Пример #1
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?l)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var length = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(256, length);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?wc)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result    = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var wordCount = Math.Min(wc.HasValue ? wc.Value : DefaultWords, MaxWords);
            var dict      = Dictionary.Value;

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(dict.Count, wordCount);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
Пример #3
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations([FromQuery] int?sc)
            var syllableCount = Math.Min(sc.HasValue ? sc.Value : DefaultSyllableCount, MaxSyllableCount);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(ConsonantSounds.Length * VowelSounds.Length * (ConsonantSounds.Length * ProbabilityOfTwoConsonantsInOneSyllable), syllableCount);
            result.rating       = _RatingService.Rate(result.combinations);
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?sc)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            var syllableCount = Math.Min(sc.HasValue ? sc.Value : DefaultSyllableCount, MaxSyllableCount);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(ConsonantSounds.Length * VowelSounds.Length * (ConsonantSounds.Length * ProbabilityOfTwoConsonantsInOneSyllable), syllableCount);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
Пример #5
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations([FromQuery] int?l, [FromQuery] string sym)

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var length = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(256, length);
            result.rating       = _RatingService.Rate(result.combinations);
Пример #6
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?l)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var length = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);

            result.combinations  = Math.Pow(Characters.Length, length);
            result.combinations -= (double)Blacklist.Value.Count(x => x.Length == l);       // Remove blacklist entries.
            result.rating        = PasswordRatingService.RatePin(result.combinations);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public async Task <IActionResult> Combinations([FromQuery] int?wc)

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result    = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var wordCount = Math.Min(wc.HasValue ? wc.Value : DefaultWords, MaxWords);
            var dict      = await _DictionaryService.ReadPassphraseDictionary();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(dict.Count, wordCount);
            result.rating       = _RatingService.Rate(result.combinations);
Пример #8
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public async Task <IActionResult> Combinations(int?l, string sym)

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result    = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var length    = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var blacklist = await _DictionaryService.ReadPinBlacklist();

            result.combinations  = Math.Pow(Characters.Length, length);
            result.combinations -= (double)blacklist.Count(x => x.Length == l);       // Remove blacklist entries.
            result.rating        = _RatingService.RatePin(result.combinations);
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?l, string sym)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result  = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var length  = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var symbols = sym.IsTruthy(DefaultSymbols);

            var charCount = symbols ? AllCharacters.Length : AlphanumericCharacters.Length;

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(charCount, length);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations([FromQuery] int?l, [FromQuery] string sym)

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result  = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var length  = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var symbols = sym.IsTruthy(DefaultSymbols);

            var charCount = symbols ? AllCharacters.Length : AlphanumericCharacters.Length;

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(charCount, length);
            result.rating       = _RatingService.Rate(result.combinations);
Пример #11
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations([FromQuery] int?l, [FromQuery] string bmp, [FromQuery] string asian)

            var length = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane = bmp.IsTruthy(DefaultBmp);
            var includeEastAsianCharacters     = asian.IsTruthy(DefaultAsian);

            var allowedCategories = includeEastAsianCharacters ? AsianCategories : DefaultCategories;
            var mask = onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane ? 0x0000ffff : 0x001fffff;

            // This takes ~100ms to calculate on Murray's laptop, so we cache it.
            // Unless new unicode characters magically appear, the result will always be the same for our 3 inputs.
            var cacheKey = "UnicodeCombinations-" +
                            | (onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane ? 0x01000000 : 0)
                            | (includeEastAsianCharacters ? 0x02000000 : 0)).ToString("x8");
            int keyspace = _MemoryCache.GetOrCreate(cacheKey, ce =>
                var cacheKeyspace = Enumerable.Range(0, 0x001fffff & mask)
                                    .Where(cp => !(this.InvalidSurrogateCodePoints(cp) || this.InvalidMaxCodePoints(cp)))
                                    .Select(cp => Char.ConvertFromUtf32(cp))
                                    .Where(s => allowedCategories.Contains(Char.GetUnicodeCategory(s, 0)))

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(keyspace, length);
            result.rating       = _RatingService.Rate(result.combinations);
        [OutputCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations(int?l, string bmp, string asian)
            IpThrottlerService.IncrementUsage(IPAddressHelpers.GetHostOrCacheIp(this.HttpContext.Request), 1);

            var length = Math.Min(l.HasValue ? l.Value : DefaultLength, MaxLength);
            var onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane = bmp.IsTruthy(DefaultBmp);
            var includeEastAsianCharacters     = asian.IsTruthy(DefaultAsian);

            var allowedCategories = includeEastAsianCharacters ? AsianCategories : DefaultCategories;
            var mask = onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane ? 0x0000ffff : 0x001fffff;

