private void UpdateUsedBy()
            //print ("*RK* Updating UsedBy");


            List <Part> enginesList = GetEnginesFedBy(part);

            engineCount = enginesList.Count;

            foreach (Part engine in enginesList)
                foreach (PartModule engine_module in engine.Modules)
                    List <Propellant> propellants = GetEnginePropellants(engine_module);
                    if ((object)propellants != null)
                        FuelInfo f = new FuelInfo(propellants, this, engine.partInfo.title);
                        if (f.ratioFactor > 0.0)
                            FuelInfo found;
                            if (!usedBy.TryGetValue(f.Label, out found))
                                usedBy.Add(f.Label, f);
                            else if (!found.names.Contains(engine.partInfo.title))
                                found.names += ", " + engine.partInfo.title;

            // Need to update the tweakable menu too
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                Events.RemoveAll(button =>"MFT"));

                bool activeEditor = (AvailableVolume >= 0.001);

                int idx = 0;
                foreach (FuelInfo info in usedBy.Values)
                    KSPEvent kspEvent = new KSPEvent {
                        name            = "MFT" + idx++,
                        guiActive       = false,
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor,
                        guiName         = info.Label
                    FuelInfo  info1  = info;
                    BaseEvent button = new BaseEvent(Events,, () => ConfigureFor(info1), kspEvent)
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor
Пример #2
        public void AddRepair(RepairData repairData)

            KSPEvent attribHolder = GenerateRepairOptionSelectionAttribs(repairData);

            repairData.customControllerData = new CustomPRCData(repairData.RequestedResources.Keys.AsEnumerable());
            BaseEvent PAWButton = new BaseEvent(Events, $"SelectionToggle {repairData.RepairOptionDescription}", () =>
            }, attribHolder);

            (repairData.customControllerData as CustomPRCData).PAWSelectionToggleButton = PAWButton;
Пример #3
        static KSPEvent GenerateRepairOptionSelectionAttribs(RepairData repairData)
            KSPEvent attribHolder = new KSPEvent
                guiActive          = true,
                guiActiveUncommand = true,
                guiActiveUnfocused = true,
                requireFullControl = false,
                guiName            = $"Select: {repairData.RepairOptionDescription}",
                groupName          = "KRTRepeirsSelection",
                groupDisplayName   = "KRT Repairs Selection",

Пример #4
        void SelectRepair(RepairData repairData)        // Does not call repairData.Select, supposed to be used after/before calling it or Toggle somewhere else
            string displayedResList = $"Chosen repair option is {repairData.RepairOptionDescription}.\nIt needs this set of rsources to be completed\n(Assuming repair efficiency is not lower than 1):";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> i in repairData.RequestedResources)
                displayedResList += $"\n{PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(i.Key).displayName}: {i.Value}";
            PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), "KRTRepairRequests", "Repair Option Chosen", displayedResList, "Prepare Duct Tape!", false, HighLogic.UISkin);
            (repairData.customControllerData as CustomPRCData).PAWSelectionToggleButton.guiName = $"Deselect: {repairData.RepairOptionDescription}";

            KSPEvent  attribHolder = GenerateRepairAssignmentCatchingToggleAtribs(repairData);
            BaseEvent PAWButton    = new BaseEvent(Events, $"AssigningToggle: {repairData.RepairOptionDescription}", () =>
            }, attribHolder);

            (repairData.customControllerData as CustomPRCData).PAWCatchingAssignmentButton = PAWButton;
Пример #5
        //[KSPField(guiActive = true, guiName = "Status", isPersistant = false)]
        //public string status;

        public void addDataButton(ScienceData sd, IScienceDataContainer cont)
            var subject    = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(sd.subjectID);
            var parts      = sd.subjectID.Split('@');
            var experiment = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment(parts[0]);

