Пример #1
        public void SalvarLoteRps(Layouts.Betha.EnviarLoteRpsEnvio lote, Core.ArquivosEnvio localArquivos)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localArquivos.SalvarEnvioLoteEm))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("localArquivos.SalvarEnvioLoteEm");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(localArquivos.SalvarEnvioLoteEm)))

            var serializar = new Layouts.Serializador();
            serializar.SalvarXml<Layouts.Betha.EnviarLoteRpsEnvio>(lote, localArquivos.SalvarEnvioLoteEm);
Пример #2
        public Core.RespostaCancelamentoNfse CancelarNfse(Layouts.Betha.CancelarNfseEnvio envioCancelamento, Core.Empresa empresa, Core.ArquivosEnvio localArquivos)
                var serializar = new Layouts.Serializador();
                serializar.SalvarXml<Layouts.Betha.CancelarNfseEnvio>(envioCancelamento, localArquivos.SalvarCancelarNfseEnvioEm);

                var envio = new NFSE.Net.Envio.Processar();
                ExecutarConsultas(() =>
                    envio.ProcessaArquivo(empresa, localArquivos.SalvarCancelarNfseEnvioEm, localArquivos.SalvarCancelarNfseRespostaEm, Servicos.CancelarNfse);

                bool erro = false;
                var respostaEnvioLote = serializar.TryLerXml<Layouts.Betha.CancelarNfseReposta>(localArquivos.SalvarCancelarNfseRespostaEm, out erro);
                if (respostaEnvioLote != null)
                    if (respostaEnvioLote.Item is ListaMensagemRetorno)
                        var retorno = new Core.RespostaCancelamentoNfse();
                        ListaMensagemRetorno mensagensErro = (ListaMensagemRetorno)respostaEnvioLote.Item;
                        retorno.Sucesso = false;
                        retorno.CodigoErro = mensagensErro.MensagemRetorno[0].Codigo;
                        retorno.Correcao = mensagensErro.MensagemRetorno[0].Correcao;
                        retorno.MensagemErro = mensagensErro.MensagemRetorno[0].Mensagem;
                        return retorno;
                        var retorno = new Core.RespostaCancelamentoNfse();
                        tcCancelamentoNfse cancelamento = (tcCancelamentoNfse)respostaEnvioLote.Item;
                        retorno.Sucesso = cancelamento.Confirmacao.InfConfirmacaoCancelamento.Sucesso;
                        retorno.DataHoraCancelamento = cancelamento.Confirmacao.InfConfirmacaoCancelamento.DataHora;
                        retorno.NumeroNfse = cancelamento.Confirmacao.Pedido.InfPedidoCancelamento.IdentificacaoNfse.Numero;
                        return retorno;
                    return new Core.RespostaCancelamentoNfse() { Sucesso = false, CodigoErro = "00", MensagemErro = "Erro desconhecido" };
            catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e)
                throw e.InnerException;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Measure the layout size required to arrange all elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="availableSize">Available size that can be given to elements.</param>
        /// <returns>Size the layout determines it needs based on child element sizes.</returns>
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            // To ensure correct operation when transitioning between being an items host and
            // not being an items host (and vica versa) we need to ask for the InternalChildren
            // property. The base class implementation will automatically handle creating the
            // item container generator and pulling it down again.
            int c = InternalChildren.Count;

            // Delegate calculation to the panel layout instance
            if (_children != null)
                // Use default layout so that any children not handled by the layout definitions is still processed
                _defaultLayout.MeasureChildren(string.Empty, this, _stateDict, _children.CompoundElements, availableSize);

                // Ask the layout strategy to measure the elements for us
                return(Layouts.MeasureChildren(LayoutId, this, _stateDict, _children.CompoundElements, availableSize));
                return(new Size());
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides access to the entities of the layout with the given name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the layout.</param>
        /// <returns>An EntityContainer to access the layout's entities.</returns>
        public EntityContainer PaperSpace(string name)
            if (name == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("name");

                var layout = Layouts.Element(name);
                if (layout.ModelType)
                    throw Error.Generic("Not a paper space layout");

                return(new EntityContainer(Database, transaction, layout.BlockTableRecordId));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw Error.AutoCadException(e);
Пример #5
 BaseLayoutElement GetSelectedLayout()
     if (Layouts.Count(l => l.IsSelected == true) > 0)
         BaseLayoutElement selectedLayout = Layouts.Where(l => l.IsSelected == true)
         Layouts[0].IsSelected = true;
         if (Get.i.Layouts.ContainsKey(Layouts[0].Id))
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the specified entity under the parent at the specified path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">
        /// The entity to move.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="parentPath">
        /// The path to the new parent.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The new path.
        /// </returns>
        public Guid[] MoveEntity(IEntity entity, Guid[] parentPath)
            // Update path.
            var path = parentPath.Concat(new[] { entity.Id }).ToArray();

            entity.Path = path;

            // Persist entity based on the entity type.
            if (entity is Form)
                Forms.Persist(entity as Form);
            else if (entity is Layout)
                Layouts.Persist(entity as Layout);
            else if (entity is Validation)
                Validations.Persist(entity as Validation);
            else if (entity is DataValue)
                DataValues.Persist(entity as DataValue);
            else if (entity is Folder)
                Folders.Persist(entity as Folder);
            else if (entity is ConfiguredForm)
                ConfiguredForms.Persist(entity as ConfiguredForm);

            // Return new path.
        public Linclon2019()
            Name         = "Newark - Lincoln Model Rail Club Post Modernisation Exhibition";
            Location     = new NewarkShowground();
            EventDates   = "19th and 20th October 2019";
            Descrption   = "Lincoln Model Rail Club Post Modernisation Exhibition";
            ImagesPath   = Constants.RawDataPath + @"ModelEvents\2019-10-19 Newark Model LincolnModelRailClub";
            TripDate     = new DateTime(2019, 10, 19);
            YouTubeLink  = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/sfhv8iYXiYU";
            ImageFolder  = "20191019-Lincoln";
            Title        = "Lincoln Model Rail Club 2019";
            ImagePreview = "PA196601-Newark-Model-Lincoln-model-rail-club-Crimson-road-thumb.JPG";

            Keywords.AddRange(new string[] { "Linclon", "Lincoln Model Rail Club", "Newark Showground", "Post Modernisation Exhibition" });

