplateAC.pdf",      true);
        if (filePaths_PrivateInvoices.Count > 0)
            MergeInvoices((string[])filePaths_PrivateInvoices.ToArray(typeof(string)),       tmpLettersDirectory + @"PrivateInvoiceTemplate.pdf", true);

        // zip em
        string zipFileName = "Invoices.zip";
        string zipFilePath = tmpLettersDirectory2 + zipFileName;
        ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
        zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
        zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpLettersDirectory, true, "");

        // get filecontents of zip here
        Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);

        // delete files
        if (filePaths_BookingClinicInvoices.Count > 0)
            File.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory + @"InvoiceTemplate.pdf");
        if (filePaths_BookingACInvoices.Count > 0)
            File.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory + @"InvoiceTemplateAC.pdf");
        if (filePaths_PrivateInvoices.Count > 0)
            File.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory + @"PrivateInvoiceTemplate.pdf");

        System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
        System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpLettersDirectory, FileAttributes.Normal);
        System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory, true);
        System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpLettersDirectory2, FileAttributes.Normal);
        System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory2, true);

        // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
        // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
        // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
        Letter.DownloadDocument(response, zipFileContents.Contents, zipFileContents.DocName);
    protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // re-fill grid in case two broswer windows are open with 2 different booking lists and only the one on the other page is in the session memory...

            string originalFile        = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"BookingList.docx";
            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            string tmpOutputFile       = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // create table data to populate

            DataTable dt      = Session["bookinglist_data"] as DataTable;
            string[,] tblInfo = null;
            bool tblEmpty = (dt.Rows.Count == 1 && dt.Rows[0][0] == DBNull.Value);
            if (tblEmpty)
                tblInfo = new string[1, 4];
                tblInfo[0, 0] = "No Bookings Found";
                tblInfo[0, 1] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 2] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 3] = "";
                tblInfo = new string[dt.Rows.Count, 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    Booking booking = BookingDB.LoadFull(dt.Rows[i]);
                    tblInfo[i, 0] = booking.DateStart.ToString("d MMM") + " " + booking.DateStart.ToString("h:mm") + " - " + booking.DateEnd.ToString("h:mm") + (booking.DateEnd.Hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
                    tblInfo[i, 1] = booking.Patient == null ? "" : booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 2] = booking.Provider.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 3] = booking.Organisation.Name;

            // create empty dataset

            System.Data.DataSet sourceDataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();

            // merge

            string errorString = null;



                out errorString);

            if (errorString != string.Empty)
                throw new CustomMessageException(errorString);

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
            // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
            // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
            Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
        catch(CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch(Exception ex)
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
            if (SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            int staffID = Session != null && Session["StaffID"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]) : -1;

            int siteID = -1;

            if (!chkIncClinics.Checked && !chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Plese check to generate for Clinics and/or Aged Care");
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked && chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                siteID = -1;
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 1) siteID = s.SiteID;
            else if (chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 2) siteID = s.SiteID;

            // if called by automated settings there will be no session setting for SiteID or StaffID
            // but siteID is needed to know which letter template to use for generation
            if (siteID == null)
                Site[] sites = SiteDB.GetAll();
                siteID = (sites.Length == 1) ? sites[0].SiteID : sites[sites.Length - 1].SiteID; // if one site, use that -- else choose last one since clinics site developed first and exists

            string outputInfo;
            string outputList;

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.Run(
                SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.Email ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Email_To_Referrer : ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Batch,
                out outputInfo,
                out outputList,

            lblInfo.Text = outputInfo;
            lblList.Text = outputList;

            if (fileContents != null)
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());


        bool debugMode = true;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), -1, false, true, chkIncBatching.Checked, chkIncUnsent.Checked);

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int c = 0;
            int currentRegReferrerID = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows)
                //c++; if (c % 15 != 1) continue;
                if (c > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending)
                Tuple<Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking booking = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr = rowData.Item2;
                bool refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                string refEmail = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard hc = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));
                    currentRegReferrerID = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)

                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC Letters.zip";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!viewListOnly && Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value) == -1 && chkIncBatching.Checked)

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                string countGenrated = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " generated" : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString() + " generated";
                string countShowing = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + ", the next " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();

                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                            <th>Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                        (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"6\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Booking booking    = BookingDB.GetByID(GetFormBooking());
        bool    isAgedCare = booking.Organisation.IsAgedCare;

        string tmpLettersDirectory = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory());

        string templateFileName = isAgedCare ? "ACTreatmentList.docx" : "TreatmentList.docx";
        string originalFile = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + templateFileName;
        string tmpOutputFile = tmpLettersDirectory + "TreatmentList.pdf"; // System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

        if (!File.Exists(originalFile))
            SetErrorMessage("Template File '" + templateFileName + "' does not exist.");

        MergeFile(isAgedCare, originalFile, tmpOutputFile);

        Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "TreatmentList.pdf");
        System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpLettersDirectory, FileAttributes.Normal);
        System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpLettersDirectory, true);

        // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
        // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
        // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
        Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
Пример #11
    protected void Run(bool incDisplay, bool incSending)
        // 1. get all fields from systemvariables

        bool   EnableEmails = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendEmail").Value) == 1;
        string EmailAddress = SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_EmailAddress").Value;

        bool IncClinicsAuto  = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_IncClinic").Value) == 1;
        bool IncAgedCareAuto = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_IncAgedCare").Value) == 1;

        bool IncUnsentAuto  = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_IncUnsent").Value) == 1;
        bool IncBatchedAuto = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_IncBatched").Value) == 1;

        ReferrerEPCLettersSending.SendMethod sendMethod = SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendMethod").Value == "Email" ?
                                                          ReferrerEPCLettersSending.SendMethod.Email_To_Referrer :

        bool SendMondays    = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendMondays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendTuesdays   = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendTuesdays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendWednesdays = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendWednesdays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendThursdays  = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendThursdays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendFridays    = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendFridays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendSaturdays  = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendSaturdays").Value) == 1;
        bool SendSundays    = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ReferrerEPCAutoGenerateLettersEmail_SendSundays").Value) == 1;

        // 2. validate

        if (!EnableEmails)
        if (!Utilities.IsValidEmailAddresses(EmailAddress, false))
        if (!IncClinicsAuto && !IncAgedCareAuto)

        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday && !SendMondays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Tuesday && !SendTuesdays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday && !SendWednesdays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday && !SendThursdays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday && !SendFridays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday && !SendSaturdays)
        if (DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday && !SendSundays)

