Пример #1
        public Rates CalculateRates(DataModule tariff, string originZip, string classCode, string discount, string floorMin, string[] destinationZips)
            //Calcualate rates
            string[] WEIGHT_RANGES = { "1", "501", "1001", "2001", "5001", "10001", "20001" };
            Rates    rates         = new Rates();

            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < destinationZips.Length; i++)
                    LTLRateShipmentRequest[] requests = new LTLRateShipmentRequest[WEIGHT_RANGES.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < WEIGHT_RANGES.Length; j++)
                        LTLRateShipmentRequest request = new LTLRateShipmentRequest();
                        request.tariffName               = tariff != null ? tariff.tariffName : "";
                        request.shipmentDateCCYYMMDD     = tariff != null ? tariff.effectiveDate : "";
                        request.originPostalCode         = originZip;
                        request.destinationPostalCode    = destinationZips[i];
                        request.destinationCountry       = request.originCountry = "USA";
                        request.useSingleShipmentCharges = "N";
                        request.rateAdjustmentFactor     = "1.0000";
                        request.useDiscounts             = "Y";
                        request.discountApplication      = "R";     //Apply discount to R=Rates, C=Charges
                        request.mcDiscount               = discount;
                        request.userMinimumChargeFloor   = floorMin;
                        request.LTL_Surcharge            = "0";
                        request.TL_Surcharge             = "0";
                        request.surchargeApplication     = "G";     //Apply surcharge to G=Gross, N=Net

                        LTLRequestDetail detail = new LTLRequestDetail();
                        detail.nmfcClass = classCode;
                        detail.weight    = WEIGHT_RANGES[j].ToString();
                        request.details  = new LTLRequestDetail[] { detail };
                        requests[j]      = request;
                    LTLRateShipmentResponse[] responses = new RateWareGateway().CalculateLTLRates(requests);

                    ////Take lesser of min charge from rate ware or set floor min
                    //double minCharge = Convert.ToDouble(responses[0].minimumCharge);
                    //if (minCharge < floorMin) minCharge = floorMin;

                    //Add rates to the grid
                    RateQuoteDataset.RateTableRow _rate = new RateQuoteDataset().RateTable.NewRateTableRow();
                    _rate.OrgZip    = responses[0].originPostalCode;
                    _rate.DestZip   = responses[0].destinationPostalCode.Substring(0, 3);
                    _rate.MinCharge = responses[0].minimumCharge;
                    _rate.Rate1     = responses[0].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate501   = responses[1].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate1001  = responses[2].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate2001  = responses[3].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate5001  = responses[4].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate10001 = responses[5].details[0].rate;
                    _rate.Rate20001 = responses[6].details[0].rate;
                    rates.Add(new Rate(_rate));
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new FaultException <RateQuoteFault>(new RateQuoteFault(ex.Message), "Service Error"); }
Пример #2
        private void OnFormLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Event handler for form load event
            try {
                //Set control defaults
                #region Grid customizations from normal layout (to support cell editing)
                this.grdRates.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Override.RowFilterMode = RowFilterMode.AllRowsInBand;

                //Get all tariffs and create dataset schema
                this.mRates = new DataSet();
                DataModule[] tariffs = FinanceGateway.GetAvailableTariffs();
                for (int k = 0; k < tariffs.Length; k++)

                //Loop thru all delivery locations
                DataSet destinations = FinanceGateway.ViewDeliveryZips();
                DataRow row          = null;
                //for(int j = 0; j < destinations.Tables["DeliveryZipTable"].Rows.Count; j=j+100) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    //Get an LTL rate for each tariff for this destination
                    row                = this.mRates.Tables["LTLRatesTable"].NewRow();
                    row["Origin"]      = "07657";
                    row["Destination"] = destinations.Tables["DeliveryZipTable"].Rows[j]["Zip"].ToString();
                    row["NMFC"]        = "50";
                    row["Weight"]      = "1500";
                    for (int i = 0; i < tariffs.Length; i++)
                        //Setup the request for NMFC=50, weight=100lbs, Origin=Ridgefield
                        DataModule tariff = tariffs[i];

                        LTLRateShipmentSimpleRequest request = new LTLRateShipmentSimpleRequest();
                        request.tariffNameField            = tariff != null ? tariff.tariffNameField : "";
                        request.shipmentDateCCYYMMDDField  = tariff != null ? tariff.effectiveDateField : "";
                        request.destinationCountryField    = request.originCountryField = "USA";
                        request.originPostalCodeField      = "07657";
                        request.destinationPostalCodeField = destinations.Tables["DeliveryZipTable"].Rows[j]["Zip"].ToString();
                        LTLRequestDetail detail = new LTLRequestDetail();
                        detail.nmfcClassField = "50";
                        detail.weightField    = "1500";
                        request.detailsField  = new LTLRequestDetail[] { detail };

                        //Get the LTL rate and add a datarow
                        LTLRateShipmentSimpleResponse response = FinanceGateway.CalculateLTLSimpleRate(request);
                        row[tariff.effectiveDateField] = response.totalChargeField;

                    //Get the PSP rate for this destination
                    LTLQuote2 quote = new LTLQuote2();
                    quote.ShipDate       = DateTime.Today;
                    quote.OriginZip      = "07657";
                    quote.DestinationZip = destinations.Tables["DeliveryZipTable"].Rows[j]["Zip"].ToString();
                    quote.Pallet1Weight  = 100;
                    quote      = FreightGateway.CreateQuote(quote);
                    row["PSP"] = quote.TotalCharge.ToString();

                    //Ad the results for this destination
                this.grdRates.DataSource = this.mRates;
                this.grdRates.DataMember = "LTLRatesTable";
            catch (Exception ex) { App.ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); }