public JsonContentNegotiator(JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatter)
     _jsonFormatter = formatter;
     _jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver =
         new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
Пример #2
 public HttpContentBodyReader(HttpContent content, JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatter)
     _content   = content;
     _formatter = formatter;
Пример #3
 public static void Configure(JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatter)
     formatter.SerializerSettings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
     formatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver  = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
Пример #4
        //private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendRequest<T>(Methods method, string uri, IEnumerable<HttpStatusCode> successstatusCode, T body = null, string apiName = null) where T : class
        //    return await ExecuteRequest<object>(method, uri,body, successstatusCode, null, apiName).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendRequest <T>(Methods method, string uri, T body = null, string APIName = null) where T : class
            var Json = new JsonSerializerSettings();

            Json.Converters.Add(new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter());
            Json.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
            var Formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter {
                SerializerSettings = Json
            HttpResponseMessage response;

            using (httpclient = new HttpClient(createHandler())
                BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:13892/")
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    httpclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
                    httpclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/Json"));
                switch (method)
                case Methods.Get:
                    response = await httpclient.GetAsync(uri);


                case Methods.Post:
                    if (body != null)
                        response = await httpclient.PostAsync(uri, body, Formatter);
                        response = await httpclient.PostAsync(uri, new StringContent(string.Empty));

                case Methods.Put:
                    if (body != null)
                        response = await httpclient.PutAsync(uri, body, Formatter);
                        response = await httpclient.PutAsync(uri, new StringContent(string.Empty));

                case Methods.Delete:
                    if (body != null)
                        response = await httpclient.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Delete, uri) { Content = new ObjectContent <T>(body, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()) });
                        response = await httpclient.DeleteAsync(uri);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Method");
            httpclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = null;
Пример #5
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
                              IApplicationLifetime applicationLifetime,
                              ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Configure : " + DateTime.Now.ToString(""));



            if (_hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())

            var webSocketOptions = new WebSocketOptions()
                KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)


            var containsRelativePath = new Func <HttpContext, bool>(i =>
                                                                    i.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/Default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            app.MapWhen(containsRelativePath, application => application.Run(async context =>
                await context.Response.WriteAsync("Kestrel Running");

            var containsRelativePath2 = new Func <HttpContext, bool>(i =>
                                                                     i.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/info", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                        application => application.Run(async context =>
                await context.Response.WriteAsync("{\"Version\":\"" + Constants.KuduBuild + "\"}");


            var containsRelativePath3 = new Func <HttpContext, bool>(i =>
                                                                     i.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/AppServiceTunnel/Tunnel.ashx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            app.MapWhen(containsRelativePath3, builder => builder.UseMiddleware <DebugExtensionMiddleware>());




            ProxyRequestIfRelativeUrlMatches(@"/webssh", "http", "", "3000", app);

            var configuration = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <IServerConfiguration>();

            // CORE TODO any equivalent for this? Needed?
            //var configuration = kernel.Get<IServerConfiguration>();
            //GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;

            var jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

            // CORE TODO concept of "deprecation" in routes for traces, Do we need this for linux ?

            // Push url
            foreach (var url in new[] { "/git-receive-pack", $"/{configuration.GitServerRoot}/git-receive-pack" })
                app.Map(url, appBranch => appBranch.RunReceivePackHandler());

            // Fetch hook
            app.Map("/deploy", appBranch => appBranch.RunFetchHandler());

            // Log streaming
            app.Map("/api/logstream", appBranch => appBranch.RunLogStreamHandler());

            // Clone url
            foreach (var url in new[] { "/git-upload-pack", $"/{configuration.GitServerRoot}/git-upload-pack" })
                app.Map(url, appBranch => appBranch.RunUploadPackHandler());

            // Custom GIT repositories, which can be served from any directory that has a git repo
            foreach (var url in new[] { "/git-custom-repository", "/git/{*path}" })
                app.Map(url, appBranch => appBranch.RunCustomGitRepositoryHandler());

            // Sets up the file server to web app's wwwroot
            KuduWebUtil.SetupFileServer(app, _webAppRuntimeEnvironment.WebRootPath, "/wwwroot");