        // 3. run it

        int siteID = -1;

        if (IncClinicsAuto && IncAgedCareAuto)
            siteID = -1;
        else if (IncClinicsAuto && !IncAgedCareAuto)
            foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                    siteID = s.SiteID;
        else if (!IncClinicsAuto && IncAgedCareAuto)
            foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                    siteID = s.SiteID;

        string outputInfo;
        string outputList;

        Letter.FileContents fileContents = ReferrerEPCLettersSending.Run(
            out outputInfo,
            out outputList,

        if (incDisplay)
            Response.Write(outputInfo + "<br /><br />" + outputList);

        // 4. Put in file and email it

        if (fileContents != null)
            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string tmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
            string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);

            Emailer.SimpleEmail(EmailAddress, "Automated Referral Letters [" + ((SystemVariables)Session["SystemVariables"])["Site"].Value + "]", "Please find attached referral letters to send to referrers.<br /><br />Regards,<br />Mediclinic", true, new string[] { tmpFileName }, null);

Пример #12
    public static string Run(bool incDisplay, bool incSending, bool incPtSending, DateTime date)
        date = date.Date;

        string batchEmail = SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("ServiceSpecificBookingReminderLettersToBatch_EmailAddress").Value;

        // don't actually run it if email empty (ie deactivated)
        incSending = incSending && batchEmail.Length > 0;

        Site[] sites = SiteDB.GetAll();

        string output = string.Empty;

        Hashtable lettersHash = LetterDB.GetHashTable();

        Offering[] offerings = OfferingDB.GetAll(false, -1);
        for (int j = 0; j < offerings.Length; j++)
            if (offerings[j].ReminderLetterMonthsLaterToSend == 0 || offerings[j].ReminderLetterID == -1)

            Booking[] bookings = BookingDB.GetWhenLastServiceFromXMonthsAgoToGenerageReminderLetter(offerings[j].OfferingID, date, offerings[j].ReminderLetterMonthsLaterToSend);

            Hashtable distinctPatients = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < bookings.Length; i++)
                if (bookings[i].Patient != null && distinctPatients[bookings[i].Patient.PatientID] == null)
                    distinctPatients[bookings[i].Patient.PatientID] = bookings[i].Patient;

            Patient[] patients = (Patient[])(new ArrayList(distinctPatients.Values)).ToArray(typeof(Patient));
            Hashtable patientContactEmailHash = GetPatientEmailCache(patients);

            // Generate Letters

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < bookings.Length; i++)
                Booking curBooking = bookings[i];
                if (curBooking.Patient == null)

                Patient curPatient         = curBooking.Patient;
                string  curPatientEmail    = GetEmail(patientContactEmailHash, curPatient.Person.EntityID);
                bool    curPatientHasEmail = curPatientEmail != null;

                SendMethod sendMethod = incPtSending && curPatientHasEmail ? SendMethod.Email_To_Patient : SendMethod.Batch;

                if (incSending)
                    if (sendMethod == SendMethod.Email_To_Patient)
                        // generate and send email
                        Letter.FileContents fileContents = GenerteLetter(curBooking, Letter.FileFormat.PDF, lettersHash, sites);
                        fileContents.DocName = "Reminder" + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileContents.DocName);
                        if (fileContents != null)
                            Site site = SiteDB.GetSiteByType(curBooking.Organisation.IsAgedCare ? SiteDB.SiteType.AgedCare : SiteDB.SiteType.Clinic);
                            SendEmail(site.Name, curPatientEmail, "Important Reminder", "Hi " + curBooking.Patient.Person.Firstname + ",<br /><br />Please find attached a review reminder letter for a previous appointment.<br /><br/>Best regards,<br />" + site.Name, true, new Letter.FileContents[] { fileContents });
                        // generate and add to batch list (if batch email set)
                        if (batchEmail.Length > 0)
                            Letter.FileContents fileContents = GenerteLetter(curBooking, Letter.FileFormat.Word, lettersHash, sites);
                            if (fileContents != null)

                string addEditContactListPage;
                if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "Contact")
                    addEditContactListPage = "AddEditContactList.aspx";
                else if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus")
                    addEditContactListPage = "ContactAusListV2.aspx";
                    throw new Exception("Unknown AddressType in config: " + Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString().ToString());

                string allFeatures     = "dialogWidth:555px;dialogHeight:350px;center:yes;resizable:no; scroll:no";
                string onclick         = "onclick=\"javascript:window.showModalDialog('" + addEditContactListPage + "?entity_type=referrer&id=" + curBooking.Patient.Person.EntityID.ToString() + "', '', '" + allFeatures + "');document.getElementById('btnUpdateList').click();return false;\"";
                string hrefUpdateEmail = "<u><a style=\"text-decoration: none\" title=\"Edit\" AlternateText=\"Edit\" " + onclick + " href=\"\">Update PT Email</a></u>";

                output += @"<tr>
                                <td class=""nowrap"">" + curBooking.BookingID + " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[" + curBooking.DateStart.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + curBooking.DateStart.ToString("HH:mm") + "-" + curBooking.DateEnd.ToString("HH:mm") + "]" + @"</td>
                                <td class=""text_left"">" + curBooking.Organisation.Name + @"</td>
                                <td class=""text_left"">" + curBooking.Offering.Name + @"</td>
                                <td class=""text_left"">" + ((Letter)lettersHash[curBooking.Offering.ReminderLetterID]).Docname + @"</td>
                                <td class=""text_left"">" + curPatient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename + @"</td>
                                <td class=""nowrap"">" + (curPatientHasEmail ? curPatientEmail : "Has No Email") + " (" + hrefUpdateEmail + ")" + @"</td>
                                <td>" + sendMethod.ToString().Replace("_", " ") + @"</td>

            // combine and email where the patient had no email
            if (incSending && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents filesContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Reminders.pdf"); // .pdf
                    "Batch Reminder Letters",
                    new Letter.FileContents[] { filesContents });

        if (output.Length == 0)
            output += @"<tr>
                            <td colspan=""7"">No Reminders To Send Today</td>

            <table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" style=""border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-collapse:collapse;padding:4px;"">
              <th>Booking (ID, Date/Time)</th>
              <th>PT Email</th>
              <th>Send Method</th>
            " + output + @"
    public static Letter.FileContents Run(SendMethod sendMethod, int siteID, int staffID, int registerReferrerID, bool incBatching, bool incUnsent, bool viewListOnly, bool viewFullList, out string outputInfo, out string outputList, string btnViewListClientID)
        RndPageID = (new Random()).Next().ToString();

        bool debugMode = true;

        string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();

        if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
            throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

        int    startTime = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeClinic = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic = 0;
        double queryExecutionTimeAgedCare = 0;
        double generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = 0;

        outputInfo = string.Empty;
        outputList = string.Empty;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