            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Crimson Road", Gauges.NONE, "CrimsonRoad"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Cumanavago", Gauges.NONE, "Cumanavago"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Dovington Camp", Gauges.NONE, "DovingtonCamp"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Eight Dollar Canyon", Gauges.NONE, "EightDollarCanyon"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Euxton Junction", Gauges.NONE, "EuxtonJunction"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Gillingbourne", Gauges.NONE, "Gillingbourne"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Holland Beck", Gauges.NONE, "HollandBeck"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Illie Town", Gauges.NONE, "IllieTown"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("K Street Yard", Gauges.NONE, "KStreetYard"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Lea Green Yard", Gauges.NONE, "LeaGreenYard"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Loch Tat", Gauges.NONE, "LochTat"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Low Moor", Gauges.NONE, "LowMoor"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Lynchwood Sidings", Gauges.NONE, "LynchwoodSidings"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Norton Folgate", Gauges.NONE, "NortonFolgate"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Oil DrumLane", Gauges.NONE, "OilDrumLane"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Penna Lane", Gauges.NONE, "PennaLane"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Sutherland Street", Gauges.NONE, "SutherlandStreet"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Titheridge Junction", Gauges.NONE, "TitheridgeJunction"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Weaver Hill", Gauges.NONE, "WeaverHill"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("West Street Station", Gauges.NONE, "WestStreetStation"));
            Layouts.Add(new LayoutDetails("Zlata Vychod", Gauges.NONE, "ZlataVychod"));
Пример #8
        public DomainObject1PivotGridSetup()
            Layouts.Add(new PivotGridLayout(Default1LayoutName, LayoutFields));
            Layouts.Add(new PivotGridLayout(Default2LayoutName, LayoutFields));

            TranYearField               = new PivotGridFieldBase("TranDate", PivotArea.FilterArea);
            TranYearField.Name          = "fieldTranYear";
            TranYearField.Caption       = "Tran Year";
            TranYearField.GroupInterval = PivotGroupInterval.DateYear;

            TranDateField         = new PivotGridFieldBase("TranDate", PivotArea.FilterArea);
            TranDateField.Name    = "fieldTranDate";
            TranDateField.Caption = "Tran Date";
            TranDateField.ValueFormat.FormatType   = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Custom;
            TranDateField.ValueFormat.FormatString = "{0:dd-MMM-yy}";

            NameField         = new PivotGridFieldBase("Name", PivotArea.ColumnArea);
            NameField.Name    = "fieldName";
            NameField.Caption = "My Name";

            Category1Field         = new PivotGridFieldBase("Category1", PivotArea.ColumnArea);
            Category1Field.Name    = "fieldCategory1";
            Category1Field.Caption = "My Category1";

            Category2Field         = new PivotGridFieldBase("Category2", PivotArea.ColumnArea);
            Category2Field.Name    = "fieldCategory2";
            Category2Field.Caption = "My Category2";

            AmountField = new PivotGridFieldBase("Amount", PivotArea.ColumnArea);
            //AmountField.Name = "fieldAmount";
            AmountField.Caption = "My Amount";
Пример #9
        public void Setup(Layouts layouts, ImagePool.FrontTypes frontTypes, ImagePool.BackTypes backTypes)

            switch (layouts)
            case Layouts.FourByFour:
                MakeFourByFour(frontTypes, backTypes);

            case Layouts.FiveByFive:
                MakeFiveByFive(frontTypes, backTypes);

            case Layouts.FourBySix:
                MakeFourBySix(frontTypes, backTypes);

            case Layouts.SixBySix:
                MakeSixBySix(frontTypes, backTypes);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Position child elements according to already provided size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="finalSize">Size that layout should use to arrange child elements.</param>
        /// <returns>Size used by the panel.</returns>
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            // Implement any ClipToBounds property setting

            // Grab the collection of appropriate elements
            ICollection elements = MetaChildren;

            // Ask the panel layout to calculate the target display rectangles for elements
            Layouts.TargetChildren(LayoutId, this, _stateDict, elements, finalSize);

            // Ask the chain of animation handlers to update animation state and elements
            bool needAnimating = AnimateChildren(_stateDict, elements);

            // Faster perf to only set the IsAnimating when we notice a change
            if (needAnimating != IsAnimating)
                IsAnimating = needAnimating;

            // Finally ask the panel layout to arrange elements in animation determined positions
            return(Layouts.ArrangeChildren(LayoutId, this, _stateDict, elements, finalSize));
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides access to the entities of the layout with the given tab index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The zero-based tab index of the layout.</param>
        /// <returns>An EntityContainer to access the layout's entities.</returns>
        public EntityContainer PaperSpace(int index)
            var layouts = Layouts.ToArray();

            if (index < 0 || index >= layouts.Length)
                throw Error.IndexOutOfRange("index", layouts.Length);

            var blockId = Layouts.Where(l => !l.ModelType)
                          .OrderBy(l => l.TabOrder)

                return(new EntityContainer(Database, transaction, blockId));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw Error.AutoCadException(e);
Пример #12
        private void Next_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            List <LayoutInfo> infos = Layouts.ItemsSource as List <LayoutInfo>;

            if (infos == null)

            int index = infos.IndexOf(CurrentSelectedLayoutInfo);

            if (index >= infos.Count - 1)
                index = -1;
            CurrentSelectedLayoutInfo = infos.ElementAtOrDefault(index + 1);
            if (CurrentSelectedLayoutInfo != null)
                LayoutsListBox.SelectedItem = Layouts.SelectedItem = CurrentSelectedLayoutInfo;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the entity with the specified ID.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityId">The ID of the entity.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The entity.
 /// </returns>
 public IEntity Retrieve(Guid entityId)
     // Root-level node?
     if (EntityHelper.IsRoot(entityId))
         return(new EntityRoot()
             Id = entityId,
             Path = new[] { entityId },
             Name = EntityHelper.GetNameForRoot(entityId),
             Icon = EntityHelper.GetIconForRoot(entityId)
         // Specific entities (e.g., forms or layouts).
         return(Folders.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity
                ?? Forms.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity
                ?? ConfiguredForms.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity
                ?? Layouts.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity
                ?? Validations.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity
                ?? DataValues.Retrieve(entityId) as IEntity);
Пример #14
        public void SelectLayout(Guid key)
            Layouts.Where(w => w.IsSelected == true)
            .ForEach(f => f.IsSelected = false);


            SelectedLayout            = Layouts.Where(w => w.Id == key).ToList().Single();
            SelectedLayout.IsSelected = true;

            if (Get.i.Layouts.ContainsKey(key))


