///// <summary> ///// 更新ClientSmokeDetector信息 ///// </summary> //public static void UpdateClientSmokeDetector(ClientSmokeDetector entity) //{ // CheckClientSmokeDetector(entity,false); // ClientSmokeDetectorDA.UpdateClientSmokeDetector(entity); //} ///// <summary> ///// 删除ClientSmokeDetector信息 ///// </summary> //public static void DeleteClientSmokeDetector(int sysNo) //{ // ClientSmokeDetectorDA.DeleteClientSmokeDetector(sysNo); //} ///// <summary> ///// 分页查询ClientSmokeDetector信息 ///// </summary> //public static QueryResult<ClientSmokeDetector> QueryClientSmokeDetectorList(QF_ClientSmokeDetector filter) //{ // return ClientSmokeDetectorDA.QueryClientSmokeDetectorList(filter); //} /// <summary> /// 检查ClientSmokeDetector信息 /// </summary> private static void CheckClientSmokeDetector(ClientSmokeDetector entity, bool isCreate) { if (!isCreate && entity.SysNo == 0) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("请传入数据主键!")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.SmokeDetectorCode)) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("烟感器编码不能为空!")); } if (entity.SmokeDetectorCode.Length > 32) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("烟感器编码长度不能超过32!")); } if (entity.CellPhone != null && entity.CellPhone.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机1长度不能超过15!")); } if (entity.CellPhone2 != null && entity.CellPhone2.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机2长度不能超过15!")); } if (entity.CellPhone3 != null && entity.CellPhone3.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机3长度不能超过15!")); } }
/// <summary> /// 登录 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">登录信息类</typeparam> /// <param name="loginModel">登录信息</param> /// <returns></returns> public AuthUserModel LoginV2 <T>(T loginModel) where T : LoginModel { UserEntity userEntity = UserService.GetByLoginNameAndPassword(loginModel.Account, loginModel.Password); if (userEntity == null) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("用户或者密码错误!", "PortalBase.DBAuth")); } if (userEntity.CommonStatus == CommonStatus.DeActived) { throw new BusinessException("该登录用户已被禁用,请联系管理员"); } AuthUserModel authUser = new AuthUserModel() { UserSysNo = userEntity.Id, UserDisplayName = userEntity.UserFullName, UserID = userEntity.LoginName, UsrCommonStatus = (AuthUserStatus)((int)userEntity.CommonStatus) };//todo 登陆实现 if (authUser != null && authUser.UserSysNo > 0) { //清除本机缓存 RsetUserLocalCache(authUser); } return(authUser); }
public static string GetStatusLayout(int status) { switch (status) { case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.New: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_New")); // 新建货运单 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Submit: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Submited")); // 提交 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Processing: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Processing")); // 处理中 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Delivering: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Delivering")); // 运输中 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.BadOrder: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_BadOrder")); // 坏单 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Cancel: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Cancel")); // 取消 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Received: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Received")); // 已收货 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Error: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Error")); // 异常 case (int)DeliveryStatusEnum.Success: return(LangHelper.Get("Delivery_Entity_Status_Enum_Success")); // 成功 default: return("undefined"); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes all the statements in the script. /// </summary> public override PhaseResult Execute(PhaseContext phaseCtx) { // 1. Check number of statements. var statements = _execAllNodes ? phaseCtx.Nodes : phaseCtx.NodesStack[phaseCtx.NodesStack.Count - 1]; var now = DateTime.Now; // 2. No statements ? return if (statements == null || statements.Count == 0) { return(ToPhaseResult(now, now, true, "There are 0 nodes to execute")); } // 3. Execute the nodes and get the run-result which captures various data var runResult = LangHelper.Execute(() => { var execution = new Execution(); execution.Ctx = this.Ctx; EvalHelper.Ctx = this.Ctx; execution.VisitExprs(statements); }); // 4. Simply wrap the run-result ( success, message, start/end times ) // inside of a phase result. return(new PhaseResult(runResult)); }
public Login() { InitializeComponent(); Application.Current.MainWindow = this; this.DataContext = new LoginViewModel(); metroDialogSettings = new MetroDialogSettings { CustomResourceDictionary = DialogDictionary, AffirmativeButtonText = LangHelper.GetValue("Message", "确定", "ok"), NegativeButtonText = LangHelper.GetValue("Message", "取消", "cancel") //AffirmativeButtonText = LangHelper.GetValue("Message", "是", "yes"), //NegativeButtonText = LangHelper.GetValue("Message", "否", "no") //SuppressDefaultResources = true }; Messager.Default.Register <NotificationMessage>(this, message => { if (message.Key == LoginViewModel.MESSAGE_LOGINFAIL) //登陆失败 { this.ShowMessageAsync(LangHelper.GetValue("Message", "提示信息", "title"), message.Data.ToString(), MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, metroDialogSettings); } else if (message.Key == LoginViewModel.MESSAGE_LOGINOK) //登陆成功 { new MainWindow().Show(); //显示程序主窗口 this.Close(); } }); }
