Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks the last method invocation on the mock;
        ///     if Add was invoked the unexpected match is set up;
        ///     if GetOrAdd or GetOrAddAsync was invoked the unexpected match is set up and the addItemFactory result will be
        ///     returned;
        ///     otherwise the default value for the specified type will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="call"></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     if GetOrAdd or GetOrAddAsync was invoked the unexpected match is set up and the addItemFactory result will be
        ///     returned;
        ///     otherwise the default value for the specified type will be returned if the last method invocation has a return
        ///     type.
        /// </returns>
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            Logger.LogDebug("NoSetUpHandler invoked");

            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var args       = call.GetArguments();

            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("Add"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key   = args[0].ToString();
                var value = args[1];

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(value.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, value });


            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("GetOrAdd"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key   = args[0].ToString();
                var value = args[1].GetType().GetMethod("Invoke").Invoke(args[1], new object[] { new CacheEntryFake(key) });

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(value.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, value });


            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("GetOrAddAsync"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key        = args[0].ToString();
                var task       = args[1].GetType().GetMethod("Invoke").Invoke(args[1], new object[] { new CacheEntryFake(key) });
                var taskResult = task.GetType().GetProperty("Result").GetValue(task);

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(taskResult.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, taskResult });


            //void method
            if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void))

            //Return default values
            if (methodInfo.ReturnType.IsGenericType && methodInfo.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>))
                var genericArgument = methodInfo.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments().Single();
                var defaultValue    = genericArgument.GetDefaultValue();

                return(RouteAction.Return(CoreReflectionShortcuts.TaskFromResultMethod(genericArgument).Invoke(null, new[] { defaultValue })));

Пример #2
        internal static IAppCache SetUpCacheEntryRemove <T>(this IAppCache mockedCachingService, string cacheEntryKey)
            EnsureArgument.IsNotNull(mockedCachingService, nameof(mockedCachingService));
            EnsureArgument.IsNotNullOrEmpty(cacheEntryKey, nameof(cacheEntryKey));

            Logger.LogDebug("Setting up cache entry Remove for '{cacheEntryKey}'", cacheEntryKey);

            mockedCachingService.When(x => x.Remove(Arg.Is <string>(s => s.Equals(cacheEntryKey))))
            .Do(x =>
                Logger.LogDebug("Cache Remove invoked");
                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryGetMethod(typeof(T)).Invoke(null, new object[] { mockedCachingService, cacheEntryKey, default(T) });

Пример #3
        internal static IAppCache SetUpCacheEntryAdd <T>(this IAppCache mockedCachingService, string cacheEntryKey)
            EnsureArgument.IsNotNull(mockedCachingService, nameof(mockedCachingService));
            EnsureArgument.IsNotNullOrEmpty(cacheEntryKey, nameof(cacheEntryKey));

            Logger.LogDebug("Setting up cache entry Add for '{cacheEntryKey}'", cacheEntryKey);

            mockedCachingService.When(x => x.Add(Arg.Is <string>(s => s.Equals(cacheEntryKey)), Arg.Any <T>(), Arg.Any <MemoryCacheEntryOptions>()))
            .Do(x =>
                Logger.LogDebug("Cache Add invoked");

                //x provides the args as objects; this means we have to use reflection to set the item type for the SetUpCacheEntryGet method
                var args = x.Args();

                var key   = args[0].ToString();
                var value = args[1];

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryGetMethod(value.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { mockedCachingService, key, value });