            Logger.Debug("Selected layout changed to: {0}", SelectedLayout.Name);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Load state from data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data to load from</param>
        public void Load(Data data)
            cardsLeftCount = data.cardsLeftCount;
            layout         = data.layout;

            switch (layout)
            case Layouts.FourByFour:

            case Layouts.FiveByFive:

            case Layouts.SixByFour:

            case Layouts.SixBySix:
Пример #16
        public void DrawThreeLayerVertical(RawShape centreShape, List<RawShape> topLevelShapes, List<RawShape> bottomLevelShapes, List<RawShape> rightAlignedShapes)
            if (topLevelShapes == null)
                topLevelShapes = new List<RawShape>();

            if (bottomLevelShapes == null)
                bottomLevelShapes = new List<RawShape>();

            DiagramType = Layouts.ThreeLayerVertical;
            DrawThreeLayer(centreShape, topLevelShapes, bottomLevelShapes, rightAlignedShapes);
Пример #17
        protected void createTable(int count)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Time", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Creator", typeof(string));
            string id = "", title = "", type = "", creator = "", time = "";

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                //Get the topic ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topicId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get type:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_time] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                time            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get title:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_title] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                title           = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get type:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_type] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                type            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get creator's ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get creator's name:
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                dt.Rows.Add(id, Layouts.getTimeFormat(time), title, type, creator);
            grdTopics.DataSource = dt;
            //grdTopics.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
            //Hide the header called "ID":
            grdTopics.HeaderRow.Cells[1].Visible = false;
            //Hide IDs column and content which are located in column index 1:
            for (int i = 0; i < grdTopics.Rows.Count; i++)
                grdTopics.Rows[i].Cells[1].Visible = false;
            for (int row = 0; row < grdTopics.Rows.Count; row++)
                id = grdTopics.Rows[row].Cells[1].Text;
                //Get creator's ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] FROM [Topics] where topicId = " + id + " ";
                string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get creator's name:
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                HyperLink creatorLink = new HyperLink();
                creatorLink.Text        = creator + " ";
                creatorLink.NavigateUrl = "Profile.aspx?id=" + creatorId;
Пример #18
 public void SaveLayouts()
     Properties.Settings.Default.Layouts = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Layouts.ToList(), Formatting.Indented, new LayoutsConverter());
 public LayoutInjectorAttribute(Layouts layout)
     _layout = layout;
Пример #20
        protected void printInfo()
            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = "select project_name from Projects where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ";
            string project_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select project_description from Projects where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ";
            string project_description = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from UsersForProjects where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ";
            int           totalUsersForProject = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            List <string> names = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= totalUsersForProject; i++)
                cmd.CommandText = "select userId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY userId ASC), * FROM usersForProjects where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "' ";
                string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select (user_firstname + ' ' + user_lastname) from Users where userId = '" + userId + "'  ";
                string name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select loginId from Users where userId = '" + userId + "' ";
                string loginId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select roleId from Logins where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
                int int_roleId = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                if (int_roleId == 2)
                    name = "Project Master: " + name + "";
                    name = "Developer: " + name + "";
            string projectHeader = "<h1>" + project_name + "</h1></br>" + project_description + "</br></br>";

            foreach (string n in names)
                projectHeader += n + "</br>";
            projectHeader += "</br></br></br>";
            string userStoriesTable =
                "<h3>User Stories</h3>" +
                "<table border='1' style='width:100%;' >" +
                "<tr><th>Unique user story ID</th>" + "<th>As a \"type of user\"</th>" + "<th>I want to \"some goal\"</th>" + "<th>so that \"reason\"</th>" + "<th>Date introduced</th>" + "<th>Date considered for implementation</th>" + "<th>Developer responsible for</th>" + "<th>Current Status</th></tr>";
            string sprintTasksTable =
                "<h3>Sprint Tasks</h3>" +
                "<table border='1' style='width:100%;' >" +
                "<tr><th>Unique sprint task ID</th>" + "<th>Unique user story ID</th>" + "<th>Task description</th>" + "<th>Date introduced</th>" + "<th>Date considered for implementation</th>" + "<th>Date completed</th>" + "<th>Developer responsible for</th>" + "<th>Current Status</th></tr>";
            string testCasesTables =
                "<h3>Test Cases</h3>";

            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from UserStories where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ";
            int totalUserStories = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            int totalSprintTasks = 0;
            int totalTestCases   = 0;

