Пример #1
        public ILayer2D BuildLayer(Packable packable, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc, Vector2D actualDimensions, double minSpace)
            ILayer2D     layer   = null;
            LayerPattern pattern = null;

            if (packable.IsBrick)
                LayerDescBox layerDescBox = layerDesc as LayerDescBox;
                // instantiate layer
                layer = new Layer2D(packable.OuterDimensions, dimContainer, layerDescBox.PatternName, layerDescBox.AxisOrtho, layerDesc.Swapped)
                    ForcedSpace = minSpace
                // get layer pattern
                pattern = LayerPatternBox.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
            else if (packable.IsCylinder)
                CylinderProperties cylProperties = packable as CylinderProperties;
                layer = new Layer2DCyl(cylProperties.RadiusOuter, cylProperties.Height, dimContainer, layerDesc.Swapped);
                // get layer pattern
                pattern = LayerPatternCyl.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
                throw new EngineException(string.Format("Unexpected packable {0} (Type = {1})", packable.Name, packable.GetType().ToString()));

                , layer.Swapped ? actualDimensions.Y : actualDimensions.X
                , layer.Swapped ? actualDimensions.X : actualDimensions.Y
Пример #2
        public Layer2D BuildLayer(Vector3D dimBox, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc, Vector2D actualDimensions)
            // instantiate layer
            Layer2D layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, dimContainer, layerDesc.AxisOrtho, false);
            // get layer pattern
            LayerPattern pattern = LayerPattern.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);

            // build layer
            pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualDimensions.X, actualDimensions.Y);
Пример #3
 public Layer2D BuildLayer(Vector3D dimBox, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc)
     // instantiate layer
     Layer2D layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, dimContainer, layerDesc.AxisOrtho, false);
     // get layer pattern
     LayerPattern pattern = LayerPattern.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
     // dimensions
     double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
     if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
         return null;
     pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);
     return layer;
Пример #4
        public Layer2D BuildLayer(Vector3D dimBox, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc)
            // instantiate layer
            Layer2D layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, dimContainer, layerDesc.AxisOrtho, false);
            // get layer pattern
            LayerPattern pattern = LayerPattern.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
            // dimensions
            double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;

            if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
            pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);
Пример #5
        public ILayer2D BuildLayer(Packable packable, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc, double minSpace)
            ILayer2D layer = null;

            if (packable.IsBrick)
                // casts
                LayerDescBox layerDescBox = layerDesc as LayerDescBox;
                // layer instantiation
                layer = new Layer2D(packable.OuterDimensions, dimContainer, layerDesc.PatternName, layerDescBox.AxisOrtho, layerDesc.Swapped)
                    ForcedSpace = minSpace
                // get layer pattern
                LayerPatternBox pattern = LayerPatternBox.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
                // dimensions
                if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer as Layer2D, out double actualLength, out double actualWidth))
                    layer as Layer2D
                    , actualLength
                    , actualWidth);
            else if (packable.IsCylinder)
                // casts
                CylinderProperties cylProperties = packable as CylinderProperties;
                // layer instantiation
                layer = new Layer2DCyl(cylProperties.RadiusOuter, cylProperties.Height, dimContainer, layerDesc.Swapped);
                // get layer pattern
                LayerPatternCyl pattern = LayerPatternCyl.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
                double          actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensions(layer as Layer2DCyl, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                pattern.GenerateLayer(layer as Layer2DCyl, actualLength, actualWidth);
                throw new EngineException(string.Format("Unexpected packable {0} (Type = {1})", packable.Name, packable.GetType().ToString()));
Пример #6
        public static bool GetBestCombination(Vector3D dimBox, Vector3D dimContainer
                                              , ConstraintSetAbstract constraintSet
                                              , ref List <KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int> > listLayer)
            var layDescs = new LayerDesc[3];
            var counts   = new int[3] {
                0, 0, 0
            var heights = new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            Vector2D layerDim = new Vector2D(dimContainer.X, dimContainer.Y);

