Пример #1
        public string SaveFinancialyears(string startyear /*, string endyear*/, string status)
            LeaveSchemeComponent newobj = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            string response             = newobj.SaveFinancialyears(startyear /*, endyear*/, status);

Пример #2
        public bool checkyear(int usertypeid, int yearvalue)
            LeaveSchemeComponent compobj = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var response = compobj.checkyear(usertypeid, yearvalue);

Пример #3
        public string UpdateLeavescheme(string id, string userid, string accountid)
            LeaveSchemeComponent objDtl = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var strresponse             = objDtl.UpdateLeavescheme(id, userid, accountid);

Пример #4
        public JsonResult GetFinanacialYears()
            LeaveSchemeComponent       newobj   = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            List <FinancialYearEntity> yearlist = newobj.GetFinanacialYears();

            return(Json(yearlist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #5
        public string updateLeavecount(List <LeaveSchemeModel> leaveupdate)
            LeaveSchemeComponent objDtl = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var strresponse             = objDtl.updateLeavecount(leaveupdate);

Пример #6
        public JsonResult Getleaveschemebyid(string id)
            LeaveSchemeComponent     objDtl       = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            List <LeaveSchemeEntity> lstleavetype = objDtl.Getleaveschemebyid(id);

            return(Json(lstleavetype, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #7
        public string SaveLeavescheme(List <LeaveSchemeModel> jsonobj)
            LeaveSchemeComponent objDtl = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var strresponse             = objDtl.SaveLeaveScheme(jsonobj);

Пример #8
        public ActionResult HolidayCalendar()
            var LeaveSchemeComponent = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var FinancialYears       = LeaveSchemeComponent.Getallfinancialyears().Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                Value = a.FinancialYearId.ToString(),
                Text  = a.StartDate.ToString(),
            }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);

            ViewBag.FinancialYears = FinancialYears;

            HomeController hm  = new HomeController();
            var            obj = hm.GetAdminMenu();

            var mk = "read";

            foreach (var item in obj)
                if (item.ModuleName == "Add Holiday Calendar")
                    mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    ViewBag.a = mk;
Пример #9
        public string ChangeStatus(string id, string status)
            string strResponse = string.Empty;
            var    objDtl      = new LeaveSchemeComponent();

            strResponse = objDtl.ChangeStatus(id, status);
Пример #10
        public JsonResult GetLeaveTypes(string id, int yearid)
            // LeaveSchemeEntity leavetypes = null;
            LeaveSchemeComponent     objDtl       = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            List <LeaveSchemeEntity> lstleavetype = objDtl.GetLeaveTypes(id, yearid);

            ViewBag.getleavetypes = lstleavetype;

            return(Json(lstleavetype, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #11
        public JsonResult GetLeaveSchemeCollection()
            List <LeaveSchemeEntity> LeaveSchemeDetails = null;

                var objDtl = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
                LeaveSchemeDetails         = objDtl.GetLeaveSchemeDetail();
                ViewBag.LeaveSchemeDetails = LeaveSchemeDetails[0].LSchm_Version;
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(LeaveSchemeDetails, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #12
        //UserSessionInfo objSessioninfo = new UserSessionInfo();

        public ActionResult Index(bool?pdf)
            UserSessionInfo _objSessioninfo = Session["UserSessionInfo"] as UserSessionInfo;
            int             AccountId       = _objSessioninfo.AccountId;

            ViewBag.AccountID = AccountId;
            int UserId = _objSessioninfo.UserId;

            ViewBag.Accountid = _objSessioninfo.AccountId;
            ViewBag.UserId    = UserId;
            string roleID = _objSessioninfo.RoleName;

            LeaveSchemeComponent compobj = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
            var Accountname = compobj.GetallAccountnames(AccountId, roleID).Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                Value = a.Acc_AccountID.ToString(),
                Text  = a.Acc_AccountName,

            ViewBag.accountnames = Accountname;
            ViewBag.Roleid       = _objSessioninfo.RoleName;
            HomeController hm  = new HomeController();
            var            obj = hm.GetAdminMenu();
            var            mk  = "read";

            foreach (var item in obj)
                if (item.ModuleName == "Add Employeement Type")
                    mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    ViewBag.a = mk;


Пример #13
        //UserSessionInfo objSessioninfo = new UserSessionInfo();

        public ActionResult Index(bool?pdf)
            if (!pdf.HasValue)
                #region to return LeaveTypeList

                //objSessioninfo.UserId = 501;
                //Session["UserSessionInfo"] = objSessioninfo;
                UserSessionInfo           info          = new UserSessionInfo();
                int                       accountid     = info.AccountId;
                List <LookupStatusDetail> objStatusList = new List <LookupStatusDetail>();
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 1, Status = "Active"
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 0, Status = "InActive"

                var objStList = from cl in objStatusList
                                orderby cl.StatusID
                                select new
                    value = cl.StatusID,
                    text  = cl.Status
                ViewBag.Status = objStList;
                LeaveSchemeComponent compobj = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
                var Accountname = compobj.GetallAccountnames(accountid).Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.Acc_AccountID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.Acc_AccountName,

                ViewBag.Accountname = Accountname;

                HomeController hm  = new HomeController();
                var            obj = hm.GetAdminMenu();
                foreach (var item in obj)
                    //if (item.ModuleAccessType.ToLower() == "read/write")
                    //    var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    //    ViewBag.a = mk;



                    //    var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    //    ViewBag.a = mk;


                    if (item.ModuleName == "Add Leave Type")
                        var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                        ViewBag.a = mk;


                string filename = "LeaveType.pdf";
                string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/PDFs/" + filename);

                var objDtl = new LeaveTypeComponent();
                IList <LeaveTypeEntity> LeaveTypeList = objDtl.GetLeaveTypeDetail();

