private static void PrepareAndInject() { FileChecks(); SettingsCheck(); _mutexEvent.Close(); Launch.Run(); }
static void MainTwo() { // Setting culture for float etc (. instead of ,) CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); // ClassicFramework cant be run alone! if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName.StartsWith("ClassicFramework")) { if (!Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.ToLower().Contains("internal")) { MessageBox.Show("Your file structure is corrupt. Please redownload ClassicFramework"); Environment.Exit(-1); } // Do the settings exist? if (!File.Exists(".\\Settings.xml")) { OpenFileDialog loc = new OpenFileDialog(); loc.CheckFileExists = true; loc.CheckPathExists = true; loc.Filter = "executable (*.exe)|*.exe"; loc.FilterIndex = 1; loc.Title = "Please locate your WoW.exe"; if (loc.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { OOP.Settings.Recreate(loc.FileName); } } Launch.Run(); Environment.Exit(0); } WinImports.LoadLibrary( Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\FastCallDll.dll" ); //WinImports.AllocConsole(); //Logger.Append("We are injected now!"); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path + "\\Settings.xml"); XElement loot = doc.Element("Settings").Element("AutoLoot"); LuaFunctions.CustomFuncs.AutoLoot.enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(loot.Value); Memory.Init(); RegisterFunctionHook.Init(); UnregisterFunctionHook.Init(); if (LuaFunctions.CustomFuncs.AutoLoot.enabled) { OnRightClickUnitHook.Apply(); OnRightClickObjectHook.Apply(); } Singleton.Initialise(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(250); } // Run the GUI //Application.Run(new Main()); }
private static void PrepareAndInject(int?pId = null) { if (!Directory.Exists("mmaps")) { QuitWithMessage("Download the mmaps first please"); } if (Directory.GetFileSystemEntries("mmaps").Length < 1000) { QuitWithMessage("Download the mmaps first please"); } else { if (!File.Exists("mmaps\\Version.ini")) { QuitWithMessage("Wrong mmaps version! Please redownload"); } int mmapVersion; var result = int.TryParse(File.ReadAllText("mmaps\\Version.ini"), out mmapVersion); if (!result) { QuitWithMessage("Bad mmaps version identifier! Please check mmaps\\Version.ini"); } if (mmapVersion != mmapVersionConst) { QuitWithMessage("Wrong mmaps version! Please redownload"); } } if (GetMD5AsBase64("Fasm.NET.dll") != Resources.FasmNetMd5) { QuitWithMessage("Fastm.NET.dll is broken. Please redownload"); } // Do the settings exist? if (!File.Exists("..\\Settings\\Settings.xml")) { while (true) { var loc = new OpenFileDialog { CheckFileExists = true, CheckPathExists = true, Filter = "executable (*.exe)|*.exe", FilterIndex = 1, Title = "Please locate your WoW.exe" }; if (loc.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (loc.FileName == Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) { MessageBox.Show( "FFS DIDNT THE WINDOW TITLE STATE TO TARGET THE WOW.EXE? WHY THE FCK SHOULD YOU SELECT THE ZZUKBOT.EXE?!?! FFS"); } else { OOP.Settings.Recreate(loc.FileName); break; } } else { break; } } } s_event.Close(); Launch.Run(pId); }