// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (GameControl.control.lens[0])

        jukebox    = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
        talkCanvas = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();

        dialogue       = new string[5][];
        dialogue[0]    = new string[4];
        dialogue[0][0] = "Hmm...";
        dialogue[0][1] = "Well.";
        dialogue[0][2] = "This does seem to be quite the predicament, huh.";
        dialogue[0][3] = "I have something for you, for helping me out. ";
        dialogue[1]    = new string[2];
        dialogue[1][0] = "You should be able to use that to leave here.";
        dialogue[1][1] = "I mean you're not going to get much done trapped in here...";
        dialogue[2]    = new string[1];
        dialogue[2][0] = "Oh... and good luck.";
        dialogue[3]    = new string[2];
        dialogue[3][0] = "Wait one last thing. Sorry for the comment about you not getting much done trapped down.";
        dialogue[3][1] = "It just. I don't know, felt rude maybe...";
        dialogue[4]    = new string[1];
        dialogue[4][0] = "Okay I'm leaving now byeeeee.......";
Пример #2
        public static void RefreshTrackQueue(object obj)
            var track = new PlayHistoryViewModel();

            _playList         = PlayListController.Instance;
            _player           = MediaPlayerController.Instance;
            _jukeboxAutoqueue = JukeBoxController.Instance;
            using (var uow = new Uow(new MusicFarmerEntities()))
                var repoVotes = new RepositoryVote(uow);
                if (_player.IsMuted)

                if (!_player.IsPlaying())

                if (_playList.IsPlayingTrack() && !(_player.IsPlaying()))
                    track = _playList.GetPlayingTrack();
                else if ((_player.IsPlaying()) && (!(_playList.IsPlayingTrack())))
                    //Trust me on this one.
                    //| Stop the track to resync the DB with the Player  |

                else if (_playList.HasTrackQueued() && !(_player.IsPlaying()))
                    track = _playList.GetNextQueuedTrack();
                else if (!_player.IsPlaying())

                if (_player.IsPlaying())
                    track = _playList.GetPlayingTrack();
                    SetPlayerVolumeBasedOnVotes(repoVotes.GetUpVotes(track.PlayHistoryId).Count, repoVotes.GetDownVotes(track.PlayHistoryId).Count);
Пример #3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (GameControl.control.DPMainData.progression != 9)
        talkCanvas    = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();
        jukebox       = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
        heartbeat     = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        cameraControl = GameObject.Find("Camera(Clone)").GetComponent <CameraController>();

        dialogue       = new string[8][];
        dialogue[0]    = new string[3];
        dialogue[0][0] = "Oh hey Will, my man.";
        dialogue[0][1] = "We were just getting some last minute reps in before the big show.";
        dialogue[0][2] = "You gotta stay in shape if you want to be able to do long performances.";

        dialogue[1]    = new string[5];
        dialogue[1][0] = "Oh... No, I was just-";
        dialogue[1][1] = "The shows starting soon, so I wanted to-";
        dialogue[1][2] = "Make sure everything was in order.";
        dialogue[1][3] = "For the show...";
        dialogue[1][4] = "Cause it's starting... soon.";

        dialogue[2]    = new string[3];
        dialogue[2][0] = "Oh!";
        dialogue[2][1] = "My bad, my guy.";
        dialogue[2][2] = "We will be at the stage uno momento.";

        dialogue[3]    = new string[10];
        dialogue[3][0] = "Oh... By the way.";
        dialogue[3][1] = "Just wanted to let you know...";
        dialogue[3][2] = "I've been hearing you practicing.";
        dialogue[3][3] = "You're pretty good.";
        dialogue[3][4] = "But your endurance is pretty lacking, my guy.";
        dialogue[3][5] = "When you get to the end of a piece it just starts to fall apart.";
        dialogue[3][6] = "And your sixteenth notes? Sloppy bro, Sloppy.";
        dialogue[3][6] = "You should consider joining in on our reps.";
        dialogue[3][7] = "I think it'd do you some good, yeah bruh?";
        dialogue[3][8] = "Anyway, see you at the show, bro.";
        dialogue[3][9] = "Good luck.";

