Пример #1
        private static void selfTest()
            selfTested = true;
            ass(new Formula("1e+2*1e-2").eval() == 1);
            ass(new Formula("1e2").eval() == 100);
            ass(new Formula("-./2").eval() == 0);
            ass(new Formula(".-2").eval() == -2);
            ass(new Formula(".e7/,5E5").eval() == 0);
            ass(new Formula(".5e7/-.5E5").eval() == -100);
            ass(new Formula("1e7/1e5").eval() == 100);
            ass(new Formula("3°2").eval() == 9);
            ass(new Formula("(3<2)^(5>4)").eval() == 1);
            ass(new Formula("3>2").eval() == 1);
            ass(new Formula("5<=2").eval() == 0);
            ass(new Formula("2+3* *  *5").eval() == 47); //AttGetr: The operator "***" sqares the first and multiplies the result with the second. this operator is defined for testing and debugging purposes only
            ass(new Formula("!!3.14159").eval() == 1);
            ass(new Formula("!!0/12").eval() == 0);
            //ass(new Formula("2 - 1 1/2").eval() == .5);
            ass(Math.Abs(new Formula("0,5+sin(45*asin(1)/90)°2").eval() - 1) < 0.0000001);
            KeyPile <string, Reach> values = new KeyPile <string, Reach>();

            values.Add("num", "4");
            values.Add("x", "-1");
            values.Add("n", "3");
            //ass(Math.Abs(new Formula(" (((2 * num --sin(-.7x)) + 2°3°-(1/2)- 2n + 1 5/6) +--1/3n * 2 1/3 * - 3 1/2 + 5(+2n+1))/-3").eval(-1, values) + 10.5548125814992) < 0.0000000001);
Пример #2
 public void AddStart(int inx, long lbl)
     if (useReachNotify)
     inx = inx + 1; store.Add(pack(inx, lbl), inx); store.Add(pack(0, lbl), inx);
Пример #3
        private void loadDbMru()
            ctx cx = new ctx();
            KeyPile <string, string> mruList = new KeyPile <string, string>();

            for (long i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                string val = "";
                try { val = (string)(Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\" + cx.Name + "\\DataBases").GetValue("MRU" + i)); } catch { val = ""; }
                if (val != null)
                    if (val.Length > 0)
                        mruList.Add("MRU" + i, val);
            long j = 0;

            foreach (string key in mruList.kAsc)
                j++; if (j > 9)
Пример #4
        public Pile <Tag> tags(long maxDepth, params Pile <string>[] cond)
            KeyPile <string, Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > > resSet = new KeyPile <string, Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > >();
            KeyPile <string, Conditions> condsSet = new KeyPile <string, Conditions>();

            condsSet.Add("", new Conditions("", "", "*", cond));
            //if (resSet.Count == 0) resSet.Add("base", new Pile<Tag>());
            return(tags(maxDepth, 1, condsSet, resSet));
        // Definition: Labes and Indexes are positive int - Values - NOT positive long Values!!! (only 1 to 2147483647 are valid values for Labels and Indexes, 0 is neither a valid index nor is it a valid label!)
        // For convenience all END-Labels and all END-Indexes are stores as negative int.
        // All START-Labels and all START-Indexes are stored as positive int.
        // The InxLblMap may contain the following types of entries:
        // 1.) StartIndex and StartLabel e.g key = (17, 2), value = 17
        // 2.) EndIndex and EndLabel e.g key = (-33, -5), value = -33
        // 3.) Zero and StartLabel e.g key = (0, 4) value = 18
        // 4.) Zero and EndLabel e.g key = (0, -4) value = -40
        // Thus every Index/label pair is unique.
        // The List may contain (33, 5)/33 and (33, 7)/33 and (33, 9)/33 so there may be several Labels fot the Index 33.
        // But there may be only 1 Index for a specific Label!
        // There may be several Label entries for the same Index but there may be only ONE Index for a specific Label!!!

        public void AddStart(long inx, long lbl)
            if (useReachNotify)
            inx = inx + 1;
            store.Add(((0L + (int)inx) << 32) | ((-2147483648L + (int)lbl) & 0xFFFFFFFF), inx);
            store.Add(((0L) << 32) | ((-2147483648L + (int)lbl) & 0xFFFFFFFF), inx);
Пример #6
        public string SourceCode(string name, long type)
            Reach cSharp = new Reach("");