                ExportPDF(LeaveTypeList, new string[] { "LTyp_LeaveTypeID", "AccountName", "LTyp_LeaveType", "LTyp_LeaveTypeDescription" }, filePath);

                return(File(filePath, "application/pdf"));
Пример #14
        public ActionResult Index(bool?pdf)
            var LeaveSchemeComponent = new LeaveSchemeComponent();

            if (!pdf.HasValue)
                #region to return LeaveSchemeList

                //objSessioninfo.UserId = 501;
                //Session["UserSessionInfo"] = objSessioninfo;
                UserSessionInfo objinfo   = new UserSessionInfo();
                var             accountid = objinfo.AccountId;
                ViewBag.accid = accountid;
                var usertypeid = objinfo.Usr_UserTypeID;
                List <LookupStatusDetail> objStatusList = new List <LookupStatusDetail>();
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 1, Status = "Active"
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 0, Status = "InActive"

                var objStList = from cl in objStatusList
                                orderby cl.StatusID
                                select new
                    value = cl.StatusID,
                    text  = cl.Status
                ViewBag.Status = objStList;
                var Employeementtypes = LeaveSchemeComponent.GetAllEmployeementtypes().Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.Usr_UserTypeID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.UserType,
                ViewBag.Employeementtypes = Employeementtypes;
                var UserTypes = LeaveSchemeComponent.GetAllUserTypes().Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.Usr_UserTypeID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.UserType,
                ViewBag.UserTypes = UserTypes;

                var Accountname = LeaveSchemeComponent.GetallAccountnames(accountid).Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.Acc_AccountID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.Acc_AccountName,

                ViewBag.Accountname = Accountname;
                var FinancialYears = LeaveSchemeComponent.Getallfinancialyears().Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.FinancialYearId.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.financialyear,
                }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);
                ViewBag.FinancialYears = FinancialYears;
                var leavetypes = LeaveSchemeComponent.Getallleavetypes();
                ViewBag.leavecount = leavetypes.Count();
                ViewBag.leavetypes = leavetypes;
                HomeController hm  = new HomeController();
                var            obj = hm.GetAdminMenu();
                foreach (var item in obj)
                    if (item.ModuleName == "Add Leave Scheme")
                        var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                        ViewBag.a = mk;
                    //if (item.ModuleAccessType.ToLower() == "read/write")
                    //    var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    //    ViewBag.a = mk;



                    //    var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    //    ViewBag.a = mk;


                string filename = "LeaveScheme.pdf";
                string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/PDFs/" + filename);

                var objDtl = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
                IList <LeaveSchemeEntity> LeaveSchemeList = objDtl.GetLeaveSchemeDetail();

                ExportPDF(LeaveSchemeList, new string[] { "LSchm_LeaveSchemeID", "AccountName", "LSchm_LeaveScheme", "LSchm_LeaveSchemeDescription" }, filePath);

                return(File(filePath, "application/pdf"));
Пример #15
        //UserSessionInfo objSessioninfo = new UserSessionInfo();

        public ActionResult Index(bool?pdf)
            var RoleComponent = new RoleComponent();

            HomeController hm  = new HomeController();
            var            obj = hm.GetAdminMenu();

            var mk = "read";

            foreach (var item in obj)
                //if (item.ModuleAccessType == "Read")
                //    var mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                //    ViewBag.a = mk;

                if (item.ModuleName == "Add Role")
                    mk = item.ModuleAccessType;

                    ViewBag.a = mk;
            if (!pdf.HasValue)
                #region to return RoleList

                //objSessioninfo.UserId = 501;
                //Session["UserSessionInfo"] = objSessioninfo;
                UserSessionInfo info      = new UserSessionInfo();
                var             rolename  = info.RoleName;
                int             userid    = info.UserId;
                int             accountId = info.AccountId;
                string          RoleId    = info.RoleName;
                ViewBag.accid = accountId;
                var orgcomponent = new OrganizationAccountComponent();
                List <LookupStatusDetail> objStatusList = new List <LookupStatusDetail>();
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 1, Status = "Active"
                objStatusList.Add(new LookupStatusDetail {
                    StatusID = 0, Status = "InActive"

                var objStList = from cl in objStatusList
                                orderby cl.StatusID
                                select new
                    value = cl.StatusID,
                    text  = cl.Status
                ViewBag.Status = objStList;

                var modules = RoleComponent.Getallmodules();
                ViewBag.modules = modules;
                ViewBag.Roleid  = info.RoleName;
                var access = RoleComponent.Getallaccess();
                ViewBag.access = access;
                var objDtl = new UserComponent();
                LeaveSchemeComponent compobj = new LeaveSchemeComponent();
                var AccountNames             = compobj.GetallAccountnames(accountId, RoleId).Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.Acc_AccountID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.Acc_AccountName,

                ViewBag.accountnames = AccountNames;
                var rolenames = orgcomponent.Getrolenames(rolename).Select(a => new SelectListItem()
                    Value = a.GenericRoleID.ToString(),
                    Text  = a.Title,
                ViewBag.rolenames = rolenames;

                UserSessionInfo info     = new UserSessionInfo();
                var             rolename = info.RoleName;
                ViewBag.Roleid = info.RoleName;
                int    accountid = info.AccountId;
                string filename  = "Role.pdf";
                string filePath  = Server.MapPath("~/Content/PDFs/" + filename);

                var objDtl = new RoleComponent();
                IList <RoleEntity> RoleList = objDtl.GetRoleDetail(accountid, rolename);

                //ExportPDF(RoleList, new string[] { "Rol_RoleID", "AccountName", "Rol_RoleCode", "Rol_RoleName", "Rol_RoleDescription" }, filePath);

                return(File(filePath, "application/pdf"));