            if (experiment != null && sd.baseTransmitValue < txValue)
                KSPEvent kspevent = new KSPEvent();
          = true;
            = sd.subjectID;
                kspevent.guiActive = true;
                kspevent.guiName   = sd.title;
                IScienceDataContainer my_cont = cont;
                ScienceData           my_sd   = sd;
                BaseEvent             ev      = new BaseEvent(Events, sd.subjectID, delegate() { analyze(my_cont, my_sd); }, kspevent);
Пример #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a BaseEvent, obtain a KSPEvent.
            /// Note : This is used in UIPartActionMenuPatcher.Wrap in case there no KSPEvent in the custom attributes of the BaseEventDelegate from the button event.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="baseEvent">BaseEvent from which to obtain a KSPEvent.</param>
            /// <returns>KSPEvent instance from the BaseEvent parameter.</returns>
            public static KSPEvent KspEventFromBaseEvent(BaseEvent baseEvent)
                var kspEvent = new KSPEvent
                    active             =,
                    guiActive          = baseEvent.guiActive,
                    requireFullControl = baseEvent.requireFullControl,
                    guiActiveEditor    = baseEvent.guiActiveEditor,
                    guiActiveUncommand = baseEvent.guiActiveUncommand,
                    guiIcon            = baseEvent.guiIcon,
                    guiName            = baseEvent.guiName,
                    category           = baseEvent.category,
                    advancedTweakable  = baseEvent.advancedTweakable,
                    guiActiveUnfocused = baseEvent.guiActiveUnfocused,
                    unfocusedRange     = baseEvent.unfocusedRange,
                    externalToEVAOnly  = baseEvent.externalToEVAOnly,
                    isPersistent       = baseEvent.isPersistent

        // Adding Selfie button
        private void addSelfie(KerbalEVA evaCtl)
            Log.dbg("Adding Selfie to {0}", evaCtl.GUIName);
            BaseEventList     pEvents = evaCtl.Events;
            BaseEventDelegate slf     = new BaseEventDelegate(TakeSelfie);
            KSPEvent          evt     = new KSPEvent
                active             = true,
                externalToEVAOnly  = true,
                guiActive          = true,
                guiActiveEditor    = false,
                guiActiveUnfocused = false,
                guiActiveUncommand = false,
                guiName            = "Take Selfie",
                name = "TakeSelfie"
            BaseEvent selfie = new BaseEvent(pEvents, "Take Selfie", slf, evt);

            selfie.guiActive = true;
      = true;
Пример #8
        public void UpdateUsedBy()
            //print ("*RK* Updating UsedBy");

            usedBy.Clear ();

            // Get part list
            List<Part> parts;
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && EditorLogic.fetch.ship != null)
                parts =;
            else if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && vessel != null)
                parts =;
            else parts = new List<Part>();

            FuelInfo f;
            string title;
            PartModule m;
            for(int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
                title = parts[i].partInfo.title;
                for(int j = 0; j < parts[i].Modules.Count; ++j)
                    m = parts[i].Modules[j];
                    if (m is ModuleEngines)
                        f = new FuelInfo((m as ModuleEngines).propellants, this, title);
                        if(f.ratioFactor > 0d)
                            UpdateFuelInfo(f, title);
                    else if (m is ModuleRCS)
                        f = new FuelInfo((m as ModuleRCS).propellants, this, title);
                        if (f.ratioFactor > 0d)
                            UpdateFuelInfo(f, title);

            // Need to update the tweakable menu too
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) {
                Events.RemoveAll (button => ("MFT"));

                bool activeEditor = (AvailableVolume >= 0.001);

                int idx = 0;
                foreach (FuelInfo info in usedBy.Values) {
                    KSPEvent kspEvent = new KSPEvent {
                        name = "MFT" + idx++,
                        guiActive = false,
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor,
                        guiName = info.Label
                    FuelInfo info1 = info;
                    BaseEvent button = new BaseEvent (Events,, () => ConfigureFor (info1), kspEvent) {
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor
                    Events.Add (button);
                MarkWindowDirty ();
Пример #9
        private void reinitEvents(Vessel v)
            if (v.evaController == null)
            KerbalEVA evaCtl = v.evaController;

            ProtoCrewMember crew       = v.GetVesselCrew() [0];
            String          kerbalName =;

            printDebug("evCtl found; checking name: " + kerbalName);
            Tourist t;

            if (!tourists.TryGetValue(kerbalName, out t))

            printDebug("among tourists: " + kerbalName);
   = false;
            t.taken = false;

            if (!Tourist.isTourist(v.GetVesselCrew()[0]))
                printDebug("...but is a crew");
                return;                 // not a real tourist

            // Change crew type right away to avoid them being crew after recovery
            crew.type = ProtoCrewMember.KerbalType.Tourist;

            BaseEventList pEvents = evaCtl.Events;

            foreach (BaseEvent e in pEvents)
                printDebug("disabling event " + e.guiName);
                e.guiActive          = false;
                e.guiActiveUnfocused = false;
                e.guiActiveUncommand = false;
            // Adding Selfie button
            BaseEventDelegate slf = new BaseEventDelegate(TakeSelfie);
            KSPEvent          evt = new KSPEvent();

