public virtual void Print(LayerSubMesh subMesh) { float averageTileSize = Find.WorldGrid.averageTileSize; WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(DrawPos, 0.7f * averageTileSize, 0.015f, subMesh, counterClockwise: false, randomizeRotation: true); }
public static void PrintQuadTangentialToPlanetWithRodation(Vector3 pos, Vector3 posForTangents, float size, float altOffset, LayerSubMesh subMesh, Vector3 rotVec) { Vector3 first; Vector3 second; GetTangentsToPlanetWithRotation(posForTangents, out first, out second, rotVec); Vector3 normalized = posForTangents.normalized; float d = size * 0.5f; Vector3 v1 = pos - first * d - second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 v2 = pos - first * d + second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 v3 = pos + first * d + second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 v4 = pos + first * d - second * d + normalized * altOffset; int count = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.verts.Add(v1); subMesh.verts.Add(v2); subMesh.verts.Add(v3); subMesh.verts.Add(v4); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { IEnumerator enumerator = base.Regenerate().GetEnumerator(); try { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object result = enumerator.Current; yield return(result); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } finally { IDisposable disposable; IDisposable disposable2 = disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable); if (disposable != null) { disposable2.Dispose(); } } LayerSubMesh subMesh = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Rivers); LayerSubMesh subMeshBorder = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.RiversBorder); WorldGrid grid = Find.WorldGrid; List <OutputDirection> outputs = new List <OutputDirection>(); List <OutputDirection> outputsBorder = new List <OutputDirection>(); for (int i = 0; i < grid.TilesCount; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { yield return((object)null); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (subMesh.verts.Count > 60000) { subMesh = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Rivers); subMeshBorder = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.RiversBorder); } Tile tile = grid[i]; if (tile.potentialRivers != null) { outputs.Clear(); outputsBorder.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < tile.potentialRivers.Count; j++) { List <OutputDirection> list = outputs; OutputDirection item = default(OutputDirection); Tile.RiverLink riverLink = tile.potentialRivers[j]; item.neighbor = riverLink.neighbor; Tile.RiverLink riverLink2 = tile.potentialRivers[j]; item.width = riverLink2.river.widthOnWorld - 0.2f; list.Add(item); List <OutputDirection> list2 = outputsBorder; OutputDirection item2 = default(OutputDirection); Tile.RiverLink riverLink3 = tile.potentialRivers[j]; item2.neighbor = riverLink3.neighbor; Tile.RiverLink riverLink4 = tile.potentialRivers[j]; item2.width = riverLink4.river.widthOnWorld; list2.Add(item2); } GeneratePaths(subMesh, i, outputs, riverColor, allowSmoothTransition: true); GeneratePaths(subMeshBorder, i, outputsBorder, riverColor, allowSmoothTransition: true); } } FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); yield break; IL_0335: /*Error near IL_0336: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { IEnumerator enumerator = base.Regenerate().GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object result = enumerator.Current; yield return(result); } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } World world = Find.World; WorldGrid grid = world.grid; int tilesCount = grid.TilesCount; List <Tile> tiles = grid.tiles; List <int> tileIDToVerts_offsets = grid.tileIDToVerts_offsets; List <Vector3> verts = grid.verts; this.triangleIndexToTileID.Clear(); IEnumerator enumerator2 = this.CalculateInterpolatedVerticesParams().GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { object result2 = enumerator2.Current; yield return(result2); } } finally { IDisposable disposable2; if ((disposable2 = (enumerator2 as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable2.Dispose(); } } int colorsAndUVsIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tilesCount; i++) { Tile tile = tiles[i]; BiomeDef biome = tile.biome; int j; LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(biome.DrawMaterial, out j); while (j >= this.triangleIndexToTileID.Count) { this.triangleIndexToTileID.Add(new List <int>()); } int count = subMesh.verts.Count; int num = 0; int num2 = (i + 1 >= tileIDToVerts_offsets.Count) ? verts.Count : tileIDToVerts_offsets[i + 1]; for (int k = tileIDToVerts_offsets[i]; k < num2; k++) { subMesh.verts.Add(verts[k]); subMesh.uvs.Add(this.elevationValues[colorsAndUVsIndex]); colorsAndUVsIndex++; if (k < num2 - 2) { subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count); this.triangleIndexToTileID[j].Add(i); } num++; } } base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); IEnumerator enumerator3 = this.RegenerateMeshColliders().GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { object result3 = enumerator3.Current; yield return(result3); } } finally { IDisposable disposable3; if ((disposable3 = (enumerator3 as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable3.Dispose(); } } this.elevationValues.Clear(); this.elevationValues.TrimExcess(); yield break; }