            //int sprintTaskCounter = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i <= totalUserStories; i++)
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStoryId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAST(userStory_uniqueId AS float) ASC), * FROM UserStories where projectId = '" + projectId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "' ";
                string userStoryId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_uniqueId from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_uniqueId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_asARole from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_asARole = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_iWantTo from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_iWantTo = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_soThat from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_soThat = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_dateIntroduced from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_dateIntroduced = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_dateConsideredForImplementation from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_dateConsideredForImplementation = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_currentStatus from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                string userStory_currentStatus = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Now get the list of developers:
                cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from UsersForUserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                int    totalUsersForUserStory = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                string usersForUserStories    = "";
                for (int j = 1; j <= totalUsersForUserStory; j++)
                    cmd.CommandText = "select userId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY usersForUserStoriesId ASC), * FROM UsersForUserStories where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + j + "' ";
                    string temp_userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Translate the user ID to a user name:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select (user_firstname + ' ' + user_lastname) from Users where userId = '" + temp_userId + "' ";
                    string temp_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    if (j == 1)
                        usersForUserStories = temp_name;
                        usersForUserStories = usersForUserStories + ",</br>" + temp_name;
                userStoriesTable +=
                    "<tr><td>" + userStory_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + userStory_asARole + "</td><td>" + userStory_iWantTo + "</td><td>" + userStory_soThat + "</td><td>" + Layouts.getTimeFormat(userStory_dateIntroduced) + "</td><td>" + Layouts.getTimeFormat(userStory_dateConsideredForImplementation) + "</td><td>" + usersForUserStories + "</td><td>" + userStory_currentStatus + "</td></tr>";
                cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from SprintTasks where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ";
                int temp_totalSprintTasks = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                totalSprintTasks += temp_totalSprintTasks;
                for (int j = 1; j <= temp_totalSprintTasks; j++)
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTaskId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAST(sprintTask_uniqueId AS float) ASC), * FROM SprintTasks where userStoryId = '" + userStoryId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + j + "' ";
                    string sprintTaskId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_uniqueId from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    string sprintTask_uniqueId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_taskDescription from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    string sprintTask_taskDescription = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_dateIntroduced from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    string sprintTask_dateIntroduced = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_dateConsideredForImplementation from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    string sprintTask_dateConsideredForImplementation = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select count(sprintTask_dateCompleted) from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    int    isCompleted = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    string sprintTask_dateCompleted = "";
                    if (isCompleted > 0)
                        cmd.CommandText          = "select sprintTask_dateCompleted from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                        sprintTask_dateCompleted = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        sprintTask_dateCompleted = Layouts.getTimeFormat(sprintTask_dateCompleted);
                        sprintTask_dateCompleted = "Not completed";
                    //Now get the list of developers:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from UsersForSprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    int    totalUsersForSprintTask = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    string usersForSprintTasks     = "";
                    for (int k = 1; k <= totalUsersForSprintTask; k++)
                        cmd.CommandText = "select userId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY usersForSprintTasksId ASC), * FROM UsersForSprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + k + "' ";
                        string temp_userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Translate the user ID to a user name:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select (user_firstname + ' ' + user_lastname) from Users where userId = '" + temp_userId + "' ";
                        string temp_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        if (j == 1)
                            usersForSprintTasks = temp_name;
                            usersForSprintTasks = usersForSprintTasks + ",</br>" + temp_name;
                    cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_currentStatus from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    string sprintTask_currentStatus = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    sprintTasksTable +=
                        "<tr><td>" + sprintTask_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + userStory_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + sprintTask_taskDescription + "</td><td>" + Layouts.getTimeFormat(sprintTask_dateIntroduced) + "</td><td>" + Layouts.getTimeFormat(sprintTask_dateConsideredForImplementation) + "</td><td>" + sprintTask_dateCompleted + "</td><td>" + usersForSprintTasks + "</td><td>" + sprintTask_currentStatus + "</td></tr>";
                    string testCaseTable =
                        "<h3>Test case for (user story ID: " + userStory_uniqueId + ", sprint task ID: " + sprintTask_uniqueId + ") </h3>" +
                        "<table border='1' style='width:100%;' >" +
                        "<tr><th>Unique test case ID</th>" + "<th>Unique user story ID</th>" + "<th>Sprint task ID</th>" + "<th>Test case scenario</th>" + "<th>Input Parameters</th>" + "<th>Expected output</th>" + "<th>Current Status</th></tr>";
                    cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from TestCases where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ";
                    int temp_totalTestCases = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    totalTestCases += temp_totalTestCases;
                    for (int m = 1; m <= temp_totalTestCases; m++)
                        cmd.CommandText = "select testCaseId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CAST(testCase_uniqueId AS float) ASC), * FROM TestCases where sprintTaskId = '" + sprintTaskId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + m + "' ";
                        string testCaseId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_uniqueId from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ";
                        string testCase_uniqueId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_testCaseScenario from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ";
                        string testCase_testCaseScenario = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Get the input parameters:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Parameters where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ";
                        int    totalParameters = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                        string inputParameters = "";
                        for (int n = 1; n <= totalParameters; n++)
                            cmd.CommandText = "select parameter_name from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY parameterId ASC), * FROM Parameters where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + n + "' ";
                            string parameter = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                            if (n == 1)
                                inputParameters = parameter;
                                inputParameters = inputParameters + ",</br>" + parameter;
                        cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_expectedOutput from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ";
                        string testCase_expectedOutput = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_currentStatus from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + testCaseId + "' ";
                        string testCase_currentStatus = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        testCaseTable +=
                            "<tr><td>" + testCase_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + userStory_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + sprintTask_uniqueId + "</td><td>" + testCase_testCaseScenario + "</td><td>" + inputParameters + "</td><td>" + testCase_expectedOutput + "</td><td>" + testCase_currentStatus + "</td></tr>";
                    testCaseTable    = (temp_totalTestCases > 0) ? testCaseTable + "</table></br>" : "";
                    testCasesTables += testCaseTable;
            userStoriesTable = (totalUserStories > 0) ? userStoriesTable + "</table></br>" : "";
            sprintTasksTable = (totalSprintTasks > 0) ? sprintTasksTable + "</table></br>" : "";
            testCasesTables  = (totalTestCases > 0) ? testCasesTables + "</br>" : "";
            string result =
                projectHeader +
                userStoriesTable +
                sprintTasksTable +

            lblContent.Text = result;
Пример #21
        protected void showMessageInformation()
            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Check if the ID exists in the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
            int countMessage = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            if (countMessage > 0)//if ID exists, countMessage = 1
                //Get topic ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select topicId from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                string topicId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get topic title:
                cmd.CommandText = "select topic_title from [Topics] where [topicId] = '" + topicId + "' ";
                string topic_title = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get entry userId:
                cmd.CommandText = "select userId from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get user full name:
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + userId + "' ";
                string creator = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + userId + "' ";
                creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get user's email:
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_email from users where userId = '" + userId + "' ";
                string email = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get entry_time:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_time from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                string entry_time = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get entry_text:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_text from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                string entry_text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get entry_isDeleted:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_isDeleted from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                int    int_entry_isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                string entry_isDeleted     = "";
                if (int_entry_isDeleted == 0)
                    entry_isDeleted = "Topic has not been deleted.";
                    entry_isDeleted = "Topic has been deleted.";
                //Get entry_isApproved:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_isApproved from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                int    int_entry_isApproved = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                string entry_isApproved;
                if (int_entry_isApproved == 0)
                    entry_isApproved = "Message has not been approved.";
                    entry_isApproved = "Message has been approved.";
                //Get entry_isDenied:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_isDenied from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                int    int_entry_isDenied = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                string entry_isDenied;
                if (int_entry_isDenied == 0)
                    entry_isDenied = "Message has not been approved.";
                    entry_isDenied = "Message has been approved.";
                //Get "Yes" or "No" for entry_hasImage:
                cmd.CommandText = "select entry_hasImage from [Entries] where [entryId] = '" + messageId + "' ";
                int    entry_hasImage     = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                string str_entry_hasImage = "";
                if (entry_hasImage == 0)
                    str_entry_hasImage = "Message does not have an image.";
                    str_entry_hasImage = "Message has an image.";
                //Create an informative message containing all information for the selected user:
                string imagesHTML = "";
                if (entry_hasImage == 1)
                    cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from ImagesForEntries where entryId = '" + messageId + "' ";
                    int totalImages = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    for (int i = 1; i <= totalImages; i++)
                        cmd.CommandText = "select [imageId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY imageId ASC), * FROM [ImagesForEntries] where entryId = '" + messageId + "') as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                        string imageId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        cmd.CommandText = "select image_name from Images where imageId = '" + imageId + "' ";
                        string image_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        imagesHTML = imagesHTML + "<img src='../../images/" + image_name + "'></img> <br />";
                lblMessageInformation.Text = "<table style=\"width:100%;\">" +
                                             "<tr><td>Creator: </td><td>" + creator + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Topic related:</td><td>" + topic_title + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Message time: </td><td>" + Layouts.getTimeFormat(entry_time) + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Deleted?: </td><td>" + entry_isDeleted + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Has image?: </td><td>" + str_entry_hasImage + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Approved?: </td><td>" + entry_isApproved + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Denied?: </td><td>" + entry_isDenied + "</td></tr>" +
                                             "<tr><td>Message: </td><td> <div style=\"background: #DCCDCA; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; \"> " + entry_text +
                                             imagesHTML + "</div></td></tr>" +

