//# __________ PROTOCOL :: PUBLIC __________ #// public bool ValidateControls() { JwList<JwValidationError> all = new JwList<JwValidationError>(); foreach( JwInputControlModel o in _controls) { if( ! o.ShouldValidate() ) continue; JwList<JwValidationError> v = o.Validate(); o.ValidationErrors = v; o.ValidationVisibilityWrapper.LayoutVisibility = o.HasErrors(); all.AddRange(v); } if( all.IsNotEmpty() ) { FocusOnFirstError(); JwValidationErrorFormatter formatter = new JwValidationErrorFormatter(); String message = formatter.Format(all, "<BR>"); _showErrorDelegate(message); JwUtility.PlayAlertSound( _audioTonePath, _audioToneRepeatCount, _audioToneSleepMillis); } return all.IsEmpty(); }
//# __________ PROTOCOL :: (PRIVATE) HANDLE CHUNKED UPLOAD __________ #// public void _HandleChunkedUpload() { _uploads = _manager.GetChunkedScheduledUploads(); ComputeTotalBytes(_uploads); VmScheduledUpload upload = null; long currentIndex = 0; while( ! _uploads.IsEmpty() ) { VmScheduledUpload temp = _uploads.RemoveFirst(); if( currentIndex + temp.SizeInBytes > _lastByteSent ) { upload = temp; break; } currentIndex += temp.SizeInBytes; } if( upload == null ) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unexpected case! The server still thinks that session " + _manager.GetSessionCookie() + " is uploading even though all files have been sent. Please contact an administrator."); Monitor("... Complete!"); return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long lastByteIndex = _lastByteSent - currentIndex; UploadChunk(sb, upload, lastByteIndex); }
//# __________ PROTOCOL :: EVENT MANAGER RESOLUTION __________ #// public VmEventManagerIF GetMostRecentlyUsedEventManager() { JwList<VmEventManagerIF> v = new JwList<VmEventManagerIF>(); AddIfBeingUsed(v, ItemEventManager); AddIfBeingUsed(v, NestEventManager); AddIfBeingUsed(v, AliasEventManager); if( v.IsEmpty() ) return null; v.Sort( new VmEventManagerMostRecentlyUsedComparer()); return v.GetLast(); }