public static void PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(Vector3 pos, float size, float altOffset, LayerSubMesh subMesh, bool counterClockwise = false, bool randomizeRotation = false, bool printUVs = true) { PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(pos, pos, size, altOffset, subMesh, counterClockwise, randomizeRotation, printUVs); }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { RoadsOfTheRim.DebugLog("Just regenerated Roads on Water"); foreach (object item in base.Regenerate()) { yield return(item); } LayerSubMesh subMesh = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Roads); WorldGrid grid = Find.WorldGrid; List <RoadWorldLayerDef> roadLayerDefs = DefDatabase <RoadWorldLayerDef> .AllDefs.OrderBy((RoadWorldLayerDef rwld) => rwld.order).ToList(); int i = 0; while (i < grid.TilesCount) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { yield return(null); } if (subMesh.verts.Count > 60000) { subMesh = GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Roads); } Tile tile = grid[i]; if (tile.WaterCovered) { List <OutputDirection> list = new List <OutputDirection>(); if (tile.potentialRoads != null) { RoadsOfTheRim.DebugLog("Road on water on tile " + i); bool allowSmoothTransition = true; for (int j = 0; j < tile.potentialRoads.Count - 1; j++) { if (tile.potentialRoads[j].road.worldTransitionGroup != tile.potentialRoads[j + 1].road.worldTransitionGroup) { allowSmoothTransition = false; } } for (int k = 0; k < roadLayerDefs.Count; k++) { bool flag = false; list.Clear(); for (int l = 0; l < tile.potentialRoads.Count; l++) { RoadDef road = tile.potentialRoads[l].road; float layerWidth = road.GetLayerWidth(roadLayerDefs[k]); if (layerWidth > 0f) { flag = true; } list.Add(new OutputDirection { neighbor = tile.potentialRoads[l].neighbor, width = layerWidth, distortionFrequency = road.distortionFrequency, distortionIntensity = road.distortionIntensity }); } if (flag) { GeneratePaths(subMesh, i, list, roadLayerDefs[k].color, allowSmoothTransition); } } } } int num = i + 1; i = num; } FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); }
/* * public override void DrawLayer() * { * if (!this.Visible) * { * return; * } * int count = this.subMeshes.Count; * for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) * { * LayerSubMesh layerSubMesh = this.subMeshes[i]; * Vector3 s = new Vector3(.28f, 1f, .28f); * Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); * matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s); * if (layerSubMesh.finalized && !layerSubMesh.disabled) * { * Graphics.DrawMesh(layerSubMesh.mesh,, Quaternion.identity, layerSubMesh.material, 0); * } * } * } */ // Token: 0x060047BA RID: 18362 RVA: 0x0021ADFC File Offset: 0x002191FC public override void Regenerate() { LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(RRYMatBases.Hive); if (subMesh.mesh.vertexCount == 0) { SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.Terrain); } subMesh.Clear(MeshParts.Colors); MapComponent_HiveGrid _AvPHiveCreep = base.Map.GetComponent <MapComponent_HiveGrid>(); // Log.Message(string.Format(" 6 {0}", _AvPHiveCreep.DepthGridDirect_Unsafe)); float[] depthGridDirect_Unsafe = _AvPHiveCreep.DepthGridDirect_Unsafe; CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect; int num = base.Map.Size.z - 1; int num2 = base.Map.Size.x - 1; bool flag = false; CellIndices cellIndices = base.Map.cellIndices; for (int i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++) { float num3 = depthGridDirect_Unsafe[cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j)]; int num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j - 1); float num5 = (j <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j - 1); float num6 = (j <= 0 || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j); float num7 = (i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j + 1); float num8 = (j >= num || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j + 1); float num9 = (j >= num) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j + 1); float num10 = (j >= num || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j); float num11 = (i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j - 1); float num12 = (j <= 0 || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; this.vertDepth[0] = (num5 + num6 + num7 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[1] = (num7 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[2] = (num7 + num8 + num9 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[3] = (num9 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[4] = (num9 + num10 + num11 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[5] = (num11 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[6] = (num11 + num12 + num5 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[7] = (num5 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[8] = num3; for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { if (this.vertDepth[k] > 0.01f) { ; flag = true; } subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_Hive.HiveDepthColor(this.vertDepth[k])); } } } if (flag) { subMesh.disabled = false; subMesh.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Colors); } else { subMesh.disabled = true; } }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { foreach (object result in base.Regenerate()) { yield return(result); } LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Roads); WorldGrid grid = Find.WorldGrid; List <RoadWorldLayerDef> roadLayerDefs = (from rwld in DefDatabase <RoadWorldLayerDef> .AllDefs orderby rwld.order select rwld).ToList <RoadWorldLayerDef>(); for (int i = 0; i < grid.TilesCount; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { yield return(null); } if (subMesh.verts.Count > 60000) { subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Roads); } Tile tile = grid[i]; if (!tile.WaterCovered) { List <WorldLayer_Paths.OutputDirection> outputs = new List <WorldLayer_Paths.OutputDirection>(); if (tile.roads != null) { bool allowSmoothTransition = true; for (int j = 0; j < tile.roads.Count - 1; j++) { if (tile.roads[j].road.worldTransitionGroup != tile.roads[j + 1].road.worldTransitionGroup) { allowSmoothTransition = false; } } for (int k = 0; k < roadLayerDefs.Count; k++) { bool flag = false; outputs.Clear(); for (int l = 0; l < tile.roads.Count; l++) { RoadDef road = tile.roads[l].road; float layerWidth = road.GetLayerWidth(roadLayerDefs[k]); if (layerWidth > 0f) { flag = true; } outputs.Add(new WorldLayer_Paths.OutputDirection { neighbor = tile.roads[l].neighbor, width = layerWidth, distortionFrequency = road.distortionFrequency, distortionIntensity = road.distortionIntensity }); } if (flag) { base.GeneratePaths(subMesh, i, outputs, roadLayerDefs[k].color, allowSmoothTransition); } } } } } base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); }