                lblMessageInformation.Visible = true;
                //Copy values to globals:
                g_topic_isApproved = int_entry_isApproved; g_topic_isDenied = int_entry_isDenied;
                g_creator          = creator; g_topic_title = topic_title; g_email = email; g_entry_text = entry_text;
Пример #22
        public void DrawThreeLayerHorizontal(RawShape centreShape, List<RawShape> topLevelShapes, List<RawShape> bottomLevelShapes, bool keepMainShapeFull)
            if (topLevelShapes == null)
                topLevelShapes = new List<RawShape>();

            if (bottomLevelShapes == null)
                bottomLevelShapes = new List<RawShape>();

            KeepMainShapeFull = keepMainShapeFull;
            DiagramType = Layouts.ThreeLayerHorizontal;
            DrawThreeLayer(centreShape, topLevelShapes, bottomLevelShapes, null);
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// The method of searching for an element in the database
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">Item</param>
 /// <returns>Boolean result</returns>
 static public bool ChangeItem(Layouts item)
Пример #24
 public KeyBoardVoiceGoogle(Layouts language, KeyBoardsVoiceMatch voiceMatch, bool useBlueTooth)
     Language     = language;
     VoiceMatch   = voiceMatch;
     UseBluetooth = useBlueTooth;
Пример #25
        private void AddDefaultObjects()
            // collections
            this.vports = new VPorts(this);
            this.views = new Views(this);
            this.appRegistries = new ApplicationRegistries(this);
            this.layers = new Layers(this);
            this.linetypes = new Linetypes(this);
            this.textStyles = new TextStyles(this);
            this.dimStyles = new DimensionStyles(this);
            this.mlineStyles = new MLineStyles(this);
            this.ucss = new UCSs(this);
            this.blocks = new BlockRecords(this);
            this.imageDefs = new ImageDefinitions(this);
            this.underlayDgnDefs = new UnderlayDgnDefinitions(this);
            this.underlayDwfDefs = new UnderlayDwfDefinitions(this);
            this.underlayPdfDefs = new UnderlayPdfDefinitions(this);
            this.groups = new Groups(this);
            this.layouts = new Layouts(this);

            //add default viewport (the active viewport is automatically added when the collection is created, is the only one supported)

            //add default layer

            // add default line types

            // add default text style

            // add default application registry

            // add default dimension style

            // add default MLine style

            // add ModelSpace layout

            // raster variables
            this.RasterVariables = new RasterVariables();
Пример #26
 public void DrawStar(RawShape centreShape, List<RawShape> outerShapes)
     KeepMainShapeFull = false;
     MainShape = centreShape;
     DiagramType = Layouts.Star;
     ChildEntities = outerShapes;
Пример #27
        protected void createTable(int count)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Time Created", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Current Participants", typeof(string));
            string id = "", title = "", type = "", time = "";

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Get the current user ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                //Get the topic ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topicId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY usersForTopicsId ASC), * FROM [UsersForTopics] where isApproved = 1 and userId = '" + userId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isTerminated from topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                int isTerminated = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                if (isTerminated == 0)// 0 = false. Meaning that the topic is not terminated; therefore, show it in the list of my topics:
                    //Get type:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_time] from topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    time            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get title:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_title] from topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    title           = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get type:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_type] from topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    type            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get creator's ID:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] from topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //dt.Rows.Add(id, title, Layouts.getTimeFormat(time), participantLink);
                    dt.Rows.Add(id, title, Layouts.getTimeFormat(time));

            grdTopics.DataSource = dt;
            //Hide the header called "ID":
            grdTopics.HeaderRow.Cells[1].Visible = false;
            //Hide IDs column and content which are located in column index 1:
            for (int i = 0; i < grdTopics.Rows.Count; i++)
                grdTopics.Rows[i].Cells[1].Visible = false;
            for (int row = 0; row < grdTopics.Rows.Count; row++)
                id = grdTopics.Rows[row].Cells[1].Text;
                //Get total approved participants for a topic:
                cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from UsersForTopics where topicId = '" + id + "' and isApproved = '1' ";
                int totalApprovedParticipants = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                for (int j = 1; j <= totalApprovedParticipants; j++)
                    HyperLink participantLink = new HyperLink();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [userId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY UsersForTopicsId ASC), * FROM [UsersForTopics] where topicId = '" + id + "' and isApproved = '1') as t where rowNum = '" + j + "'";
                    string participantId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from Users where userId = '" + participantId + "' ";
                    string participant_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText             = "select user_lastname from Users where userId = '" + participantId + "' ";
                    participant_name            = participant_name + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    participantLink.Text        = participant_name + " ";
                    participantLink.NavigateUrl = "Profile.aspx?id=" + participantId;
                    if (totalApprovedParticipants > 1)
                        HyperLink temp = new HyperLink();
                        temp.Text = "<br/>";
                if (totalApprovedParticipants == 0)
                    grdTopics.Rows[row].Cells[4].Text = "There are no participants";
Пример #28
        private Core.RespostaEnvioNFSe MontarResposta(Layouts.Betha.EnviarLoteRpsEnvio lote, ListaMensagemRetorno listaRetorno, ConsultarLoteRpsRespostaListaNfse respostaConsulta, ConsultarNfseRpsResposta respostaRps)
            var resposta = new Core.RespostaEnvioNFSe();
            int indice = 0;
            foreach (var item in lote.LoteRps.ListaRps)
                var resp = new Core.ItemResposta();
                resp.LoteEnvio = lote.LoteRps.NumeroLote;
                resp.NumeroRps = item.InfRps.IdentificacaoRps.Numero;
                resp.Serie = item.InfRps.IdentificacaoRps.Serie;
                resp.Identificacao = item.InfRps.Id;

