void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool isDeleted = false; foreach (GridDataItem data in grid.SelectedItems) { int authorID = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetDataKeyValue("AuthorID")); //CheckBox cbDelete = (CheckBox)data.FindControl("cbDelete"); //bool isDel = Convert.ToBoolean(data.GetDataKeyValue("IsDel")); KLAuthor author = new KLAuthor(authorID); if (author != null && author.AuthorID != -1) { author.IsDel = true; author.Save(); isDeleted = true; } } if (isDeleted) { SiteUtils.QueueIndexing(); grid.Rebind(); message.SuccessMessage = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("Resource", "DeleteSuccessMessage"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } }
void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { bool isUpdated = false; foreach (GridDataItem data in grid.Items) { CheckBox cbActive = (CheckBox)data.FindControl("cbActive"); int authorID = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetDataKeyValue("AuthorID")); bool active = Convert.ToBoolean(data.GetDataKeyValue("IsActive")); if (cbActive.Checked != active) { KLAuthor author = new KLAuthor(authorID); if (author != null && author.AuthorID != -1) { author.IsActive = cbActive.Checked; author.Save(); isUpdated = true; } } } if (isUpdated) { grid.Rebind(); message.SuccessMessage = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("Resource", "UpdateSuccessMessage"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } }
void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!NewsPermission.CanUpdate) { SiteUtils.RedirectToEditAccessDeniedPage(); return; } bool isUpdated = false; foreach (GridDataItem data in grid.Items) { //TextBox txtDisplayOrder = (TextBox)data.FindControl("txtDisplayOrder"); //TextBox txtViewed = (TextBox)data.FindControl("txtViewed"); CheckBox cbIsPublished = (CheckBox)data.FindControl("cbPublished"); int newsId = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetDataKeyValue("NewsID")); int number_news = 0; //int displayOrder = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetDataKeyValue("DisplayOrder")); //int viewed = Convert.ToInt32(data.GetDataKeyValue("Viewed")); bool isPublished = Convert.ToBoolean(data.GetDataKeyValue("IsPublished")); //int displayOrderNew = displayOrder; //int.TryParse(txtDisplayOrder.Text, out displayOrderNew); //int viewedNew = viewed; //int.TryParse(txtViewed.Text, out viewedNew); //|| viewed != viewedNew //displayOrder != displayOrderNew || if (cbIsPublished.Checked != isPublished) { News objNews = new News(SiteId, newsId); KLNews klNews = KLNews.GetAll().Where(n => n.NewsID == newsId).FirstOrDefault(); KLAuthor author = new KLAuthor(klNews.AuthorID); if (objNews != null && objNews.NewsID > -1) { if (cbIsPublished.Checked == true) { if (author != null && author.AuthorID > -1 && objNews.IsPublished == false) { number_news = author.ArticleCount = (author.ArticleCount + 1); author.LevelAuthor = UpdateLevel(number_news); author.Save(); klNews.Isapproved = true; klNews.Save(); } ApproveArticle(objNews.NewsID); } else { if (objNews.IsPublished == true) { number_news = author.ArticleCount = (author.ArticleCount - 1); author.LevelAuthor = UpdateLevel(number_news); author.Save(); klNews.Isapproved = false; insertnotify(author.UserID, klNews.NewsID, objNews.Title); klNews.Save(); } } objNews.IsPublished = cbIsPublished.Checked; // objNews.DisplayOrder = displayOrderNew; //objNews.Viewed = viewedNew; objNews.Save(); LogActivity.Write("Resort news", objNews.Title); isUpdated = true; } } } if (isUpdated) { grid.Rebind(); message.SuccessMessage = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("Resource", "UpdateSuccessMessage"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } }
private int Save() { Page.Validate("Author"); if (!Page.IsValid) { return(-1); } try { author.LinkFacebook = txtfb.Text; author.LinkInstagram = txtinstagram.Text; author.LinkPinterest = txtpinterest.Text; author.LinkTwitter = txttwinter.Text; author.Name = txtFullName.Text; SiteUser temp = new SiteUser(siteSettings, author.UserID); temp.Signature = editDescription.Text; if (fileImage.UploadedFiles.Count > 0) { imageFolderPath = AuthorHepper.MediaFolderPath(siteSettings.SiteId, author.UserID); AuthorHepper.VerifyAuthorFolders(fileSystem, imageFolderPath); foreach (UploadedFile file in fileImage.UploadedFiles) { string ext = file.GetExtension(); if (SiteUtils.IsAllowedUploadBrowseFile(ext, WebConfigSettings.ImageFileExtensions)) { ContentMedia media = new ContentMedia(); media.SiteGuid = siteSettings.SiteGuid; //image.Title = txtImageTitle.Text; media.DisplayOrder = 0; string newFileName = file.FileName.ToCleanFileName(WebConfigSettings.ForceLowerCaseForUploadedFiles); string newImagePath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine(imageFolderPath, newFileName); if (media.MediaFile == newFileName) { // an existing image delete the old one fileSystem.DeleteFile(newImagePath); } else { // this is a new newsImage instance, make sure we don't use the same file name as any other instance int i = 1; while (fileSystem.FileExists(VirtualPathUtility.Combine(imageFolderPath, newFileName))) { newFileName = i.ToInvariantString() + newFileName; i += 1; } } newImagePath = VirtualPathUtility.Combine(imageFolderPath, newFileName); file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(newImagePath)); media.MediaFile = newFileName; media.ThumbnailFile = newFileName; author.Avatar = newFileName; media.Save(); AuthorHepper.ProcessImage(media, fileSystem, imageFolderPath, file.FileName); } } } if (temp.Save() && author.Save()) { ImageAvatar.ImageUrl = AuthorHepper.GetAvatarAuthor(siteSettings.SiteId, author.UserID); LogActivity.Write("Update Author", author.Name); message.SuccessMessage = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("CustomResources", "UpdateAuthorSuccess"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); } return(author.AuthorID); }