private static readonly IntVec2 TexturesInAtlas = new IntVec2(2, 2); // two by two, meaning four variants for each worldmaterial. public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { foreach (object obj in base.Regenerate()) { yield return(obj); } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed =; WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; for (int tileID = 0; tileID < Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount; tileID++) { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[tileID]; if (tile.biome.HasModExtension <BiomesKitControls>()) { Dictionary <Tile, Hilliness> backupHilliness = LateBiomeWorker.backupHilliness; BiomesKitControls biomesKit = tile.biome.GetModExtension <BiomesKitControls>(); Vector3 vector = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID); if (biomesKit.hillMaterialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default") { tile.hilliness = backupHilliness[tile]; Material hill; if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.SmallHills) { hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/SmallHills", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill); } if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.LargeHills) { hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/LargeHills", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill); } if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.Mountainous) { hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/Mountains", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill); } if (tile.hilliness == Hilliness.Impassable) { hill = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.hillMaterialPath + "/Hills/Impassable", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); LayerSubMesh subMeshHill = GetSubMesh(hill); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * 1.5f), 0.01f, subMeshHill, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshHill); } } if (biomesKit.materialMaxHilliness != Hilliness.Undefined) { if (tile.hilliness > biomesKit.materialMaxHilliness || tile.hilliness < biomesKit.materialMinHilliness) { continue; } } bool roadPresent = true; if (tile.Roads == null || tile.Roads.Count == 0) { roadPresent = false; } bool riverPresent = true; if (tile.Rivers == null || tile.Rivers.Count == 0) { riverPresent = false; } if (biomesKit.forestMaterialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default") { if (!riverPresent && !roadPresent) { Material forestMaterial; if (tile.temperature < biomesKit.forestSnowyBelow) { forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Snowy", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); } else if (tile.rainfall < biomesKit.forestSparseBelow) { forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Sparse", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); } else if (tile.rainfall > biomesKit.forestDenseAbove) { forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest_Dense", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); } else { forestMaterial = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.forestMaterialPath + "/Forest", ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); } LayerSubMesh subMeshForest = GetSubMesh(forestMaterial); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * biomesKit.materialSizeMultiplier), 0.01f, subMeshForest, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMeshForest); } } if (biomesKit.materialPath != "World/MapGraphics/Default") { Material material = MaterialPool.MatFrom(biomesKit.materialPath, ShaderDatabase.WorldOverlayTransparentLit, biomesKit.materialLayer); LayerSubMesh subMesh = GetSubMesh(material); WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, vector, (worldGrid.averageTileSize * biomesKit.materialSizeMultiplier), 0.01f, subMesh, false, biomesKit.materialRandomRotation, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, TexturesInAtlas.z), TexturesInAtlas.x, TexturesInAtlas.z, subMesh); } } } Rand.PopState(); base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); yield break; }
private static void _Regenerate(this object obj) { if (!MatBases.SunShadow.shader.isSupported) { return; } Section section = obj.Section(); var sectionLayer = obj as SectionLayer; LayerSubMesh subMesh = sectionLayer.GetSubMesh(MatBases.IndoorMask); subMesh.Clear(MeshParts.All); Building[] innerArray = Find.EdificeGrid.InnerArray; CellRect cellRect = new CellRect( section.botLeft.x, section.botLeft.z, 17, 17); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(); subMesh.verts.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 2; subMesh.tris.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 4; float y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays); for (int index1 = cellRect.minX; index1 <= cellRect.maxX; ++index1) { for (int index2 = cellRect.minZ; index2 <= cellRect.maxZ; ++index2) { IntVec3 c1 = new IntVec3(index1, 0, index2); if (!(bool)_HideRainPrimary.Invoke(obj, new System.Object[] { c1 })) { bool flag1 = c1.Roofed(); bool flag2 = false; if (flag1) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 8; ++index3) { IntVec3 c2 = c1 + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[index3]; if ( (c2.InBounds()) && (!(bool)_HideRainPrimary.Invoke(obj, new System.Object[] { c2 })) ) { flag2 = true; break; } } } if ( (!flag1) || (!flag2) ) { continue; } } Thing thing = innerArray[CellIndices.CellToIndex(index1, index2)]; float num = (thing == null) || (thing.def.passability != Traversability.Impassable) && ( (thing.def.thingClass != typeof(Building_Door)) || (!thing.def.thingClass.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Building_Door))) ) ? 