Пример #1
 public void Bebop2_OnSpeedChanged(Bebop2 bebop2, Leap.Vector speed)
     this.droneSpeedLabel.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate()
         this.droneSpeedLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}m/s", speed.MagnitudeSquared);
Пример #2
 void AnalyzeBounds(Leap.Vector position)
     if (position.x < leftMostX)
         leftMostX = position.x;
     if (position.y > topMostY)
         topMostY = position.y;
     if (position.x > rightMostX)
         rightMostX = position.x;
     if (position.y < bottomMostY)
         bottomMostY = position.y;
     if (position.z < forwardMostZ)
         forwardMostZ = position.z;
     if (position.z > backMostZ)
         backMostZ = position.z;
Пример #3
        public void Vector_ints()
            Vector thisVector = new Leap.Vector(1, 2, 3);
            Vector thatVector = new Leap.Vector(1, 2, 3);

            Assert.True(thisVector.Equals(thatVector), "this.Equals(that) Vector");
            //Assert.True (thisVector == thatVector, "this == that Vector");
Пример #4
        public void Vector_floats()
            Vector thisVector = new Leap.Vector(1.111111111111111f, 2.222222222222222f, 3.333333333333333f);
            Vector thatVector = new Leap.Vector(1.111111111111111f, 2.222222222222222f, 3.333333333333333f);

            Assert.True(thisVector.Equals(thatVector), "this.Equals(that) Vector");
            //Assert.True (thisVector == thatVector, "this == that Vector");
Пример #5
      public static Leap.Vector RoundToInt(Leap.Vector vector)
          int x = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.x);
          int y = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.y);
          int z = Mathf.RoundToInt(vector.z);

          return(new Leap.Vector(x, y, z));
Пример #6
        Vector3 leapToUnity(Leap.Vector v)
            Vector3 result = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            result.x = -v.x;
            result.y = -v.z;
            result.z = -v.y;
Пример #7
        public Quaternion QuatrnionBetweenTwoVectors(Leap.Vector v1, Leap.Vector v2)
            var v1n   = v1.Normalized;
            var v2n   = v2.Normalized;
            var angle = (float)Math.Acos(v1n.Dot(v2n));
            var axis  = v1n.Cross(v2n).Normalized;

            return(Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(-axis.x, axis.y, axis.z), angle));
Пример #8
        Point GetCanvasPosition(Leap.Vector position)
            float percentageX = (position.x - leftMostX) / (rightMostX - leftMostX);
            float percentageY = (position.y - topMostY) / (bottomMostY - topMostY);
            float newX        = (float)(percentageX * myCanvas.ActualWidth);
            float newY        = (float)(percentageY * myCanvas.ActualHeight);

            return(new Point(newX, newY));
Пример #9
        //public void UpdateFingerState(Leap.Vector vecterFingerTip, Leap.Vector vecterPalm, Leap.Finger oFinger)
        //    double dInterval = this.GetVecterDistance(vecterFingerTip, vecterPalm);
        //    if (Max == 0)
        //    {
        //        Max = dInterval;
        //        return;
        //    }
        //    if (dInterval > Max)
        //    {
        //        Max = dInterval;
        //    }

        //    if (dInterval < Sensitive)
        //    {
        //        Sensitive = dInterval;
        //    }

        //    if (dInterval < Sensitive)
        //        dInterval = Sensitive;
        //    double dPercent = (dInterval - Sensitive) / (this.Max - Sensitive);

        //    double dScale = 1 - 0.5 * dPercent;
        //    this.ScaleX = dScale;
        //    this.ScaleY = dScale;

        public void UpdateFingerState(Leap.Vector vecterFingerTip, Leap.Vector vecterPalm,
                                      Leap.Finger oFinger)
            if (oFinger.Type != Leap.Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB)
                double angle = (180 - (oFinger.Hand.Direction.AngleTo(oFinger.Direction) / Math.PI) * 180);
                if (this.Max == 0)
                    this.Max = angle;

                if (angle > this.Max)
                    this.Max = angle;

                if (angle < this.Min)
                    this.Min = angle;

                double dAngleDeviation = 30d * (1 - angle / 180d);
                double dPercent        = (angle - dAngleDeviation - this.Min) / (this.Max - this.Min);
                double dScale          = 1 - 0.5 * dPercent;
                this.ScaleX = dScale;
                this.ScaleY = dScale;
            else if (oFinger.Type == Leap.Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB)
                Leap.Bone bone1 = oFinger.Bone(Leap.Bone.BoneType.TYPE_DISTAL);
                Leap.Bone bone2 = oFinger.Bone(Leap.Bone.BoneType.TYPE_PROXIMAL);
                double    angle = (180 - (bone1.Direction.AngleTo(bone2.Direction) / Math.PI) * 180);
                if (this.Max == 0)
                    this.Max = angle;