            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("/**\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" *\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" * generated source code, do not change\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" */\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using System;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using System.Collections.Generic;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using System.Linq;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using System.Text;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using ndBase;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using ndString;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using ndData;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("using ndUdf;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("public class " + name + "Call\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("{\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" private static string  parserName = \"" + name + "\";\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" private static bool    tested     = false;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" private UdfDisp        Udf        = null;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");

            Reach Java = new Reach("");

            Java = Java + new Reach("\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("/**\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" *\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" * generated source code, do not change\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" */\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("import org.getr.ndBase.Pile;\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("import org.getr.ndString.Reach;\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("import org.getr.ndData.Tag;\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("public class " + name + "Call\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("{\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" private static String  parserName = \"" + name + "\";\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" private static boolean tested     = false;\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach(" private UdfDisp        Udf        = null;\n");
            Java = Java + new Reach("\n");

            Tag def         = new Tag(GetParser(name, 0), true);
            Tag requestDef  = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==request"))[1];
            Tag parserDef   = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==parser"))[1];
            Tag responseDef = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==response"))[1];

            KeyPile <string, Reach> rqParams = new KeyPile <string, Reach>();
            KeyPile <string, Reach> rpParams = new KeyPile <string, Reach>();

            long ctr = 0;

            while (true)
                Pile <Tag> found = requestDef.tags(1, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==param"), new Pile <string>("", true, "key==" + (++ctr) + ""));
                if (found.Len == 0)
                Tag    paramTag = found[1];
                string key      = paramTag.txt.after(1, "[").before(1, "]").text;
                string test     = "";
                if (paramTag.attr.hasKey("test"))
                    test = paramTag.attr["test"].Value;
                rqParams.Add(key, test);

            foreach (Tag t in responseDef.tags(1, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==param")))
                string key  = t.attr["name"].Value;
                string test = "";
                if (t.attr.hasKey("test"))
                    test = t.attr["test"].Value;
                rpParams.Add(key, test);

            foreach (string paramName in rpParams.Keys)
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" private Reach m_" + Proper(paramName) + ";\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach(" private Reach m_" + Proper(paramName) + ";\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");

            foreach (string paramName in rpParams.Keys)
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" public Reach " + Proper(paramName) + "                   { get { return m_" + Proper(paramName) + ";                } }\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach(" public Reach get" + Proper(paramName) + "                () { return m_" + Proper(paramName) + ";                }\n");

            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" public " + name + "Call(UdfDisp Udf)\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" public " + name + "Call(UdfDisp Udf) throws Exception\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" {\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" {\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  this.Udf = Udf;\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  this.Udf = Udf;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  if (!tested)\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  if (!tested)\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  {\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  {\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   tested = true;\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("   tested = true;\n");

            string testParams = "";

            foreach (string paramName in rpParams.Keys)
                testParams += rpParams[paramName].text;
            if (testParams.Length == 0)
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  }\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach("  }\n");
                foreach (string paramName in rpParams.Keys)
                    cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   bool p_" + Proper(paramName) + " = false;\n");
                    Java   = Java + new Reach("   boolean p_" + Proper(paramName) + " = false;\n");
                Reach execParams = new Reach("");
                foreach (Reach test in rqParams)
                    execParams += new Reach("\"") + test + new Reach("\", ");
                execParams = execParams.upto(-3);

                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   foreach (" + name + "Call res in exec( " + execParams.text + "))\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach("   for (" + name + "Call res : exec( " + execParams.text + "))\n");
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   {\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach("   {\n");