        Site[] allSites    = SiteDB.GetAll();
        bool   runAllSites = siteID == -1;

        Site agedCareSite = null;
        Site clinicSite   = null;

        Site[] sitesToRun = runAllSites ? allSites : new Site[] { SiteDB.GetByID(siteID) };
        foreach (Site s in sitesToRun)
            if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                clinicSite = s;
            else if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                agedCareSite = s;

        ArrayList filesToPrintClinic   = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList filesToPrintAgedCare = new ArrayList();
        string    debugOutput          = string.Empty;
        int       numGenerated         = 0;

        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic   = null;
        DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = null;

        if (clinicSite != null)
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows)

                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))

                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, string, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadClinicRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item4;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item5;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item6;

                //if (booking.Patient == null || (booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, clinicSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrintClinic.AddRange(ProcessReferrersClinicLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, clinicSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
        if (agedCareSite != null)
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare = BookingPatientDB.GetBookingsPatientOfferingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, registerReferrerID, -1, false, true, incBatching, incUnsent);

            queryExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows)
                //if (numGenerated % 15 != 1) continue;
                if ((!viewListOnly || !viewFullList) && (numGenerated > MaxSending))
                Tuple <BookingPatient, Offering, PatientReferrer, bool, string, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadAgedCareRow(row);
                BookingPatient  bp          = rowData.Item1;
                Offering        offering    = rowData.Item2;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item4;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item5;
                string          refFax      = rowData.Item6;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item7;

                //if (bp.Booking.Patient == null || (bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 31522 && bp.Booking.Patient.PatientID != 27654))
                //    numGenerated--;
                //    continue;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, agedCareSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrintAgedCare.AddRange(ProcessReferrersAgedCareLetters(sendMethod, viewListOnly, agedCareSite, staffID, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput, btnViewListClientID));

            generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        bool zipSeperately = true;

        Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = null;

        if (zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)
            // if 2 sites exist in the system - change doc names to have "[AgedCare]" or "[Clinics]" before docname
            if (allSites.Length > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintClinic.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName = "[Clinics] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintClinic[i]).DocName;
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrintAgedCare.Count; i++)
                    ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName = "[AgedCare] " + ((Letter.FileContents)filesToPrintAgedCare[i]).DocName;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
            Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
            for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                    filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

            // merge and put merged files into temp dir
            string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
            string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "Referral Letters" + @"\";
            string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
            IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
            for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

            // zip em
            string zipFileName = "Referral Letters.zip";
            string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
            zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
            zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

            // get filecontents of zip here
            zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

            // delete files
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
            System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!zipSeperately && (filesToPrintClinic.Count + filesToPrintAgedCare.Count) > 0)
            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            zipFileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
            //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

            // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
            //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

        if (!viewListOnly && registerReferrerID == -1 && incBatching)

        double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

        if (debugMode)
            int    total         = (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersClinic.Rows.Count) + (bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare == null ? 0 : bookingsWithUnsetnLettersAgedCare.Rows.Count);
            string countGenrated = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " generated" : total.ToString() + " generated";
            string countShowing  = total > MaxSending ? MaxSending + " of " + total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", the next " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : total.ToString();
            if (total > MaxSending && viewFullList)
                countShowing = total + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + MaxSending + ", only the first " + MaxSending + " will be generated and batches of " + MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after.";

            string queryExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeClinic.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = queryExecutionTimeAgedCare.ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                queryExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + queryExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + queryExecutionTimeAgedCare + "]";

            string restExecutionTimeText = string.Empty;
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "0";
            if (agedCareSite == null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite == null)
                restExecutionTimeText = (generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + restExecutionTime).ToString();
            if (agedCareSite != null && clinicSite != null)
                restExecutionTimeText = "[Clinics: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeClinic + "] [AgedCare: " + generateFilesToPrintExecutionTimeAgedCare + "] [Merging" + restExecutionTime + "]";

            if (!viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + sendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTimeText + @" seconds</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputInfo = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

            if (viewListOnly)
                outputList = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                        <th>Send By</th>
                                        <th>Update Email/Fax</th>
                                    </tr>" +
                             (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"6\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +

    protected void btnPrintBookingList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataTable tblBookingList = SetBookingsList();

        if (tblBookingList == null)

            string originalFile        = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + @"BookingListForPatient.docx";
            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            string tmpOutputFile       = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // create table data to populate

            DataTable dt = tblBookingList;
            string[,] tblInfo = null;
            bool tblEmpty = (dt.Rows.Count == 1 && dt.Rows[0][0] == DBNull.Value);
            if (tblEmpty)
                tblInfo       = new string[1, 4];
                tblInfo[0, 0] = "No Bookings Found";
                tblInfo[0, 1] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 2] = "";
                tblInfo[0, 3] = "";
                tblInfo = new string[dt.Rows.Count, 4];
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string inv_type_text = tblBookingList.Rows[i]["inv_type_text"].ToString();
                    if (inv_type_text.Length > 0)
                        inv_type_text = " (" + inv_type_text + ")";

                    Booking booking = BookingDB.LoadFull(dt.Rows[i]);
                    tblInfo[i, 0] = booking.DateStart.ToString("d MMM yyyy") + Environment.NewLine + booking.DateStart.ToString("h:mm") + " - " + booking.DateEnd.ToString("h:mm") + (booking.DateEnd.Hour < 12 ? "am" : "pm");
                    tblInfo[i, 1] = booking.Patient == null ? "" : booking.Patient.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename;
                    tblInfo[i, 2] = (booking.Offering == null ? "" : booking.Offering.Name + Environment.NewLine) + booking.Provider.Person.FullnameWithoutMiddlename + " @ " + booking.Organisation.Name;
                    tblInfo[i, 3] = booking.BookingStatus.Descr + Environment.NewLine + inv_type_text;

            // create empty dataset

            System.Data.DataSet sourceDataSet = new System.Data.DataSet();

            // merge

            string errorString = null;



                out errorString);

            if (errorString != string.Empty)
                throw new CustomMessageException(errorString);

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = new Letter.FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "BookingList." + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(originalFile));

            // Nothing gets past the "DownloadDocument" method because it outputs the file
            // which is writing a response to the client browser and calls Response.End()
            // So make sure any other code that functions goes before this
            Letter.DownloadDocument(Response, fileContents.Contents, fileContents.DocName);
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    private void InvoiceItemsControl_SubmitButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool showDownloadPopup = false;
        bool refresh_on_close = (Request.QueryString["refresh_on_close"] != null && Request.QueryString["refresh_on_close"] == "1");