                if (angle > this.Max)
                    this.Max = angle;

                if (angle < this.Min)
                    this.Min = angle;

                double dAngleDeviation = (this.Max - this.Min) * (1 - angle / 180d);
                double dPercent        = (angle - dAngleDeviation - this.Min) / (this.Max - this.Min);
                double dScale          = 1 - 0.5 * dPercent;
                this.ScaleX = dScale;
                this.ScaleY = dScale;
Пример #10
        Vector3 leapVectorToWorld(Leap.Vector v)
            Matrix4x4 m = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix;
            //Vector4 camori = m * new Vector4 (0, 0, 0, 1);
            Vector3 temp      = leapToUnity(v);
            Vector4 cameravec = m * new Vector4(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, 0);
            Vector3 res       = new Vector3(cameravec[0], cameravec[1], cameravec[2]);

Пример #11
        Vector3 leapToWorld(Leap.Vector v)
            Matrix4x4 m         = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix;
            Vector3   temp      = leapToUnity(v) / 1000.0f;
            Vector4   cameravec = m * new Vector4(temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, 0);
            Vector3   res       = new Vector3(cameravec[0], cameravec[1], cameravec[2]);

            res = res + leaporigin;
Пример #12
 public Vector(Leap.Vector vector)
     x                = vector.x;
     y                = vector.y;
     z                = vector.z;
     Pitch            = vector.Pitch;
     Roll             = vector.Roll;
     Yaw              = vector.Yaw;
     Magnitude        = vector.Magnitude;
     MagnitudeSquared = vector.MagnitudeSquared;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts by flipping across the Z axis and scaling from mm to m.
        /// </summary>
        protected Vector3 LeapToUnityVector(Leap.Vector leapVector)
            // convert the raw structure
            Vector3 unityVector = Leap.Unity.UnityVectorExtension.ToVector3(leapVector);

            // scale
            unityVector *= MM_TO_M;
            // flip over Z
            unityVector = Vector3.Scale(unityVector, FLIP_Z_AXIS);
Пример #14
        void UpdateLights()
            if (DateTime.Now - LastLightUpdateTime < TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(MinTimeBetweenUpdatesMs))

            Leap.Vector markPosition = new Leap.Vector(-20.2903f, 445.1746f, 423.4169f);
            lock (skeletalData2d.world.worldLock)
                foreach (Hand2d hand2D in skeletalData2d.Hands)
                    Leap.Vector lightPosition = skeletalData2d.GetLightPosition(hand2D);

                    if (lightPosition != null)
                        double deltaX   = lightPosition.x - markPosition.x;
                        double deltaY   = lightPosition.y - markPosition.y;
                        double deltaZ   = lightPosition.z - markPosition.z;
                        double distance = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY + deltaZ * deltaZ));

                        // Pythagorean theorem in 3D:

                        // <formula 2; distance = \sqrt{deltaX^2 + deltaY^2 + deltaZ^2}>

                        const int minDistance = 100;
                        const int maxDistance = 350;
                        distance = Math.Max(minDistance, distance);
                        distance = Math.Min(maxDistance, distance);

                        double brightnessMultiplier = 1 - (distance - minDistance) / (maxDistance - minDistance);

                        brightnessMultiplier = Math.Ceiling(5 * brightnessMultiplier) / 5;                          // isolate to 0.2, 0.4, 0.6,

                        // 250 to about 100
                        brightnessMultiplier = Math.Max(0.2, brightnessMultiplier);

                        int hueShift = GetHueShiftFromHand(hand2D);
                        if (lightPosition.x < markPosition.x)
                            ChangeLeftBulbSettings(hueShift, brightnessMultiplier);
                            ChangeRightBulbSettings(hueShift, brightnessMultiplier);

//						System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"({lightPosition.x}, {lightPosition.y}, {lightPosition.z})");

            LastLightUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
        void HandleMouse()
            while (_mThreadRunning)
                Leap.Vector pointerPos          = _gestureMap.PointerPosition;
                System.Drawing.Rectangle screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;

                if (pointerPos.z < 0.1)
                    System.Drawing.Point pos =
                        new System.Drawing.Point((int)(pointerPos.x * screen.Width),
                                                 (int)((1 - pointerPos.y) * screen.Height));