            // loop through all patterns
            foreach (LayerPatternBox pattern in LayerPatternBox.All)
                // loop through all orientation
                HalfAxis.HAxis[] patternAxes = pattern.IsSymetric ? HalfAxis.Positives : HalfAxis.All;
                foreach (HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho in patternAxes)
                    // is orientation allowed
                    if (!constraintSet.AllowOrientation(Layer2D.VerticalAxis(axisOrtho)))
                    // not swapped vs swapped pattern
                    for (int iSwapped = 0; iSwapped < 2; ++iSwapped)
                            // does swapping makes sense for this layer pattern ?
                            if (!pattern.CanBeSwapped && (iSwapped == 1))
                            // instantiate layer
                            var layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, layerDim, pattern.Name, axisOrtho, iSwapped == 1)
                                ForcedSpace = constraintSet.MinimumSpace.Value
                            if (layer.NoLayers(constraintSet.OptMaxHeight.Value) < 1)
                            layer.PatternName = pattern.Name;
                            if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out double actualLength, out double actualWidth))
                            pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);
                            if (0 == layer.Count)
                            int iAxisIndex = layer.VerticalDirection;
                            if (layer.Count > counts[iAxisIndex])
                                counts[iAxisIndex]   = layer.Count;
                                layDescs[iAxisIndex] = layer.LayerDescriptor;
                                heights[iAxisIndex]  = layer.BoxHeight;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _log.Error($"Pattern: {pattern.Name} Orient: {axisOrtho.ToString()} Swapped: {iSwapped == 1} Message: {ex.Message}");
            double stackingHeight = dimContainer.Z;

            // single layer
            int indexIMax = 0, indexJMax = 0, noIMax = 0, noJMax = 0, iCountMax = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int noLayers = 0;
                if (counts[i] > 0)
                    noLayers = (int)Math.Floor(stackingHeight / heights[i]);
                if (counts[i] * noLayers > iCountMax)
                    iCountMax = counts[i] * noLayers;
                    indexIMax = i;
                    noIMax    = noLayers;
            // layer combinations
            int[] comb1 = { 0, 1, 2 };
            int[] comb2 = { 1, 2, 0 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int iComb1 = comb1[i];
                int iComb2 = comb2[i];
                // --swap layers so that the thickest stays at the bottom
                if (heights[iComb2] > heights[iComb1])
                    int iTemp = iComb1;
                    iComb1 = iComb2;
                    iComb2 = iTemp;
                // --
                int noI = 0;
                if (counts[iComb1] != 0)
                    noI = (int)Math.Floor(stackingHeight / heights[iComb1]);
                // search all index
                while (noI > 0)
                    double remainingHeight = stackingHeight - noI * heights[iComb1];
                    int    noJ             = 0;
                    if (counts[iComb2] != 0)
                        noJ = (int)Math.Floor(remainingHeight / heights[iComb2]);
                    if (noI * counts[iComb1] + noJ * counts[iComb2] > iCountMax)
                        indexIMax = iComb1;  indexJMax = iComb2;
                        noIMax    = noI;   noJMax = noJ;
                        iCountMax = noI * counts[iComb1] + noJ * counts[iComb2];
                } // while
            if (noIMax > 0)
                listLayer.Add(new KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int>(layDescs[indexIMax], noIMax));
            if (noJMax > 0)
                listLayer.Add(new KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int>(layDescs[indexJMax], noJMax));
Пример #7
        public static bool GetBestCombination(Vector3D dimBox, Vector2D dimContainer,
                                              ConstraintSetAbstract constraintSet, ref List <KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int> > listLayer)
            var layDescs = new LayerDesc[3];
            var counts   = new int[3] {
                0, 0, 0
            var heights = new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0

            // loop through all patterns
            foreach (LayerPatternBox pattern in LayerPatternBox.All)
                // loop through all orientation
                HalfAxis.HAxis[] patternAxes = pattern.IsSymetric ? HalfAxis.Positives : HalfAxis.All;
                foreach (HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho in patternAxes)
                    // is orientation allowed
                    if (!constraintSet.AllowOrientation(Layer2D.VerticalAxis(axisOrtho)))
                    // not swapped vs swapped pattern
                    for (int iSwapped = 0; iSwapped < 2; ++iSwapped)
                        // does swapping makes sense for this layer pattern ?
                        if (!pattern.CanBeSwapped && (iSwapped == 1))
                        // instantiate layer
                        var layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, dimContainer, axisOrtho, iSwapped == 1);
                        layer.PatternName = pattern.Name;
                        double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                        if (!pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer, out actualLength, out actualWidth))
                        pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualLength, actualWidth);
                        if (0 == layer.Count)

                        int iAxisIndex = HalfAxis.Direction(axisOrtho);
                        if (layer.Count > counts[iAxisIndex])
                            counts[iAxisIndex]   = layer.Count;
                            layDescs[iAxisIndex] = layer.LayerDescriptor;
                            heights[iAxisIndex]  = layer.BoxHeight;