               = true;
            evt.externalToEVAOnly  = true;
            evt.guiActive          = true;
            evt.guiActiveEditor    = false;
            evt.guiActiveUnfocused = false;
            evt.guiActiveUncommand = false;
            evt.guiName            = "Take Selfie";
   = "TakeSelfie";
            BaseEvent selfie = new BaseEvent(pEvents, "Take Selfie", slf, evt);

            selfie.guiActive = true;
      = true;

            foreach (PartModule m in evaCtl.part.Modules)
                if (!m.ClassName.Equals("ModuleScienceExperiment"))
                printDebug("science module id: " + ((ModuleScienceExperiment)m).experimentID);
                // Disable all science
                foreach (BaseEvent e in m.Events)
                    e.guiActive          = false;
                    e.guiActiveUnfocused = false;
                    e.guiActiveUncommand = false;

                foreach (BaseAction a in m.Actions)
           = false;

            printDebug("Initializing sound");
            // Should we always invalidate cache???
            fx = null;
 public WrappedEvent(BaseEvent originalEvent, BaseEventList baseParentList, string name, BaseEventDelegate baseActionDelegate, KSPEvent kspEvent)
     : base(baseParentList, name, baseActionDelegate, kspEvent)
     _originalEvent = originalEvent;
Пример #11
 public WrappedEvent(BaseEvent originalEvent, BaseEventList baseParentList, string name, BaseEventDelegate baseActionDelegate, KSPEvent kspEvent)
     : base(baseParentList, name, baseActionDelegate, kspEvent)
     _originalEvent = originalEvent;
Пример #12
        public static void WrapPartActionEventItem(Part part, Action <BaseEvent, bool> passthrough)
            var controller = UIPartActionController.Instance;

            if (!controller)

            // get the part action window corresponding to the part
            var window = controller.GetItem(part);

            if (window == null)

            // get all the items that makes this window (toggle buttons, sliders, etc.)
            var partActionItems = window.ListItems;

            // loop through all of those UI components
            for (var i = 0; i < partActionItems.Count(); i++)
                // check that the part action item is actually a UIPartActionFieldItem (it could be a UIPartActionEventItem)
                var uiPartActionEventItem = (partActionItems[i] as UIPartActionEventItem);
                if (uiPartActionEventItem == null)

                // get event from button
                BaseEvent originalEvent = uiPartActionEventItem.Evt;

                // Search for the BaseEventDelegate (BaseEvent.onEvent) field defined for the current BaseEvent type.
                // Note that 'onEvent' is protected, so we have to go through reflection.
                FieldInfo partEventFieldInfo = typeof(BaseEvent).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                               .First(fi => fi.FieldType == typeof(BaseEventDelegate));

                // Get the actual value of the 'onEvent' field
                BaseEventDelegate partEvent = (BaseEventDelegate)partEventFieldInfo.GetValue(originalEvent);

                // Gets the method represented by the delegate and from this method returns an array of custom attributes applied to this member.
                // Simply put, we want all [KSPEvent] attributes applied to the BaseEventDelegate.Method field.
                object[] customAttributes = partEvent.Method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KSPEvent), true);

                // Look for the custom attribute skip_control
                bool skipControl = customAttributes.Any(a => ((KSPEvent)a).category.Contains("skip_control"));
                if (skipControl)

                 * Override the old BaseEvent with our BaseEvent to the button

                // fix problems with other mods (behavior not seen with KSP) when the customAttributes list is empty.
                KSPEvent kspEvent = !customAttributes.Any() ? WrappedEvent.KspEventFromBaseEvent(originalEvent) : (KSPEvent)customAttributes[0];

                // Look for the custom attribute skip_delay
                bool ignoreDelay = customAttributes.Any(a => ((KSPEvent)a).category.Contains("skip_delay"));

                // create the new BaseEvent
                BaseEvent hookedEvent = EventWrapper.CreateWrapper(originalEvent, passthrough, ignoreDelay, kspEvent);

                // get the original event index in the event list
                BaseEventList eventList = originalEvent.listParent;
                int           listIndex = eventList.IndexOf(originalEvent);

                // remove the original event in the event list and add our hooked event

                // get the baseEvent field from UIPartActionEventItem (note: this is uiPartActionEventItem.Evt, but we can't set its value...)
                FieldInfo baseEventField = typeof(UIPartActionEventItem).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                           .First(fi => fi.FieldType == typeof(BaseEvent));