                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = pos;
Пример #16
      public static Leap.Vector RoundToDec(Leap.Vector vector, int decimalPlaces)
          int xSz = CountDigitsAfterDecimal(vector.x);
          int ySz = CountDigitsAfterDecimal(vector.y);
          int zSz = CountDigitsAfterDecimal(vector.z);

          float xRounded = xSz - decimalPlaces != 0 ? vector.x * xSz / (xSz - decimalPlaces) : 0;

          //float yRounded = vector.y * ySz / (ySz-decimalPlaces);
          //float zRounded = vector.z * zSz / (zSz-decimalPlaces);

          //discover number of decimal places
          //multiply by number of decimal places, then divide by that same number minus 2

          Leap.Vector vectorRounded = new Leap.Vector(xRounded, xRounded, xRounded);

Пример #17
        private void SendFrame(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (sbm.GetConnectedStatus())
                SyrusPacket pak = new SyrusPacket();
                pak.id = 20;
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
                    Leap.Vector v = lpm.GetHandPosition();
                    Text.Text     = "X: " + v.x + " Y: " + v.y + " Z: " + v.z;
                }), DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle);

                byte[] arr = lpm.getFrameInfo();
                pak.data = arr;
                pak.n    = (byte)pak.data.Length;

Пример #18
        public bool GetTargetPoint(Leap.Vector start, Leap.Vector direction,
                                   out int x, out int y)
            var planeNormal   = new Leap.Vector(0, 0, 1);
            var aPointInPlane = new Leap.Vector(0, 0, 0);

            start.z += leapOffsetZ_;
            start.y += leapOffsetY_;
            start.x += leapOffsetX_;

            double epsilon = 1e-8;

            float denom = direction.Dot(planeNormal);

            if (Math.Abs(denom) < epsilon)
                x = 0; y = 0;

            var diff = new Leap.Vector(aPointInPlane.x - start.x,
                                       aPointInPlane.y - start.y, aPointInPlane.z - start.z);

            float distance = diff.Dot(planeNormal) / denom;

            var v2 = new Leap.Vector(distance * direction.x + start.x,
                                     distance * direction.y + start.y,
                                     distance * direction.z + start.z);

            float width  = 475;
            float height = 270;

            float halfWidth  = width / 2;
            float halfHeight = height / 2;

            x = millimeterToPixel(v2.x + halfWidth);
            y = millimeterToPixel(height - v2.y);

Пример #19
 public LEAP_VECTOR(Leap.Vector leap)
     x = leap.x;
     y = leap.y;
     z = leap.z;
Пример #20
      public static Vector3 getVector3(Leap.Vector vectorUnity)
          Vector3 vectorLeap = new Vector3(vectorUnity.x, vectorUnity.y, vectorUnity.z);

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts by flipping but not scaling.
        /// </summary>
        protected Vector3 LeapToUnityNormal(Leap.Vector leapVector)
            Vector3 unityVector = Leap.Unity.UnityVectorExtension.ToVector3(leapVector);

            return(Vector3.Scale(unityVector, FLIP_Z_AXIS));
Пример #22
 public static DxLibDLL.DX.VECTOR ToDX(this Leap.Vector vec)
     return(DxLibDLL.DX.VGet(vec.x * 1, vec.y * 1, -vec.z * 1));
Пример #23
        public override Value Evaluate(FSharpList<Value> args)
            Leap.Frame frame = (Leap.Frame)((Value.Container)args[0]).Item;
            if (frame == null)
                throw new Exception("No Leap Frame.");

            // Age is optional;  Defaults to 1
            int age = 1;
            if (args.Length > 1 && args[1].IsNumber)
                age = (int)((Value.Number)args[1]).Item;
                if (age < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Leap Frame Age must be >= 0");

            Leap.Controller controller = dynLeapController.Controller;
            if (controller == null)
                throw new Exception("No Leap Controller node.");

            Leap.Vector v;
            Leap.Frame sinceFrame = controller.Frame(age);
            if (sinceFrame != null && sinceFrame.IsValid)
                v = frame.Translation(sinceFrame);
                v = new Leap.Vector();

            return Value.NewContainer(new XYZ(v.x, v.y, v.z));
Пример #24
 public static void Convert(this Leap.Vector p_src, ref GlmSharp.vec3 p_dst)
     p_dst.x = p_src.x;
     p_dst.y = p_src.y;
     p_dst.z = p_src.z;
        void CompositionTarget_Rendering( object sender, EventArgs e )
            // 最新のフレームを取得する
            var frame = leap.Frame();

