Пример #1
    // Function Name:	Start
    // Purpose:				Writes all the jumps in the mGameJumps queue to the save
    //								file.
    // Paramaters:		boardType - String containing the type of board.
    //								boardSize - The size of the board array.
    // Returns:				None
    public void WriteGameToFile(string boardType, int boardSize)
        Jump currentJump;

        Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + SAVE_DIRECTORY);
        using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(Application.persistentDataPath + SAVE_DIRECTORY + SAVE_LOCATION))
            // Adds the type of board, the size of the board, and the number of jumps as the first line
            writer.WriteLine(boardType + " " + boardSize.ToString() + " " + mGameJumps.Count);

            while (mGameJumps.Count > 0)
                currentJump = mGameJumps.Dequeue();
                Jump.SaveData data = currentJump.GetSaveData();
                // Formats each jump as "startx starty,jumpedx jumpedy, endx endy, timeleft"
                writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1},{2} {3},{4} {5}, {6}", data.mStartX, data.mStartY, data.mJumpedX,
                                               data.mJumpedY, data.mEndX, data.mEndY, data.mTimeLeft));
        Debug.Log("Save file created at: " + Application.persistentDataPath + SAVE_DIRECTORY + SAVE_LOCATION);
Пример #2
    // Function Name:	LoadGameFromFile
    // Purpose:				Loads a game from the saved game file.
    // Paramaters:		boardObject - The object which has the board script attached
    // Returns:				None
    public void LoadGameFromFile(GameObject boardObject)
        char [] delimiters = { ' ', ',' };
        string  currentLine;

        string [] splitGameType;
        string [] splitJumpData;
        Jump      loadedJump;

        Jump.SaveData data;
        Board         board = null;

        using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(Application.persistentDataPath + SAVE_DIRECTORY + SAVE_LOCATION))
            currentLine   = reader.ReadLine();
            splitGameType = currentLine.Split(delimiters, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (string.Equals(splitGameType [0], TRIANGLE))
                Board.mBoardSize = int.Parse(splitGameType [1]);
                if (Board.mBoardSize == 4)
                    TriangleBoard.mVacantPositionX = 0;
                    TriangleBoard.mVacantPositionY = 1;
                    TriangleBoard.mVacantPositionX = TriangleBoard.mVacantPositionY = 0;
                board = boardObject.GetComponent <TriangleBoard> ();
                boardObject.GetComponent <HexagonBoard> ().enabled = false;

                mLoadedGame = new Jump [int.Parse(splitGameType [2])];
            else if (string.Equals(splitGameType [0], CUSTOM))
                // Load the custom board!

            currentLine  = reader.ReadLine();
            mCurrentJump = 0;
            while (currentLine != null && !currentLine.Equals(""))
                splitJumpData  = currentLine.Split(delimiters, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                data           = new Jump.SaveData();
                data.mStartX   = int.Parse(splitJumpData [0]);
                data.mStartY   = int.Parse(splitJumpData [1]);
                data.mJumpedX  = int.Parse(splitJumpData [2]);
                data.mJumpedY  = int.Parse(splitJumpData [3]);
                data.mEndX     = int.Parse(splitJumpData [4]);
                data.mEndY     = int.Parse(splitJumpData [5]);
                data.mTimeLeft = int.Parse(splitJumpData [6]);

                loadedJump = Jump.CreateFromData(board, data);

                mLoadedGame [mCurrentJump++] = loadedJump;

                currentLine = reader.ReadLine();
            mCurrentJump = 0;