/// <summary> /// 更改文章状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="topic"></param> /// <param name="status"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool UpdateTopicStatus(TopicInfo topicInfo, CurrentUser user) { //AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Success = true, Message=string.Empty}; bool result = true; #region check var topic = LoadTopicInfoBySysNo(topicInfo.SysNo.Value); if (topicInfo.TopicStatus == TopicStatus.Published && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Init && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Offline) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!")); //ajaxResult.Success = false; //ajaxResult.Message = "只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!"; //return ajaxResult; } #endregion topicInfo.EditUserSysNo = user.UserSysNo; topicInfo.EditUserName = user.UserDisplayName; topicInfo.EditDate = DateTime.Now; if (topicInfo.TopicStatus == TopicStatus.Published) { result = TopicDA.PublishTopic(topicInfo); } else { result = TopicDA.UpdateTopicStatus(topicInfo); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 检查FileInfo信息 /// </summary> private static void CheckFileInfo(FileInfo entity, bool isCreate) { if (entity == null) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("请传入实体!")); } if (!isCreate && entity.SysNo == 0) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("请传入数据主键!")); } if (!entity.MasterType.HasValue) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("主体类型不能为空!")); } if (entity.MasterID <= 0) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("主体ID不能为空!")); } if (entity.CategoryName != null && entity.CategoryName.Length > 64) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("文件分组编号长度不能超过64!")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.FileRelativePath)) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("文件相对路径不能为空!")); } }
/// <summary> /// 批量修改文章状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="?"></param> /// <param name="status"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool BatchUpdateTopicStatus(List <int> topicSysNoList, TopicStatus status, CurrentUser user) { //AjaxResult ajaxResult = new AjaxResult() { Success = true, Message = string.Empty }; List <TopicInfo> topicList = new List <TopicInfo>(); #region check foreach (int topicSysNo in topicSysNoList) { var topic = LoadTopicInfoBySysNo(topicSysNo); if (status == TopicStatus.Published && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Init && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Offline) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!")); //ajaxResult.Success = false; //ajaxResult.Message = "只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!"; //return ajaxResult; } if (status == TopicStatus.Void && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Init && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Offline) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("只有草稿和撤下状态才能作废!")); //ajaxResult.Success = false; //ajaxResult.Message = "只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!"; //return ajaxResult; } if (status == TopicStatus.Delete && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Init && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Offline && topic.TopicStatus != TopicStatus.Void) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("只有草稿,撤下以及作废状态才能删除!")); //ajaxResult.Success = false; //ajaxResult.Message = "只有草稿和撤下状态才能发布!"; //return ajaxResult; } topicList.Add(new TopicInfo() { SysNo = topicSysNo, TopicStatus = status, EditUserSysNo = user.UserSysNo, EditUserName = user.UserDisplayName, EditDate = DateTime.Now }); } #endregion using (ITransaction transaction = TransactionManager.Create()) { foreach (var topic in topicList) { if (status == TopicStatus.Published) { TopicDA.PublishTopic(topic); } else { TopicDA.UpdateTopicStatus(topic); } } transaction.Complete(); } return(true); }
public void ExitMenuGUI() { GUI.skin = this.guiSkin; guiSkin.label.fontSize = HUD.LabelSize; guiSkin.button.fontSize = HUD.ButtonSize; GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("ConfirmMessageExit"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("box")); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left + 20, HUD.GetPositionTop(2), HUD.Width / 2, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("ConfirmExitButton"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); if (Application.isEditor) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } else { Application.Quit(); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect((HUD.Left + HUD.Left) - 20, HUD.GetPositionTop(2), HUD.Width / 2, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("CancelExitButton"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { this.currentGUIMethod = MainMenuGUI; } }