0.16f : 0.0f; subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)index1 - num, y, (float)index2 - num)); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)index1 - num, y, (float)(index2 + 1) + num)); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(index1 + 1) + num, y, (float)(index2 + 1) + num)); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(index1 + 1) + num, y, (float)index2 - num)); int count = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.tris.Add(count - 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count - 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count - 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count - 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count - 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count - 1); } } if (subMesh.verts.Count <= 0) { return; } subMesh.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris); }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { IEnumerator enumerator = base.Regenerate().GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object result = enumerator.Current; yield return(result); } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed =; WorldGrid grid = Find.WorldGrid; int tilesCount = grid.TilesCount; int i = 0; while (i < tilesCount) { Tile tile = grid[i]; Material material; FloatRange floatRange; switch (tile.hilliness) { case Hilliness.SmallHills: material = WorldMaterials.SmallHills; floatRange = WorldLayer_Hills.BasePosOffsetRange_SmallHills; goto IL_180; case Hilliness.LargeHills: material = WorldMaterials.LargeHills; floatRange = WorldLayer_Hills.BasePosOffsetRange_LargeHills; goto IL_180; case Hilliness.Mountainous: material = WorldMaterials.Mountains; floatRange = WorldLayer_Hills.BasePosOffsetRange_Mountains; goto IL_180; case Hilliness.Impassable: material = WorldMaterials.ImpassableMountains; floatRange = WorldLayer_Hills.BasePosOffsetRange_ImpassableMountains; goto IL_180; } IL_25C: i++; continue; IL_180: LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(material); Vector3 vector = grid.GetTileCenter(i); Vector3 posForTangents = vector; float magnitude = vector.magnitude; vector = (vector + Rand.UnitVector3 * floatRange.RandomInRange * grid.averageTileSize).normalized * magnitude; WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(vector, posForTangents, WorldLayer_Hills.BaseSizeRange.RandomInRange * grid.averageTileSize, 0.005f, subMesh, false, true, false); WorldRendererUtility.PrintTextureAtlasUVs(Rand.Range(0, WorldLayer_Hills.TexturesInAtlas.x), Rand.Range(0, WorldLayer_Hills.TexturesInAtlas.z), WorldLayer_Hills.TexturesInAtlas.x, WorldLayer_Hills.TexturesInAtlas.z, subMesh); goto IL_25C; } Rand.PopState(); base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); yield break; }
public override void Regenerate() { LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(Verse.MatBases.Snow); // LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(MatBases.Frost); // for some reason the custom one was causing a huge memory issue and rendering in giant squares :( if (subMesh.mesh.vertexCount == 0) { // SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.MoteLow); SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn); //so frost forms over items/plants } subMesh.Clear(MeshParts.Colors); float[] depthGridDirect_Unsafe = base.Map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().DepthGridDirect_Unsafe; CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect; int num = base.Map.Size.z - 1; int num2 = base.Map.Size.x - 1; bool flag = false; CellIndices cellIndices = base.Map.cellIndices; for (int i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++) // this is what renders it all blobby, I think { for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++) { float num3 = depthGridDirect_Unsafe[cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j)]; int num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j - 1); float num5 = (j <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j - 1); float num6 = (j <= 0 || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j); float num7 = (i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j + 1); float num8 = (j >= num || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j + 1); float num9 = (j >= num) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j + 1); float num10 = (j >= num || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j); float num11 = (i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j - 1); float num12 = (j <= 0 || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4]; this.vertDepth[0] = (num5 + num6 + num7 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[1] = (num7 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[2] = (num7 + num8 + num9 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[3] = (num9 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[4] = (num9 + num10 + num11 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[5] = (num11 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[6] = (num11 + num12 + num5 + num3) / 4f; this.vertDepth[7] = (num5 + num3) / 2f; this.vertDepth[8] = num3; for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { if (this.vertDepth[k] > 0.01f) { flag = true; } subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_Frost.FrostDepthColor(this.vertDepth[k])); } } } if (flag) { subMesh.disabled = false; subMesh.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Colors); } else { subMesh.disabled = true; } }
