Пример #1
    public void FishCatched(Fish fish, CatchedData cd)
        if (fish.IsBossFish())
        m_GoldEffect.ShowGoldEffect(cd, fish);
        KonnoTool.ShowBossCatched(SceneRuntime.WorldToNGUI(fish.Position), cd.GoldNum);

        if (fish.IsBossFish())
            m_GoldEffect.ShowBossFishSpecailEft(cd, fish);
        ushort nReward = fish.GetDropReward();

        if (nReward != 0)
            tagRewardOnce pReward;
            if (!FishConfig.Instance.m_RewardConfig.RewardMap.TryGetValue(nReward, out pReward))
            for (int i = 0; i < pReward.RewardItemVec.Count; i++)
                tagItemConfig itemConfig;
                uint          uItemid = pReward.RewardItemVec[i].ItemID;
                if (!FishConfig.Instance.m_ItemInfo.m_ItemMap.TryGetValue(uItemid, out itemConfig))
                if (itemConfig.ItemTypeID == EItemType.IT_Currey)//钻石特殊处理
                    m_GoldEffect.ShowDiamond(cd, fish);
                    if (SceneRuntime.SceneLogic.PlayerMgr.GetPlayer(cd.ClientSeat) == null)
                    Vector2 vecPos = SceneRuntime.SceneLogic.PlayerMgr.GetPlayer(cd.ClientSeat).Launcher.LauncherPos;
                    SceneRuntime.SceneLogic.LogicUI.MoveDropCard(SceneRuntime.WorldToNGUI(fish.Position), new Vector3(vecPos.x, vecPos.y, 0), (ushort)uItemid);
Пример #2
    public void Init(ushort id, byte type, float scl, float time, float actionSpeed, bool actionUnite, float speed, PathLinearInterpolator interp)
        ResFishData fd = FishResManager.Instance.GetFishData(type);

        if (fd == null)
            Debug.Log("不存在的鱼模型:" + type.ToString());
        m_CatchSeat = 0xff;
        m_bCatched  = false;
        m_Delay     = false;
        m_Scaling   = scl;
        m_FishID    = id;
        m_FishType  = type;

        m_PathCtrl = new PathController();
        m_PathCtrl.ResetController(interp, speed, time, fd.ClipLength[(byte)FishClipType.CLIP_CHAOFENG]);

        m_Model                   = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(FishResManager.Instance.GetFishObj(type));
        m_ModelTransform          = m_Model.GetComponent <Transform>();
        m_ModelTransform.position = FishInitPos;
        m_Anim       = m_Model.GetComponent <Animator>();
        m_OrgRot     = m_ModelTransform.localRotation;
        m_Model.name = m_FishID.ToString();
        m_Renderer = m_ModelTransform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        if (m_Renderer == null)
            m_Renderer = m_ModelTransform.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
        m_Anim.speed = actionSpeed;
        if (!actionUnite)
            m_Anim.Play(YouYongHashName, 0, Utility.Range(0.0f, 1.0f));
        if (IsBossFish())
            m_bgsoundDelay = 2;

Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Reset the position of all child objects based on the order of items in the list.
    /// </summary>

    protected virtual void ResetPosition(List <Transform> list)
        mReposition = false;

        // Epic hack: Unparent all children so that we get to control the order in which they are re-added back in
        // EDIT: Turns out this does nothing.
        //for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i)
        //	list[i].parent = null;

        int       x       = 0;
        int       y       = 0;
        int       maxX    = 0;
        int       maxY    = 0;
        Transform myTrans = transform;

        // Re-add the children in the same order we have them in and position them accordingly
        for (int i = 0, imax = list.Count; i < imax; ++i)
            Transform t = list[i];
            // See above
            //t.parent = myTrans;

            Vector3 pos   = t.localPosition;
            float   depth = pos.z;

            if (arrangement == Arrangement.CellSnap)
                if (cellWidth > 0)
                    pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x / cellWidth) * cellWidth;
                if (cellHeight > 0)
                    pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y / cellHeight) * cellHeight;
                pos = (arrangement == Arrangement.Horizontal) ?
                      new Vector3(cellWidth * x, -cellHeight * y, depth) :
                      new Vector3(cellWidth * y, -cellHeight * x, depth);

            if (animateSmoothly && Application.isPlaying)
                SpringPosition sp = SpringPosition.Begin(t.gameObject, pos, 15f);
                sp.updateScrollView = true;
                sp.ignoreTimeScale  = true;
                t.localPosition = pos;

            maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, x);
            maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, y);

            if (++x >= maxPerLine && maxPerLine > 0)
                x = 0;

        // Apply the origin offset
        if (pivot != UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft)
            Vector2 po = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(pivot);

            float fx, fy;

            if (arrangement == Arrangement.Horizontal)
                fx = Mathf.Lerp(0f, maxX * cellWidth, po.x);
                fy = Mathf.Lerp(-maxY * cellHeight, 0f, po.y);
                fx = Mathf.Lerp(0f, maxY * cellWidth, po.x);
                fy = Mathf.Lerp(-maxX * cellHeight, 0f, po.y);

            for (int i = 0; i < myTrans.childCount; ++i)
                Transform      t  = myTrans.GetChild(i);
                SpringPosition sp = t.GetComponent <SpringPosition>();

                if (sp != null)
                    sp.target.x -= fx;
                    sp.target.y -= fy;
                    Vector3 pos = t.localPosition;
                    pos.x          -= fx;
                    pos.y          -= fy;
                    t.localPosition = pos;