            // validation

            Booking booking = GetFormBooking();
            if (booking == null)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Invalid booking");
            if (booking.BookingStatus.ID != 0)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Booking already set as : " + BookingDB.GetStatusByID(booking.BookingStatus.ID).Descr);
            if (InvoiceDB.GetCountByBookingID(booking.BookingID) > 0) // shouldnt get here since should have been set as completed and thrown in error above
                throw new CustomMessageException("Booking already has an invoice");

            // create invoice

            // keep id's to delete if exception and need to roll back
            int     hcInvID       = -2;
            int     nonHcInvID    = -2;
            decimal nonHcInvTotal =  0;
            ArrayList  invLineIDs = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList  offeringOrderIDs = new ArrayList();
            HealthCard hc = HealthCardDB.GetActiveByPatientID(booking.Patient.PatientID);
            HealthCardEPCRemaining[] epcsRemaining = hc == null ? new HealthCardEPCRemaining[] { } : HealthCardEPCRemainingDB.GetByHealthCardID(hc.HealthCardID, booking.Offering.Field.ID);
            HealthCardEPCRemaining[] epcsRemainingOriginal = HealthCardEPCRemaining.CloneList(epcsRemaining);

            // used to check update stock and check warning level emails sent
            ArrayList invoiceLines = new ArrayList();

                DataTable dt_selected_list = invoiceItemsControl.GetSelectedList();

                bool isCancelation = GetFormIsCancelation();
                Booking.InvoiceType invType = isCancelation || GetFormIsPrivateInv() ? Booking.InvoiceType.None : GetInvoiceType();
                int orgID = Booking.GetInvoiceTypeOrgID(invType);  // "org id"  -- clinic inv:  medicare, dva, or null for non medicare/dva (ie patient) booking ...

                // [107='Clinic Invoice', 363='Aged Care Invoice', 108='Standard Invoice']
                int docType = booking.Organisation.OrganisationType.OrganisationTypeID == 218 ? 107 : 363;

                bool invoiceGapPayments = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("InvoiceGapPayments").Value) == 1;

                decimal ptTotal     = 0;
                decimal hcTotal     = 0;
                decimal ptGST       = 0;
                decimal hcGST       = 0;
                int     ptItemCount = 0;
                int     hcItemCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt_selected_list.Rows.Count; i++)
                    decimal total_hc_price = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_price"]);
                    decimal total_pt_price = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]);
                    decimal total_hc_gst   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_gst"]);
                    decimal total_pt_gst   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_gst"]);
                    bool    totalZero = total_hc_price + total_pt_price == 0;
                    bool    hcPaid    = Convert.ToBoolean(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["hc_paid"]);

                    if (total_hc_price > 0 || (totalZero && hcPaid))
                        hcTotal += total_hc_price;
                        hcGST   += total_hc_gst;
                    if (total_pt_price > 0 || (totalZero && !hcPaid))
                        ptTotal += total_pt_price;
                        ptGST   += total_pt_gst;

                // add healthcare invoice
                if (hcItemCount > 0)
                    hcInvID = InvoiceDB.Insert(docType, booking.BookingID, (invType != Booking.InvoiceType.Insurance ? orgID : hc.Organisation.OrganisationID), -1, 0, (invType != Booking.InvoiceType.Insurance ? "" : hc.CardNbr), "", Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), hcTotal + hcGST, hcGST, false, false, false, DateTime.MinValue);

                    //if (Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoMedicareClaiming").Value) == 1)
                    //    MedicareClaimNbrDB.InsertIntoInvoice(hcInvID, DateTime.Now.Date);

                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_selected_list.Rows.Count; i++)
                        decimal total_hc_price   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_price"]);
                        decimal total_pt_price   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]);
                        bool    totalZero        = total_hc_price + total_pt_price == 0;
                        bool    hcPaid           = Convert.ToBoolean(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["hc_paid"]);
                        string  areaTreated      = dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["area_treated"].ToString().Trim();
                        string  serviceReference = dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["service_reference"].ToString().Trim();

                        if (total_hc_price > 0 || (totalZero && hcPaid))

                            int offeringOrderID = -1;
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["on_order"]))
                                offeringOrderID = OfferingOrderDB.Insert(

                            int invoiceLineID = InvoiceLineDB.Insert(hcInvID, booking.Patient.PatientID, Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["offering_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["quantity"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_price"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_gst"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_gst"]), areaTreated, serviceReference, offeringOrderID);
                            invoiceLines.Add(new InvoiceLine(invoiceLineID, hcInvID, booking.Patient.PatientID, Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["offering_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["quantity"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_price"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_gst"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_gst"]), areaTreated, serviceReference, offeringOrderID));

                            // update their epcs remaining
                            if (invType == Booking.InvoiceType.Medicare)
                                Offering offering = OfferingDB.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["offering_id"]));
                                for (int j = 0; j < epcsRemaining.Length; j++)
                                    if (epcsRemaining[j].Field.ID == offering.Field.ID)
                                        epcsRemaining[j].NumServicesRemaining -= 1;
                                        HealthCardEPCRemainingDB.UpdateNumServicesRemaining(epcsRemaining[j].HealthCardEpcRemainingID, epcsRemaining[j].NumServicesRemaining);

                // add non-healthcare invoice
                if (ptItemCount > 0)
                    nonHcInvID = InvoiceDB.Insert(docType, booking.BookingID, 0, booking.Patient.PatientID, 0, "", "", Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), ptTotal + ptGST, ptGST, false, false, false, DateTime.MinValue);
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt_selected_list.Rows.Count; i++)
                        decimal total_hc_price   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_hc_price"]);
                        decimal total_pt_price   = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]);
                        bool    totalZero        = total_hc_price + total_pt_price == 0;
                        bool    hcPaid           = Convert.ToBoolean(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["hc_paid"]);
                        string  areaTreated      = dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["area_treated"].ToString().Trim();
                        string  serviceReference = dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["service_reference"].ToString().Trim();

                        if (total_pt_price > 0 || (totalZero && !hcPaid))

                            int offeringOrderID = -1;
                            if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["on_order"]))
                                offeringOrderID = OfferingOrderDB.Insert(

                            int invoiceLineID = InvoiceLineDB.Insert(nonHcInvID, booking.Patient.PatientID, Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["offering_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["quantity"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_gst"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_gst"]), areaTreated, serviceReference, offeringOrderID);
                            invoiceLines.Add(new InvoiceLine(invoiceLineID, nonHcInvID, booking.Patient.PatientID, Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["offering_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["quantity"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_gst"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_gst"]), areaTreated, serviceReference, offeringOrderID));

