Пример #1
    void OnPostRender()
        Live2DModelUnity live2DModel = (Live2DModelUnity)_model.getLive2DModel();
        var w = live2DModel.getCanvasWidth();
        var h = live2DModel.getCanvasHeight();

        L2DModelMatrix matrix = new L2DModelMatrix(w, h);

        matrix.setCenterPosition(0.5f, 0.5f);

        Matrix4x4 m1 = Matrix4x4.identity;

        float[] m2 = matrix.getArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            m1[i] = m2[i];


        //_model.Update();_model.Draw 中有调用
Пример #2
     * カメラの Projection が Orthographic である場合(2Dカメラ)
    protected void UpdateTouchPos_2DCamera(Vector3 inputPos)
        // Debug.Log("UpdateTouchPos_2DCamera----------------------" + transform+"----------------------");
        //--- calc local plane coord ---
            Vector3 worldP_LT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LT);
            Vector3 worldP_RT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_RT);
            Vector3 worldP_LB = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LB);

            Vector3 ScreenLT = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_LT);
            Vector3 ScreenRT = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_RT);
            Vector3 ScreenLB = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_LB);

            Vector3 sVX = ScreenRT - ScreenLT;
            Vector3 sVY = ScreenLB - ScreenLT;

            //  ScreenLTを原点としてsVX、sVYのベクトルで入力のinputPosを成分分解する。
            float x = inputPos.x;
            float y = inputPos.y;

            float vax = sVX.x;
            float vay = sVX.y;

            float vbx = sVY.x;
            float vby = sVY.y;

            float p0x = ScreenLT.x;
            float p0y = ScreenLT.y;

            float f = vbx * vay - vby * vax;
            float g = p0y * vax - p0x * vay - y * vax + x * vay;

            if (f == 0 || vax == 0)
                //not update value
                float t = g / f;
                float k = (x - p0x - t * vbx) / vax;
                touchPos_onPlane.x = k;
                touchPos_onPlane.y = t;

        //--- calc touchPos on the model canvas
            //  0..1の座標を-1..1の座標に揃える。Yは左上を原点にしているため反転。
            float touchPos_plane2x2_X = touchPos_onPlane.x * 2 - 1;
            float touchPos_plane2x2_Y = -touchPos_onPlane.y * 2 + 1;

            L2DModelMatrix m = model.getModelMatrix();
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.x = m.invertTransformX(touchPos_plane2x2_X);
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.y = m.invertTransformY(touchPos_plane2x2_Y);
Пример #3
    protected void UpdateTouchPos_2DCamera(Vector3 inputPos)
        //--- calc local plane coord ---
            Vector3 worldP_LT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LT);
            Vector3 worldP_RT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_RT);
            Vector3 worldP_LB = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LB);

            Vector3 ScreenLT = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_LT);
            Vector3 ScreenRT = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_RT);
            Vector3 ScreenLB = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(worldP_LB);

            Vector3 sVX = ScreenRT - ScreenLT;
            Vector3 sVY = ScreenLB - ScreenLT;

            float x = inputPos.x;
            float y = inputPos.y;

            float vax = sVX.x;
            float vay = sVX.y;

            float vbx = sVY.x;
            float vby = sVY.y;

            float p0x = ScreenLT.x;
            float p0y = ScreenLT.y;

            float f = vbx * vay - vby * vax;
            float g = p0y * vax - p0x * vay - y * vax + x * vay;

            if (f == 0 || vax == 0)
                //not update value
                float t = g / f;
                float k = (x - p0x - t * vbx) / vax;
                touchPos_onPlane.x = k;
                touchPos_onPlane.y = t;

        //--- calc touchPos on the model canvas
            float touchPos_plane2x2_X = touchPos_onPlane.x * 2 - 1;
            float touchPos_plane2x2_Y = -touchPos_onPlane.y * 2 + 1;

            L2DModelMatrix m = model.getModelMatrix();
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.x = m.invertTransformX(touchPos_plane2x2_X);
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.y = m.invertTransformY(touchPos_plane2x2_Y);
Пример #4
     * カメラの Projection が Perspective である場合(3Dカメラ)
    protected void UpdateTouchPos_3DCamera(Vector3 inputPos)
        Debug.Log("UpdateTouchPos_3DCamera----------------------" + transform + "----------------------");
        //--- calc local plane coord ---
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(inputPos);

            Vector3 worldP_LT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LT);
            Vector3 worldP_RT = transform.TransformPoint(localP_RT);
            Vector3 worldP_LB = transform.TransformPoint(localP_LB);

            Vector3 PO = worldP_LT;
            Vector3 VX = worldP_RT - worldP_LT;
            Vector3 VY = worldP_LB - worldP_LT;

            Vector3 PL = ray.origin;
            Vector3 VL = ray.direction;

            float Dx = PO.x - PL.x;
            float Dy = PO.y - PL.y;
            float Dz = PO.z - PL.z;

            float E = (VX.x * VL.y - VX.y * VL.x);
            float F = (VY.x * VL.y - VY.y * VL.x);
            float G = (Dx * VL.y - Dy * VL.x);

            float H = (VX.x * VL.z - VX.z * VL.x);
            float I = (VY.x * VL.z - VY.z * VL.x);
            float J = (Dx * VL.z - Dz * VL.x);

            float tmp = (F * H - E * I);

            if (tmp == 0)
                //not update value
                touchPos_onPlane.x = (G * I - F * J) / tmp;
                touchPos_onPlane.y = (E * J - G * H) / tmp;

        //--- calc touchPos on the model canvas
            float touchPos_plane2x2_X = touchPos_onPlane.x * 2 - 1;
            float touchPos_plane2x2_Y = -touchPos_onPlane.y * 2 + 1;

            L2DModelMatrix m = model.getModelMatrix();
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.x = m.invertTransformX(touchPos_plane2x2_X);
            touchPos_onModelCanvas.y = m.invertTransformY(touchPos_plane2x2_Y);
Пример #5
    public void loadModelData(string modelFile, string[] texFiles)
        if (modelFile == null || texFiles == null)

            if (LAppDefine.DEBUG_LOG)
                Debug.Log("Load model : " + modelFile);

            TextAsset modelMoc = FileManager.loadTextAsset(modelFile);
            live2DModel = Live2DModelUnity.loadModel(modelMoc.bytes);

            for (int i = 0; i < texFiles.Length; i++)
                var texPath = texFiles[i];
                if (LAppDefine.DEBUG_LOG)
                    Debug.Log("Load texture " + texPath);
                texPath = Regex.Replace(texPath, ".png$", "");//不要な拡張子を削除

                Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(texPath, typeof(Texture2D));

                live2DModel.setTexture(i, texture);
        catch (IOException e)

            throw new Exception();

        modelMatrix = new L2DModelMatrix(live2DModel.getCanvasWidth(), live2DModel.getCanvasHeight());
        modelMatrix.multScale(1, 1, -1);
        modelMatrix.setCenterPosition(0, 0);