                // replace the button baseEvent value with our hooked event
                baseEventField.SetValue(uiPartActionEventItem, hookedEvent);
Пример #13
        void EngagePumpPair()
            if (isEVASide)
                if (awaitingPump.isEVASide)
                    Debug.LogError("[EVARefueling] Both pumps marked for engaging are EVA-Side. Normally this error message should NEVER arise as engaging is only called for EVA+nonEVA pump pairs");
                    EVARefuelingPump tmp = awaitingPump;
                    awaitingPump = this;
                    tmp.EngagePumpPair();                       // Actual engaging is to be done by non-EVA-Side pump
                awaitingPump.connectedPump = this;
                awaitingPump.connected     = true;

                connectedPump = awaitingPump;
                connected     = true;

                awaitingPump = null;

                foreach (string resourceName in resourcePumpingRatesDict.Keys)
                    if (part.Resources.Contains(resourceName) && connectedPump.part.Resources.Contains(resourceName))
                        KSPEvent attributeHolder = new KSPEvent();
                        #region Setting Attribs
                        attributeHolder.guiActive          = true;
                        attributeHolder.guiName            = $"Pump {part.Resources[resourceName].info.displayName} here";
                        attributeHolder.groupName          = "EVARefuelingPump";
                        attributeHolder.groupDisplayName   = "EVA Refueling";
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUnfocused = true;
                        attributeHolder.requireFullControl = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUncommand = true;
                        Events.Add(new BaseEvent(Events, $"InPump_{resourceName}", () =>
                            activeResourcePumpingRatedDict[resourceName] = resourcePumpingRatesDict[resourceName];

                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                        attributeHolder = new KSPEvent();
                        #region Setting Attribs
                        attributeHolder.guiActive          = true;
                        attributeHolder.guiName            = $"Pump {part.Resources[resourceName].info.displayName} here";
                        attributeHolder.groupName          = "EVARefuelingPump";
                        attributeHolder.groupDisplayName   = "EVA Refueling";
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUnfocused = true;
                        attributeHolder.requireFullControl = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUncommand = true;
                        connectedPump.Events.Add(new BaseEvent(connectedPump.Events, $"InPump_{resourceName}", () =>
                            activeResourcePumpingRatedDict[resourceName] = -resourcePumpingRatesDict[resourceName];

                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                        attributeHolder = new KSPEvent();
                        #region Setting Attribs
                        attributeHolder.guiActive          = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiName            = $"Stop Pumping {part.Resources[resourceName].info.displayName}";
                        attributeHolder.groupName          = "EVARefuelingPump";
                        attributeHolder.groupDisplayName   = "EVA Refueling";
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUnfocused = false;
                        attributeHolder.requireFullControl = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUncommand = false;
                        Events.Add(new BaseEvent(Events, $"StopPump_{resourceName}", () =>
                            activeResourcePumpingRatedDict[resourceName] = 0;

                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

                        attributeHolder = new KSPEvent();
                        #region Setting Attribs
                        attributeHolder.guiActive          = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiName            = $"Stop Pumping {part.Resources[resourceName].info.displayName}";
                        attributeHolder.groupName          = "EVARefuelingPump";
                        attributeHolder.groupDisplayName   = "EVA Refueling";
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUnfocused = false;
                        attributeHolder.requireFullControl = false;
                        attributeHolder.guiActiveUncommand = false;
                        connectedPump.Events.Add(new BaseEvent(connectedPump.Events, $"StopPump_{resourceName}", () =>
                            activeResourcePumpingRatedDict[resourceName] = 0;

                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = true;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"InPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = true;

                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActive          = false;
                            connectedPump.Events[$"StopPump_{resourceName}"].guiActiveUnfocused = false;
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a BaseEvent, obtain a KSPEvent.
            /// Note : This is used in UIPartActionMenuPatcher.Wrap in case there no KSPEvent in the custom attributes of the BaseEventDelegate from the button event.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="baseEvent">BaseEvent from which to obtain a KSPEvent.</param>
            /// <returns>KSPEvent instance from the BaseEvent parameter.</returns>
            public static KSPEvent KspEventFromBaseEvent(BaseEvent baseEvent)
                var kspEvent = new KSPEvent
                    active =,
                    guiActive = baseEvent.guiActive,
                    requireFullControl = baseEvent.requireFullControl,
                    guiActiveEditor = baseEvent.guiActiveEditor,
                    guiActiveUncommand = baseEvent.guiActiveUncommand,
                    guiIcon = baseEvent.guiIcon,
                    guiName = baseEvent.guiName,
                    category = baseEvent.category,
                    advancedTweakable = baseEvent.advancedTweakable,
                    guiActiveUnfocused = baseEvent.guiActiveUnfocused,
                    unfocusedRange = baseEvent.unfocusedRange,
                    externalToEVAOnly = baseEvent.externalToEVAOnly,
                    isPersistent = baseEvent.isPersistent

