public LogInPage() { InitializeComponent(); LogInWebView.IsVisible = false; Indicator.IsVisible = false; LogInWebView.Navigated += LogInWebViewOnNavigated; LogInWebView.Navigating += LogInWebViewOnNavigating; Title = L10n.Localize("LoginTitle"); FbButton.Image = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/facebook-logo.png"), Android: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/drawable/facebook-logo.png") , WinPhone: ImageSource.FromFile("Assets/facebook-logo.png")) as FileImageSource; GoogleButton.Image = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/google.png"), Android: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/drawable/google.png") , WinPhone: ImageSource.FromFile("Assets/google.png")) as FileImageSource; MeazonButton.Image = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/User.png"), Android: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/drawable/User.png") , WinPhone: ImageSource.FromFile("Assets/User.png")) as FileImageSource; }
private async void TapGestureRecognizer_OnTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { option = await DisplayActionSheet(L10n.Localize("StateLabel"), L10n.Localize("CancelLabel"), "", L10n.Localize("State1"), L10n.Localize("State2"), L10n.Localize("State3")); if (!string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("CancelLabel"))) { if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("State2"))) { await st.PostStateAction(st.TranslateStateAction(StateLabel.Text), "ask"); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("State1"))) { await st.PostStateAction(st.TranslateStateAction(StateLabel.Text), "override"); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("State3"))) { await st.PostStateAction(st.TranslateStateAction(StateLabel.Text), "nothing"); } StateGrid.IsVisible = false; StateLabel.Text = option; StateGrid.IsVisible = true; } }
public string IndexToDay(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return(L10n.Localize("SatLabel")); case 1: return(L10n.Localize("SunLabel")); case 2: return(L10n.Localize("MonLabel")); case 3: return(L10n.Localize("TueLabel")); case 4: return(L10n.Localize("WedLabel")); case 5: return(L10n.Localize("ThuLabel")); default: return(L10n.Localize("FriLabel")); } }
private async void Button_SaveOnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tmp = MyEntry.Text; if (tmp != null) { Match match = regex.Match(tmp); if (match.Success) { var r = new CoAdminResources(); var admin = new CoAdmin { Email = tmp }; await r.PostAdminAsync(admin); await Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { await DisplayAlert(L10n.Localize("AlertLabel"), L10n.Localize("ValidationAlert"), L10n.Localize("OkAction")); } } else { await DisplayAlert(L10n.Localize("AlertLabel"), L10n.Localize("NullAlert"), L10n.Localize("OkAction")); } }
public async Task <string> GetStateAction() { var client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", App.USERTOKEN); var httpUrl = ""; var jsonData = await client.GetStringAsync(httpUrl); var act = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(jsonData); string action; if (act == null) { return(""); } if (string.Equals(act, "ask")) { action = L10n.Localize("State2"); } else if (string.Equals(act, "nothing")) { action = L10n.Localize("State3"); } else { action = L10n.Localize("State1"); } return(action); }
public ObservableCollection <MainMenuItems> GetNames() { ObservableCollection <MainMenuItems> Namelist = new ObservableCollection <MainMenuItems> { new MainMenuItems { Name = L10n.Localize("DevicesTitle"), Color = Color.Purple, Image = "" }, new MainMenuItems { Name = L10n.Localize("ScheduleTitle"), Color = Color.Navy, Image = "" }, new MainMenuItems { Name = L10n.Localize("UsersTitle"), Color = Color.Green, Image = "" }, new MainMenuItems { Name = L10n.Localize("SettingsTitle"), Color = Color.Olive, Image = "" }, new MainMenuItems { Name = L10n.Localize("AboutTitle"), Color = Color.Maroon, Image = "" } }; return(Namelist); }
private void IntializeFaq() { Q1.Text = L10n.Localize("q1"); A1.Text = L10n.Localize("a1"); Q2.Text = L10n.Localize("q2"); A2.Text = L10n.Localize("a2"); Q3.Text = L10n.Localize("q3"); A3.Text = L10n.Localize("a3"); Q4.Text = L10n.Localize("q4"); A4.Text = L10n.Localize("a4"); Q5.Text = L10n.Localize("q5"); A5.Text = L10n.Localize("a5"); Q6.Text = L10n.Localize("q6"); A6.Text = L10n.Localize("a6"); Q7.Text = L10n.Localize("q7"); A7.Text = L10n.Localize("a7"); Q8.Text = L10n.Localize("q8"); A8.Text = L10n.Localize("a8"); Q9.Text = L10n.Localize("q9"); A9.Text = L10n.Localize("a9"); Q10.Text = L10n.Localize("q10"); A10.Text = L10n.Localize("a10"); }
public DevicesPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("DevicesTitle"); str = new StateActionResources(); devicesCollection = new ObservableCollection <Plug>(); connection = WebSocketFactory.Create(); }
public Privacy_Policy_Page() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("PrivacyLabel"); var resource = new PrivacyResources(); PrivacyLabel.Text = resource.ReturnPrivacyText(); }
private async void CoAdminListView_OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { var action = await DisplayActionSheet(L10n.Localize("OptionsLabel"), L10n.Localize("CancelLabel"), "", L10n.Localize("DeleteLabel") ); if (string.Equals(L10n.Localize("DeleteLabel"), action)) { Delete_OnClicked(e.Item); } }
public SchedulesPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("ScheduleTitle"); devicesCollection = new ObservableCollection <Plug>(); connection = Websockets.WebSocketFactory.Create(); helper = new ScheduleHelperClass(); }
public object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (Text == null) { return(null); } Debug.WriteLine("Provide: " + Text); // Do your translation lookup here, using whatever method you require var translated = L10n.Localize(Text, Text); return(translated); }
//private async Task<string> returnTokenAsync() //{ // //string MtokenUrl = ""; // //using (var client = new HttpClient()) // //{ // // //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", App.USERTOKEN); // // //client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", App.USERTOKEN); // // //var token = await client.GetStringAsync(MtokenUrl); // // //token = token.Replace("\"", ""); // // //return token; // //} //} private async Task SelectActionState(string mac) { var act = await DisplayAlert(L10n.Localize("AlertLabel"), L10n.Localize("DisableScheduleQuestion"), L10n.Localize("YesAction"), L10n.Localize("CancelLabel")); if (act) { string schOffMsg = "DisableSchedule {\"MAC\":" + mac + ",\"Number\":0}"; connection.Send(schOffMsg); } }
private async void Delete_OnClicked(object sender) { var adm = sender as CoAdmin; var act = await DisplayAlert(L10n.Localize("DeleteLabel"), L10n.Localize("DeleteAction"), L10n.Localize("YesAction"), L10n.Localize("NoAction")); if (act) { await res.DeleteAdminAsync(adm.Id); } Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { CoAdminListView.ItemsSource = await res.GetAdminsAsync(); }); }
public RenamePage(Plug device) { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("RenameTitle"); SelectedDevice = device; MyEntry.Text = SelectedDevice.Name; CancelButton.Image = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/Cancel.png"), Android: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/drawable/Cancel.png") , WinPhone: ImageSource.FromFile("Assets/Cancel.png")) as FileImageSource; SaveButton.Image = Device.OnPlatform(iOS: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/Check.png"), Android: ImageSource.FromFile("Resources/drawable/Check.png") , WinPhone: ImageSource.FromFile("Assets/Check.png")) as FileImageSource; }
public SchedulePage(Plug plug) { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("SchedulesTitle"); InitializePlatformSpecific(); Indicator.IsRunning = true; Indicator.IsVisible = true; MainStack.IsVisible = false; connection = Websockets.WebSocketFactory.Create(); p = new Plug(); _helper = new ScheduleHelperClass(); p.Mac = plug.Mac; p.Name = plug.Name; _helper = new ScheduleHelperClass(); }
public string TranslateStateAction(string obj) { string action = ""; if (string.Equals(L10n.Localize("State1"), obj)) { action = "override"; } if (string.Equals(L10n.Localize("State2"), obj)) { action = "ask"; } if (string.Equals(L10n.Localize("State3"), obj)) { action = "nothing"; } return(action); }
private void SetValuesFromPreviousState(MySchedule s) { List <string> days = s.Days.Split(' ').ToList(); foreach (var v in days) { if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("MonLabel"))) { MonSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("TueLabel"))) { TueSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("WedLabel"))) { WedSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("ThuLabel"))) { ThuSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("FriLabel"))) { FriSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("SatLabel"))) { SatSwitch.IsToggled = true; } else if (string.Equals(v, L10n.Localize("SunLabel"))) { SunSwitch.IsToggled = true; } } var fromt = Helper.StringToQt(s.FromTime); var tot = Helper.StringToQt(s.ToTime); InitializeValues(fromt, tot); }