                if (listaRetorno != null && listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno != null)
                    resp.Sucesso = false;
                    if (indice > 0 && listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno.Length > 1)
                        resp.CodigoErro = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[indice].Codigo;
                        resp.MensagemErro = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[indice].Mensagem;
                        resp.Correcao = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[indice].Correcao;
                        resp.CodigoErro = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[0].Codigo;
                        resp.MensagemErro = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[0].Mensagem;
                        resp.Correcao = listaRetorno.MensagemRetorno[0].Correcao;
                else if (respostaConsulta != null)
                    resp.Sucesso = true;
                    resp.IdentificacaoRetorno = respostaConsulta.ComplNfse[indice].Nfse.InfNfse.CodigoVerificacao;
                    resp.UrlConsulta = respostaConsulta.ComplNfse[indice].Nfse.InfNfse.OutrasInformacoes;
                else if (respostaRps != null)
                    resp.Sucesso = true;
                    resp.Identificacao = respostaRps.ComplNfse.Nfse.InfNfse.CodigoVerificacao;
                    resp.UrlConsulta = respostaRps.ComplNfse.Nfse.InfNfse.OutrasInformacoes;
            return resposta;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// The method of searching for an element in the database by number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">ID item</param>
        /// <returns>Item</returns>
        static public Layouts GetItem(int id)
            Layouts layouts = ConnectionToDateBase.Convert.NewLayouts(ConnectionToDateBase.Unit.LayotsRepository.GetItem(id));

Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayoutQualifier"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layouts">The layouts.</param>
 public LayoutQualifier(params LayoutKeyValue[] layouts) : this()
Пример #31
        protected void getTestCaseInfo()
            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_createdBy from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string createdByUserId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_createdDate from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string createddate = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_uniqueId from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string testCaseUID = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_testCaseScenario from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string testCaseScenario = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_expectedOutput from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string expectedOutput = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_isDeleted from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_hasImage from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int hasImage = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            cmd.CommandText = "select testCase_currentStatus from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            string currentStatus = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select count(testCase_editedBy) from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int countEditedBy = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            cmd.CommandText = "select count(testCase_editedDate) from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int countEditedDate = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            cmd.CommandText = "select count(testCase_previousVersion) from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int    countPreviousVersion = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            string testCase_editedBy = "", testCase_editedDate = "", testCase_previousVersion = "";

            if (countEditedBy > 0)
                cmd.CommandText   = "select testCase_editedBy from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
                testCase_editedBy = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            if (countEditedDate > 0)
                cmd.CommandText     = "select testCase_editedDate from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
                testCase_editedDate = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            if (countPreviousVersion > 0)
                cmd.CommandText          = "select testCase_previousVersion from TestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
                testCase_previousVersion = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            //Loop through the developers for the selected Test Case:
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from Parameters where testcaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            int    parametersForTestCase = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            string inputParameters       = "";

            for (int j = 1; j <= parametersForTestCase; j++)
                cmd.CommandText = "select parameter_name from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY parameterId ASC), * FROM Parameters where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ) as t where rowNum = '" + j + "'";
                string parameter_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                if (j == 1)
                    inputParameters = parameter_name;
                    inputParameters = inputParameters + ",\n" + parameter_name;
            //Convert the createdByUserId to a name:
            cmd.CommandText = "select (user_firstname + ' ' + user_lastname) from Users where userId = '" + createdByUserId + "' ";
            string createdByName = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string userId     = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            string imagesHTML = "";

            if (hasImage == 1)
                cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from ImagesForTestCases where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
                int totalImages = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                for (int i = 1; i <= totalImages; i++)
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [imageId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY imageId ASC), * FROM [ImagesForTestCases] where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "') as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                    string imageId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select image_name from Images where imageId = '" + imageId + "' ";
                    string image_name = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    imagesHTML = imagesHTML + "<a href='../../images/" + image_name + "' target=\"_blank\">" + image_name + "</a> <br />";
            cmd.CommandText = "select userStory_uniqueId from UserStories where userStoryId = '" + g_userStoryId + "' ";
            string userStoryUId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            cmd.CommandText = "select sprintTask_uniqueId from SprintTasks where sprintTaskId = '" + g_sprintTaskId + "' ";
            string sprintTaskUId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            //Construct an HTML output to post it:
            lblTestCaseInfo.Text = Layouts.testCaseHeader(g_testCaseId, g_sprintTaskId, roleId, loginId, userId, createdByUserId,
                                                          createddate, createdByName, testCaseUID, testCaseScenario, expectedOutput, inputParameters,
                                                          isDeleted, imagesHTML, hasImage, currentStatus, userStoryUId, sprintTaskUId,
                                                          testCase_editedBy, testCase_editedDate, testCase_previousVersion);
Пример #32
 public static string Serializer(Layouts temp)
     using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
         new XmlSerializer(typeof(Layouts)).Serialize(sw, temp);
         return sw.ToString();
Пример #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Call Till creation for given denomination layout
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="layout">Denomination layout</param>
 /// <param name="randomize">An optional argument signifying if the denomination order should be randomized</param>
 /// <returns>A till</returns>
 public ITill ExecuteCreation(Layouts layout, bool randomize = false) => factories[layout].Create(randomize);
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a widget to the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">Fully created widget that will be added to the grid</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row in which the widget should be placed</param>
        /// <param name="col">The column in which the widget should be placed</param>
        /// <param name="borders">Distance from the grid square to the widget (left, top, right, bottom)</param>
        /// <param name="layout">Where the widget is located in the square</param>
        /// Usage example:
        /// <code>
        /// Picture pic = grid.Add(new Picture("1.png"));
        /// pic.Size = new Vector2f(400, 300);
        /// grid.AddWidget(pic, 0, 0);
        /// </code>
        public void AddWidget(Widget widget, uint row, uint col, Borders borders, Layouts layout)
            // Create the row if it didn't exist yet
            while (m_GridWidgets.Count < row + 1) m_GridWidgets.Add (new List<Widget>());
            while (m_ObjBorders.Count < row + 1)  m_ObjBorders.Add (new List<Borders>());
            while (m_ObjLayout.Count < row + 1)   m_ObjLayout.Add (new List<Layouts>());

            while (m_GridWidgets[(int)row].Count < col + 1) m_GridWidgets [(int)row].Add (null);
            while (m_ObjBorders[(int)row].Count < col + 1)  m_ObjBorders [(int)row].Add (new Borders(0, 0, 0, 0));
            while (m_ObjLayout[(int)row].Count < col + 1)   m_ObjLayout [(int)row].Add (Layouts.Center);