                string passedCondition = "";
                foreach (string paramName in rpParams.Keys)
                    string test = rpParams[paramName].text;
                    passedCondition += " && p_" + Proper(paramName);
                    cSharp           = cSharp + new Reach("    if (res." + Proper(paramName) + ".Equals(\"" + test + "\"))       p_" + Proper(paramName) + " = true;\n");
                    Java             = Java + new Reach("    if (res.get" + Proper(paramName) + "().Equals(\"" + test + "\"))  p_" + Proper(paramName) + " = true;\n");
                passedCondition = "(!(" + passedCondition.Substring(4) + "))";
                cSharp          = cSharp + new Reach("   }\n");
                Java            = Java + new Reach("   }\n");
                cSharp          = cSharp + new Reach("   if " + passedCondition + " throw new Exception(\"" + name + "Call selfTest FAILED! Check test values in " + name + ".xml against the WebPage you get from the url! (has the html structure changed?)\");\n");
                Java            = Java + new Reach("   if " + passedCondition + " throw new Exception(\"" + name + "Call selfTest FAILED! Check test values in " + name + ".xml against the WebPage you get from the url! (has the html structure changed?)\");\n");
                cSharp          = cSharp + new Reach("  }\n");
                Java            = Java + new Reach("  }\n");

            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" }\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" }\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");

            Reach cSharpParams = new Reach("");
            Reach javaParams   = new Reach("");

            foreach (string key in rqParams.Keys)
                cSharpParams += new Reach("string ") + key + new Reach(", "); javaParams += new Reach("String ") + key + new Reach(", ");
            cSharpParams = cSharpParams.upto(-3);
            javaParams   = javaParams.upto(-3);

            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" public Pile<" + name + "Call> exec(" + cSharpParams + ")\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" public Pile<" + name + "Call> exec(" + javaParams + ") throws Exception\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" {\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" {\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  string callParams = \"\";\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  String callParams = \"\";\n");

            foreach (string key in rqParams.Keys)
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  callParams += \"<param name=\\\"" + key + "\\\" value=\\\"\" + " + key + " + \"\\\"/>\";\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach("  callParams += \"<param name=\\\"" + key + "\\\" value=\\\"\" + " + key + " + \"\\\"/>\";\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  Tag result = new Tag(Udf.Exec(parserName, callParams), true);\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  Tag result = new Tag(Udf.exec(parserName, callParams), true);\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  Pile<" + name + "Call> ret = new Pile<" + name + "Call>(0);\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  Pile<" + name + "Call> ret = new Pile<" + name + "Call>(0);\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  ret.Name = result.struc(-1);\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  ret.setName(result.struc(-1));\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  foreach (Tag tr in result.tags(1, new Pile<string>(\"\", \"[type]==tr\")))\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  for (Tag tr : result.tags(1, new Pile<String>(\"\", \"[type]==tr\")))\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  {\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  {\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   " + name + "Call res = new " + name + "Call(Udf);\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("   " + name + "Call res = new " + name + "Call(Udf);\n");
            long rpCtr = 0;

            foreach (string key in rpParams.Keys)
                cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   res.m_" + Proper(key) + " = tr.Tags[" + rpCtr + "].txt;\n");
                Java   = Java + new Reach("   res.m_" + Proper(key) + " = tr.Tags().get(" + rpCtr + ").txt();\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("   ret.Add(res);\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("   ret.add(res);\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  }\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  }\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("  return ret;\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("  return ret;\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach(" }\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach(" }\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("}\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("}\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");
            cSharp = cSharp + new Reach("\n");
            Java   = Java + new Reach("\n");

            switch (type)
            case 1: return(cSharp.text);

            case 2: return(Java.text);
Пример #7
        public string Exec(string name, string param)
            string ret = "";
            string debug = ""; Tag debugDef = null; try { debugDef = new Tag(param, true).tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==debug"))[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (debugDef != null)
                debug = debugDef.attr["name"].Value;

            KeyPile <string, Tag>        paramSet    = new KeyPile <string, Tag>();              //Dictionary<string, Tag> paramSet = new Dictionary<string, Tag>();
            Pile <Tag>                   rsDefSet    = new Pile <Tag>();
            KeyPile <string, Conditions> rsCondSet   = new KeyPile <string, Conditions>();
            KeyPile <string, Tag>        responseSet = new KeyPile <string, Tag>();              //Dictionary<string, Tag> responseSet = new Dictionary<string, Tag>();
            KeyPile <string, Tag>        results     = new KeyPile <string, Tag>();
            KeyPile <string, Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > > resSet = new KeyPile <string, Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > >();

            string url = prepare(name, param, paramSet, rsDefSet, rsCondSet, responseSet, results, debug);

            Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > baseSet = new Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> >();

            foreach (Tag t in results[1].Tags)
                baseSet.Add(new NamedValue <string, Tag>("base:" + (baseSet.Len + 1), t));
            resSet.Add("base", baseSet);
            results[1].tags(-1, 1, rsCondSet, resSet);
            ret += "<tr>\n<td>" + (++execCounter) + "</td></tr>\n";
            foreach (NamedValue <string, Tag> nt in resSet[-1])
                ret += "<tr>\n";
                if (debug.Length == 0)
                    foreach (Tag rDef in responseSet)
                        Reach val;
                        Reach valDef = rDef.attr["value"].Value.text.Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">").ToLower();
                        Reach delim  = valDef.at(1, ".");
                        if ((delim.len > 0) && (!valDef.before(delim).Equals(resSet.Keys[-1])))
                            NamedValue <string, Tag> baseTag = nt;
                            while (true)
                                Reach baseName = (Reach)baseTag.Name; int num = Int32.Parse(baseName.after(1, ":")); baseTag = resSet[baseName.before(1, ":")][num]; if (baseName.before(1, ":").Equals(valDef.before(delim)))
                                    val = baseTag.Value.val(valDef.after(delim)); break;
                        else if (delim.len > 0)
                            val = nt.Value.val(valDef.after(delim));
                            val = nt.Value.val(valDef);
                        ret += " <td>" + val.text.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") + " </td>\n";
                    ret += "</tr>\n";
                    ret += nt.Value.struc(-1) + "</tr>\n";
            return("<url>" + url + "</url>" + ret);
Пример #8
        private string prepare(string name, string param, KeyPile <string, Tag> paramSet, Pile <Tag> rsDefSet, KeyPile <string, Conditions> rsCondSet, KeyPile <string, Tag> responseSet, KeyPile <string, Tag> results, string debug)
            Tag def         = new Tag(GetParser(name, 0), true);
            Tag requestDef  = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==request"))[1];
            Tag parserDef   = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==parser"))[1];
            Tag responseDef = def.tags(2, new Pile <string>("", true, "[type]==response"))[1];

            KeyPile <string, Tag> resultSetDefinitions = new KeyPile <string, Tag>();
            string url = parserDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==url"))[1].txt;

            foreach (Tag t in parserDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==resultset")))
                resultSetDefinitions.Add(t.attr["name"].Value.text, t);

            foreach (string key in resultSetDefinitions.Keys)

            foreach (Tag t in responseDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==param")))
                responseSet.Add(t.attr["name"].Value.text, t);
            KeyPile <long, Tag> paramList = new KeyPile <long, Tag>();

            foreach (Tag t in requestDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==param")))
                paramList.Add(Int32.Parse(t.attr["key"].Value.text), t);
            foreach (long key in paramList.kAsc)
                paramSet.Add(paramList[key].txt.after(1, "[").before(1, "]").text, paramList[key]);

            Pile <Tag> qParams = new Tag(param, true).tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==param"));

            string[] qp = new string[qParams.Len];
            for (int i = 1; i <= qParams.Len; i++)
                Tag t = qParams[i];
                qp[i - 1] = t.attr["name"].Value.text + "=" + t.attr["value"].Value.text;