private async void Switch_OnToggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e) { var s = ((BindableObject)sender).BindingContext; if (s != null) { var p = (Plug)s; var stateaction = await str.GetStateAction(); if (!string.Equals(stateaction, L10n.Localize("State3"))) { if (string.Equals(stateaction, L10n.Localize("State2"))) { if (p.MyPlugState.IsScheduleEnabled != null && (bool)p.MyPlugState.IsScheduleEnabled) { await SelectActionState(p.Mac); } } else if (string.Equals(stateaction, L10n.Localize("State1"))) { string schOffMsg = "DisableSchedule {\"MAC\":" + p.Mac + ",\"Number\":0}"; connection.Send(schOffMsg); } } if (e.Value == true) { string turnOnMsg = "TurnOn {\"MAC\":" + p.Mac + ",\"Number\":0}"; connection.Send(turnOnMsg); } else if (e.Value == false) { string turnOffMsg = "TurnOff {\"MAC\":" + p.Mac + ",\"Number\":0}"; connection.Send(turnOffMsg); } } }
private async Task SetPage(string option) { if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("DevicesTitle"))) { Detail = new DevicesPage(); Device.OnPlatform(iOS: IsPresented = false, Android: IsPresented = false, WinPhone: IsPresented = true); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("SettingsTitle"))) { Detail = new SettingsPage(); Device.OnPlatform(iOS: IsPresented = false, Android: IsPresented = false, WinPhone: IsPresented = true); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("ScheduleTitle"))) { Detail = new SchedulesPage(); Device.OnPlatform(iOS: IsPresented = false, Android: IsPresented = false, WinPhone: IsPresented = true); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("AboutTitle"))) { Detail = new AboutPage(); Device.OnPlatform(iOS:IsPresented=false,Android:IsPresented=false, WinPhone:IsPresented=true); } else if (string.Equals(option, L10n.Localize("UsersTitle"))) { Detail = new UsersPage(); Device.OnPlatform(iOS: IsPresented = false, Android: IsPresented = false, WinPhone: IsPresented = true); } }
public HomePage() { InitializeComponent(); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android) { Master.Title = L10n.Localize("MasterTitleAndroid"); //Master.Icon = "select.png"; Master.Padding = 2; } else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone) { Master.Title = L10n.Localize("MasterTitleAndroid"); //Master.Icon = "swap.png"; } else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { Master.Title = L10n.Localize("MasterTitleAndroid"); //Master.Title = "Resources/select.png"; } else if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows) { Master.Title = L10n.Localize("MasterTitleAndroid"); //Master.Icon = "Assets/select.png"; } var r = new MenuResources(); MenuList.ItemsSource = r.GetNames(); }
private int DayToIndex(string day) { int index; if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("SatLabel"))) { index = 0; } else if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("SunLabel"))) { index = 1; } else if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("MonLabel"))) { index = 2; } else if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("TueLabel"))) { index = 3; } else if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("WedLabel"))) { index = 4; } else if (string.Equals(day, L10n.Localize("ThuLabel"))) { index = 5; } else { index = 6; } return(index); }
public AddCoAdminPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("AddAdminTitle"); }
public AboutPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("AboutTitle"); }
public FaqPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("FaqFull"); IntializeFaq(); }
private async Task <bool> CheckValidation() { var time = await CheckTimeValidation(); if (!time) { await DisplayAlert("Wrong Time Set", "From time Value must be lower than To Time Value", L10n.Localize("OkAction")); } var day = MonSwitch.IsToggled || TueSwitch.IsToggled || WedSwitch.IsToggled || ThuSwitch.IsToggled || FriSwitch.IsToggled || SatSwitch.IsToggled || SunSwitch.IsToggled; if (!day) { await DisplayAlert("Wrong Day Schedule", "You must set at leasy one Day Schedule", L10n.Localize("OkAction")); } return(time & day); }
public SettingsPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("SettingsTitle"); }
public UsersPage() { InitializeComponent(); Title = L10n.Localize("UsersTitle"); }