            // get list of values
            int indexIMax = 0, indexJMax = 0, noIMax = 0, noJMax = 0, iCountMax = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                int j = i + 1;
                // search best count
                double palletHeight = constraintSet.OptMaxHeight.Value;
                int    noI          = (int)Math.Floor(palletHeight / heights[i]);
                // search all index
                while (noI > 0)
                    double remainingHeight = palletHeight - noI * heights[i];
                    int    noJ             = (int)Math.Floor(remainingHeight / heights[j]);
                    if (noI * counts[i] + noJ * counts[j] > iCountMax)
                        indexIMax = i;  indexJMax = j;
                        noIMax    = noI;   noJMax = noJ;
                        iCountMax = noI * counts[i] + noJ * counts[j];
                } // while

            listLayer.Add(new KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int>(layDescs[indexIMax], noIMax));
            listLayer.Add(new KeyValuePair <LayerDesc, int>(layDescs[indexJMax], noJMax));
Пример #8
        public DCSBSolution SB_GetSolution(DCSBCase sbCase, DCSBPallet sbPallet, DCSBInterlayer sbInterlayer,
                                           DCSBConstraintSet sbConstraintSet, string sLayerDesc,
                                           DCCompFormat expectedFormat, bool showCotations
            List <string> lErrors       = new List <string>();
            BoxProperties boxProperties = new BoxProperties(null, sbCase.DimensionsOuter.M0, sbCase.DimensionsOuter.M1, sbCase.DimensionsOuter.M2)
                InsideLength = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M0 : 0.0,
                InsideWidth  = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M1 : 0.0,
                InsideHeight = null != sbCase.DimensionsInner ? sbCase.DimensionsInner.M2 : 0.0,
                TapeColor    = Color.FromArgb(sbCase.TapeColor),
                TapeWidth    = new OptDouble(sbCase.TapeWidth != 0.0, sbCase.TapeWidth)

            boxProperties.SetNetWeight(new OptDouble(sbCase.NetWeight.HasValue, sbCase.NetWeight.Value));
            if (null != sbCase.Colors && sbCase.Colors.Length >= 6)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    boxProperties.SetColor((HalfAxis.HAxis)i, Color.FromArgb(sbCase.Colors[i]));
                boxProperties.SetAllColors(Enumerable.Repeat(Color.Chocolate, 6).ToArray());

            PalletProperties palletProperties;

            if (null != sbPallet.Dimensions)
                palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, sbPallet.PalletType,
                                                        sbPallet.Dimensions.M0, sbPallet.Dimensions.M1, sbPallet.Dimensions.M2)
                    Weight = sbPallet.Weight,
                    Color  = Color.FromArgb(sbPallet.Color)
                palletProperties = new PalletProperties(null, "EUR2", 1200.0, 1000.0, 150.0);

            InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties = null;

            if (null != sbInterlayer)
                interlayerProperties = new InterlayerProperties(null,
                                                                sbInterlayer.Name, sbInterlayer.Description,
                                                                sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M0, sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M1, sbInterlayer.Dimensions.M2,
                                                                sbInterlayer.Weight, Color.FromArgb(sbInterlayer.Color));

            OptDouble oMaxWeight = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight ? new OptDouble(sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxWeight.Value_d) : OptDouble.Zero;
            OptDouble oMaxHeight = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight ? new OptDouble(sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxHeight.Value_d) : OptDouble.Zero;
            OptInt    oMaxNumber = null != sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber ? new OptInt(sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Active, sbConstraintSet.MaxNumber.Value_i) : OptInt.Zero;
            ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet = new ConstraintSetCasePallet()
                Overhang     = new Vector2D(sbConstraintSet.Overhang.M0, sbConstraintSet.Overhang.M1),
                OptMaxWeight = oMaxWeight,
                OptMaxNumber = oMaxNumber

            constraintSet.SetAllowedOrientations(new bool[] { sbConstraintSet.Orientation.X, sbConstraintSet.Orientation.Y, sbConstraintSet.Orientation.Z });
            if (!constraintSet.Valid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid constraint set");