/// <summary> /// 检查Client信息 /// </summary> private static void CheckClient(Client entity, bool isCreate) { if (!isCreate && entity.SysNo == 0) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("记录不存在,请刷新页面重试!")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entity.Name)) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("用户名称不能为空!")); } if (entity.Name.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("用户名称长度不能超过15!")); } if (entity.HeaderImage != null && entity.HeaderImage.Length > 500) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("头像地址长度不能超过500!")); } if (entity.CellPhone != null && entity.CellPhone.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机1长度不能超过15!")); } if (entity.CellPhone2 != null && entity.CellPhone2.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机2长度不能超过15!")); } if (entity.CellPhone3 != null && entity.CellPhone3.Length > 15) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("手机3长度不能超过15!")); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查Address信息 /// </summary> private static void CheckAddress(Address entity) { if (entity.Name != null && entity.Name.Length > 40) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("名称长度不能超过40个字符!")); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes all the statements in the script. /// </summary> public override PhaseResult Execute(PhaseContext phaseCtx) { // 1. Check number of statements. var statements = phaseCtx.Nodes; var now = DateTime.Now; // 2. No statements ? return if (statements == null || statements.Count == 0) { return(ToPhaseResult(now, now, true, "There are 0 nodes to execute")); } // 3. Execute the nodes and get the run-result which captures various data var runResult = LangHelper.Execute(() => { foreach (var stmt in statements) { } }); // 4. Simply wrap the run-result ( success, message, start/end times ) // inside of a phase result. return(new PhaseResult(runResult)); }
void PauseMenuGUI() { GUI.skin = guiSkin; guiSkin.label.fontSize = HUD.LabelSize; guiSkin.button.fontSize = HUD.ButtonSize; GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("OptionLabel"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("box")); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("BackButton"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { IsExit = false; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(2), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("SoundButton") + (SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.HasSound ? "On" : "Off"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.SetSound(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(3), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("MusicButton") + (SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.HasMusic ? "On" : "Off"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.SetMusic(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(4), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("ExitButton"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { Application.LoadLevel("Menu"); } }
/// <summary> /// Executes all the statements in the script. /// </summary> public override PhaseResult Execute(PhaseContext phaseCtx) { var script = phaseCtx.ScriptText; var memory = phaseCtx.Ctx.Memory; var runResult = LangHelper.Execute(() => { Ctx.Limits.CheckScriptLength(script); _parser.Parse(script, memory); if (phaseCtx.Nodes == null) { phaseCtx.Nodes = new List <Expr>(); } if (phaseCtx.NodesStack == null) { phaseCtx.NodesStack = new List <List <Expr> >(); } // 1. Keep track of all the statements. phaseCtx.Nodes.AddRange(_parser.Statements); // 2. Keep track of the each individual set of statements ( from multiple scripts ) phaseCtx.NodesStack.Add(_parser.Statements); }); return(new PhaseResult(runResult)); }
private static List <object> FindInternal(string path, string[] named, bool recursive) { var files = new List <object>(); var hasNameFilter = named != null && named.Length > 0; IDictionary <string, string> nameMap = hasNameFilter ? LangHelper.ToDictionary(named) : null; // Match the files. Dir.ForEachDir(path, recursive, (filepath) => { var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath); bool matchesNameFilter = true; if (hasNameFilter && !nameMap.ContainsKey(name)) { matchesNameFilter = false; } // Add if both filters match or if both filter were not applicable. // or if 1 matches and the other one was not applicable. if (matchesNameFilter) { files.Add(filepath); } }); return(files); }