public void GeneratePaths(LayerSubMesh subMesh, int tileID, List <OutputDirection> nodes, Color32 color, bool allowSmoothTransition) { WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; worldGrid.GetTileVertices(tileID, this.tmpVerts); worldGrid.GetTileNeighbors(tileID, this.tmpNeighbors); if (nodes.Count == 1 && this.pointyEnds) { int count = subMesh.verts.Count; List <Vector3> verts = this.tmpVerts; List <int> list = this.tmpNeighbors; OutputDirection outputDirection = nodes[0]; this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, verts, list.IndexOf(outputDirection.neighbor), color, nodes[0]); List <Vector3> verts2 = subMesh.verts; Vector3 tileCenter = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID); OutputDirection outputDirection2 = nodes[0]; float distortionFrequency = outputDirection2.distortionFrequency; OutputDirection outputDirection3 = nodes[0]; verts2.Add(this.FinalizePoint(tileCenter, distortionFrequency, outputDirection3.distortionIntensity)); subMesh.colors.Add(color.MutateAlpha(0)); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); } else { if (nodes.Count == 2) { int count2 = subMesh.verts.Count; List <int> list2 = this.tmpNeighbors; OutputDirection outputDirection4 = nodes[0]; int num = list2.IndexOf(outputDirection4.neighbor); List <int> list3 = this.tmpNeighbors; OutputDirection outputDirection5 = nodes[1]; int num2 = list3.IndexOf(outputDirection5.neighbor); if (allowSmoothTransition && Mathf.Abs(num - num2) > 1 && Mathf.Abs((num - num2 + this.tmpVerts.Count) % this.tmpVerts.Count) > 1) { this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num, color, nodes[0]); this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num2, color, nodes[1]); subMesh.tris.Add(count2); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 5); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 5); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 2); return; } } float num3 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { float a = num3; OutputDirection outputDirection6 = nodes[i]; num3 = Mathf.Max(a, outputDirection6.width); } Vector3 tileCenter2 = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID); this.tmpHexVerts.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < this.tmpVerts.Count; j++) { this.tmpHexVerts.Add(this.FinalizePoint(Vector3.LerpUnclamped(tileCenter2, this.tmpVerts[j], (float)(num3 * 0.5 * 2.0)), 0f, 0f)); } tileCenter2 = this.FinalizePoint(tileCenter2, 0f, 0f); int count3 = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.verts.Add(tileCenter2); subMesh.colors.Add(color); int count4 = subMesh.verts.Count; for (int k = 0; k < this.tmpHexVerts.Count; k++) { subMesh.verts.Add(this.tmpHexVerts[k]); subMesh.colors.Add(color.MutateAlpha(0)); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (k + 1) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + k); } for (int l = 0; l < nodes.Count; l++) { OutputDirection outputDirection7 = nodes[l]; if (outputDirection7.width != 0.0) { int count5 = subMesh.verts.Count; List <int> list4 = this.tmpNeighbors; OutputDirection outputDirection8 = nodes[l]; int num4 = list4.IndexOf(outputDirection8.neighbor); this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num4, color, nodes[l]); subMesh.tris.Add(count5); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (num4 + this.tmpHexVerts.Count - 1) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (num4 + 2) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 2); } } } }
public override void Regenerate() { if (Current.ProgramState != ProgramState.Playing) { return; } if (pawnFog == null) { pawnFog = base.Map.getMapComponentSeenFog(); } if (pawnFog != null && pawnFog.initialized) { LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(MatBases.FogOfWar); bool firstGeneration; if (subMesh.mesh.vertexCount == 0) { firstGeneration = true; subMesh.mesh.MarkDynamic(); MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.FogOfWar); targetAlphas = new byte[subMesh.mesh.vertexCount]; alphaChangeTick = new long[subMesh.mesh.vertexCount]; meshColors = new Color32[subMesh.mesh.vertexCount]; } else { firstGeneration = false; } int colorIdx = 0; bool[] fogGrid = base.Map.fogGrid.fogGrid; if (this.factionShownGrid == null) { this.factionShownGrid = pawnFog.getFactionShownCells(Faction.OfPlayer); } int[] factionShownGrid = this.factionShownGrid; bool[] knownGrid = pawnFog.knownCells; int mapSizeX = base.Map.Size.x; CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect; int mapHeight = base.Map.Size.z - 1; int mapWidth = mapSizeX - 1; bool hasFoggedVerts = false; long fogTransitionTick = (long)(Find.TickManager.TicksGame * prefFadeSpeedMult); int cellIdx; int cellIdxN; int cellIdxS; int cellIdxE; int cellIdxW; int cellIdxSW; int cellIdxNW; int cellIdxNE; int cellIdxSE; bool cellKnown; bool adjCellKnown; byte alpha; for (int x = cellRect.minX; x <= cellRect.maxX; x++) { for (int z = cellRect.minZ; z <= cellRect.maxZ; z++) { cellIdx = z * mapSizeX + x; if (!fogGrid[cellIdx]) { if (factionShownGrid[cellIdx] == 0) { cellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdx]; for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++) { this.vertsNotShown[n] = true; this.vertsSeen[n] = cellKnown; } if (cellKnown) { cellIdxN = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + x; cellIdxS = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + x; cellIdxE = z * mapSizeX + (x + 1); cellIdxW = z * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxSW = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxNW = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxNE = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + (x + 1); cellIdxSE = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + (x + 1); if (z < mapHeight && !knownGrid[cellIdxN]) { this.vertsSeen[2] = false; this.vertsSeen[3] = false; this.vertsSeen[4] = false; } if (z > 0 && !knownGrid[cellIdxS]) { this.vertsSeen[6] = false; this.vertsSeen[7] = false; this.vertsSeen[0] = false; } if (x < mapWidth && !knownGrid[cellIdxE]) { this.vertsSeen[4] = false; this.vertsSeen[5] = false; this.vertsSeen[6] = false; } if (x > 0 && !knownGrid[cellIdxW]) { this.vertsSeen[0] = false; this.vertsSeen[1] = false; this.vertsSeen[2] = false; } if (z > 0 && x > 0 && !knownGrid[cellIdxSW]) { this.vertsSeen[0] = false; } if (z < mapHeight && x > 0 && !knownGrid[cellIdxNW]) { this.vertsSeen[2] = false; } if (z < mapHeight && x < mapWidth && !knownGrid[cellIdxNE]) { this.vertsSeen[4] = false; } if (z > 0 && x < mapWidth && !knownGrid[cellIdxSE]) { this.vertsSeen[6] = false; } } } else { for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++) { this.vertsNotShown[l] = false; this.vertsSeen[l] = false; } cellIdxN = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + x; cellIdxS = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + x; cellIdxE = z * mapSizeX + (x + 1); cellIdxW = z * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxSW = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxNW = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + (x - 1); cellIdxNE = (z + 1) * mapSizeX + (x + 1); cellIdxSE = (z - 1) * mapSizeX + (x + 1); if (z < mapHeight && factionShownGrid[cellIdxN] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxN]; this.vertsNotShown[2] = true; this.vertsSeen[2] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[3] = true; this.vertsSeen[3] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[4] = true; this.vertsSeen[4] = adjCellKnown; } if (z > 0 && factionShownGrid[cellIdxS] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxS]; this.vertsNotShown[6] = true; this.vertsSeen[6] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[7] = true; this.vertsSeen[7] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[0] = true; this.vertsSeen[0] = adjCellKnown; } if (x < mapWidth && factionShownGrid[cellIdxE] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxE]; this.vertsNotShown[4] = true; this.vertsSeen[4] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[5] = true; this.vertsSeen[5] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[6] = true; this.vertsSeen[6] = adjCellKnown; } if (x > 0 && factionShownGrid[cellIdxW] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxW]; this.vertsNotShown[0] = true; this.vertsSeen[0] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[1] = true; this.vertsSeen[1] = adjCellKnown; this.vertsNotShown[2] = true; this.vertsSeen[2] = adjCellKnown; } if (z > 0 && x > 0 && factionShownGrid[cellIdxSW] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxSW]; this.vertsNotShown[0] = true; this.vertsSeen[0] = adjCellKnown; } if (z < mapHeight && x > 0 && factionShownGrid[cellIdxNW] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxNW]; this.vertsNotShown[2] = true; this.vertsSeen[2] = adjCellKnown; } if (z < mapHeight && x < mapWidth && factionShownGrid[cellIdxNE] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxNE]; this.vertsNotShown[4] = true; this.vertsSeen[4] = adjCellKnown; } if (z > 0 && x < mapWidth && factionShownGrid[cellIdxSE] == 0) { adjCellKnown = knownGrid[cellIdxSE]; this.vertsNotShown[6] = true; this.vertsSeen[6] = adjCellKnown; } } } else { for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { this.vertsNotShown[k] = true; this.vertsSeen[k] = false; } } for (int m = 0; m < 9; m++) { if (this.vertsNotShown[m]) { if (vertsSeen[m]) { alpha = prefFogAlpha; } else { alpha = 255; } hasFoggedVerts = true; } else { alpha = 0; } if (!prefEnableFade || firstGeneration) { if (firstGeneration || meshColors[colorIdx].a != alpha) { meshColors[colorIdx] = new Color32(255, 255, 255, alpha); } if (prefEnableFade) { targetAlphas[colorIdx] = alpha; alphaChangeTick[colorIdx] = fogTransitionTick; } } else if (targetAlphas[colorIdx] != alpha) { activeFogTransitions = true; targetAlphas[colorIdx] = alpha; alphaChangeTick[colorIdx] = fogTransitionTick; } colorIdx++; } } } if (!prefEnableFade || firstGeneration) { if (hasFoggedVerts) { subMesh.disabled = false; subMesh.mesh.colors32 = meshColors; } else { subMesh.disabled = true; } } } }
public override void Print(LayerSubMesh subMesh) { }
public override void Print(LayerSubMesh subMesh) { float averageTileSize = Find.WorldGrid.averageTileSize; WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(this.DrawPos, 10.7f * averageTileSize, 0.008f, subMesh, false, false, true); }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { IEnumerator enumerator = base.Regenerate().GetEnumerator(); try { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object result = enumerator.Current; yield return(result); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } finally { IDisposable disposable; IDisposable disposable2 = disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable); if (disposable != null) { disposable2.Dispose(); } } World world = Find.World; WorldGrid grid = world.grid; int tilesCount = grid.TilesCount; List <Tile> tiles = grid.tiles; List <int> tileIDToVerts_offsets = grid.tileIDToVerts_offsets; List <Vector3> verts = grid.verts; triangleIndexToTileID.Clear(); IEnumerator enumerator2 = CalculateInterpolatedVerticesParams().GetEnumerator(); try { if (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { object result3 = enumerator2.Current; yield return(result3); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } finally { IDisposable disposable; IDisposable disposable3 = disposable = (enumerator2 as IDisposable); if (disposable != null) { disposable3.Dispose(); } } int colorsAndUVsIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tilesCount; i++) { Tile tile = tiles[i]; BiomeDef biome = tile.biome; int subMeshIndex; LayerSubMesh subMesh = GetSubMesh(biome.DrawMaterial, out subMeshIndex); while (subMeshIndex >= triangleIndexToTileID.Count) { triangleIndexToTileID.Add(new List <int>()); } int count = subMesh.verts.Count; int num = 0; int num2 = (i + 1 >= tileIDToVerts_offsets.Count) ? verts.Count : tileIDToVerts_offsets[i + 1]; for (int j = tileIDToVerts_offsets[i]; j < num2; j++) { subMesh.verts.Add(verts[j]); subMesh.uvs.Add(elevationValues[colorsAndUVsIndex]); colorsAndUVsIndex++; if (j < num2 - 2) { subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count); triangleIndexToTileID[subMeshIndex].Add(i); } num++; } } FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); IEnumerator enumerator3 = RegenerateMeshColliders().GetEnumerator(); try { if (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { object result2 = enumerator3.Current; yield return(result2); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } finally { IDisposable disposable; IDisposable disposable4 = disposable = (enumerator3 as IDisposable); if (disposable != null) { disposable4.Dispose(); } } elevationValues.Clear(); elevationValues.TrimExcess(); yield break; IL_042a: /*Error near IL_042b: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