                return kspEvent;
        public void UpdateUsedBy()
            //print ("*RK* Updating UsedBy");


            // Get part list
            List <Part> parts;

            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && EditorLogic.fetch.ship != null)
                parts =;
            else if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight && vessel != null)
                parts =;
                parts = new List <Part>();

            FuelInfo   f;
            string     title;
            PartModule m;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i)
                title = parts[i].partInfo.title;
                for (int j = 0; j < parts[i].Modules.Count; ++j)
                    m = parts[i].Modules[j];
                    if (m is ModuleEngines)
                        f = new FuelInfo((m as ModuleEngines).propellants, this, title);
                        if (f.ratioFactor > 0d)
                            UpdateFuelInfo(f, title);
                    else if (m is ModuleRCS)
                        f = new FuelInfo((m as ModuleRCS).propellants, this, title);
                        if (f.ratioFactor > 0d)
                            UpdateFuelInfo(f, title);

            // Need to update the tweakable menu too
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                Events.RemoveAll(button =>"MFT"));

                bool activeEditor = (AvailableVolume >= 0.001);

                int idx = 0;
                foreach (FuelInfo info in usedBy.Values)
                    KSPEvent kspEvent = new KSPEvent {
                        name            = "MFT" + idx++,
                        guiActive       = false,
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor,
                        guiName         = info.Label
                    FuelInfo  info1  = info;
                    BaseEvent button = new BaseEvent(Events,, () => ConfigureFor(info1), kspEvent)
                        guiActiveEditor = activeEditor
                //MarkWindowDirty ();
Пример #16
            public static BaseEvent CreateWrapper(BaseEvent original, Action <BaseEvent, bool> passthrough, bool ignoreDelay, KSPEvent kspEvent)
                // Create a new configuration node and fill this node with the original base event with the values
                ConfigNode cn = new ConfigNode();


                // create the wrapper (used solely for its Invoke() method)
                // this class keeps the:
                // * pass through event (leading to the ModuleSPU.InvokeEvent() method)
                // * the original event (button click event)
                // * the ignore delay boolean value (true if the event ignore delay, false otherwise)
                EventWrapper wrapper = new EventWrapper(original, passthrough, ignoreDelay);
                // Create a new event, its main features are:
                // 1. It retains its original base event invokable method: invokable directly through its InvokeOriginalEvent() method [useful for other mods, e.g. kOS]
                // 2. Its new invoke() method which is in this wrapper class and decorated with and new KSPEvent category, namely "skip_control" (meaning we have already seen this event).
                BaseEvent newEvent = new WrappedEvent(original, original.listParent,, wrapper.Invoke, kspEvent);

                // load the original base event values into the new base event

            public static BaseEvent CreateWrapper(BaseEvent original, Action<BaseEvent, bool> passthrough, bool ignoreDelay, KSPEvent kspEvent)
                // Create a new configuration node and fill this node with the original base event with the values
                ConfigNode cn = new ConfigNode();

                // create the wrapper (used solely for its Invoke() method)
                // this class keeps the:
                // * pass through event (leading to the ModuleSPU.InvokeEvent() method)
                // * the original event (button click event)
                // * the ignore delay boolean value (true if the event ignore delay, false otherwise)
                EventWrapper wrapper = new EventWrapper(original, passthrough, ignoreDelay);
                // Create a new event, its main features are:
                // 1. It retains its original base event invokable method: invokable directly through its InvokeOriginalEvent() method [useful for other mods, e.g. kOS]
                // 2. Its new invoke() method which is in this wrapper class and decorated with and new KSPEvent category, namely "skip_control" (meaning we have already seen this event).
                BaseEvent newEvent = new WrappedEvent(original, original.listParent,, wrapper.Invoke, kspEvent);

                // load the original base event values into the new base event

                return newEvent;