/// <summary> /// 创建新闻类别 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicCategory"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int InsertTopicCategory(TopicCategory topicCategory, CurrentUser user) { int sysNo = 0; using (ITransaction transaction = TransactionManager.Create()) { bool nameExist = TopicDA.CheckNameIsExist(topicCategory); if (nameExist) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("类别名称已存在!")); } string pCategoryID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(topicCategory.ParentCategoryID) ? "" : topicCategory.ParentCategoryID; string categoryID = pCategoryID + "01"; List <TopicCategory> list = QueryAllTopicCategoryListByParentID(pCategoryID); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { TopicCategory tc = list.OrderByDescending(p => p.SysNo).FirstOrDefault(); int index = int.Parse(tc.CategoryID.Substring(tc.CategoryID.Length - 2, 2)) + 1; categoryID = pCategoryID + (index < 10 ? "0" + index.ToString() : index.ToString()); } topicCategory.ParentCategoryID = pCategoryID; topicCategory.CategoryID = categoryID; sysNo = TopicDA.InsertTopicCategory(topicCategory); transaction.Complete(); } return(sysNo); }
public void OptionsMenuGUI() { GUI.skin = this.guiSkin; guiSkin.label.fontSize = HUD.LabelSize; guiSkin.button.fontSize = HUD.ButtonSize; GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - 20), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("OptionLabel"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("box")); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("SoundButton") + (SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.HasSound ? "On" : "Off"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.SetSound(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(2), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("MusicButton") + (SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.HasMusic ? "On" : "Off"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { SoundEffectsHelper.Instance.SetMusic(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(4), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("BackButton"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("button"))) { this.currentGUIMethod = MainMenuGUI; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(HUD.Left, HUD.GetPositionTop(3), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), LangHelper.GetInstance().GetString("LanguageLabel"))) { if (!showDropLanguages) { showDropLanguages = true; } else { showDropLanguages = false; } } if (showDropLanguages) { scrollViewVector = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(HUD.Left + HUD.Width - 20, HUD.GetPositionTop(3), HUD.Width / 4, HUD.Height), scrollViewVector, new Rect(0, 0, HUD.Width / 5.5f, (HUD.Height * languages.Length))); for (index = 0; index < languages.Length; index++) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, index * HUD.Height, HUD.Width / 5, HUD.Height), "")) { showDropLanguages = false; wichLanguage = index; PlayerPrefs.SetString("Language", languages[index]); LangHelper.GetInstance().ChangeLanguage(); } GUI.Label(new Rect(12, index * HUD.Height, HUD.Width / 5, HUD.Height), Resources.Load(languages[index]) as Texture); } GUI.EndScrollView(); } else { GUI.Label(new Rect(HUD.Left + HUD.Width - 10, HUD.GetPositionTop(3), HUD.Width, HUD.Height), Resources.Load(languages[wichLanguage]) as Texture); } }
public override void UpdateArmorSet(Player player) { ClickerPlayer clickerPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ClickerPlayer>(); player.setBonus = LangHelper.GetText("SetBonus.RGB"); clickerPlayer.setRGB = true; clickerPlayer.EnableClickEffect(ClickEffect.ChromaticBurst); }
public List <SysFunction> LoadAllFunctions(string applicationID) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationID)) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("请传入ApplicationID!")); } return(SysFunctionDA.LoadAllFunctions(applicationID)); }
/// <summary> /// Execute /// </summary> public object VisitTryCatch(TryCatchExpr expr) { var tryScopePopped = false; var catchScopePopped = false; try { this.Ctx.Memory.Push(); LangHelper.Evaluate(expr.Statements, expr, this); this.Ctx.Memory.Pop(); tryScopePopped = true; } // Force the langlimit excpetion to propegate // do not allow to flow through to the catch all "Exception ex". catch (LangLimitException) { throw; } catch (LangFailException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Ctx.Limits.CheckExceptions(expr); // Pop the try scope. if (!tryScopePopped) { this.Ctx.Memory.Pop(); } // Push the scope in the catch block this.Ctx.Memory.Push(); var lException = LangTypeHelper.ConvertToLangClass(LError.FromException(ex)); this.Ctx.Memory.SetValue(expr.ErrorName, lException); // Run statements in catch block. if (expr.Catch != null && expr.Catch.Statements.Count > 0) { LangHelper.Evaluate(expr.Catch.Statements, expr.Catch, this); } // Pop the catch scope. this.Ctx.Memory.Pop(); catchScopePopped = true; } finally { // Pop the catch scope in case there was an error. if (!catchScopePopped) { this.Ctx.Memory.Remove(expr.ErrorName); } } return(LObjects.Null); }
public static LangHelper GetInstance() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = new LangHelper(); } return(Instance); }
