private void addWebsiteToListView(KP2faC_Website website) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(; if (website.is2faPosssible()) { lvi.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; lvi.SubItems.Add("Yes - " + website.getTfa()); lvi.ImageIndex = (int)PwIcon.Checked; lvi.ToolTipText = "URL: " + website.url; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(website.exception)) { lvi.ImageIndex = (int)PwIcon.Warning; lvi.ToolTipText = lvi.ToolTipText + "\nException: " + website.exception; } } else { lvi.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon; lvi.SubItems.Add("No"); lvi.ImageIndex = (int)PwIcon.Expired; lvi.ToolTipText = "Tell them to support 2fa:\n (Double click)"; } lvi.Tag = website; lv_Websites.Items.Add(lvi); }
private void lv_Websites_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var senderList = (ListView)sender; var item = senderList.HitTest(e.Location).Item; if (item != null) { KP2faC_Website website = ((KP2faC_Website)item.Tag); if (website.is2faPosssible()) { if (website.doc != null) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(website.doc); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, I cant help you. No Documentation found!", "KP2faChecker - " +, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(website.email_address)) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( + " is not supporting 2fa.\n\nTell them to support 2fa on:\n Twitter: " + website.twitter + "\n Facebook: " + website.facebook + "\n Email: " + website.email_address + "\n\nDo you want to send an email to " + + "?", "KP2faChecker - " +, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Uri.EscapeUriString(string.Format("mailto:{0}?Subject={1}&Body={2}", website.email_address, "Support Two Factor Authentication", "Security is important. We'd like it if you supported two factor auth.\r\n"))); } } else { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( + " is not supporting 2fa.\n\nTell them to support 2fa on:\n Twitter: " + website.twitter + "\n Facebook: " + website.facebook, "KP2faChecker - " +, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } }
public void InitEx(PwEntry pe) { btn_Reload.Enabled = false; btn_Reload.Visible = false; RichTextBuilder rb = new RichTextBuilder(); string strItemSeperator = Environment.NewLine; EvAppendEntryFieldProtectedString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Title", PwDefs.TitleField, pe); EvAppendEntryFieldProtectedString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Username", PwDefs.UserNameField, pe); EvAppendEntryFieldProtectedString(rb, strItemSeperator, "URL", PwDefs.UrlField, pe); this.Text = this.Text + " - " + pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField); string r = ""; string totpAlready = "No"; KP2faC_Website curWebsite = null; bool bPossible = false; if ((pe.Strings.Exists("otp") && pe.Strings.Get("otp") != null) || (pe.Strings.Exists("TOTP Seed") && pe.Strings.Get("TOTP Seed") != null)) { totpAlready = "Yes"; } string url = pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.UrlField); pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_orange; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { r = "No Url set. A Url is needed to check for 2fa support"; } else { if (KP2faCheckerExt.dictKp2fac_WebsiteByDomain.Count > 0) { string prettifiedUrl = KP2faCheckerExt.prettifyUrl(url, KP2faCheckerExt.prettifyMode.AllWithoutTld); string[] domainArray = prettifiedUrl.Split('.').Reverse().ToArray(); var curDict = KP2faCheckerExt.dictKp2fac_WebsiteByDomain; for (int i = 0; i < domainArray.Length; i++) { if (curDict.ContainsKey(domainArray[i])) { if (curDict[domainArray[i]] is KP2faC_Website) { if (((KP2faC_Website)curDict[domainArray[i]]).is2faPosssible()) { if (i == domainArray.Length - 1) { r = "Yes" + r; bPossible = true; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_green; } } else { r = "No" + r; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_red; } curWebsite = (KP2faC_Website)curDict[domainArray[i]]; } else { curDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)curDict[domainArray[i]]; if (i == domainArray.Length - 1) { if (curDict.ContainsKey("*") && curDict["*"] is KP2faC_Website) { if (((KP2faC_Website)curDict["*"]).is2faPosssible()) { r = "Yes" + r; bPossible = true; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_green; } else { r = "No" + r; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_red; } curWebsite = (KP2faC_Website)curDict["*"]; } } } } else if (curDict.ContainsKey("*")) { if (curDict["*"] is KP2faC_Website) { if (((KP2faC_Website)curDict["*"]).is2faPosssible()) { r = "Yes" + r; bPossible = true; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_green; } else { r = "No" + r; pb_trafficlight.Image = Properties.Resources.trafficlight_red; } curWebsite = (KP2faC_Website)curDict["*"]; } break; } } } else { r = "Unknown. API Error!"; btn_Reload.Enabled = true; btn_Reload.Visible = true; btn_Reload.Tag = pe; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)) { r = "Dont know!"; } } EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "2FA already configured", totpAlready); rb.Build(rtb_Entry); rb = new RichTextBuilder(); EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "2FA supported", r); if (bPossible && curWebsite != null) { rb.AppendLine(); EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Websitename",; EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "2FA Options", curWebsite.getTfa()); EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Documentation", curWebsite.doc); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curWebsite.exception)) { EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Exception", curWebsite.exception); } } else if (!bPossible && curWebsite != null) { EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "This is wrong?", "Give a hint!"); rb.AppendLine(); EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Tell them to support 2FA!", " "); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curWebsite.email_address)) { EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Email address", curWebsite.email_address); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curWebsite.facebook)) { EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Facebook", curWebsite.facebook); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curWebsite.twitter)) { EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Twitter", curWebsite.twitter); } } else { rb.AppendLine(); EvAppendEntryFieldString(rb, strItemSeperator, "Is 2fa supported?", "Give a hint!"); } rb.Build(rtb_2FA); }