            // カメラ画像を取得する
            var images = frame.Images;
            if ( images.Count == 0 ) {

            // 画像データをビットマップにする
            var left = images[0];
            ImageLeap.Source = BitmapSource.Create( left.Width, left.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray8, null, left.Data, left.Width );


            // 右手を探す
            var hand = frame.Hands.FirstOrDefault( h => h.IsRight );
            if ( hand ==null ) {
                isPinch = isGrab = false;

            // 手と指の位置を取得する
            var handPosition = GetFingerPositionForRawImage( left, hand.StabilizedPalmPosition );
            var fingers = GetFingerPositionForRawImage( left, hand.Fingers );

            // 手と指の位置を描画する
            AddEllipse( left, handPosition, 30 );
            foreach ( var finger in fingers ) {
                AddEllipse( left, finger, 10 );

            // グラブ
            if ( hand.GrabStrength >= 0.95 ) {
                ProcessGrab( handPosition );

                // 手の座標を保存する
                prevPosition = handPosition;
            // ピンチ
            else if ( hand.PinchStrength >= 0.95 ) {
                // 親指を探す
                var finger = hand.Fingers.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Type() == Leap.Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB );
                if ( finger == null ) {
                    isPinch = false;

                // 指の座標をカメラ画像に合わせる
                var fingerPosition = GetFingerPositionForRawImage( left, finger.StabilizedTipPosition );

                // ピンチ処理
                ProcessPinch( fingerPosition );

                // 指の座標を保存する
                prevPosition = fingerPosition;
            else {
                isPinch = isGrab = false;
Пример #26
 public static Vector ToSerialiableVector(this Leap.Vector vector)
     return(new Vector(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z));
Пример #27
 public static Vector3D ToVector3D(this Leap.Vector v) => new Vector3D(v.x, v.y, v.z);
        public override void OnFrame(Leap.Controller controller)
            Leap.Frame frame = controller.Frame();

            Leap.InteractionBox interactionBox = frame.InteractionBox;
            _pointerPosition =

            _standardGestures = frame.Gestures();

            foreach (Leap.Gesture gesture in _standardGestures)
                if (gesture.State.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureState.STATESTOP))
                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPESWIPE))
                        Print("Finger Swipe Detected");
                        Leap.SwipeGesture       swipe      = new Leap.SwipeGesture(gesture);
                        Events.FingerSwipeEvent swipeEvent = new Events.FingerSwipeEvent(swipe);

                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_CIRCLE))
                        Print("Circle Gesture Detected");
                        Leap.CircleGesture circle      = new Leap.CircleGesture(gesture);
                        Events.CircleEvent circleEvent = new Events.CircleEvent(circle);

                    if (gesture.Type.Equals(Leap.Gesture.GestureType.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP))
                        Print("Screen Tap Detected");
                        Leap.ScreenTapGesture screenTap      = new Leap.ScreenTapGesture(gesture);
                        Events.ScreenTapEvent screenTapEvent = new Events.ScreenTapEvent(screenTap);

            Gestures.HandSwipe handSwipe = Gestures.HandSwipe.IsHandSwipe(frame);
            if (handSwipe != null)
                if (handSwipe.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("Hand Swipe Detected");

                    Events.HandSwipeEvent swipeEvent = new Events.HandSwipeEvent(handSwipe);

            Gestures.ZoomIn zoomIn = Gestures.ZoomIn.IsZoomIn(frame);
            if (zoomIn != null)
                if (zoomIn.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("ZoomIn Detected");

                    Events.ZoomInEvent zoomInEvent = new Events.ZoomInEvent(zoomIn);

            Gestures.ZoomOut zoomOut = Gestures.ZoomOut.IsZoomOut(frame);
            if (zoomOut != null)
                if (zoomOut.State.Equals(Gestures.GestureState.END))
                    Print("ZoomOut Detected");

                    Events.ZoomOutEvent zoomOutEvent = new Events.ZoomOutEvent(zoomOut);
Пример #29
 private double GetVecterDistance(Leap.Vector vecter1, Leap.Vector vecter2)
     return(Math.Sqrt((vecter1.x - vecter2.x) * (vecter1.x - vecter2.x) +
                      (vecter1.y - vecter2.y) * (vecter1.y - vecter2.y) +
                      (vecter1.z - vecter2.z) * (vecter1.z - vecter2.z)));