public override bool ValidateInput(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise, object input)
        if (!(exercise is LabConfigurationMultipleChoiceExerciseEntry multipleChoiceExercise))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid exercise type", nameof(exercise));
        if (!(input is IEnumerable <int> selectedOptions))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input type", nameof(input));
        var selectedIds = selectedOptions
                          .OrderBy(id => id)

        // Extract correct options
        var correctIds = multipleChoiceExercise.Options
                         .Select((option, index) => (option, index))
                         .Where(opt => opt !.option.Correct) // IDE says this may be null, which is wrong
                         .Select(opt => opt.index)
                         .OrderBy(id => id)

        // Compare
        if (multipleChoiceExercise.RequireAll)
        return(selectedIds.Any() && selectedIds.All(id => correctIds.Contains(id)));
Пример #2
    public override bool Update(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise)
        if (!(exercise is LabConfigurationStringExerciseEntry stringExercise))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid exercise type", nameof(exercise));

        // Is the expected solution still valid?
        if (stringExercise.AllowAnySolution)
            // We allow any solution, so no need to store a name
            if (SolutionName != null)
                // Drop previous solution name
                SolutionName = null;
            // Check whether the exercise requires a specific, existing solution
            if (SolutionName == null || stringExercise.ValidSolutions.All(s => s.Name != SolutionName))
                // Pick a random solution
                var random = stringExercise.ValidSolutions[RandomNumberGenerator.GetInt32(stringExercise.ValidSolutions.Length)];
                SolutionName = random.Name;

Пример #3
 public override string FormatDescriptionString(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise)
     if (exercise.DescriptionFormat == null)
     return(string.Format(exercise.DescriptionFormat, SolutionName));
        public override bool Update(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise)
            if (!(exercise is LabConfigurationScriptExerciseEntry))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid exercise type", nameof(exercise));

            // No changes required
Пример #5
    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        JObject jsonObject   = JObject.Load(reader);
        var     exerciseType = jsonObject[nameof(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry.Type)]?.ToObject <LabConfigurationExerciseEntryType>();

        LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise = exerciseType switch
            LabConfigurationExerciseEntryType.String => new LabConfigurationStringExerciseEntry(),
            LabConfigurationExerciseEntryType.MultipleChoice => new LabConfigurationMultipleChoiceExerciseEntry(),
            LabConfigurationExerciseEntryType.Script => new LabConfigurationScriptExerciseEntry(),
            _ => throw new JsonSerializationException("Unknown exercise type")

        serializer.Populate(jsonObject.CreateReader(), exercise);

Пример #6
    public override bool ValidateInput(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise, object input)
        if (!(exercise is LabConfigurationStringExerciseEntry stringExercise))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid exercise type", nameof(exercise));
        if (!(input is string inputStr))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input type", nameof(input));

        if (stringExercise.UseRegex)
            // Match any solution
            if (stringExercise.AllowAnySolution)
                return(stringExercise.ValidSolutions.Any(s => Regex.IsMatch(inputStr, s.Value)));

            // Match specific solution
            var pattern = stringExercise.ValidSolutions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == SolutionName)?.Value;
            if (pattern == null)
            return(Regex.IsMatch(inputStr, pattern));

        // Compare against any solution
        if (stringExercise.AllowAnySolution)
            return(stringExercise.ValidSolutions.Any(s => s.Value == inputStr));

        // Compare against specific solutions
        return(stringExercise.ValidSolutions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == SolutionName)?.Value == inputStr);
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a description string for the given exercise, with placeholders replaced by values from this state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exercise">Exercise data.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract string FormatDescriptionString(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether the given input is a valid solution.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exercise">Exercise data.</param>
 /// <param name="input">Input.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract bool ValidateInput(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise, object input);
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the internal state is still consistent with the given exercise data, and updates it if necessary.
 /// The return value indicates whether the state has been updated.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exercise">Exercise data.</param>
 public abstract bool Update(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise);
 public override string FormatDescriptionString(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise)
     return(exercise.DescriptionFormat ?? "");
 public override bool Update(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise)
 public override bool ValidateInput(LabConfigurationExerciseEntry exercise, object input)
     // Input validation is left to state service
     throw new NotSupportedException("Script exercises must be checked using the Docker service.");