            foreach (string worddef in qp)
                string word = worddef;
                string key  = utl.cutl(ref word, "=");
                long   pos  = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= paramSet.Len; i++)
                    if (paramSet.Keys[i].Equals(key))
                        pos = i; break;
                url = url.Replace("[" + pos + "]", paramSet[key].txt.text.Replace("[" + key + "]", word));
            url = url.Replace("&amp;", "&");
            for (long i = 1; i <= paramSet.Len; i++)
                url = url.Replace("[" + i + "]", "");
            for (int rset = 1; rset <= rsDefSet.Len; rset++)
                if (debug.Equals("base"))
                Tag rsDef = rsDefSet[rset];
                Pile <Pile <string> > rsFilters = new Pile <Pile <string> >();
                foreach (Tag filterDef in rsDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==filter")))
                    Pile <string> rsPatterns = new Pile <string>();
                    foreach (Tag patternDef in filterDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==pattern")))
                        bool   neg   = patternDef.attr["neg"].Value.Equals("1");
                        bool   csens = patternDef.attr["csens"].Value.Equals("1");
                        bool   rexp  = patternDef.attr["rexp"].Value.Equals("1");
                        string key   = patternDef.attr["key"].Value.text.Replace("&gt;", ">").Replace("&lt;", "<");
                        string val   = patternDef.txt;
                        string cmp   = "";
                        if (neg)
                            cmp = "!";
                        if (!csens)
                            cmp += "°";
                        if (rexp)
                            cmp += "~";
                            cmp += "=";
                        if (csens)
                            cmp += cmp.Substring(cmp.Length - 1);
                        rsPatterns.Add(key + cmp + val);
                rsCondSet.Add(rsDef.attr["base"].Value + "-" + rsDef.attr["name"].Value, new Conditions(rsDef.attr["base"].Value, rsDef.attr["name"].Value, rsDef.tags(2, Tag.where ("[type]==sequence"))[1].attr["include"].Value.text.Trim(), rsFilters));
                if (debug.Equals(rsDef.attr["name"].Value))
                //rsCondSet.Add(rsDef.attr["base"].Item, new Conditions(rsDef.attr["base"].Item, rsDef.attr["name"].Item, rsDef.tags(2, Tag.where("[type]==sequence"))[1].attr["include"].Item.text.Trim(), rsFilters));
            //long Pos1 = ((string)Reach.Load("http://www.livejasmin.com/listpage.php?page=22&livejasmin_session=4678d6bb9242e4bef687d240c293b873&tags=girl&type=40&orderby=0")).IndexOf("allonline_perfnametext");
            Tag doc = new Tag(Reach.Load(url), false);

            //long Pos2 = doc.struc(-1).IndexOf("allonline_perfnametext");
            //for (long i = 1; i <= doc.Tags.Len(); i++) doc.Tags[i].Name = "base:" + i;
            results.Add("base", doc);
Пример #9
        internal Pile <Tag> tags(long maxDepth, long level, KeyPile <string, Conditions> condsSet, KeyPile <string, Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> > > resSet)
            long foundInThisLevel = 0;

            if (resSet.Len > 0)
                if ((resSet.Len != condsSet.Len + 1))
                    foreach (Conditions cnd in condsSet)
                        resSet.Add(cnd.name, new Pile <NamedValue <string, Tag> >());
            Pile <Tag> ret = new Pile <Tag>();

            if (condsSet.Len < level)
            Conditions conds = condsSet[(int)level];

            if (maxDepth == 0)
            foreach (Tag t in _tags)
                if (conds.matches(t))
                    string tagBase = "";
                    if (resSet.Len > 0)
                        if (conds.baseName.Length > 0)
                            if (level == 1)
                                tagBase = "base:" + ++foundInThisLevel;
                                tagBase = condsSet[(int)level - 1].name + ":" + resSet[condsSet[(int)level - 1].name].Len;
                        resSet[(int)level + 1].Add(new NamedValue <string, Tag>(tagBase, t));
                    if (level < condsSet.Len)
                        Tag baseTag = t;
                        NamedValue <string, Tag> namedBaseTag = new NamedValue <string, Tag>(tagBase, baseTag);
                        if (!condsSet[(int)level + 1].baseName.Equals(condsSet[(int)level].name))
                            Reach baseName;
                            int   num;
                            while (!condsSet[(int)level + 1].baseName.Equals(((Reach)namedBaseTag.Name).before(1, ":")))
                                baseName = (Reach)namedBaseTag.Name; num = Int32.Parse(baseName.after(1, ":")); namedBaseTag = resSet[baseName.before(1, ":")][num];
                            baseName = (Reach)namedBaseTag.Name; num = Int32.Parse(baseName.after(1, ":")); namedBaseTag = resSet[baseName.before(1, ":")][num];
                        baseTag = namedBaseTag.Value;
                        Pile <Tag> subLevelResults = null;
                        condsSet[(int)level + 1].reset();
                        subLevelResults = baseTag.tags(-1, level + 1, condsSet, resSet);
                    Pile <Tag> subResults = null;
                    subResults = t.tags(maxDepth - 1, level, condsSet, resSet);
                    if (subResults.Len > 0)
Пример #10
        public void init(string App_Name, string[] args) //reads Options from Environment, Arguments and Ini-Files INTO the static class "ao" (AppOptions)
             * dbDrivers.Set("h2s",  "h2s  00  (H2Sql)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("mys",  "mys  01  (Oracle MySql)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2mys", "2mys 01h (MySql Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("pgs",  "pgs  02  (PostGreSql)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2pgs", "2pgs 02h (PostGreSql Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("fbd",  "fbd  03  (FireBirdSql)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2fbd", "2fbd 03h (FireBirdSql Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("sql",  "sql  04  (SqLite)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2sql", "2sql 04h (SqLite Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("mss",  "mss  05  (MsSqlServer)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2mss", "2mss 05h (MsSqlServer Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("syb",  "syb  06  (SAP SyBase)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2syb", "2syb 06h (SAP SyBase Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("ora",  "ora  07  (Oracle)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2ora", "2ora 07h (Oracle Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("db2",  "db2  08  (IBM DB2)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2db2", "2db2 08h (IBM DB2 Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("dby",  "dby  09  (Apache Derby)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2dby", "2dby 09h (Apache Derby Emulation of H2Db)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("hsq",  "hsq  10  (HSqlDb)");
             * dbDrivers.Set("2hsq", "2hsq 10h (HSqlDb Emulation of H2Db)");