/// <summary> /// Execute /// </summary> public override object DoEvaluate() { bool tryScopePopped = false; bool catchScopePopped = false; try { Ctx.Memory.Push(); LangHelper.Evaluate(_statements, this); Ctx.Memory.Pop(); tryScopePopped = true; } // Force the langlimit excpetion to propegate // do not allow to flow through to the catch all "Exception ex". catch (LangLimitException) { throw; } catch (LangFailException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Ctx.Limits.CheckExceptions(this); // Pop the try scope. if (!tryScopePopped) { Ctx.Memory.Pop(); } // Push the scope in the catch block Ctx.Memory.Push(); Ctx.Memory.SetValue(ErrorName, new LClass(LError.FromException(ex))); // Run statements in catch block. if (Catch != null && Catch.Statements.Count > 0) { LangHelper.Evaluate(Catch.Statements, Catch); } // Pop the catch scope. Ctx.Memory.Pop(); catchScopePopped = true; } finally { // Pop the catch scope in case there was an error. if (!catchScopePopped) { Ctx.Memory.Remove(ErrorName); } } return(LObjects.Null); }
private static void AddLangParameter(Dictionary <string, string> parameters) { string lang = LangHelper.GetLang(); if (!(lang != "")) { return; } parameters["lang"] = lang; }
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{lang}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { lang = LangHelper.GetDefaultLang(), controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); }
private void HyperlinkLicenseAgreement_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string uri = "https://m.vk.com/licence?api_view=1"; string lang = LangHelper.GetLang(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { uri += string.Format("&lang={0}", (object)lang); } Navigator.Current.NavigateToWebUri(uri, true, false); }
private void HelpButton_OnClicked(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { string uri = "https://m.vk.com/attachments?act=attach_money_about&from_client=1"; string lang = LangHelper.GetLang(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { uri += string.Format("&lang={0}", lang); } Navigator.Current.NavigateToWebViewPage(uri, false); }
public override void ModifyTooltips(List <TooltipLine> tooltips) { ClickerPlayer clickerPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <ClickerPlayer>(); bool enabled = clickerPlayer.accAimbotModule2Toggle; tooltips.Add(new TooltipLine(Mod, "AimbotEnabled", LangHelper.GetText("Tooltip.AimbotModule" + (enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"))) { OverrideColor = enabled ? Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.White, 0.6f) : Color.Gray }); }
private void ActionButton_OnClicked(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { if (this._link.money_transfer == null) { LinkButton button = this._link.button; string url = (button != null ? button.url : null) ?? this._link.url; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return; } e.Handled = true; LinkButtonAction action = button.action; LinkButtonAction linkButtonAction1 = action; if ((linkButtonAction1 != null ? (linkButtonAction1.Type == LinkButtonActionType.JoinGroupAndOpenUrl ? 1 : 0) : 0) != 0) { GroupsService.Current.Join(action.group_id, false, (Action <BackendResult <OwnCounters, ResultCode> >)(result => { if (result.ResultCode != ResultCode.Succeeded) { return; } Execute.ExecuteOnUIThread((Action)(() => Navigator.Current.NavigateToWebUri(url, action.IsExternal, false))); }), null); } else { INavigator current = Navigator.Current; string uri = url; LinkButtonAction linkButtonAction2 = action; int num1 = linkButtonAction2 != null ? (linkButtonAction2.IsExternal ? 1 : 0) : 0; int num2 = 0; current.NavigateToWebUri(uri, num1 != 0, num2 != 0); } } else { e.Handled = true; if (this.CanShowCard) { MoneyTransfer moneyTransfer = this._link.money_transfer; TransferCardView.Show(moneyTransfer.id, moneyTransfer.from_id, moneyTransfer.to_id); } else { string uri = "https://m.vk.com/landings/moneysend"; string lang = LangHelper.GetLang(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang)) { uri += string.Format("?lang={0}", lang); } Navigator.Current.NavigateToWebViewPage(uri, true); } } }
public ClickEffect(Mod mod, string internalName, string displayName, string description, int amount, Func <Color> colorFunc, Action <Player, EntitySource_ItemUse_WithAmmo, Vector2, int, int, float> action) { Mod = mod ?? throw new Exception("No mod specified"); InternalName = internalName ?? throw new Exception("No internal name specified"); DisplayName = displayName ?? LangHelper.GetText("Common.Unknown"); Description = description ?? LangHelper.GetText("Common.Unknown"); TryUsingTranslation = displayName == null || description == null; Amount = amount; ColorFunc = colorFunc; Action = action ?? (new Action <Player, EntitySource_ItemUse_WithAmmo, Vector2, int, int, float>((a, b, c, d, e, f) => { })); }
/// <summary> /// 检查子节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <param name="isCreate"></param> private static void CheckChildCategory(Category entity, bool isCreate) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.ParentCategoryCode)) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("父编码不能为空!")); } else if (entity.ParentCategoryCode.Trim().Length > 10) { throw new BusinessException(LangHelper.GetText("父编码长度不能超过10!")); } CheckRootCategory(entity, isCreate); }