protected void FormPattern(LanePattern pattern, int lane, LaneManager[] Board) { LaneManager TheLane = Board[lane - 1]; CreatureBase[] FriendlyCreatures = TheLane.GetFriendliesInLane(this).ToArray(); if (FriendlyCreatures.Length == 0) { foreach (Spawnable spawntype in pattern.PatternDefinition) { AIResponse.Spawn(spawntype, lane); } return; } LanePattern lanePattern = new LanePattern(FriendlyCreatures); if (LanePattern.Equals(lanePattern)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < LanePattern.PatternDefinition.Length; i++) { if (lanePattern.PatternDefinition.Length <= i || LanePattern.PatternDefinition[i] != lanePattern.PatternDefinition[i]) { if (!AIResponse.Spawn(LanePattern.PatternDefinition[i], lane)) { Debug.Log("~~~~ Failed Spawn in Pattern"); } else { Debug.Log("~~~~ Success Spawn in Pattern"); } } } }
private void Awake() { trackObjectManager = GetComponent <TrackObjectManager>(); laneManager = GetComponent <LaneManager>(); nextTrackSectionPosition = startSectionLength; }
void Awake() { animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); laneManager = GameObject.Find("Lanes").GetComponent <LaneManager>(); GameManager.StartGame += Run; GameManager.EndGame += isHit; }
private void Awake() { gameController = GetComponent <GameController>(); laneManager = GetComponent <LaneManager>(); trackObjectManager = GetComponent <TrackObjectManager>(); playerObject = Instantiate(playerPrefab); playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerCollisions>().playerController = this; }
private void UpdateLaneAdvantage() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { LaneManager activeLane = TournamentManager._instance.lanes[i]; LI_LaneAdvantage[i] = activeLane.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count - activeLane.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count; iFriendlyCount += TournamentManager._instance.lanes[i].GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count; //LogStack.Log("LaneAdvantage[" + i + "] = " + LI_LaneAdvantage[i].ToString(), LogLevel.Debug); } }
// 0 always top lane // 1 always bottom lane public void assignToLane(int laneID) { if (laneID != laneIndex || !initLaneSet) { laneIndex = laneID; GameManager gm = GameManager.getGM(); myLane = gm.getTeamLanes([laneID]; enemyLane = gm.getTeamLanes(myFlow.getEnemyTeam())[laneID]; enemyGroundUnitsContainer = enemyLane.frontWave; } //GameManager.getGM() }
void Awake() { if (instance == null || instance.Equals(null)) { instance = this; lanePositions = new float[transform.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i) { lanePositions[i] = transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <RectTransform>().position.x; } } else { Destroy(this); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Draw the normal inspector elements first. DrawDefaultInspector(); // Get a reference to the script this class is an editor of. LaneManager script = (LaneManager)target; // Show a button to regenerate the lanes. if (GUILayout.Button("Regenerate lanes")) { if (Application.isPlaying) { script.RegenerateLanes(); } } }
public void Init(LogicBase _owner, LaneManager _lane, Spawnable _type, UIHealth _healthUI, float _damageAmount) { if (init == false) { owner = _owner; lane = _lane; creatureType = _type; uiHealth = _healthUI; damageAmount = _damageAmount; range = _type == Spawnable.Bunny ? TournamentManager._instance.bunnyRange : TournamentManager._instance.unicornRange; init = true; activeLaneNode = lane.GetFirstLaneNode(owner); activeLaneNode.activeCreature = this; owner._Creatures.Add(this); rightFacing = owner._RightFacing; // Debug.Log ("Creature owned by " + owner); } }
public void rpcInit(int parentLaneID, Vector3 offset, float range, int teamNum) { //Debug.LogError(" CREEP INIT RPC CALLED"); parentLane = PhotonNetwork.GetPhotonView(parentLaneID).GetComponent <LaneManager>(); this.myOffset = offset; effectiveRange = range; = CombatFlow.convertNumToTeam((short)teamNum); //parentLane.waypoints.CopyTo(waypoints); parentLane.myLaneUnits.Add(myFlow); if (turret != null) { turret.setShellTeam(; } // copy list from parent waypoints = new List <Vector3>(parentLane.waypoints); lookAtWaypoint(); //transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(waypoints[0].position - transform.position, Vector3.up); }
void Awake() { Instance = this; }
private void Awake() { laneManager = GetComponent <LaneManager>(); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
private void Awake() { _songScanner = new SongScanner(_song); _noteViewFactory = new NoteViewFactory(_noteViewPrefab); _laneManager = new LaneManager(_lanes); }
private void Start() { Conductor.OnBeat += _OnBeat; laneManager = LaneManager.instance; animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); }