        dialogue[4]    = new string[1];
        dialogue[4][0] = "...";

        dialogue[5]    = new string[2];
        dialogue[5][0] = "...full of himself...";
        dialogue[5][1] = "...making me run around...";

        dialogue[6]    = new string[3];
        dialogue[6][0] = "...not good enough...";
        dialogue[6][1] = "...sloppy...";
        dialogue[6][2] = "...sloppy sloppy sloppy...";

        dialogue[7]    = new string[2];
        dialogue[7][0] = "Why...";
        dialogue[7][1] = "Am I like this...";
Пример #4
 void Start()
     elevatorTransfer = false;
     ZoneTransition   = this.GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
     zoneText         = this.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
     currentZone = GameControl.control.zone;
     newZone     = currentZone;
     jukebox     = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        jukebox    = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
        talkCanvas = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();

        dialogue       = new string[1][];
        dialogue[0]    = new string[6];
        dialogue[0][0] = "Look... I. I really appreciate your help.";
        dialogue[0][1] = "I'm sorry again how I ran away when I first saw you.";
        dialogue[0][2] = "I'm supposed to be playing tonight,";
        dialogue[0][3] = "but it's the first time I'll have played for an Audience.";
        dialogue[0][4] = "Before this, Elise was the only person who has ever seen me play.";
        dialogue[0][5] = "Now, lets go find those actors.";
Пример #6
    public override IEnumerator StartInteraction()
        talkControl = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();
        jukebox     = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();

        switch (GameControl.control.DPMainData.progression)
        case 1:
            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSprite(dialogue[0], "default", 1, 0)));

            GameControl.control.DPMainData.key = true;
            Debug.Log("KEY DP");
            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSolo(new string[] { "You received the Dead Performance Key" })));

            GameControl.control.DPMainData.key = true;
            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSprite(dialogue[1], "default", 1, 0)));

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSprite(dialogue[2], "default", 1, 0)));

            GameControl.control.DPMainData.progression = 2;

        case 5:
            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSprite(dialogue[0], "default", 1, 0)));

            GameControl.control.DPMainData.progression = 6;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(talkControl.StartDialogueSprite(dialogue[0], "default", 1, 0)));

        GameControl.control.DPMainData.williamTalked = true;
Пример #7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (GameControl.control.DPMainData.progression != 0)
        WillAnim   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("William").GetComponent <Animator>();
        talkCanvas = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();
        jukebox    = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();

        dialogue       = new string[2][];
        dialogue[0]    = new string[3];
        dialogue[0][0] = "Oh no...";
        dialogue[0][1] = "Please leave, please leave.";
        dialogue[0][2] = "Nobody was supposed to know I was down here...";
        dialogue[1]    = new string[1];
        dialogue[1][0] = "Um. Bye.";
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        jukebox    = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
        talkCanvas = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();

        dialogue        = new string[1][];
        dialogue[0]     = new string[13];
        dialogue[0][0]  = "Hey, real quick before we go in there.";
        dialogue[0][1]  = "I wanted to warn you that some of the crew are a bit...";
        dialogue[0][2]  = "Full of themselves.";
        dialogue[0][3]  = "I'm sorry for being blunt about it...";
        dialogue[0][4]  = "...";
        dialogue[0][5]  = "That was really rude I'm sorry.";
        dialogue[0][6]  = "Lets just go...";
        dialogue[0][7]  = "...";
        dialogue[0][8]  = "No no..... No.";
        dialogue[0][9]  = "We need to go in there.";
        dialogue[0][10] = "I'm just saying you should probably be prepared for whatevers gonna happen.";
        dialogue[0][11] = "Not to suggest that you're not prepared!";
        dialogue[0][12] = "Oh man...";
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     jukebox = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     jukebox    = GameObject.Find("JukeBox(Clone)").GetComponent <JukeBoxController>();
     talkCanvas = GameObject.Find("Talk UI(Clone)").GetComponent <TalkController>();