                            nonHcInvTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(dt_selected_list.Rows[i]["total_pt_price"]);

                    if (nonHcInvTotal == 0) // for free services
                        InvoiceDB.UpdateIsPaid(null, nonHcInvID, true);

                // set booking as completed (or cancelled)
                booking.BookingStatus.ID = GetFormIsCancelation() ? 188 : 187;
                BookingDB.UpdateSetBookingStatusID(booking.BookingID, booking.BookingStatus.ID);

                if (GetFormIsCancelation())
                    BookingDB.UpdateSetCancelledByPatient(booking.BookingID, Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]));

                if (!isCancelation)
                    // send referrer letters
                    // NB: FIRST/LAST letters ONLY FOR MEDICARE - DVA doesn't need letters
                    // Treatment letters for anyone with epc though -- even for private invoices
                    PatientReferrer[] patientReferrers = PatientReferrerDB.GetActiveEPCPatientReferrersOf(booking.Patient.PatientID);
                    if (patientReferrers.Length == 0 && (invType == Booking.InvoiceType.Medicare || invType == Booking.InvoiceType.DVA))
                        // Marcus: let it create the invoice for medicare/dva and they will pick it up in the HINX sending rejection
                        ; //throw new CustomMessageException("Medicare/DVA invoice requires a referrering doctor - none found for this patient.");
                    else if (patientReferrers.Length > 0 && (invType == Booking.InvoiceType.Medicare || invType == Booking.InvoiceType.DVA))
                        bool needToGenerateFirstLetter = false;
                        bool needToGenerateLastLetter  = false;
                        bool needToGenerateTreatmentLetter = patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length-1].RegisterReferrer.ReportEveryVisitToReferrer; // send treatment letter whether privately paid or not

                        if (invType == Booking.InvoiceType.Medicare)  // create first/last letters only if medicare
                            int nPodTreatmentsThisEPC = (int)InvoiceDB.GetMedicareCountByPatientAndDateRange(booking.Patient.PatientID, hc.DateReferralSigned.Date, DateTime.Now, -1, booking.Offering.Field.ID);
                            needToGenerateFirstLetter = (nPodTreatmentsThisEPC == 1);
                            needToGenerateLastLetter = (epcsRemaining[0].NumServicesRemaining == 0);

                        // if already generating first or last letter, don't generate treatement letter also
                        if (needToGenerateFirstLetter || needToGenerateLastLetter)
                            needToGenerateTreatmentLetter = false;

                        bool AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs").Value) == 1;

                        string[] emails = ContactDB.GetEmailsByEntityID(patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Organisation.EntityID);
                        string[] faxes  = ContactDB.GetFaxesByEntityID (patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Organisation.EntityID);

                        bool generateSystemLetters = !patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length-1].RegisterReferrer.BatchSendAllPatientsTreatmentNotes && (emails.Length > 0 || chkGenerateSystemLetters.Checked);
                        int letterPrintHistorySendMethodID = emails.Length == 0 ? 1 : 2;

                        ArrayList fileContentsListToPopup = new ArrayList();

                        if (generateSystemLetters)
                            Letter.FileContents[] fileContentsList = booking.GetSystemLettersList(emails.Length > 0 ? Letter.FileFormat.PDF : Letter.FileFormat.Word, booking.Patient, hc, booking.Offering.Field.ID, patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Referrer, true, needToGenerateFirstLetter, needToGenerateLastLetter, needToGenerateTreatmentLetter, false, Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), letterPrintHistorySendMethodID);
                            if (fileContentsList != null && fileContentsList.Length > 0)

                                bool sendViaEmail = AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs ? (emails.Length > 0 || faxes.Length > 0) : emails.Length > 0;
                                if (sendViaEmail)
                                    string toEmail = AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs ?
                                                                (emails.Length > 0 ? string.Join(",", emails) : faxes[0] + "@fax.houseofit.com.au")
                                                                string.Join(",", emails);

                                    if (!Utilities.IsDev())
                                        Letter.EmailSystemLetter((string)Session["SiteName"], toEmail, fileContentsList);

                                    // generate pt letter
                                    if (needToGenerateLastLetter)
                                        Letter.FileContents[] ptLastLetterFileContents = booking.GetSystemLettersList(Letter.FileFormat.Word, booking.Patient, hc, booking.Offering.Field.ID, patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Referrer, true, false, false, false, true, Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), letterPrintHistorySendMethodID);
                                        Letter.FileContents[] newFileContentsList = new Letter.FileContents[fileContentsList.Length + 1];
                                        fileContentsList.CopyTo(newFileContentsList, 0);
                                        newFileContentsList[newFileContentsList.Length - 1] = ptLastLetterFileContents[0];
                                        fileContentsList = newFileContentsList;

                                    //Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge(fileContentsList, "Treatment Letters.pdf"); // change here to create as pdf
                                    //Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                                    //Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContents.DocName;
                                    //showDownloadPopup = true;


                        // generate pt letter
                        if (needToGenerateLastLetter && !showDownloadPopup)
                                Letter.FileContents[] ptLastLetterFileContents = booking.GetSystemLettersList(Letter.FileFormat.Word, booking.Patient, hc, booking.Offering.Field.ID, patientReferrers[patientReferrers.Length - 1].RegisterReferrer.Referrer, true, false, false, false, true, Convert.ToInt32(Session["SiteID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]), letterPrintHistorySendMethodID);
                                //Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge(ptLastLetterFileContents, "Treatment Letters.pdf"); // change here to create as pdf
                                //Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                                //Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContents.DocName;
                                //showDownloadPopup = true;

                        if (fileContentsListToPopup.Count == 1) // download the file
                            Letter.FileContents fc = (Letter.FileContents)fileContentsListToPopup[0];
                            fc = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])fileContentsListToPopup.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), Path.ChangeExtension(fc.DocName, ".pdf")); // change here to create as pdf
                            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fc.Contents;
                            Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fc.DocName;
                            showDownloadPopup = true;
                        else if (fileContentsListToPopup.Count > 1)  // Create Zip as we can not merge word docs from different templates
                            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
                            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

                            // put into temp dir
                            string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                            string tmpDir = baseTmpDir + "Treatment Letters" + @"\";

