async void Save() { await _channel.SendMessage("Saving Data..."); Karuta.InvokeCommand("save", new List <string>()); Karuta.Write("Data is saved:"); _bot.SaveData(); await _channel.SendMessage("Saved!"); }
void Purge() { Karuta.REGISTY.SetValue("discordImageCommands", ""); foreach (DiscordImageCommand c in from c in _bot.interpreter.GetCommands() where c.GetType() == typeof(DiscordImageCommand) select c as DiscordImageCommand) { _bot.interpreter.RemoveCommand(; } Karuta.InvokeCommand("save", new List <string>()); _channel.SendMessage("All image command data has been purged"); }
async void Add() { //Validate if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_name) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url)) { await _channel.SendMessage($"An image name and url must be specified, use !help {name} for more info"); return; } if ((_url.Contains('`') || _url.Contains('{'))) { await _channel.SendMessage("Invalid URL"); return; } List <string> imageLinks = new List <string>(); Uri url = new Uri(_url); if (url.Host == "") { if (_bot.validExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(url.AbsolutePath))) { imageLinks.Add(_url); } } else if (url.Host != "") { await _channel.SendMessage("Only imgur images are allowed"); return; } //Resolve Link if (imageLinks.Count == 0) { imageLinks = await _bot.ResolveImgurUrl(url); } //Add Command if (_bot.interpreter.CommandExists(_name)) { DiscordCommand c = _bot.interpreter.GetCommand(_name); if (c?.GetType() == typeof(DiscordImageCommand)) { DiscordImageCommand cmd = (DiscordImageCommand)c; int dupeCount = 0; int addCount = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_help)) { cmd.SetHelpMessage(_help); } foreach (string link in imageLinks) { if (cmd.images.Contains(link)) { dupeCount++; continue; } cmd.AddImage(link); addCount++; } if (dupeCount > 0) { await _channel.SendMessage($"{dupeCount} Image{((dupeCount > 1) ? "s" : "")} already existed and were not added"); } await _channel.SendMessage($"{addCount} Image{((addCount > 1) ? "s" : "")} Added"); //await _channel.SendMessage(cmd.ToString()); } else { await _channel.SendMessage("This name cannot be used"); } } else { //Karuta.Write(count); DiscordImageCommand img = (_help != default(string)) ? new DiscordImageCommand(_name, _help) { images = imageLinks } :new DiscordImageCommand(_name) { images = imageLinks }; _bot.interpreter.RegisterCommand(img); img.init?.Invoke(); _bot.interpreter.GetCommandOfType <DiscordHelpCommand>()?.init(); await _channel.SendMessage($"{imageLinks.Count} Image{((imageLinks.Count > 1) ? "s" : "")} Command Added"); Karuta.Write(img.ToString()); } //foreach (string c in bot.commands.Keys) // _channel.SendMessage(c); _bot.SaveData(); Karuta.InvokeCommand("save", new List <string>()); _url = _name = null; }
async void Remove() { //Validate List <string> imageLinks = new List <string>(); Uri url = new Uri(_url); if (!_removeEntirely) { if (_name == null || _url == null || _url == "" || _name == "") { await _channel.SendMessage("An image name and url must be specified"); return; } if (_url.Contains('`') || _url.Contains('{')) { await _channel.SendMessage("Invalid URL"); return; } if (url.Host == "") { if (_bot.validExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(url.AbsolutePath))) { imageLinks.Add(_url); } } else if (url.Host != "") { await _channel.SendMessage("Only imgur images are allowed"); return; } } else if (_name == null || _name == "") { await _channel.SendMessage("An image name must be specified"); return; } //Resolve Link if (imageLinks.Count == 0 && !_removeEntirely) { imageLinks = await _bot.ResolveImgurUrl(url); } if (_bot.interpreter.CommandExists(_name)) { int removed = 0, skipped = 0; if (_removeEntirely) { _bot.interpreter.RemoveCommand(_name); } else { if (_bot.interpreter.GetCommand(_name).GetType() != typeof(DiscordImageCommand)) { await _channel.SendMessage("This is not an image command"); } DiscordImageCommand cmd = ((DiscordImageCommand)_bot.interpreter.GetCommand(_name)); foreach (string i in cmd.images) { Karuta.Write(i); } foreach (string u in imageLinks) { if (cmd.RemoveImage(u)) { removed++; } else { skipped++; } } foreach (string i in cmd.images) { Karuta.Write(i); } if (cmd.images.Count == 0) { _bot.interpreter.RemoveCommand(_name); } } await _channel.SendMessage($"{removed} Image{((removed > 1) ? "s" : "")} removed"); if (skipped != 0) { await _channel.SendMessage($"{skipped} Image{((skipped > 1) ? "s" : "")} were not found, and skipped"); } } else { await _channel.SendMessage("that image command does not exsist"); } _bot.interpreter.GetCommandOfType <HelpCommand>()?.init(); _bot.SaveData(); Karuta.InvokeCommand("save", new List <string>()); _removeEntirely = false; _url = _name = null; }