Пример #1
         * Returns the determinant of the matrix.  If the inverse of the matrix is also
         * needed, then using {@link org.ejml.interfaces.decomposition.LUDecomposition_F64} directly (or any
         * similar algorithm) can be more efficient.
         * @param A The matrix whose determinant is to be computed.  Not modified.
         * @return The determinant.
        public static double det(DMatrixSparseCSC A)
            LUSparseDecomposition_F64 <DMatrixSparseCSC> alg = DecompositionFactory_DSCC.lu(FillReducing.NONE);

            if (alg.inputModified())
                A = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.copy();

            if (!alg.decompose(A))
Пример #2
        public static void main(string[] args)
            // create a random matrix that can be solved
            int N = 5;
            IMersenneTwister rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(234);

            DMatrixSparseCSC A = RandomMatrices_DSCC.rectangle(N, N, N * N / 4, rand);

            RandomMatrices_DSCC.ensureNotSingular(A, rand);

            // Create the LU decomposition
            LUSparseDecomposition_F64 <DMatrixSparseCSC> decompose =

            // Decompose the matrix.
            // If you care about the A matrix being modified call decompose.inputModified()
            if (!decompose.decompose(A))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The matrix is singular");

            // Extract new copies of the L and U matrices
            DMatrixSparseCSC L = decompose.getLower(null);
            DMatrixSparseCSC U = decompose.getUpper(null);
            DMatrixSparseCSC P = decompose.getRowPivot(null);

            // Storage for an intermediate step
            DMatrixSparseCSC tmp = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            // Storage for the inverse matrix
            DMatrixSparseCSC Ainv = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            // Solve for the inverse: P*I = L*U*inv(A)
            TriangularSolver_DSCC.solve(L, true, P, tmp, null, null, null);
            TriangularSolver_DSCC.solve(U, false, tmp, Ainv, null, null, null);

            // Make sure the inverse has been found. A*inv(A) = identity should be an identity matrix
            DMatrixSparseCSC found = (DMatrixSparseCSC)A.createLike();

            CommonOps_DSCC.mult(A, Ainv, found);