            // Sets up the file server to LogFiles
            KuduWebUtil.SetupFileServer(app, Path.Combine(_webAppRuntimeEnvironment.LogFilesPath, "kudu", "deployment"), "/deploymentlogs");


            app.UseSwaggerUI(c => { c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Kudu API Docs"); });

            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                Console.WriteLine(@"Setting Up Routes : " + DateTime.Now.ToString(""));
                routes.MapRouteAnalyzer("/routes"); // Add

                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

                // Git Service
                routes.MapRoute("git-info-refs-root", "info/refs", new { controller = "InfoRefs", action = "Execute" });
                routes.MapRoute("git-info-refs", configuration.GitServerRoot + "/info/refs",
                                new { controller = "InfoRefs", action = "Execute" });

                // Scm (deployment repository)
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-info", "scm/info",
                                        new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "GetRepositoryInfo" });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-clean", "scm/clean", new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "Clean" });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-delete", "scm", new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "Delete" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Scm files editor
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-get-files", "scmvfs/{*path}",
                                        new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "GetItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-put-files", "scmvfs/{*path}",
                                        new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "PutItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("PUT") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("scm-delete-files", "scmvfs/{*path}",
                                        new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "DeleteItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Live files editor
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("vfs-get-files", "vfs/{*path}", new { controller = "Vfs", action = "GetItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("vfs-put-files", "vfs/{*path}", new { controller = "Vfs", action = "PutItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("PUT") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("vfs-delete-files", "vfs/{*path}",
                                        new { controller = "Vfs", action = "DeleteItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Zip file handler
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("zip-get-files", "zip/{*path}", new { controller = "Zip", action = "GetItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("zip-put-files", "zip/{*path}", new { controller = "Zip", action = "PutItem" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("PUT") });

                // Zip push deployment
                routes.MapRoute("zip-push-deploy", "api/zipdeploy",
                                new { controller = "PushDeployment", action = "ZipPushDeploy" },
                                new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });
                routes.MapRoute("zip-war-deploy", "api/wardeploy",
                                new { controller = "PushDeployment", action = "WarPushDeploy" },
                                new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });

                // Live Command Line
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("execute-command", "command",
                                        new { controller = "Command", action = "ExecuteCommand" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });

                // Deployments
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("all-deployments", "deployments",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetDeployResults" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("one-deployment-get", "deployments/{id}",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetResult" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("one-deployment-put", "deployments/{id?}",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "Deploy" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("PUT") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("one-deployment-delete", "deployments/{id}",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "Delete" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("one-deployment-log", "deployments/{id}/log",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetLogEntry" });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("one-deployment-log-details", "deployments/{id}/log/{logId}",
                                        new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetLogEntryDetails" });

                // Deployment script
                routes.MapRoute("get-deployment-script", "api/deploymentscript",
                                new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetDeploymentScript" },
                                new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // IsDeploying status
                routes.MapRoute("is-deployment-underway", "api/isdeploying",
                                new { controller = "Deployment", action = "IsDeploying" },
                                new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // SSHKey
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("get-sshkey", "api/sshkey",
                                        new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "GetPublicKey" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("put-sshkey", "api/sshkey",
                                        new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "SetPrivateKey" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("PUT") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("delete-sshkey", "api/sshkey",
                                        new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "DeleteKeyPair" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Environment
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("get-env", "environment", new { controller = "Environment", action = "Get" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // Settings
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("set-setting", "settings", new { controller = "Settings", action = "Set" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("get-all-settings", "settings",
                                        new { controller = "Settings", action = "GetAll" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("get-setting", "settings/{key}", new { controller = "Settings", action = "Get" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("delete-setting", "settings/{key}",
                                        new { controller = "Settings", action = "Delete" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Diagnostics
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("diagnostics", "dump", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetLog" });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("diagnostics-set-setting", "diagnostics/settings",
                                        new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Set" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("diagnostics-get-all-settings", "diagnostics/settings",
                                        new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetAll" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("diagnostics-get-setting", "diagnostics/settings/{key}",
                                        new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Get" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("diagnostics-delete-setting", "diagnostics/settings/{key}",
                                        new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Delete" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });

                // Logs
                foreach (var url in new[] { "/logstream", "/logstream/{*path}" })
                    app.Map(url, appBranch => appBranch.RunLogStreamHandler());

                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("recent-logs", "api/logs/recent",
                                        new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetRecentLogs" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // Enable these for Linux and Windows Containers.
                if (!OSDetector.IsOnWindows() || (OSDetector.IsOnWindows() && EnvironmentHelper.IsWindowsContainers()))
                    routes.MapRoute("current-docker-logs-zip", "api/logs/docker/zip",
                                    new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetDockerLogsZip" },
                                    new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                    routes.MapRoute("current-docker-logs", "api/logs/docker",
                                    new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetDockerLogs" },
                                    new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                var processControllerName = OSDetector.IsOnWindows() ? "Process" : "LinuxProcess";

                // Processes
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("all-processes", "",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetAllProcesses" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("one-process-get", "/{id}",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetProcess" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("one-process-delete", "/{id}",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "KillProcess" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("DELETE") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("one-process-dump", "/{id}/dump",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "MiniDump" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("start-process-profile", "/{id}/profile/start",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "StartProfileAsync" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("stop-process-profile", "/{id}/profile/stop",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "StopProfileAsync" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("all-threads", "/{id}/threads",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetAllThreads" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("one-process-thread", "/{processId}/threads/{threadId}",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetThread" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("all-modules", "/{id}/modules",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetAllModules" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });
                routes.MapHttpProcessesRoute("one-process-module", "/{id}/modules/{baseAddress}",
                                             new { controller = processControllerName, action = "GetModule" },
                                             new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // Runtime
                routes.MapHttpRouteDual("runtime", "diagnostics/runtime",
                                        new { controller = "Runtime", action = "GetRuntimeVersions" },
                                        new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("GET") });

                // Docker Hook Endpoint
                if (!OSDetector.IsOnWindows() || (OSDetector.IsOnWindows() && EnvironmentHelper.IsWindowsContainers()))
                    routes.MapHttpRouteDual("docker", "docker/hook",
                                            new { controller = "Docker", action = "ReceiveHook" },
                                            new { verb = new HttpMethodRouteConstraint("POST") });

                // catch all unregistered url to properly handle not found
                // routes.MapRoute("error-404", "{*path}", new {controller = "Error404", action = "Handle"});

            Console.WriteLine(@"Exiting Configure : " + DateTime.Now.ToString(""));
        public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
            JsonMediaTypeFormatter jsonMediaTypeFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

                log.Debug("HealthCheckAuthorizationFilterAttribute OnActionExecuted");

                 * var healthCheckSettingsAccessor = new HealthCheckSettingsAccessor();
                 * var healthCheckSettings = healthCheckSettingsAccessor.GetHealthCheckSettings();
                 * var tenants = CoreContext.TenantManager.GetTenants().Where(t => t.TenantId != healthCheckSettings.FakeTenantId).ToList();
                 * if (!CoreContext.TenantManager.GetTenantQuota(tenants.First().TenantId).HealthCheck)
                 * {
                 *  log.Debug("There is no correct license for HealthCheck.");
                 *  actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                 *  {
                 *      Content = new ObjectContent<object>(HealthCheckResource.ErrorNotAllowedOption, jsonMediaTypeFormatter)
                 *  };
                 *  return;
                 * }
                string authorizationHeaderValue = null;
                foreach (var header in actionContext.Request.Headers)
                    if (header.Key == "Authorization")
                        if (header.Value == null)
                            log.Error("User Unauthorized, Authorization header.Value is null");
                            actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                        foreach (var headerValue in header.Value)
                            authorizationHeaderValue = headerValue;
                if (authorizationHeaderValue == null)
                    log.Error("User Unauthorized, authorizationHeaderValue is null");
                    actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                var authorization = authorizationHeaderValue.Split(',');
                if (authorization.Length != 2)
                    log.ErrorFormat("User Unauthorized, authorization is null or authorization.Length = {0}", authorization.Length);
                    actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
                var portalInfo = authorization[0].Split(' ');
                if (portalInfo.Length == 2)
                    authorization[0] = portalInfo[1];
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.ErrorFormat("Unexpected error on HealthCheckAuthorizationFilterAttribute: {0} {1}",
                                ex.ToString(), ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : string.Empty);
                actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                    Content = new ObjectContent <object>(ex.ToString(), jsonMediaTypeFormatter)
Пример #7
 public QiuxunApiContentNegotiator(JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatter)
     this.jsonFormatter           = formatter;
     this.compatibleJsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
     this.compatibleJsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new CompatibleLongTypeConvert());
 public MediaTypeFormatterTest()
     _formatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
     _content   = new SystemTextJsonHttpContent(_formatter.SerializerOptions);
Пример #9
        public static void RegisterRoutes(IKernel kernel, RouteCollection routes)
            var configuration = kernel.Get <IServerConfiguration>();

            GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.LocalOnly;
            var jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();

            GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new NinjectWebApiDependencyResolver(kernel);
            GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Filters.Add(new TraceExceptionFilterAttribute());

            // Git Service
            routes.MapHttpRoute("git-info-refs-root", "info/refs", new { controller = "InfoRefs", action = "Execute" });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("git-info-refs", configuration.GitServerRoot + "/info/refs", new { controller = "InfoRefs", action = "Execute" });

            // Push url
            routes.MapHandler <ReceivePackHandler>(kernel, "git-receive-pack-root", "git-receive-pack");
            routes.MapHandler <ReceivePackHandler>(kernel, "git-receive-pack", configuration.GitServerRoot + "/git-receive-pack");

            // Fetch Hook
            routes.MapHandler <FetchHandler>(kernel, "fetch", "deploy");

            // Clone url
            routes.MapHandler <UploadPackHandler>(kernel, "git-upload-pack-root", "git-upload-pack");
            routes.MapHandler <UploadPackHandler>(kernel, "git-upload-pack", configuration.GitServerRoot + "/git-upload-pack");

            // Custom GIT repositories, which can be served from any directory that has a git repo
            routes.MapHandler <CustomGitRepositoryHandler>(kernel, "git-custom-repository", "git/{*path}");

            // Scm (deployment repository)
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-info", "scm/info", new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "GetRepositoryInfo" });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-clean", "scm/clean", new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "Clean" });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-delete", "scm", new { controller = "LiveScm", action = "Delete" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // Scm files editor
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-get-files", "scmvfs/{*path}", new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "GetItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-put-files", "scmvfs/{*path}", new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "PutItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("scm-delete-files", "scmvfs/{*path}", new { controller = "LiveScmEditor", action = "DeleteItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // Live files editor
            routes.MapHttpRoute("vfs-get-files", "vfs/{*path}", new { controller = "Vfs", action = "GetItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("vfs-put-files", "vfs/{*path}", new { controller = "Vfs", action = "PutItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("vfs-delete-files", "vfs/{*path}", new { controller = "Vfs", action = "DeleteItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // Zip file handler
            routes.MapHttpRoute("zip-get-files", "zip/{*path}", new { controller = "Zip", action = "GetItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET", "HEAD") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("zip-put-files", "zip/{*path}", new { controller = "Zip", action = "PutItem" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });

            // Live Command Line
            routes.MapHttpRoute("execute-command", "command", new { controller = "Command", action = "ExecuteCommand" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") });

            // Deployments
            routes.MapHttpRoute("all-deployments", "deployments", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetDeployResults" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-deployment-get", "deployments/{id}", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetResult" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-deployment-put", "deployments/{id}", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "Deploy", id = RouteParameter.Optional }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-deployment-delete", "deployments/{id}", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "Delete" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-deployment-log", "deployments/{id}/log", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetLogEntry" });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-deployment-log-details", "deployments/{id}/log/{logId}", new { controller = "Deployment", action = "GetLogEntryDetails" });

            // SSHKey
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-sshkey", "sshkey", new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "GetPublicKey" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("put-sshkey", "sshkey", new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "SetPrivateKey" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("delete-sshkey", "sshkey", new { controller = "SSHKey", action = "DeleteKeyPair" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // Environment
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-env", "environment", new { controller = "Environment", action = "Get" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });

