Пример #1
        public void MeshTest()
            var model = new glTFMesh("mesh")
                primitives = new List <glTFPrimitives>
                    new glTFPrimitives
                        attributes = new glTFAttributes
                            POSITION = 0,

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""name"":""mesh"",""primitives"":[{""mode"":0,""indices"":-1,""attributes"":{""POSITION"":0},""material"":0}]}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTFMesh>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""name"":""mesh"",""primitives"":[{""mode"":0,""attributes"":{""POSITION"":0},""material"":0}]}", json2);
Пример #2
        public void PrimitiveTest()
            var model = new glTFPrimitives
                attributes = new glTFAttributes
                    POSITION = 0,
                extras = new glTFPrimitives_extras
                    targetNames = new List <String>

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""mode"":0,""indices"":-1,""attributes"":{""POSITION"":0},""material"":0,""extras"":{""targetNames"":[""aaa""]}}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTFPrimitives>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""mode"":0,""attributes"":{""POSITION"":0},""material"":0,""extras"":{""targetNames"":[""aaa""]}}", json2);
        public void MetaTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_Meta()
                allowedUserName      = "******",
                violentUssageName    = "Disallow",
                sexualUssageName     = "Disallow",
                commercialUssageName = "Disallow",
                licenseName          = "CC0",

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""texture"":-1,""allowedUserName"":""OnlyAuthor"",""violentUssageName"":""Disallow"",""sexualUssageName"":""Disallow"",""commercialUssageName"":""Disallow"",""licenseName"":""CC0""}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_Meta>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""allowedUserName"":""OnlyAuthor"",""violentUssageName"":""Disallow"",""sexualUssageName"":""Disallow"",""commercialUssageName"":""Disallow"",""licenseName"":""CC0""}", json2);
Пример #4
        public void HasDictionaryObjectValidator()
            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test");

                var s = JsonSchema.FromType <HasDictionary>();
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, new HasDictionary()));

Пример #5
        public void StringEnumValidator()
            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test");

                var v = JsonStringEnumValidator.Create(new string[] { "a", "b" }, EnumSerializationType.AsString);
                Assert.Null(v.Validate(c, "a"));
                Assert.NotNull(v.Validate(c, "c"));

Пример #6
        public byte[] ToGlbBytes()
            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext(this)
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json = JsonSchema.FromType(GetType()).Serialize(this, c);


            return(Glb.ToBytes(json, buffers[0].GetBytes()));
Пример #7
        public void IntEnumValidator()
            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test");

                var v = new JsonIntEnumValidator();
                v.Values = new int[] { 1, 2 };
                Assert.Null(v.Validate(c, 1));
                Assert.NotNull(v.Validate(c, 3));

Пример #8
        public void BlendShapeBindTestError()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_BlendShapeBind();

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_BlendShapeBind>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[mesh.String] minimum: ! -1>=0", ex.Message);
Пример #9
        public void TextureInfoTestError()
            var model = new glTFMaterialBaseColorTextureInfo();

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTFMaterialBaseColorTextureInfo>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[index.String] minimum: ! -1>=0", ex.Message);
Пример #10
        public void TestHasDeps()
            var obj = new HasDepsTest();

            var s = JsonSchema.FromType <HasDepsTest>();
                var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext(obj);
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, s));
            var actual = s.Serialize(obj);

            var expected = @"{""X"":0,""Y"":0}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #11
        public void TestObjectNestedWithNull()
            var obj = new ObjectNestedTest();

            var s = JsonSchema.FromType <ObjectNestedTest>();
                var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext(obj);
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, s));
            var actual = s.Serialize(obj);

            var expected = @"{}";

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #12
        public void ObjectValidator()
            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test");

                var s = JsonSchema.FromType <Hoge>();
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, new Hoge {
                    Value = 1
                Assert.NotNull(s.Validator.Validate(c, new Hoge {
                    Value = 0

Пример #13
        public void MaterialTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_Material
                floatProperties = new Dictionary <string, float>
                    { "float", 1.0f }
                vectorProperties = new Dictionary <string, float[]>
                    { "vector", new float[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 } }
                textureProperties = new Dictionary <string, int>
                    { "texture", 0 }
                keywordMap = new Dictionary <string, bool>
                    { "keyword", true }
                tagMap = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "tag", "map" }

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""renderQueue"":-1,""floatProperties"":{""float"":1},""vectorProperties"":{""vector"":[0,1,2,3]},""textureProperties"":{""texture"":0},""keywordMap"":{""keyword"":true},""tagMap"":{""tag"":""map""}}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_Material>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);

            // deserialize
            var deserialized = default(glTF_VRM_Material);

            json.ParseAsJson().Deserialize(ref deserialized);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, deserialized.floatProperties.Count);
Пример #14
        public void DegreeMapTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_DegreeMap();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""xRange"":90,""yRange"":10}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_DegreeMap>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
        public void SecondaryAnimationGroupTestErrorColliderGroups()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimationGroup()
                colliderGroups = new int[] { -1 }

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimationGroup>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[colliderGroups.String] minimum: ! -1>=0", ex.Message);
        public void HumanoidBoneTestError()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_HumanoidBone()
                bone = "hips", // NOTE: This field must not be null?

