public async void ClearAppCache() { // Create a message dialog var dialog = new ContentDialog { Title = "Clear Application Cache?", Content = new TextBlock { Text = "Warning: Clearing Application cache will delete the following things:\n• Cached Images.\n• Jumplist Items.\n• Pinned Live Tiles.\n• Notifications.\n\n To Continue press 'Clear Cache', this may take a while.", TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap }, PrimaryButtonText = "Clear Cache", SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel", IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true, IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = true }; var response = await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (response != ContentDialogResult.Primary) { return; } // Clear all jumplist items await JumplistHelper.RemoveAllAsync(); // Clear all the live tiles await TileService.Current.RemoveAllAsync(); // Remove all cached images from the app var rootCacheFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync("cache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); await rootCacheFolder.DeleteAsync(); // Remove all toast notifications ToastNotificationManager.History.Clear(); }
public async Task ProvisionAsync() { var jumplistHelper = new JumplistHelper(); if (JumplistHelper.IsJumplistPresent) { await jumplistHelper.ProvisionJumplistAsync(); } }