public static void PrintTextureAtlasUVs(int indexX, int indexY, int numX, int numY, LayerSubMesh subMesh) { float num = 1f / (float)numX; float num2 = 1f / (float)numY; float num3 = (float)indexX * num; float num4 = (float)indexY * num2; subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(num3, num4)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(num3, num4 + num2)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(num3 + num, num4 + num2)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(num3 + num, num4)); }
public static bool Prefix(MethodBase __originalMethod, SectionLayer_Things __instance) { if (!Active) { return(true); } if (ByDef) { if (!__instance.Visible) { return(false); } int count = __instance.subMeshes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LayerSubMesh layerSubMesh = __instance.subMeshes[i]; if (layerSubMesh.finalized && !layerSubMesh.disabled) { string Namer() { var n = layerSubMesh.material?.mainTexture?.name ?? layerSubMesh.GetType().Name; return(n); } var name = layerSubMesh.material?.mainTexture?.name ?? layerSubMesh.GetType().Name; var prof = ProfileController.Start(name, Namer, __originalMethod.GetType(), null, null, __originalMethod); Graphics.Internal_DrawMesh_Injected(layerSubMesh.mesh, 0, ref johnmatrix, layerSubMesh.material, 0, null, null, ShadowCastingMode.Off, false, null, LightProbeUsage.Off, null); // Graphics.DrawMesh(layerSubMesh.mesh, Vector3.zeroVector, Quaternion.identityQuaternion, layerSubMesh.material, 0); prof.Stop(); } } return(false); } { if (!__instance.Visible) { return(false); } int count = __instance.subMeshes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LayerSubMesh layerSubMesh = __instance.subMeshes[i]; if (layerSubMesh.finalized && !layerSubMesh.disabled) { string Namer() { var n = layerSubMesh.material?.mainTexture?.name ?? layerSubMesh.GetType().Name; return(n); } var name = layerSubMesh.material?.mainTexture?.name ?? layerSubMesh.GetType().Name; var prof = ProfileController.Start(name, Namer, __originalMethod.GetType(), null, null, __originalMethod); Graphics.DrawMesh(layerSubMesh.mesh,, Quaternion.identity, layerSubMesh.material, 0); prof.Stop(); } } } return(false); }
public static void PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(Vector3 pos, Vector3 posForTangents, float size, float altOffset, LayerSubMesh subMesh, bool counterClockwise = false, bool randomizeRotation = false, bool printUVs = true) { GetTangentsToPlanet(posForTangents, out var first, out var second, randomizeRotation); Vector3 normalized = posForTangents.normalized; float d = size * 0.5f; Vector3 item = pos - first * d - second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 item2 = pos - first * d + second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 item3 = pos + first * d + second * d + normalized * altOffset; Vector3 item4 = pos + first * d - second * d + normalized * altOffset; int count = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.verts.Add(item); subMesh.verts.Add(item2); subMesh.verts.Add(item3); subMesh.verts.Add(item4); if (printUVs) { subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(0f, 0f)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(0f, 1f)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(1f, 1f)); subMesh.uvs.Add(new Vector2(1f, 0f)); } if (counterClockwise) { subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count); } else { subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); } }
public override void Regenerate() { try { var ZTracker = ZUtils.ZTracker; int curLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(base.Map); base.ClearSubMeshes(MeshParts.All); foreach (var map in ZTracker.GetAllMaps(base.Map.Tile) .OrderByDescending(x => ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(x))) { int baseLevel = ZTracker.GetZIndexFor(map); if (curLevel > baseLevel && baseLevel >= 0) { TerrainGrid terrainGrid = map.terrainGrid; CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect; TerrainDef[] array = new TerrainDef[8]; HashSet <TerrainDef> hashSet = new HashSet <TerrainDef>(); bool[] array2 = new bool[8]; foreach (IntVec3 intVec in cellRect) { if (base.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(intVec) == ZLevelsDefOf.ZL_OutsideTerrain) { hashSet.Clear(); TerrainDef terrainDef = terrainGrid.TerrainAt(intVec); LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(this.GetMaterialFor(terrainDef)); if (subMesh != null && this.AllowRenderingFor(terrainDef)) { int count = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x, 0f, (float)intVec.z)); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x, 0f, (float)(intVec.z + 1))); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(intVec.x + 1), 0f, (float)(intVec.z + 1))); subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(intVec.x + 1), 0f, (float)intVec.z)); subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorWhite); subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorWhite); subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorWhite); subMesh.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorWhite); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 c = intVec + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAroundBottom[i]; if (!c.InBounds(map)) { array[i] = terrainDef; } else { TerrainDef terrainDef2 = terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c); Thing edifice = c.GetEdifice(map); if (edifice != null && edifice.def.coversFloor) { terrainDef2 = TerrainDefOf.Underwall; } array[i] = terrainDef2; if (terrainDef2 != terrainDef && terrainDef2.edgeType != TerrainDef.TerrainEdgeType.Hard && terrainDef2.renderPrecedence >= terrainDef.renderPrecedence && !hashSet.Contains(terrainDef2)) { hashSet.Add(terrainDef2); } } } foreach (TerrainDef terrainDef3 in hashSet) { LayerSubMesh subMesh2 = base.GetSubMesh(this.GetMaterialFor(terrainDef3)); if (subMesh2 != null && this.AllowRenderingFor(terrainDef3)) { int count = subMesh2.verts.Count; subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)intVec.z)); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x, 0f, (float)intVec.z)); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x, 0f, (float)intVec.z + 0.5f)); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x, 0f, (float)(intVec.z + 1))); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)(intVec.z + 1))); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(intVec.x + 1), 0f, (float)(intVec.z + 1))); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(intVec.x + 1), 0f, (float)intVec.z + 0.5f)); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(intVec.x + 1), 0f, (float)intVec.z)); subMesh2.