            useHtmlAgilityPack = true; // ndStruct should replace the HtmlAgilityPack but ndStruct is not tested enough and ndStructs is not yet performant enough
            name = App_Name;

            //if (args.Count() != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + appName + " \"Directory\""); Console.WriteLine("press any key to abort ..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; }
            Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\" + name);
            string iniContent = "";

                string iniFile = Path.GetDirectoryName((new Uri(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase)).AbsolutePath) + "/" + name + ".ini".Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "\\\\");
                iniContent = utl.f2s(iniFile);
            catch (Exception e)
                    string iniFile = Path.GetDirectoryName((new Uri(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase)).AbsolutePath) + "\\..\\..\\..\\" + name + ".ini".Replace("\\", "/").Replace("//", "\\\\");
                    iniContent = utl.f2s(iniFile);
                catch (Exception ex) { } // cannot throw Exception because there is no INI-File when ctx has been initialized from a Web App!

            while (iniContent.Length > 0)
                string line = utl.cutl(ref iniContent, "\n").Replace("\r", "").Trim();
                if ((line.IndexOf("=") > -1) & (!line.StartsWith("//")))
                    string entryName  = utl.cutl(ref line, "=").Trim();
                    string entryValue = utl.cutl(ref line, "//").Trim();
                    if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("FONT"))
                        Font = entryValue;
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBFONT"))
                        DbFont = entryValue;
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("TSFONT"))
                        TsFont = entryValue;

                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-H2S"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("h2s", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //00  (H2Sql)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-MYS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("mys", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //01  (Oracle MySql)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2MYS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2mys", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //01h (MySql Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-PGS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("pgs", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //02  (PostGreSql)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2PGS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2pgs", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //02h (PostGreSql Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-FBD"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("fbd", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //03  (FireBirdSql)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2FBD"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2fbd", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //03h (FireBirdSql Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-SQL"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("sql", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //04  (SqLite)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2SQL"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2sql", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //04h (SqLite Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-MSS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("mss", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //05  (MsSqlServer)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2MSS"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2mss", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //05h (MsSqlServer Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-SYB"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("syb", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //06  (SAP SyBase)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2SYB"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2syb", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //06h (SAP SyBase Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-ORA"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("ora", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //07  (Oracle)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2ORA"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2ora", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //07h (Oracle Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-DB2"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("db2", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //08  (IBM DB2)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2DB2"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2db2", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //08h (IBM DB2 Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-DBY"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("dby", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //09  (Apache Derby)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2DBY"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2dby", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //09h (Apache Derby Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-HSQ"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("hsq", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //10  (HSqlDb)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-2HSQ"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("2hsq", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                //10h (HSqlDb Emulation of H2Db)");
                    else if (entryName.ToUpper().Equals("DBD-TDA"))
                        dbDrivers.Set("tda", dbdriverEntry(entryValue));                                 //11  (Novell TeraData)");
                    iniParam.Add(entryName.ToUpper(), entryValue);