            // Settings
            routes.MapHttpRoute("set-setting", "settings", new { controller = "Settings", action = "Set" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-all-settings", "settings", new { controller = "Settings", action = "GetAll" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-setting", "settings/{key}", new { controller = "Settings", action = "Get" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("delete-setting", "settings/{key}", new { controller = "Settings", action = "Delete" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // Diagnostics
            routes.MapHttpRoute("diagnostics", "dump", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetLog" });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("diagnostics-set-setting", "diagnostics/settings", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Set" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("diagnostics-get-all-settings", "diagnostics/settings", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "GetAll" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("diagnostics-get-setting", "diagnostics/settings/{key}", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Get" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("diagnostics-delete-setting", "diagnostics/settings/{key}", new { controller = "Diagnostics", action = "Delete" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });

            // LogStream
            routes.MapHandler <LogStreamHandler>(kernel, "logstream", "logstream/{*path}");

            // Processes
            routes.MapHttpRoute("all-processes", "diagnostics/processes", new { controller = "Process", action = "GetAllProcesses" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-process-get", "diagnostics/processes/{id}", new { controller = "Process", action = "GetProcess" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-process-delete", "diagnostics/processes/{id}", new { controller = "Process", action = "KillProcess" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-process-dump", "diagnostics/processes/{id}/dump", new { controller = "Process", action = "MiniDump" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            if (ProcessExtensions.SupportGCDump)
                routes.MapHttpRoute("one-process-gcdump", "diagnostics/processes/{id}/gcdump", new { controller = "Process", action = "GCDump" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("all-threads", "diagnostics/processes/{id}/threads", new { controller = "Process", action = "GetAllThreads" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("one-process-thread", "diagnostics/processes/{processId}/threads/{threadId}", new { controller = "Process", action = "GetThread" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });

            // Runtime
            routes.MapHttpRoute("runtime", "diagnostics/runtime", new { controller = "Runtime", action = "GetRuntimeVersions" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });

            // Hooks
            routes.MapHttpRoute("unsubscribe-hook", "hooks/{id}", new { controller = "WebHooks", action = "Unsubscribe" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-hook", "hooks/{id}", new { controller = "WebHooks", action = "GetWebHook" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("publish-hooks", "hooks/publish/{hookEventType}", new { controller = "WebHooks", action = "PublishEvent" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("get-hooks", "hooks", new { controller = "WebHooks", action = "GetWebHooks" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") });
            routes.MapHttpRoute("subscribe-hook", "hooks", new { controller = "WebHooks", action = "Subscribe" }, new { verb = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") });
Пример #10
 public JsonContentNegotiator(JsonMediaTypeFormatter formatter)
     _jsonFormatter = formatter;
     _jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver =
         new LowercaseContractResolver();
Пример #11
        public async void Insert_Company()
            if (SelectedCompany.NAME == "" || SelectedCompany.NAME == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.SHOPNAME == "" || SelectedCompany.SHOPNAME == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.PREFIX_NUM == "" || SelectedCompany.PREFIX_NUM == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.TIN_NUMBER == "" || SelectedCompany.TIN_NUMBER == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.ADDRESS_1 == "" || SelectedCompany.ADDRESS_1 == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.STATE == "" || SelectedCompany.STATE == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.CITY == "" || SelectedCompany.CITY == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.PIN == "" || SelectedCompany.PIN == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.EMAIL == "" || SelectedCompany.EMAIL == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.BANK_NAME == "" || SelectedCompany.EMAIL == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.BANK_CODE == "" || SelectedCompany.EMAIL == null)
            else if (SelectedCompany.BRANCH_NAME == "" || SelectedCompany.EMAIL == null)
            //else if (SelectedCompany.ACCOUNT_NUMBER.ToString() == "" || SelectedCompany.ACCOUNT_NUMBER == null)

                HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri(GlobalData.gblApiAdress);

                    new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                MediaTypeFormatter jsonFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
                //client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(500000000000);
                HttpContent content  = new ObjectContent <CompanyModel>(SelectedCompany, jsonFormatter);
                var         response = await client.PostAsync("api/CompanyAPI/CreateCompany/", content);

                if (response.StatusCode.ToString() == "OK")
                    SelectedCompany = new CompanyModel();