                            string[] tmpFiles = new string[fileContentsListToPopup.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < fileContentsListToPopup.Count; i++)
                                Letter.FileContents fc = (Letter.FileContents)fileContentsListToPopup[i];
                                string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fc.DocName;
                                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fc.Contents);
                                tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                            // zip em
                            string zipFileName = "Treatment Letters.zip";
                            string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                            ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                            zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                            zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                            // get filecontents of zip here
                            Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                            Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

                            // delete files
                            for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                            System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                            System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                            System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                            showDownloadPopup = true;

                        if (needToGenerateLastLetter && !Utilities.IsDev())  // send SMS/Email to patient
                            bool EnableLastEPCReminderSMS    = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("EnableLastEPCReminderSMS").Value) == 1;
                            bool EnableLastEPCReminderEmails = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("EnableLastEPCReminderEmails").Value) == 1;

                            string[] ptMobiles;
                            if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "Contact")
                                ptMobiles = ContactDB.GetByEntityID(-1, booking.Patient.Person.EntityID, 30).Select(r => r.AddrLine1).ToArray();
                            else if (Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString() == "ContactAus")
                                ptMobiles = ContactAusDB.GetByEntityID(-1, booking.Patient.Person.EntityID, 30).Select(r => r.AddrLine1).ToArray();
                                throw new Exception("Unknown AddressType in config: " + Utilities.GetAddressType().ToString().ToString());

                            string[] ptEmails = ContactDB.GetEmailsByEntityID(booking.Patient.Person.EntityID);

                            decimal balance = SMSCreditDataDB.GetTotal() - SMSHistoryDataDB.GetTotal();
                            decimal cost    = Convert.ToDecimal(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("SMSPrice").Value);

                            string  callerId    = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSTech_callerId"];  // not here used as the callerId will be the org name
                            callerId = booking.Organisation.Name;
                            string  countryCode = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSTech_CountryCode"];

                            string smsMessage   = @"Hi " + booking.Patient.Person.Firstname + @",

        Please be advised that you have used your last visit under your current EPC referral.
        Please consult your doctor about a new referral to cover future consultations.

        " + booking.Organisation.Name;

                            string emailSubject = @"EPC Referral Used Up.";
                            string emailMessage = @"Hi " + booking.Patient.Person.Firstname + @",<br /><br />Please be advised that you have used your last visit under the current EPC referral.<br />Plase consult your doctor about a new referral to cover future consultations.<br /><br />Regards, <br />" + booking.Organisation.Name;

                            if (ptMobiles.Length > 0)
                                ptMobiles[0] = ptMobiles[0].StartsWith("0") ? countryCode + ptMobiles[0].Substring(1) : ptMobiles[0];

                            bool sendingAlready = false;
                            if (EnableLastEPCReminderSMS && ptMobiles.Length > 0 && balance >= cost)
                                    TransmitSMSAPIWrapper sms = new TransmitSMSAPIWrapper(

                                    string xmlResponse = sms.MessageSingle(ptMobiles[0], smsMessage, callerId);

                                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LogSMSSending"]))
                                            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["DB"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                            ptMobiles[0] + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                            smsMessage   + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                            callerId     + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +

                                    string SMSTechMessageID = GetSMSTechMessageID(xmlResponse);
                                    SMSHistoryDataDB.Insert(1, booking.Patient.PatientID, -1, ptMobiles[0], smsMessage, cost, SMSTechMessageID);

                                    sendingAlready = true;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logger.LogException(ex, true);
                            if (EnableLastEPCReminderEmails && ptEmails.Length > 0)
                                if (!sendingAlready)  // if not already added for sms sending
                                        string fromEmail = ((SystemVariables)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SystemVariables"])["Email_FromEmail"].Value;
                                            string.Join(",", ptEmails),

                                        EmailHistoryDataDB.Insert(1, booking.Patient.PatientID, -1, string.Join(",", ptEmails), emailMessage);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Logger.LogException(ex, true);


                        BookingDB.UpdateSetGeneratedSystemLetters(booking.BookingID, needToGenerateFirstLetter, needToGenerateLastLetter, generateSystemLetters);

                        if (showEPCTreatmentDownloadPopup && !showStandardTreatmentDownloadPopup)
                            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContentsEPCTreatment.Contents;
                            Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContentsEPCTreatment.DocName;
                            showDownloadPopup = true;
                        else if (!showEPCTreatmentDownloadPopup && showStandardTreatmentDownloadPopup)
                            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContentsStandardTreatment.Contents;
                            Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContentsStandardTreatment.DocName;
                            showDownloadPopup = true;
                        else if (showEPCTreatmentDownloadPopup && showStandardTreatmentDownloadPopup)
                            // merge

                            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
                            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

                            string tmpFileName_EPCTreatment = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + fileContentsEPCTreatment.DocName);
                            File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName_EPCTreatment, fileContentsEPCTreatment.Contents);
                            string tmpFileName_StandardTreatment = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + fileContentsStandardTreatment.DocName);
                            File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName_StandardTreatment, fileContentsStandardTreatment.Contents);

                            string tmpFinalFileName = Letter.MergeMultipleDocuments(new string[] { tmpFileName_EPCTreatment, tmpFileName_StandardTreatment }, tmpLettersDirectory + Path.GetFileName(fileContentsEPCTreatment.DocName));
                            byte[] fileContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpFinalFileName);


                            Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents;
                            Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContentsEPCTreatment.DocName;
                            showDownloadPopup = true;


                // clear in memory (ie session) list

                // successfully completed, so update and check warning level for stocks
                foreach (InvoiceLine invoiceLine in invoiceLines)
                    if (invoiceLine.OfferingOrder == null) // stkip counting down if item is on order
                        StockDB.UpdateAndCheckWarning(booking.Organisation.OrganisationID, invoiceLine.Offering.OfferingID, (int)invoiceLine.Quantity);

                if (nonHcInvID > 0 && nonHcInvTotal > 0)  // go to pay screen - but pass in "showDownloadPopup" somehow .. and close window with same as below script...
                    System.Drawing.Size size = Receipt.GetPopupWindowAddSize();
                    size = new System.Drawing.Size(size.Width + 15, size.Height + 60);
                    Response.Redirect("~/Invoice_ReceiptAndCreditNoteAddV2.aspx?id=" + nonHcInvID + "&returnValue=" + (showDownloadPopup ? "true" : "false") + "&window_size=" + size.Width + "_" + size.Height + (refresh_on_close ? "&refresh_on_close=1" : ""), false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is CustomMessageException == false)