            // If this is a new row then reserve some space for it
            while (m_RowHeight.Count < row + 1)

            // If this is the first row to have so many columns then reserve some space for it
            if (m_ColumnWidth.Count < col + 1)

            // Add the widget to the grid
            m_GridWidgets[(int)row][(int)col] = widget;
            m_ObjBorders[(int)row][(int)col] = borders;
            m_ObjLayout[(int)row][(int)col] = layout;

            // Update the widgets
Пример #35
        string LayoutsCommand(string message, string[] json)
            Layouts data = null;;

            if (json != null)
                data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Layouts>(json[0]);
            string outMessage = null;

            switch (message)
            case "AddItem":
                outMessage = "Добавленно";

            case "AddItems":
                List <Layouts> list = new List <Layouts>();
                int            i    = 0;
                foreach (var x in json)
                    Layouts u = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Layouts>(json[i]);
                outMessage = "Добавленно";

            case "ChangeItem":
                if (LayoutsMethods.ChangeItem(data) == true)
                    outMessage = "Найден";
                    outMessage = "Не найден";

            case "DeleteItem":
                outMessage = "Удален";

            case "GetItem":
                string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LayoutsMethods.GetItem(Convert.ToInt32(json[0])));
                outMessage = s;

            case "Outpoot":
                string         outs        = null;
                List <Layouts> unitWeights = LayoutsMethods.Outpoot().ToList();
                foreach (var x in unitWeights)
                    outs = $"{outs}!{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x)}";
                outMessage = outs;

                outMessage = "Layouts connect";
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the layout of a given widget
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget">The widget for which the layout should be changed</param>
        /// <param name="layout">The new layout</param>
        public void changeWidgetLayout(Widget widget, Layouts layout)
            // Find the widget in the grid
            for (int row = 0; row < m_GridWidgets.Count; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < m_GridWidgets[row].Count; ++col)
                    if (m_GridWidgets[row][col] == widget)
                        // Change the layout of the widget
                        m_ObjLayout[row][col] = layout;

                        // Recalculate the position of the widget
                            // Calculate the available space which is distributed when widgets are positionned.
                            Vector2f availableSpace = new Vector2f(0, 0);
                            Vector2f minSize = GetMinSize();
                            if (m_Size.X > minSize.X)
                                availableSpace.X = m_Size.X - minSize.X;
                            if (m_Size.Y > minSize.Y)
                                availableSpace.Y = m_Size.Y - minSize.Y;

                            Vector2f availSpaceOffset = new Vector2f(0.5f * availableSpace.X / m_ColumnWidth.Count,
                                                                     0.5f * availableSpace.Y / m_RowHeight.Count);
                            float left = 0;
                            float top = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < row; ++i)
                                top += m_RowHeight[i] + 2 * availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            for (int i = 0; i < col; ++i)
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[i] + 2 * availSpaceOffset.X;

                            switch (m_ObjLayout[row][col])
                            case Layouts.UpperLeft:
                                left += m_ObjBorders [row] [col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders [row] [col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Up:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.UpperRight:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Right:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.BottomRight:
                                left += m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Bottom:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.BottomLeft:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Left:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            case Layouts.Center:
                                left += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left + (((m_ColumnWidth[col] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Left - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Right) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.X) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.X;
                                top += m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top + (((m_RowHeight[row] - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Top - m_ObjBorders[row][col].Bottom) - m_GridWidgets[row][col].FullSize.Y) / 2.0f) + availSpaceOffset.Y;

                            m_GridWidgets[row][col].Position = new Vector2f(left, top);
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of the MetaGridPanel class.
 /// </summary>
 public MetaGridPanel()
     _layout = new GridLayout();
Пример #38
 private CodeFrame(Op op) : this()
     Layouts.Add(new MemoryLayout(0, 0, 0));
Пример #39
        protected string storeTestCase(int hasImage)
            string   new_testCaseId = "";
            DateTime createdDate    = DateTime.Now;
            string   testCaseUId    = txtUniqueTestCaseID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            testCaseUId = testCaseUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string sprintTaskUId = txtUniqueSprintTaskID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            sprintTaskUId = sprintTaskUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string userStoryUId = txtUniqueUserStoryID.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            userStoryUId = userStoryUId.Replace("'", "''");
            string testScenario   = txtTestCaseScenario.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string expectedOutput = txtExpectedOutput.Text.Replace("'", "''");
            string currentStatus  = drpCurrentStatus.SelectedValue;

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Get the current user's ID:
            cmd.CommandText = "select userId from Users where loginId = '" + loginId + "' ";
            string createdBy = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

            //Mark to original Test Case as deleted:
            cmd.CommandText = "update TestCases set testCase_currentStatus = 'Revised', testCase_editedBy = '" + createdBy + "', " +
                              "testCase_editedDate = '" + createdDate + "', testCase_isDeleted = '1'  " +
                              "where testCaseId = '" + g_testCaseId + "' ";
            //Store the new user story in the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "insert into TestCases (sprintTaskId, testCase_createdBy, testCase_createdDate, testCase_uniqueId, testCase_testCaseScenario, testCase_expectedOutput, " +
                              "testCase_hasImage, testCase_currentStatus, testCase_previousVersion) values " +
                              "('" + g_sprintTaskId + "', '" + createdBy + "', '" + createdDate + "', '" + testCaseUId + "', '" + testScenario + "', '" + expectedOutput + "',  " +
                              " '" + hasImage + "',  '" + currentStatus + "', '" + g_sprintTaskId + "') ";
            //Get the ID of the newly stored test case from the database:
            cmd.CommandText = "select testCaseId from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY testCaseId ASC), * FROM TestCases " +
                              "where sprintTaskId = '" + g_sprintTaskId + "' and testCase_createdBy = '" + createdBy + "' and testCase_createdDate = '" + Layouts.getOriginalTimeFormat(createdDate.ToString()) + "' "
                              + " and testCase_uniqueId like '" + testCaseUId + "'  "
                              + " and testCase_hasImage = '" + hasImage + "' and testCase_currentStatus like '" + currentStatus + "' "
                              + " and testCase_isDeleted = '0' "
                              + " ) as t where rowNum = '1'";
            new_testCaseId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            //Store the parameters:
            foreach (var p in drpInputParametersList.Items)
                cmd.CommandText = "insert into Parameters (testCaseId, parameter_name) values ('" + new_testCaseId + "', '" + p.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "')";
Пример #40
 public void DrawVerticalSwimLanes(RawShape centreShape, List<RawShape> topLevelShapes, List<RawShape> bottomLevelShapes, List<RawShape> level4Shapes, string headingLeft, string headingCentre, string headingRight, string headingLevel4)
     SwimLane1.Heading = headingLeft;
     SwimLane2.Heading = headingCentre;
     SwimLane3.Heading = headingRight;
     SwimLane4.Heading = headingLevel4;
     DiagramType = Layouts.SwimLanesVertical;
     DrawThreeLayer(centreShape, topLevelShapes, bottomLevelShapes, level4Shapes);
Пример #41
        protected void createEverythingTable()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Found in", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Time", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Creator", typeof(string));
            string id = "", title = "", type = "", creator = "", time = "";
            string searchString = txtSearch.Text.Replace("'", "''");

