Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("baz2lc4.exe <infile.dxf> [...]");

            List <CuttingScheme> schemes = new List <CuttingScheme>();
            BazConvertor         cvt     = new BazConvertor();

            foreach (string infile in args)
                using (FileStream stm = new FileStream(infile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    StreamReader tr = new StreamReader(stm, Encoding.Default);
                    cvt.Convert(schemes, tr);
            LC4Convertor lc4cvt = new LC4Convertor();
            Job          job    = lc4cvt.Convert(schemes);

            job.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0]);
            string outlc4 = Path.ChangeExtension(args[0], ".lc4");

            job.SaveLC4(outlc4, true);
            //string outxml = Path.ChangeExtension(infile, ".xml");
Пример #2
        static void Test2()
            Denisenko.Cutting.Sheet sheet = new Denisenko.Cutting.Sheet();
            sheet.Height    = 1225;
            sheet.Width     = 1830;
            sheet.Thickness = 16;

            CuttingScheme scheme = new CuttingScheme();

            scheme.Parameters = new ParametersCollection();
            scheme.Parameters.CutOffBottom    = 15;
            scheme.Parameters.CutOffLeft      = 15;
            scheme.Parameters.CutOffRight     = 15;
            scheme.Parameters.CutOffTop       = 15;
            scheme.Parameters.CutterThickness = 5;
            scheme.Sheet = sheet;
            Section right;
            Section top;
            Section lane;

            lane = scheme.Cut(scheme.RootSection, 950, CutType.Vertical, out right);
            scheme.Cut(lane, 290, CutType.Horizontal, out top);
            scheme.Cut(top, 290, CutType.Horizontal, out top);
            lane = scheme.Cut(top, 285, CutType.Horizontal, out top);
            scheme.Cut(lane, 720, CutType.Vertical, out right);
            lane = scheme.Cut(top, 790, CutType.Vertical, out right);

            LC4Convertor cvtr = new LC4Convertor();
            Job          job  = cvtr.Convert(new List <CuttingScheme>(new CuttingScheme[] { scheme }));

            job.Name = "job2";
            job.SaveLC4("job2.lc4", true);
Пример #3
        public void ConvertSectionTest()
            LC4Convertor target = new LC4Convertor();

            TestProject.Denisenko_Cutting_Converting_LC4ConvertorAccessor accessor = new TestProject.Denisenko_Cutting_Converting_LC4ConvertorAccessor(target);

            ParametersCollection parameters = new ParametersCollection();

            parameters.CutterThickness = 10M;
            CuttingScheme scheme = new CuttingScheme();

            scheme.Width      = 1000M;
            scheme.Height     = 1000M;
            scheme.Parameters = parameters;
            Section someSection = null;

            scheme.Cut(scheme.RootSection, 20M, CutType.Vertical, out someSection);

            Section prevSection = null;
            Section input       = scheme.RootSection.NestedSections[0];
            Section cut         = scheme.RootSection.NestedSections[1];

            LC4Section expected = new LC4Section();

            expected.Size        = LC4Numeric.FromNonScaled(30);
            expected.SectionType = LC4SectionType.Anschnitt;
            LC4Section actual;

            actual = accessor.ConvertSection(input, prevSection, cut);

            Assert.AreEqual <LC4Section>(expected, actual, "Denisenko.Cutting.Converting.LC4Convertor.ConvertSection did not return the expec" +
                                         "ted value.");
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #4
        public void ConstructorTest()
            LC4Convertor target = new LC4Convertor();

            // TODO: Implement code to verify target
            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #5
        public void AddSectionsTest()
            LC4Convertor target = new LC4Convertor();

            TestProject.Denisenko_Cutting_Converting_LC4ConvertorAccessor accessor = new TestProject.Denisenko_Cutting_Converting_LC4ConvertorAccessor(target);

            List <LC4Section> into = null;            // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            List <Section> sections = null;           // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value

            accessor.AddSections(into, sections);

            Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified.");