            LayerDesc layerDesc = LayerDescBox.Parse(sLayerDesc);
            Vector3D  cameraPosition = Graphics3D.Corner_0;
            int       layerCount = 0, caseCount = 0, interlayerCount = 0;
            double    weightTotal = 0.0, weightLoad = 0.0, volumeEfficiency = 0.0;
            double?   weightEfficiency = 0.0;
            double?   weightNet        = null;
            Vector3D  bbLoad           = new Vector3D();
            Vector3D  bbGlob           = new Vector3D();
            string    palletMapPhrase  = string.Empty;

            byte[]   imageBytes    = null;
            string[] errors        = null;
            string[] listLayerDesc = new string[] { layerDesc.ToString() };
                boxProperties, palletProperties, interlayerProperties,
                constraintSet, layerDesc,
                cameraPosition, true, 0.03f,
                new Size(expectedFormat.Size.CX, expectedFormat.Size.CY),
                ref layerCount, ref caseCount, ref interlayerCount,
                ref weightTotal, ref weightLoad, ref weightNet,
                ref bbLoad, ref bbGlob,
                ref volumeEfficiency, ref weightEfficiency,
                ref palletMapPhrase,
                ref imageBytes, ref errors

            return(new DCSBSolution()
                LayerCount = layerCount,
                CaseCount = caseCount,
                InterlayerCount = interlayerCount,
                WeightLoad = weightLoad,
                WeightTotal = weightTotal,
                NetWeight = weightNet,
                BBoxLoad = new DCSBDim3D(bbLoad.X, bbLoad.Y, bbLoad.Z),
                BBoxTotal = new DCSBDim3D(bbGlob.X, bbGlob.Y, bbGlob.Z),
                Efficiency = volumeEfficiency,
                OutFile = null,
                LayerDescs = listLayerDesc,
                PalletMapPhrase = palletMapPhrase,
                Errors = lErrors.ToArray()
Пример #9
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(LayerDesc obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
Пример #10
        public static bool GetSolutionByLayer(
            PackableBrick packableProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, InterlayerProperties interlayerProperties
            , ConstraintSetCasePallet constraintSet
            , LayerDesc layerDesc
            , Vector3D cameraPosition, bool showCotations, float fontSizeRatio, Size sz
            , ref int layerCount, ref int caseCount, ref int interlayerCount
            , ref double weightTotal, ref double weightLoad, ref double?weightNet
            , ref Vector3D bbLoad, ref Vector3D bbGlob
            , ref double volumeEfficency, ref double?weightEfficiency
            , ref string palletMapPhrase
            , ref byte[] imageBytes
            , ref string[] errors
            List <string> lErrors = new List <string>();

                if (!packableProperties.FitsIn(palletProperties, constraintSet))
                    lErrors.Add($"{packableProperties.Name} does not fit in {palletProperties.Name} with given constraint set!");
                SolutionLayered.SetSolver(new LayerSolver());
                var analysis = new AnalysisCasePallet(packableProperties, palletProperties, constraintSet);
                analysis.AddSolution(new List <LayerDesc>()

                layerCount      = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;
                caseCount       = analysis.Solution.ItemCount;
                interlayerCount = analysis.SolutionLay.LayerCount;

                weightLoad  = analysis.Solution.LoadWeight;
                weightTotal = analysis.Solution.Weight;

                OptDouble optNetWeight = analysis.Solution.NetWeight;
                weightNet        = optNetWeight.Activated ? optNetWeight.Value : (double?)null;
                bbGlob           = analysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal.DimensionsVec;
                bbLoad           = analysis.Solution.BBoxLoad.DimensionsVec;
                volumeEfficency  = analysis.Solution.VolumeEfficiency;
                weightEfficiency = null;
                if (analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Activated)
                    weightEfficiency = analysis.Solution.WeightEfficiency.Value;
                // generate image path
                Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(sz)
                    FontSizeRatio  = fontSizeRatio,
                    CameraPosition = cameraPosition,
                    ShowDimensions = showCotations
                using (ViewerSolution sv = new ViewerSolution(analysis.SolutionLay))
                    sv.Draw(graphics, Transform3D.Identity);
                Bitmap         bmp       = graphics.Bitmap;
                ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
                imageBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[]));

                // pallet phrase
                palletMapPhrase = BuildPalletMapPhrase(analysis.SolutionLay);
            catch (Exception ex)
            errors = lErrors.ToArray();
            return(0 == lErrors.Count);
Пример #11
 public Layer2D BuildLayer(Vector3D dimBox, Vector2D dimContainer, LayerDesc layerDesc, Vector2D actualDimensions)
     // instantiate layer
     Layer2D layer = new Layer2D(dimBox, dimContainer, layerDesc.AxisOrtho, false);
     // get layer pattern
     LayerPattern pattern = LayerPattern.GetByName(layerDesc.PatternName);
     // build layer
     pattern.GenerateLayer(layer, actualDimensions.X, actualDimensions.Y);
     return layer;