                // roll back...
                BookingDB.UpdateSetBookingStatusID(booking.BookingID, 0);
                BookingDB.UpdateSetGeneratedSystemLetters(booking.BookingID, booking.NeedToGenerateFirstLetter, booking.NeedToGenerateLastLetter, booking.HasGeneratedSystemLetters);
                foreach (int invLineID in invLineIDs)
                foreach (int offeringOrderID in offeringOrderIDs)
                for (int j = 0; j < epcsRemainingOriginal.Length; j++)
                    HealthCardEPCRemainingDB.UpdateNumServicesRemaining(epcsRemainingOriginal[j].HealthCardEpcRemainingID, epcsRemainingOriginal[j].NumServicesRemaining);


            // close this window
            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "close", "<script language=javascript>window.returnValue=" + (showDownloadPopup ? "true" : "false") + ";" + (refresh_on_close ? "window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;" : "") + "self.close();</script>");

        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlEx)
            if (sqlEx.Message.StartsWith("No claim numbers left") || sqlEx.Message.StartsWith("Error: Claim number already in use"))
                SetErrorMessage(Utilities.IsDev() ? sqlEx.ToString() : "");
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
        bool debugMode = true;

        int bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID = !viewListOnly && UseBulkLetterSender ? BulkLetterSendingQueueBatchDB.Insert(DebugEmail, false) : -1;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  just remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed


            bool AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs").Value) == 1;

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            // NB.
            // start/emd date time __must__ refer to the treatment date because
            // as a letter can be generated any time (days or weeks) after a treatment, there is no way
            // to be sure which invoice it is attached to, only which booking
            if (txtStartDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Start date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            if (txtEndDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtEndDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("End date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime startDate = txtStartDate.Text.Length == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime endDate   = txtEndDate.Text.Length   == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtEndDate.Text,   "dd-mm-yyyy");

            DataTable bookingsWithSentLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(startDate, endDate, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(patientID.Value), true, false);

            if (!viewListOnly && bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Can not generate more than " + MaxSending + " letters at a time. Please narrow your date range.");

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int currentRegReferrerID = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows)
                Tuple<Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, bool, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasFax   = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));
                    currentRegReferrerID = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)

                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC Letters.zip";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc");  // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"] = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>

                string countShowing = bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending ? bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to re-generate. <br /><font color=red>* You can not generate more than 175 at a time. Please narrow your search before printing.</font>" : bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();
                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" cellpadding=""4"" border=""1"">
                                            <th style=""white-space:nowrap;"">Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                        (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"7\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());
Пример #17
    protected static void SyncGenerateInvoicesToEmail(int[] invoiceIDs, string emailTo, bool isClinicInvoice, bool isBookingInvoice = true)
        string originalFile = null;
        if (isClinicInvoice)
            originalFile = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + (isBookingInvoice ? @"InvoiceTemplate.docx" : @"PrivateInvoiceTemplate.docx");
            originalFile = Letter.GetLettersDirectory() + (isBookingInvoice ? @"InvoiceTemplateAC.docx" : @"PrivateInvoiceTemplateAC.docx");

        string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();

        Letter.FileContents[] fileContentsList = new Letter.FileContents[invoiceIDs.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < invoiceIDs.Length; i++)
            string tmpOutputFile = FileHelper.GetTempFileName(tmpLettersDirectory + "Invoice_" + invoiceIDs[i] + "." + "pdf");
            if (isBookingInvoice)
                GenerateInvoice(invoiceIDs[i], isClinicInvoice, originalFile, tmpOutputFile);
                GeneratePrivateInvoice(invoiceIDs[i], isClinicInvoice, originalFile, tmpOutputFile);
            fileContentsList[i] = new FileContents(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(tmpOutputFile), "Invoice_" + invoiceIDs[i] + "." + "pdf");

        Site site = SiteDB.GetSiteByType(!isClinicInvoice ? SiteDB.SiteType.AgedCare : SiteDB.SiteType.Clinic);
            "Invoice" + (fileContentsList.Length == 0 ? "" : "s") + " From " + site.Name,
            "Please find invoice" + (fileContentsList.Length == 0 ? "" : "s") + " attached.<br /><br />Best regards,<br />" + site.Name,
Пример #18
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
            if (SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            int staffID = Session != null && Session["StaffID"] != null?Convert.ToInt32(Session["StaffID"]) : -1;

            int siteID = -1;

            if (!chkIncClinics.Checked && !chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Plese check to generate for Clinics and/or Aged Care");
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked && chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                siteID = -1;
            else if (chkIncClinics.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 1)
                        siteID = s.SiteID;
            else if (chkIncAgedCare.Checked)
                foreach (Site s in SiteDB.GetAll())
                    if (s.SiteType.ID == 2)
                        siteID = s.SiteID;

             * // if called by automated settings there will be no session setting for SiteID or StaffID
             * // but siteID is needed to know which letter template to use for generation
             * if (siteID == null)
             * {
             *  Site[] sites = SiteDB.GetAll();
             *  siteID = (sites.Length == 1) ? sites[0].SiteID : sites[sites.Length - 1].SiteID; // if one site, use that -- else choose last one since clinics site developed first and exists
             * }

            string outputInfo;
            string outputList;

            Letter.FileContents fileContents = ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.Run(
                SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.Email ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Email_To_Referrer : ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.SendMethod.Batch,
                out outputInfo,
                out outputList,

            lblInfo.Text = outputInfo;
            lblList.Text = outputList;

            if (fileContents != null)
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());


        bool debugMode = true;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int    startTime   = Environment.TickCount;

            DataTable bookingsWithUnsetnLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), -1, false, true, chkIncBatching.Checked, chkIncUnsent.Checked);

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int       c = 0;
            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows)
                //c++; if (c % 15 != 1) continue;
                if (c > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending)
                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, string, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                string          refEmail    = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, ref debugOutput));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC Letters.zip";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc"); // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!viewListOnly && Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value) == -1 && chkIncBatching.Checked)

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                string countGenrated = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " generated" : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString() + " generated";
                string countShowing  = bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count > ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending ? ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " of " + bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to generate. <br />* If there are more than " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + ", the next " + ReferrerEPCLettersSendingV2.MaxSending + " will have to be generated seperately after this." : bookingsWithUnsetnLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();

                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countGenrated + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>
                                 </table>" + "<br />";

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" border=""1"">
                                            <th>Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                   (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"6\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
    protected void Run(bool viewListOnly)
        bool debugMode = true;

        int bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID = !viewListOnly && UseBulkLetterSender?BulkLetterSendingQueueBatchDB.Insert(DebugEmail, false) : -1;

