Пример #1
        public Employees SearchEmployees(string idType, string lastName, string firstName, string location, string badgeNumber)
            //Get issue search data
            KronosClient client    = null;
            Employees    employees = new Employees();

            try {
                string _lastName    = (lastName != null && lastName.Trim().Length > 0) ? lastName : null;
                string _firstName   = (firstName != null && firstName.Trim().Length > 0) ? firstName : null;
                string _location    = (location != null && location.Trim().Length > 0) ? location : null;
                string _badgeNumber = (badgeNumber != null && badgeNumber.Trim().Length > 0) ? badgeNumber : null;
                if (_lastName == null && _firstName == null && _location == null && _badgeNumber == null)
                    return(new Employees());

                client    = new KronosClient();
                employees = client.SearchEmployees(idType, _lastName, _firstName, _location, _badgeNumber);
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("SearchEmployees() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("SearchEmployees() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("SearchEmployees() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #2
        protected override void AdditionalSetup()
            _data = Prepare.Bytes(PackageSize);

            Task kronos = KronosClient.ClearAsync();
            Task redis  = RedisServer.FlushAllDatabasesAsync();

            Task.WaitAll(kronos, redis);
Пример #3
        protected override void AdditionalSetup()
            _data = Prepare.Bytes(PackageSize);

            Task kronos = KronosClient.ClearAsync();

            Task[] redisTasks = RedisServers.Select(x => x.FlushAllDatabasesAsync()).ToArray();
Пример #4
        public void WriteLogEntry(TraceMessage m)
            //Get the operating enterprise terminal
            KronosClient _Client = null;

            try {
                _Client = new KronosClient();
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("WriteLogEntry() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("WriteLogEntry() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("WriteLogEntry() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #5
        public async Task Delete_CallsSendToServerAsync()
            var connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <DeleteRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config = LoadTestConfiguration();
            IKronosClient client = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);

            await client.DeleteAsync("key");

            await connectionMock.Received(1).SendAsync(Arg.Any <DeleteRequest>());
Пример #6
        public Employees GetEmployeeList(string idType)
            //Get a list all employees from idType database
            Employees    employees = null;
            KronosClient _Client   = null;

            try {
                _Client   = new KronosClient();
                employees = _Client.GetEmployeeList(idType);
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployeeList() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployeeList() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployeeList() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #7
        public object[] GetIDTypes()
            //Get invoices for the specified client
            object[]     types   = null;
            KronosClient _Client = null;

            try {
                _Client = new KronosClient();
                types   = _Client.GetIDTypes();
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetIDTypes() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetIDTypes() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetIDTypes() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #8
        public TerminalInfo GetTerminalInfo()
            //Get the operating enterprise terminal
            TerminalInfo terminal = null;
            KronosClient _Client  = null;

            try {
                _Client  = new KronosClient();
                terminal = _Client.GetTerminalInfo();
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetTerminalInfo() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetTerminalInfo() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetTerminalInfo() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #9
        public UserConfiguration GetUserConfiguration(string application, string[] usernames)
            //Get the operating enterprise terminal
            UserConfiguration config  = null;
            KronosClient      _Client = null;

            try {
                _Client = new KronosClient();
                config  = _Client.GetUserConfiguration(application, usernames);
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetUserConfiguration() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetUserConfiguration() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetUserConfiguration() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #10
        public void Kronos()
            Parallel.For(0, Clients, _ =>
                string key = Prepare.Key();

                KronosClient.InsertAsync(key, _data, null)


Пример #11
        public Employee GetEmployee(string idType, int idNumber)
            //Get an individual employee from idType database
            Employee     employee = null;
            KronosClient _Client  = null;

            try {
                _Client  = new KronosClient();
                employee = _Client.GetEmployee(idType, idNumber);
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployee() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployee() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("GetEmployee() communication error.", ce); }
Пример #12
        public async Task Get_DoestNotReturnObject()
            byte[] serverResponse = SerializationUtils.Serialize(RequestStatusCode.NotFound);
            var    connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <GetRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config = LoadTestConfiguration();
            IKronosClient client = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);

            byte[] response = await client.GetAsync("key");

            await connectionMock.Received(1).SendAsync(Arg.Any <GetRequest>());
Пример #13
        public async Task Contains_ReturnsTrueIfElementExistsInStorage()
            bool   expected       = true;
            string key            = "lorem ipsum";
            var    connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <ContainsRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config = LoadTestConfiguration();
            IKronosClient client = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);

            bool exists = await client.ContainsAsync(key);

            Assert.Equal(expected, exists);
            await connectionMock.Received(1).SendAsync(Arg.Any <ContainsRequest>());
Пример #14
        public async Task Count_ReturnsNumberOfElementsInStorage()
            int countPerServer = 5;
            var connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <CountRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config      = LoadTestConfiguration();
            int           serverCount = config.ClusterConfig.Servers.Length;
            IKronosClient client      = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);

            int sum = await client.CountAsync();

            Assert.Equal(sum, countPerServer * serverCount);
            await connectionMock.Received(serverCount).SendAsync(Arg.Any <CountRequest>());
Пример #15
        public async Task Insert_InsertsObjectToStorage()
            string key = "key";

            byte[]   package    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("package");
            DateTime expiryDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            var connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <IRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config = LoadTestConfiguration();
            IKronosClient client = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);
            await client.InsertAsync(key, package, expiryDate);

            await connectionMock.Received(1).SendAsync(Arg.Any <InsertRequest>());
Пример #16
        public async Task Get_ReturnsObject()
            const string word = "lorem ipsum";

            byte[] package = SerializationUtils.Serialize(word);

            var connectionMock = Substitute.For <IConnection>();

            connectionMock.SendAsync(Arg.Any <GetRequest>())

            KronosConfig  config = LoadTestConfiguration();
            IKronosClient client = new KronosClient(config, endpoint => connectionMock);

            byte[] response = await client.GetAsync("key");

            string responseString = SerializationUtils.Deserialize <string>(response);

            Assert.Equal(responseString, word);
            await connectionMock.Received(1).SendAsync(Arg.Any <GetRequest>());
Пример #17
 public async Task Kronos()
     string key = Prepare.Key();
     await KronosClient.ContainsAsync(key);