//Do spawn is zero indexed but uses spawing like it needsit public void DoSpawn(int lane = 0, bool randomlane = false) { var enemiesinlane = 0; var friendliesinlane = 0; int cnt = 0; LaneManager mostImportant = null; foreach (LaneManager l in TournamentManager._instance.lanes) { enemiesinlane = l.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count; friendliesinlane = l.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count; if (mostImportant == null) { mostImportant = l; } else { if (enemiesinlane > 0 && friendliesinlane == 0) { mostImportant = l; } else if (enemiesinlane == 0 && friendliesinlane > 0) { if (!(mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count == 0 && mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count == 0) && !(mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count > 0 && mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count == 0)) { mostImportant = l; } } else if (enemiesinlane == 0 && friendliesinlane == 0) { mostImportant = l; } else { if (!(mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count == 0 && mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count == 0) && !(mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count > 0 && mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count == 0) && !(mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count == 0 && mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count > 0)) { mostImportant = l; } } } cnt++; } Debug.Log("Most important lane is: " + mostImportant.LaneNumber); if (mostImportant != null) { enemiesinlane = mostImportant.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count; friendliesinlane = mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count; cnt = mostImportant.LaneNumber - 1; if (enemiesinlane == 0 && friendliesinlane == 0) { if (Random.Range(0, 3) >= 1) { AIResponse.Spawn(Spawnable.Unicorn, cnt + 1); } else { AIResponse.Spawn(Spawnable.Bunny, cnt + 1); } } else if (friendliesinlane == 0) { if (Random.Range(0, 3) >= 1) { AIResponse.Spawn(Spawnable.Unicorn, cnt + 1); } else { AIResponse.Spawn(Spawnable.Bunny, cnt + 1); } } else { CreatureBase highestprog = null; foreach (CreatureBase creat in mostImportant.GetFriendliesInLane(this)) { if (highestprog == null) { highestprog = creat; } else if (creat.LaneProgress > highestprog.LaneProgress) { highestprog = creat; } } if (highestprog != null) { MoveAtk(highestprog); } } } }
public override void OnTick(IBoardState[] data) { if (_Start) { _Start = false; attackingPairs = new List <AttackingPair> (); //---Add empty pairs at start--- for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { attackingPairs.Add(new AttackingPair(i, this)); } } boardState = (LaneManager[])data; //---spawn for each pair--- foreach (var pair in attackingPairs) { pair.SpawnPair(AIResponse); } foreach (LaneManager lane in TournamentManager._instance.lanes) { int playerInLane = lane.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count; if (playerInLane <= 0) { foreach (var pair in attackingPairs) { if (pair.spawnProg == 0) { pair.SpawnPair(AIResponse); } } } } #region More than 20 if (AIResponse.Tokens >= 20) { LaneManager _lane = null; CreatureBase _friendlyToMove = null; int previousEnemies = 0; bool _moveAttack = true; //---check each lane--- foreach (LaneManager lane in TournamentManager._instance.lanes) { int playerInLane = lane.GetFriendliesInLane(this).Count; int enemyInLane = lane.GetEnemiesInLane(this).Count; //---Find Open lane--- if (enemyInLane == 0 && playerInLane > 0) { _lane = lane; _friendlyToMove = _lane.GetFriendliesInLane(this) [0]; //---move the creature to end of lane--- int _openNodes = _friendlyToMove.ActiveLaneNode.laneManager.GetOpenNodes(_friendlyToMove.ActiveLaneNode, _RightFacing); //---find pair that contains friendlyToMove--- foreach (var pair in attackingPairs) { if (pair.ContainsCreature(_friendlyToMove)) { pair.MovePair(AIResponse); break; } } _moveAttack = false; break; } //---ELSE Find lane with least amount of enemies--- else if (enemyInLane > 0 && playerInLane > 0) { if (enemyInLane > previousEnemies) { previousEnemies = enemyInLane; _lane = lane; _friendlyToMove = _lane.GetFriendliesInLane(this) [0]; } } } Debug.Log("Friendly to move: " + _friendlyToMove); Debug.Log("MoveAttack :" + _moveAttack); if (_moveAttack && _friendlyToMove != null) { //---attemp movetowards and attack each enemy in lane, then move to end of lane--- foreach (CreatureBase _enemy in _lane.GetEnemiesInLane(this)) { //---Move to enemy, attack, then move to end of Lane--- int _openNodes = _friendlyToMove.ActiveLaneNode.laneManager.GetOpenNodes(_friendlyToMove.ActiveLaneNode, _RightFacing); //---find pair that contains friendlyToMove--- foreach (var pair in attackingPairs) { if (pair.ContainsCreature(_friendlyToMove)) { if (!pair.MovePair(AIResponse)) { AttemptMoveAttack(); } break; } } } } } #endregion else { //---Get Enemy Count--- GetCount(); //---If there are Enemies, find the closest--- if (enemyCount > 0) { FindNearest(); //---if neareast found, move towards and attack--- if (targetCreature != null) { AttemptAttackMoveTarget(targetCreature); } } //--else random move or attack-- else { AttemptMoveAttack(); } } AIResponse.FinalizeResponse(); }