        //  We can not send email all their patients in one email - will be too big with attachments and rejected by their mail provider
        //  So if via email - need to send one at a time
        //  Then if cuts out or times out, it has processed some so don't need to re-process those when it's run again
        //  just remember to process the emails first ... so if any interruptions/errors ... at least some will have been processed

            bool AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs = Convert.ToInt32(SystemVariableDB.GetByDescr("AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs").Value) == 1;

            string sendMethod = rdioSendType.SelectedValue;
            if (!viewListOnly && SelectedSendMethod == SendMethod.None)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Send method not selected");

            string tmpLettersDirectory = Letter.GetTempLettersDirectory();
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpLettersDirectory))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Temp letters directory doesn't exist");

            string debugOutput = string.Empty;
            int    startTime   = Environment.TickCount;

            // NB.
            // start/emd date time __must__ refer to the treatment date because
            // as a letter can be generated any time (days or weeks) after a treatment, there is no way
            // to be sure which invoice it is attached to, only which booking
            if (txtStartDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("Start date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            if (txtEndDate.Text.Length > 0 && !Utilities.IsValidDate(txtEndDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy"))
                throw new CustomMessageException("End date must be empty or valid and of the format dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime startDate = txtStartDate.Text.Length == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtStartDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy");
            DateTime endDate   = txtEndDate.Text.Length == 0 ? DateTime.MinValue : Utilities.GetDate(txtEndDate.Text, "dd-mm-yyyy");

            DataTable bookingsWithSentLetters = BookingDB.GetBookingsWithEPCLetters(startDate, endDate, Convert.ToInt32(registerReferrerID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(patientID.Value), true, false);

            if (!viewListOnly && bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending)
                throw new CustomMessageException("Can not generate more than " + MaxSending + " letters at a time. Please narrow your date range.");

            double queryExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            ArrayList filesToPrint = new ArrayList();

            int       currentRegReferrerID       = -1;
            ArrayList bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();
            foreach (DataRow row in bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows)
                Tuple <Booking, PatientReferrer, bool, bool, HealthCard> rowData = LoadRow(row);
                Booking         booking     = rowData.Item1;
                PatientReferrer pr          = rowData.Item2;
                bool            refHasEmail = rowData.Item3;
                bool            refHasFax   = rowData.Item4;
                HealthCard      hc          = rowData.Item5;

                if (pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID != currentRegReferrerID)
                    filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));
                    currentRegReferrerID       = pr.RegisterReferrer.RegisterReferrerID;
                    bookingsForCurrentReferrer = new ArrayList();


            // process last group
            filesToPrint.AddRange(ProcessReferrersLetters(viewListOnly, bookingsForCurrentReferrer, AutoSendFaxesAsEmailsIfNoEmailExistsToGPs, ref debugOutput, bulkLetterSendingQueueBatchID));

            bool zipSeperately = true;

            if (zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                // seperate into doc types because can only merge docs with docs of same template (ie docname)
                Hashtable filesToPrintHash = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < filesToPrint.Count; i++)
                    Letter.FileContents curFileContents = (Letter.FileContents)filesToPrint[i];
                    if (filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] == null)
                        filesToPrintHash[curFileContents.DocName] = new ArrayList();

                // merge and put merged files into temp dir
                string baseTmpDir = FileHelper.GetTempDirectoryName(tmpLettersDirectory);
                string tmpDir     = baseTmpDir + "EPC Letters" + @"\";
                string[] tmpFiles = new string[filesToPrintHash.Keys.Count];
                IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = filesToPrintHash.GetEnumerator();
                for (int i = 0; enumerator.MoveNext(); i++)
                    ArrayList files   = (ArrayList)enumerator.Value;
                    string    docName = (string)enumerator.Key;

                    // last file is screwing up, so just re-add the last file again for a temp fix
                    files.Add(files[files.Count - 1]);

                    Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])files.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), docName); // .pdf

                    string tmpFileName = tmpDir + fileContents.DocName;
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(tmpFileName, fileContents.Contents);
                    tmpFiles[i] = tmpFileName;

                // zip em
                string zipFileName = "EPC Letters.zip";
                string zipFilePath = baseTmpDir + zipFileName;
                ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip zip = new ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.FastZip();
                zip.CreateEmptyDirectories = true;
                zip.CreateZip(zipFilePath, tmpDir, true, "");

                // get filecontents of zip here
                Letter.FileContents zipFileContents = new Letter.FileContents(zipFilePath, zipFileName);
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = zipFileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = zipFileContents.DocName;

                // delete files
                for (int i = 0; i < tmpFiles.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.SetAttributes(tmpFiles[i], FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.File.SetAttributes(zipFilePath, FileAttributes.Normal);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(tmpDir, false);
                System.IO.Directory.Delete(baseTmpDir, false);

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            if (!zipSeperately && filesToPrint.Count > 0)
                Letter.FileContents fileContents = Letter.FileContents.Merge((Letter.FileContents[])filesToPrint.ToArray(typeof(Letter.FileContents)), "Referral Letters.doc");  // .pdf
                Session["downloadFile_Contents"] = fileContents.Contents;
                Session["downloadFile_DocName"]  = fileContents.DocName;

                // put in session variables so when it reloads to this page, we can popup the download window
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "download", "<script language=javascript>window.open('DownloadFile.aspx','_blank','status=1,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=30,height=30');</script>");

            double restExecutionTime = (double)(Environment.TickCount - startTime) / 1000.0;

            if (debugMode)
                if (!viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td><b>Send Method</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + SelectedSendMethod.ToString() + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Query Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + queryExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + @"</td><td style=""width:25px;""></td><td><b>Runing Time</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + restExecutionTime + @" seconds</td></tr>

                string countShowing = bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count > MaxSending ? bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count + " showing to re-generate. <br /><font color=red>* You can not generate more than 175 at a time. Please narrow your search before printing.</font>" : bookingsWithSentLetters.Rows.Count.ToString();
                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblInfo.Text = @"<table cellpadding=""0"">
                                    <tr><td valign=""top""><b>Count</b></td><td style=""width:10px;""></td><td>" + countShowing + @"</td></tr>

                if (viewListOnly)
                    lblList.Text = @"<table class=""table table-bordered table-striped table-grid table-grid-top-bottum-padding-thick auto_width block_center"" cellpadding=""4"" border=""1"">
                                            <th style=""white-space:nowrap;"">Send By</th>
                                        </tr>" +
                                   (debugOutput.Length == 0 ? "<tr><td colspan=\"7\">No Rows</td></tr>" : debugOutput) +
        catch (CustomMessageException cmEx)
        catch (Exception ex)
            SetErrorMessage("", ex.ToString());