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_HumanoidBone>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[node.String] minimum: ! -1>=0", ex.Message);
Пример #17
        public void ObjectValidatorForNotRequiredWithIgnorable()
                var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test")
                    EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = false, // Default behaviour

                var s = JsonSchema.FromType <NotRequiredWithIgnorable>();
                // An error is not returned because Value is not 'Required' and the diagnosis is not enabled
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, new NotRequiredWithIgnorable {
                    Value = 0


                var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test")
                    EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,

                var s = JsonSchema.FromType <NotRequiredWithIgnorable>();
                Assert.NotNull(s.Validator.Validate(c, new NotRequiredWithIgnorable {
                    Value = 0


                var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("test")
                    EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,

                var s = JsonSchema.FromType <NotRequiredWithIgnorable>();
                // An error is NOT returned even though diagnosis is enabled because of an ignorable value is matched
                Assert.Null(s.Validator.Validate(c, new NotRequiredWithIgnorable {
                    Value = -1

Пример #18
        public void MeshAnnotationTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_MeshAnnotation();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""mesh"":0}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_MeshAnnotation>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
Пример #19
        public void BlendShapeGroupTestError()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_BlendShapeGroup()
                presetName = "aaaaaaaaaaaa_not_exists_",

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_BlendShapeGroup>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[presetName.String] aaaaaaaaaaaa_not_exists_ is not valid enum", ex.Message);
Пример #20
        public void MaterialAlphaTest()
            var model = new glTFMaterial()
                name           = "a",
                emissiveFactor = new float[] { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
                alphaMode      = "MASK",

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json = JsonSchema.FromType <glTFMaterial>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""name"":""a"",""emissiveFactor"":[0.5,0.5,0.5],""alphaMode"":""MASK"",""alphaCutoff"":0.5,""doubleSided"":false}", json);
Пример #21
        public void NodeTestError()
            var model = new glTFNode()
                name   = "a",
                camera = -2,

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTFNode>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[camera.String] minimum: ! -2>=0", ex.Message);
Пример #22
        public void NodeMeshTest()
            var model = new glTFNode()
                name   = "a",
                mesh   = 2,
                skin   = 0,
                camera = -1,

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json = JsonSchema.FromType <glTFNode>().Serialize(model, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""name"":""a"",""mesh"":2,""skin"":0,""extras"":{}}", json);
Пример #23
        public void MaterialTestError()
            var model = new glTFMaterial()
                name           = "b",
                emissiveFactor = new float[] { 1.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTFMaterial>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[emissiveFactor.String] maximum: ! 1.5<=1", ex.Message);
Пример #24
        public void SkinTestError()
            var model = new glTFSkin()
                name   = "b",
                joints = new int[] { },

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTFSkin>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[joints.String] minItems", ex.Message);
Пример #25
        public void MaterialTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_Material();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""renderQueue"":-1,""floatProperties"":{},""vectorProperties"":{},""textureProperties"":{},""keywordMap"":{},""tagMap"":{}}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_Material>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
Пример #26
        public void MetaTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_Meta();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""texture"":-1}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_Meta>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
Пример #27
        public void SecondaryAnimationTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimation();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""boneGroups"":[],""colliderGroups"":[]}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimation>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
Пример #28
        public void SecondaryAnimationGroupTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimationGroup();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""stiffiness"":0,""gravityPower"":0,""gravityDir"":{""x"":0,""y"":0,""z"":0},""dragForce"":0,""center"":0,""hitRadius"":0,""bones"":[],""colliderGroups"":[]}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_SecondaryAnimationGroup>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);
Пример #29
        public void AssetsTestError()
            var model = new glTFAssets();

            //var json = model.ToJson();
            //Assert.AreEqual(@"{""inverseBindMatrices"":-1,""joints"":[1]}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var ex = Assert.Throws <JsonSchemaValidationException>(
                () => JsonSchema.FromType <glTFAssets>().Serialize(model, c)

            Assert.AreEqual("[version.String] null", ex.Message);
Пример #30
        public void HumanoidTest()
            var model = new glTF_VRM_Humanoid();

            var json = model.ToJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(@"{""humanBones"":[],""armStretch"":0.05,""legStretch"":0.05,""upperArmTwist"":0.5,""lowerArmTwist"":0.5,""upperLegTwist"":0.5,""lowerLegTwist"":0.5,""feetSpacing"":0,""hasTranslationDoF"":false}", json);

            var c = new JsonSchemaValidationContext("")
                EnableDiagnosisForNotRequiredFields = true,
            var json2 = JsonSchema.FromType <glTF_VRM_Humanoid>().Serialize(model, c);

            // NOTE: New serializer outputs values which will not be used...
            Assert.AreEqual(json, json2);