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)intVec.x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)intVec.z + 0.5f)); for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { array2[j] = false; } for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if (k % 2 == 0) { if (array[k] == terrainDef3) { array2[(k - 1 + 8) % 8] = true; array2[k] = true; array2[(k + 1) % 8] = true; } } else if (array[k] == terrainDef3) { array2[k] = true; } } for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) { if (array2[l]) { subMesh2.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorWhite); } else { subMesh2.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorClear); } } subMesh2.colors.Add(SectionLayer_LowerTerrain.ColorClear); for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) { subMesh2.tris.Add(count + m); subMesh2.tris.Add(count + (m + 1) % 8); subMesh2.tris.Add(count + 8); } } } } } } } base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); } catch { }; }
public void GeneratePaths(LayerSubMesh subMesh, int tileID, List <WorldLayer_Paths.OutputDirection> nodes, Color32 color, bool allowSmoothTransition) { WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; worldGrid.GetTileVertices(tileID, this.tmpVerts); worldGrid.GetTileNeighbors(tileID, this.tmpNeighbors); if (nodes.Count == 1 && this.pointyEnds) { int count = subMesh.verts.Count; this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, this.tmpNeighbors.IndexOf(nodes[0].neighbor), color, tileID, nodes[0]); subMesh.verts.Add(this.FinalizePoint(worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID), nodes[0].distortionFrequency, nodes[0].distortionIntensity)); subMesh.colors.Add(color.MutateAlpha(0)); subMesh.tris.Add(count); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count + 2); return; } if (nodes.Count == 2) { int count2 = subMesh.verts.Count; int num = this.tmpNeighbors.IndexOf(nodes[0].neighbor); int num2 = this.tmpNeighbors.IndexOf(nodes[1].neighbor); if (allowSmoothTransition && Mathf.Abs(num - num2) > 1 && Mathf.Abs((num - num2 + this.tmpVerts.Count) % this.tmpVerts.Count) > 1) { this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num, color, tileID, nodes[0]); this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num2, color, tileID, nodes[1]); subMesh.tris.Add(count2); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 5); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 5); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 4); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 3); subMesh.tris.Add(count2 + 2); return; } } float num3 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { num3 = Mathf.Max(num3, nodes[i].width); } Vector3 vector = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(tileID); this.tmpHexVerts.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < this.tmpVerts.Count; j++) { this.tmpHexVerts.Add(this.FinalizePoint(Vector3.LerpUnclamped(vector, this.tmpVerts[j], num3 * 0.5f * 2f), 0f, 0f)); } vector = this.FinalizePoint(vector, 0f, 0f); int count3 = subMesh.verts.Count; subMesh.verts.Add(vector); subMesh.colors.Add(color); int count4 = subMesh.verts.Count; for (int k = 0; k < this.tmpHexVerts.Count; k++) { subMesh.verts.Add(this.tmpHexVerts[k]); subMesh.colors.Add(color.MutateAlpha(0)); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (k + 1) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + k); } for (int l = 0; l < nodes.Count; l++) { if (nodes[l].width != 0f) { int count5 = subMesh.verts.Count; int num4 = this.tmpNeighbors.IndexOf(nodes[l].neighbor); this.AddPathEndpoint(subMesh, this.tmpVerts, num4, color, tileID, nodes[l]); subMesh.tris.Add(count5); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (num4 + this.tmpHexVerts.Count - 1) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 1); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 2); subMesh.tris.Add(count3); subMesh.tris.Add(count4 + (num4 + 2) % this.tmpHexVerts.Count); subMesh.tris.Add(count5 + 2); } } }
// 仮 private static void MakeBaseGeometry(Section section, LayerSubMesh sm, AltitudeLayer altitudeLayer) { sm.Clear(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris); var cellRect = new CellRect(section.botLeft.x, section.botLeft.z, 17, 17); cellRect.ClipInsideMap(; var y = altitudeLayer.AltitudeFor(); sm.verts.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 9; for (var i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++) { for (var j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++) { sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j + 0.5f)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i, y, j + 1)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j + 1)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j + 1)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j + 0.5f)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 1, y, j)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j)); sm.verts.Add(new Vector3(i + 0.5f, y, j + 0.5f)); } } var num = cellRect.Area * 8 * 3; sm.tris.Capacity = num; var num2 = 0; while (sm.tris.Count < num) { sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7); sm.tris.Add(num2); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 2); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 4); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 6); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7); sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8); num2 += 9; } sm.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris); }