private void Update() { if (this.m_gui.activeSelf) { float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; if (this.m_curSpeed > 0.01f) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_displayItems.Length; i++) { Vector3 localPosition = this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition; this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition += Vector3.right * deltaTime * this.m_curSpeed; if (this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition.x > 0.085f) { this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition -= Vector3.right * 0.6f; int a_newDefId = 0; if (this.m_curSpeed < 0.2f && !this.m_setWinningItemFlag) { a_newDefId = this.m_itemDefToWin; this.m_setWinningItemFlag = true; } this.ChangeItem(i, a_newDefId); } if (localPosition.x < 0.015f && 0.015f < this.m_displayItems[i].transform.localPosition.x && null != {; } } if (Time.time > this.m_timeToSlowdown) { this.m_curSpeed *= 1f - deltaTime * this.m_slowDownRate; } } else if (!this.m_btnClose.activeSelf) { JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(this.m_itemDefToWin); if (null != item) { this.m_newItemTxt.text = LNG.Get("STEAM_INV_NEW_ITEM") + "\n " + item["market_name"]; if (null != this.m_client) { this.m_client.SendChatMsg(":#~" + item["market_name"], false); } else { ComChatGUI comChatGUI = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <ComChatGUI>(); comChatGUI.AddString("Ethan The just opened a case and received: \n<color=\"red\">" + item["market_name"] + "</color>"); } } GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.m_audioEffect); = this.m_successSound; = 0.4f;; this.m_btnClose.SetActive(true); } } if (Application.isEditor && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) { this.Showtime(20009, 1004); } }
private void GetItemDefsFromGenerator(int a_generatorDef) { JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(a_generatorDef); if (null != item) { string text = item["bundle"]; string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { ';' }); this.m_generatorDefIds = new int[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string[] array2 = array[i].Split(new char[] { 'x' }); try { this.m_generatorDefIds[i] = int.Parse(array2[0]); } catch (Exception) { } } } }
private void ChangeItem(int a_index, int a_newDefId = 0) { int num = a_newDefId; int num2 = 0; UnityEngine.Random.seed = (int)(Time.time * 1000f); while (num == 0 && this.m_generatorDefIds != null && 0 < this.m_generatorDefIds.Length) { num = this.m_generatorDefIds[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, this.m_generatorDefIds.Length)]; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_displayDefIds.Length; i++) { if (num == this.m_displayDefIds[i] && 100 > num2) { num = 0; num2++; break; } } } JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(num); if (null != item && a_index < this.m_displayItems.Length && num != this.m_displayDefIds[a_index]) { this.m_displayDefIds[a_index] = num; this.m_displayTexts[a_index].text = string.Concat(new string[] { "<color=#", item["name_color"], ">", item["market_name"], "</color>" }); this.m_displayRenderers[a_index].renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture>("inventory_steam/inventory_s_" + num); } }
public void ShowGui(bool a_show, int a_itemDefId = 0) { if (a_show) { JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(a_itemDefId); if (null != item && null != this.m_itemText && null != this.m_itemRenderer) { this.m_itemText.text = string.Concat(new string[] { "<color=#", item["name_color"], ">", item["market_name"], "</color>" }); this.m_itemRenderer.renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture>("inventory_steam/inventory_s_" + a_itemDefId); }; } this.m_guiParent.SetActive(a_show); int @int = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("prefSteamDropCount", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("prefSteamDropCount", @int + 1); this.m_reviewText.text = LNG.Get((@int % 2 != 1) ? "STEAM_BLUE_ICON" : "STEAM_PLEASE_REVIEW"); }
private void UpdateInventoryDisplay() { if (this.m_items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_items.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(this.m_items[i]); } this.m_items = null; } int num = this.m_curPage * 16; if (this.m_itemDetails != null && num < this.m_itemDetails.Count) { int num2 = num + 15; this.m_items = new GameObject[Mathf.Min(this.m_itemDetails.Count - num, 16)]; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_itemDetails.Count; j++) { if (j >= num && j <= num2) { int num3 = j - num; JSONNode item = JsonItems.GetItem(this.m_itemDetails[j].m_iDefinition.m_SteamItemDef); if (null != item) { this.m_items[num3] = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.m_itemPrefab); this.m_items[num3].transform.parent = base.transform; this.m_items[num3].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.01f + (float)(num3 % 4) * 0.278f, (float)(num3 / 4) * -0.278f, -0.01f); this.m_items[num3].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; TextMesh componentInChildren = this.m_items[num3].GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh>(); componentInChildren.text = string.Concat(new string[] { "<color=#", item["name_color"], ">", item["market_name"], "</color>" }); MeshCollider componentInChildren2 = this.m_items[num3].GetComponentInChildren <MeshCollider>(); componentInChildren2.renderer.material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture>("inventory_steam/inventory_s_" + this.m_itemDetails[j].m_iDefinition.m_SteamItemDef); = "sii-" + j.ToString(); } } } } this.m_txtPage.text = string.Empty; int num4 = (this.m_itemDetails.Count - 1) / 16 + 1; if (1 < num4) { for (int k = 1; k < num4 + 1; k++) { string str = k.ToString() + " "; if (this.m_curPage + 1 == k) { str = "<color=\"#ffffff\">" + str + "</color>"; } if (k < 10) { str = " " + str; } TextMesh txtPage = this.m_txtPage; txtPage.text += str; } } }