            // This takes ~100ms to calculate on Murray's laptop, so we cache it.
            // Unless new unicode characters magicly appear, the result will always be the same for our 3 inputs.
            var cacheKey = (length
                            | (onlyFromBasicMultilingualPlane ? 0x01000000 : 0)
                            | (includeEastAsianCharacters ? 0x02000000 : 0)).ToString("x8");
            int keyspace      = 0;
            var maybeKeyspace = MemoryCache.Default[cacheKey];

            if (maybeKeyspace == null)
                maybeKeyspace = Enumerable.Range(0, 0x001fffff & mask)
                                .Where(cp => !(this.InvalidSurrogateCodePoints(cp) || this.InvalidMaxCodePoints(cp)))
                                .Select(cp => Char.ConvertFromUtf32(cp))
                                .Where(s => allowedCategories.Contains(Char.GetUnicodeCategory(s, 0)))
                MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, maybeKeyspace, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(8));
            keyspace = (int)maybeKeyspace;

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result = new JsonCombinationContainer();

            result.combinations = Math.Pow(keyspace, length);
            return(new JsonNetResult(result));
Пример #13
        [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60)]       // Cache for one hour.
        public ActionResult Combinations([FromQuery] int?gs, [FromQuery] int?ps)

            // Return information about the number of combinations as a JSON object.
            var result     = new JsonCombinationContainer();
            var gridSize   = Math.Min(gs.HasValue ? gs.Value : DefaultGridSize, MaxGridSize);
            var gridPoints = gridSize * gridSize;
            var points     = Math.Min(Math.Min(ps.HasValue ? ps.Value : DefaultPoints, MaxPoints), gridPoints);

            // Can't use the nPr permutations formula, because the dots must be adjacent.
            // We calculate the approximate number of options available at each choice, and multiple them together.
            // For the standard 3x3 grid, this starts at 4.4
            // As the grid size increases, this tends toward around 7 possibilities after the starting spot is chosen.

            double combinations;

            if (gridSize == 1)
                combinations = 1;           // 1x1 grid is a bit silly, and trivial.
            else if (gridSize == 2)
                combinations = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1;       // 2x2 grid is very deterministic.
                // Larger grids choose a random starting spot, then adjacent points, which limit possibilities.
                // The following isn't perfect, but a linear approximation of the probabilities involved:
                //  First is always randomly chosen anywhere on the grid: possibilities = N²
                //  Next follows this pattern:
                //    4 corners with 3 possible adjacent squares = 4 * 3
                //    4 sides with 5 possible adjacent squares = (N-2) * 4 * 5
                //    Remainder in the middle have 8 adjacent squares = (N-2)² * 8
                //    Average possibilities = ((4*3) + ((N-2) * 4 * 5) + ((N-2)² * 8)) / N²
                //  After that, we assume a linear decrease in average possibilities (which probably isn't quite right, but close enough).
                //  We assume the last 2 are always 2, then 1.
                //  So the "gap" or "step" between each point = (Average Possibilities - 1) / (N² - 2)
                double gridLengthMinusCorners = gridSize - 2;
                double total2ndChoiceOptions  = (4 * 3)                                                  // Corners
                                                + (gridLengthMinusCorners * 4 * 5)                       // Sides
                                                + (gridLengthMinusCorners * gridLengthMinusCorners * 8); // Middle
                double avgOptions       = total2ndChoiceOptions / gridPoints;                            // Average number of options for the total grid points.
                double availableOptions = avgOptions - 1;                                                // The last value we accumulate should be ~1.
                double avgDiffPerStep   = availableOptions / gridPoints;                                 // This is the step we'll use when accumulating.

                combinations = gridPoints;                                                               // First choice is random between all points on the grid.
                var nextStepOptions = avgOptions;                                                        // Second choice is calculated above.
                if (points > 1)
                    combinations = combinations * nextStepOptions;      // Accumulate.
                for (int n = points - 2; n > 0; n--)
                    nextStepOptions = nextStepOptions - avgDiffPerStep;     // Reduce each next step by the average.
                    combinations    = combinations * nextStepOptions;       // And accumulate combinations.
                    if (nextStepOptions <= 1)
                        nextStepOptions = 1;        // Don't do dumb things with negative or small numbers in the calculation.
            result.combinations = combinations;
            result.rating       = _RatingService.RatePattern(result.combinations);