internal ConfigurationEditorWindow( IConfigurationManager configurationManager, LabStateManager serviceInfoManager )
            this.Closed += ConfigurationEditorWindow_Closed;
            _viewModel = new ConfigurationEditorWindowViewModel( this, configurationManager, serviceInfoManager );

            this.DataContext = _viewModel;

Пример #2
        public CreateConfigurationItemWindowViewModel(LabStateManager serviceManager)
            Debug.Assert(serviceManager != null);

            SelectedItem        = null;
            SelectedStatus      = ConfigurationStatus.Optional;
            _serviceInfoManager = serviceManager;

            _selectItemCommand = new RelayCommand(SelectItemExecute);
        public CreateConfigurationItemWindowViewModel( LabStateManager serviceManager )
            Debug.Assert( serviceManager != null );

            SelectedItem = null;
            SelectedStatus = ConfigurationStatus.Optional;
            _serviceInfoManager = serviceManager;

            _selectItemCommand = new RelayCommand( SelectItemExecute );
Пример #4
        public CreateConfigurationItemWindow(LabStateManager serviceManager)
            Debug.Assert(serviceManager != null);

            ViewModel        = new CreateConfigurationItemWindowViewModel(serviceManager);
            this.DataContext = ViewModel;


        public CreateConfigurationItemWindow(LabStateManager serviceManager)
            Debug.Assert( serviceManager != null );

            ViewModel = new CreateConfigurationItemWindowViewModel( serviceManager );
            this.DataContext = ViewModel;


        bool _isChangingConfig = false; // Prevents reentrancy, and command being run twice. Use when adding/changing items.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        internal ConfigurationEditorWindowViewModel( ConfigurationEditorWindow parentWindow, IConfigurationManager configManager, LabStateManager serviceManager )
            Debug.Assert( configManager != null );
            Debug.Assert( serviceManager != null );

            _configurationManager = configManager;
            _serviceInfoManager = serviceManager;
            _window = parentWindow;

            _addLayerCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteAddLayer );
            _removeLayerCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteRemoveLayer );
            _addConfigItemCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteAddConfigItem );
            _removeConfigItemCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteRemoveConfigItem );
            _setConfigItemStatusCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteSetConfigItemStatus );
            _clearOptionalItemsCommand = new RelayCommand( ExecuteClearOptionalItems );
Пример #7
        bool _isChangingConfig = false; // Prevents reentrancy, and command being run twice. Use when adding/changing items.

        /* When creating a ConfigurationItem that already exists, the existing item's status is changed.
         * In this editor, the existing item's status (in the ComboBox) is changed.
         * That raises its SelectedItemChanged event (used when changing the Status of each item manually),
         * and runs the SetConfigItemStatusCommand, effectively trying to set the ConfigurationStatus to the one it just changed to.
         * Get it? Here's a duck art I found on the net.
         *        ..---..
         *       .'  _    `.
         *   __..'  (o)    :
         *  `..__          ;
         *       `.       /
         *         ;      `..---...___
         *       .'                   `~-. .-')
         *      .                         ' _.'
         *     :                           :
         \                           '
         +                         J
         +       `._                   _.'
         +          `~--....___...---~' mh
         * */

        #region Constructor & init
        internal ConfigurationEditorWindowViewModel(ConfigurationEditorWindow parentWindow, IConfigurationManager configManager, LabStateManager serviceManager)
            Debug.Assert(configManager != null);
            Debug.Assert(serviceManager != null);

            _configurationManager = configManager;
            _serviceInfoManager   = serviceManager;
            _window = parentWindow;

            _addLayerCommand            = new RelayCommand(ExecuteAddLayer);
            _removeLayerCommand         = new RelayCommand(ExecuteRemoveLayer);
            _addConfigItemCommand       = new RelayCommand(ExecuteAddConfigItem);
            _removeConfigItemCommand    = new RelayCommand(ExecuteRemoveConfigItem);
            _setConfigItemStatusCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteSetConfigItemStatus);
            _clearOptionalItemsCommand  = new RelayCommand(ExecuteClearOptionalItems);
Пример #8
        internal ConfigurationEditorWindow(IConfigurationManager configurationManager, LabStateManager serviceInfoManager)
            this.Closed += ConfigurationEditorWindow_Closed;
            _viewModel   = new ConfigurationEditorWindowViewModel(this, configurationManager, serviceInfoManager);

            this.DataContext = _viewModel;