            SqlCommand cmd = connect.CreateCommand();

            //Search by title
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from topics where topic_title like '%" + searchString + "%' and topic_isDeleted = 0 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isApproved = 1 ";
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                //Get the topic ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topicId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_title like '%" + searchString + "%' and topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get type:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_time] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                time            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get title:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_title] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                title           = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get type:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_type] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                type            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get creator's ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                //Get creator's name:
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                dt.Rows.Add(title, "Title", Layouts.getTimeFormat(time), type, creator);
            //Search by creator
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from users where (user_firstname+ ' ' +user_lastname) like '%" + searchString + "%' ";
            int totalUsers = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            for (int i = 1; i <= totalUsers; i++)
                cmd.CommandText = "select [userId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY userId ASC), * FROM [Users] where (user_firstname+ ' ' +user_lastname) like '%" + searchString + "%' ) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                string temp_userId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from topics where topic_createdBy = '" + temp_userId + "' and topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0";
                int totalTopicsForTempUser = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                for (int j = 1; j <= totalTopicsForTempUser; j++)
                    //Get the topic ID:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topicId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Topics] where topic_createdBy = '" + temp_userId + "' and topic_isApproved = 1 and topic_isDenied = 0 and topic_isDeleted = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + j + "'";
                    id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get type:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_time] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    time            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get title:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_title] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    title           = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get type:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_type] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    type            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get creator's ID:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    //Get creator's name:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                    creator         = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                    creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                    dt.Rows.Add(title, "Creator name", Layouts.getTimeFormat(time), type, creator);
            //Search by message text
            cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) from entries where entry_text like '%" + searchString + "%' and entry_isDeleted = 0 and entry_isApproved = 1 and entry_isDenied = 0 ";
            count           = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                //Get the topic ID:
                cmd.CommandText = "select [topicId] from(SELECT rowNum = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY topicId ASC), * FROM [Entries] where entry_text like '%" + searchString + "%' and entry_isDeleted = 0 and entry_isApproved = 1 and entry_isDenied = 0) as t where rowNum = '" + i + "'";
                string new_id = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                if (!new_id.Equals(id))
                    id = new_id;
                    //Check if the topic of the selected message is deleted or not:
                    cmd.CommandText = "select topic_isDeleted from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                    int isDeleted = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
                    if (isDeleted == 0)//0: False, meaning that the topic is not deleted
                        //Get type:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_time] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                        time            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Get title:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_title] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                        title           = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Get type:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_type] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                        type            = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Get creator's ID:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select [topic_createdBy] from Topics where topicId = '" + id + "' ";
                        string creatorId = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        //Get creator's name:
                        cmd.CommandText = "select user_firstname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                        creator         = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        cmd.CommandText = "select user_lastname from users where userId = '" + creatorId + "' ";
                        creator         = creator + " " + cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
                        dt.Rows.Add(title, "Message text", Layouts.getTimeFormat(time), type, creator);
            grdResults.DataSource = dt;
            grdResults.Visible = true;
Пример #42
 public static int Arrange(IEnumerable<BaseModel> models, Layouts style, int snapHeight = 150)
     int max = 0;
     int[][] setup = null;
     int[] remainder = null;
     switch (style)
         case Layouts.WideStyle1With8:
             setup = new[]
                 new[] { 300, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 200 },
                 new[] { 150, 200 },
                 new[] { 300, 200 },
                 new[] { 300, 300 },
                 new[] { 175, 166 },
                 new[] { 175, 166 },
                 new[] { 175, 166 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 166 };
             max = 600;
         case Layouts.WideStyle1With7:
             setup = new[]
                 new[] { 250, 250 },
                 new[] { 250, 250 },
                 new[] { 250, 166 },
                 new[] { 250, 332 },
                 new[] { 250, 250 },
                 new[] { 125, 250 },
                 new[] { 125, 250 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 166 };
             max = 600;
         case Layouts.WideStyle2With7:
             setup = new[] { 
                 new[] { 350, 225 },
                 new[] { 175, 275 },
                 new[] { 175, 275 },
                 new[] { 275, 300 },
                 new[] { 225, 200 },
                 new[] { 225, 200 },
                 new[] { 175, 300 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 166 };
             max = 600;
         case Layouts.NarrowStyle1With7:
             setup = new[] { 
                 new[] { 150, 300 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 150 };
             max = 450;
         case Layouts.NarrowStyle2With7:
             setup = new[] { 
                 new[] { 300, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 150 };
             max = 450;
         case Layouts.NarrowStyle1With8:
             setup = new[] { 
                 new[] { 300, 300 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 300 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
                 new[] { 300, 150 },
                 new[] { 150, 150 },
             remainder = new[] { 150, 150 };
             max = 450;
         case Layouts.Snap:
             setup = new int[][] { };
             remainder = new[] { 240, snapHeight };
     // initial
     foreach (var item in models.Take(setup.Length).Select((x, i) => new { Index = i, Item = x }))
         item.Item.ColSpan = setup[item.Index][0];
         item.Item.RowSpan = setup[item.Index][1];
     // remainder
     foreach (var item in models.Skip(setup.Length))
         item.ColSpan = remainder[0];
         item.RowSpan = remainder[1];
     // max for variable sezed wrapgrid
     return max;