private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Debug.LogWarning("Multiple instances of " + this + "found"); } instance = this; }
bool gameRunning; // is the game running, or in the menu void Start() { audioManager = AudioManager.instance; bulletManager = BulletManager.instance; duckManager = DuckManager.instance; juiceManager = JuiceManager.instance; timeManager = TimeManager.instance; // sets up singletons announcer = Announcer.instance; shooter = Shooter.instance; dog = Dog.instance; LoadMenu(); // loads the main menu }
public void HitByPlayer(int projectilePlayerNumber, bool canHurtSelf = false) { if (GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode != null) { if (GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode.noFriendlyFire) { return; } } if (hasShield) { UseShield(); return; } if (canHurtSelf == false) { if (projectilePlayerNumber == playerNumber) { return; } } if (isAlive == false) // Already dead so cant be killed again { return; } isAlive = false; health = 0; if (projectilePlayerNumber == playerNumber) { if (GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode != null) { GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode.AddToStats(playerNumber, StatTypes.Suicides, 1); } } if (isGamepad) { StartCoroutine("Haptic"); } StartCoroutine("FlashHurt"); JuiceManager.TimeSleep(playerParams.playerHitSlowMoDuration, playerParams.playerHitTimeScale, false); ParticleSystem p = Instantiate(bloodSplatterParticle, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); p.Play(); Destroy(p.gameObject, 3); if (projectilePlayerNumber != playerNumber) { if (GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode != null) { GameManager.instance.AwardKill(projectilePlayerNumber); ScorePopup scorePopup = Instantiate(LevelManager.instance.scorePopupPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); scorePopup.Init(GameManager.instance.SelectedGamemode.playerKillsPointReward); } } Death(); }