public static JqGridHelper <T> UseInlineEditingScripts <T>(this JqGridHelper <T> helper, bool add = true, string addPreifx = "", bool edit = true, string editPrefix = "") { if (helper.InlineNavigatorOptions == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Inline navigator must be enabled"); } if (add) { if (helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions == null) { helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions = new JqGridInlineNavigatorAddActionOptions(); } if (helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions.Options == null) { helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions.Options = new JqGridInlineNavigatorActionOptions(); } helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions.Options.AfterSaveFunction = GetInlineAfterSaveFunction(helper.Id, addPreifx); helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.AddActionOptions.Options.SuccessFunction = GetInlineSuccessFunction(helper.Id, addPreifx); } if (edit) { if (helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.ActionOptions == null) { helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.ActionOptions = new JqGridInlineNavigatorActionOptions(); } helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.ActionOptions.AfterSaveFunction = GetInlineAfterSaveFunction(helper.Id, editPrefix); helper.InlineNavigatorOptions.ActionOptions.SuccessFunction = GetInlineSuccessFunction(helper.Id, editPrefix); } return(helper); }
protected override IList <LocalizationGridModel> FetchData(GridSettings gridSettings) { var query = _repository.Query(); Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); var gridResult = JqGridHelper.GetGridResult(query, delegate(string fieldName) { return(fieldName); }, delegate(Localization model) { return(new LocalizationGridModel() { Id = rand.Next(int.MaxValue), //LocalizationId = model.Id, Key = model.Key, Value = model.Value, JavaScript = model.JavaScript, Language = model.Language }); } , gridSettings); return(gridResult); }
public static JqGridHelper <T> UseFormEditingScripts <T>(this JqGridHelper <T> helper, bool add = true, string addPrefix = "", bool edit = true, string editPrefix = "", bool delete = true, string deletePrefix = "") { if (helper.NavigatorOptions == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Navigator must be enabled"); } if (add) { if (helper.NavigatorAddOptions == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Add action options must be not null"); } helper.NavigatorAddOptions.AfterSubmit = GetFormAfterSubmitFunction(helper.Id, addPrefix); } if (edit) { if (helper.NavigatorEditOptions == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Edit action options must be not null"); } helper.NavigatorEditOptions.AfterSubmit = GetFormAfterSubmitFunction(helper.Id, editPrefix); } if (delete) { if (helper.NavigatorDeleteOptions == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Delete action options must be not null"); } helper.NavigatorDeleteOptions.AfterSubmit = GetFormAfterSubmitFunction(helper.Id, deletePrefix); } //helper.NavigatorAddOptions return(helper); }
private JqGridData GetGridData(JqGridRequest request, IQueryable <MovieListDO> movieList) { //JqGridRequest request = new JqGridRequest( ) { // _search = false, // filters = null, // page = 1, // rows = 5, // searchField = null, // searchOper = null, // searchString = null, // sidx = "ID", // sord = "asc" //}; return(JqGridHelper <MovieListDO> .ToJqGridData(request, movieList, m => new JqGridRowItem { id = m.Movie.ID, cell = new object[] { m.Movie.ID, GetFullPathForImage(m.Movie.ImdbPosterPath), m.OriginalName, m.EnglishName, m.TurkishName, m.Movie.Year, m.Movie.ImdbRating, m.Movie.ImdbID, GetFormattedDate(m.Movie.InsertDate), GetFormattedDate(m.Movie.UpdateDate) } })); }
/// <summary> /// Ги зема податоците за сите корисници од тип Администратор по /// сите општини и МТВ /// </summary> /// <param name="gridSettings"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override IList <ZelsUsersGridModel> FetchData(GridSettings gridSettings) { var query = _userRepository.Query() .Where(x => x.Roles.Any(r => r.RoleName == Roles.MunicipalityAdministrator || r.RoleName == Roles.ExternalUsers || r.RoleName == Roles.UpravenInspektor )); var gridResult = JqGridHelper.GetGridResult(query, delegate(string fieldName) { switch (fieldName) { case "Institution.Name": return("Institution.Id"); } return(fieldName); }, delegate(User model) { return(model.MapToViewModel()); } , gridSettings); return(gridResult); }
public static MvcHtmlString GetJavaScriptInlineFunctions <TModel>(this JqGridHelper <TModel> grid, string prefix = "", string customFunctionAfterSave = null, string customSuccessFunction = null) { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.AppendFormat("function {0}(rowid,response) {{\n", GetInlineAfterSaveFunction(grid.Id, prefix)) .AppendLine(@" let data; try { data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (data.rowid) $(`#${rowid}`).attr(""id"", data.rowid); } catch (e) { return; }" ); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customFunctionAfterSave)) { result.AppendFormat("\t{0}.call(this,rowid,response);\n", customFunctionAfterSave); } result.AppendLine("}") .AppendLine() .AppendFormat("function {0}(response) {{\n", GetInlineSuccessFunction(grid.Id, prefix)) .AppendLine(@" let data, result = false; try { data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (data.success) { result = true; } else { if (data.message) alert(data.message); $(""#Grid"").jqGrid('showAddEditButtons'); } } catch (e) { result = false; }" ); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customSuccessFunction)) { result.AppendFormat("\tconst sucret = {0}.call(this,response,result);\n", customSuccessFunction) .AppendLine("\treturn sucret || result;"); } else { result.AppendLine("\treturn result;"); } result.Append("}"); if (!HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled) { result.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", ""); } return(new MvcHtmlString(result.ToString())); }
private JqGridData GetGridData(JqGridRequest request, IQueryable <MovieListDO> movieList) { return(JqGridHelper <MovieListDO> .ToJqGridData(request, movieList, m => new JqGridRowItem { id = m.Movie.ID, cell = new object[] { m.Movie.ID, GetFullPathForImage(m.Movie.ImdbPosterPath), m.OriginalName, m.EnglishName, m.TurkishName, m.Movie.Year, m.Movie.ImdbRating, m.Movie.ImdbID, GetFormattedDate(m.Movie.InsertDate), GetFormattedDate(m.Movie.UpdateDate) } })); }
protected override IList <PosGridModel> FetchData(GridSettings gridSettings) { var query = _posRepository.Query(); var gridResult = JqGridHelper.GetGridResult(query, delegate(string fieldName) { switch (fieldName) { //case "Institution.Name": // return "Institution.Id"; } return(fieldName); }, delegate(Pos model) { return(model.MapToViewModel()); } , gridSettings); return(gridResult); }
protected override IList <UsersGridModel> FetchData(GridSettings gridSettings) { var query = _userRepository.Query() .Where(x => x.Roles.Any(r => r.RoleName == Roles.Admin)); var gridResult = JqGridHelper.GetGridResult(query, delegate(string fieldName) { switch (fieldName) { //case "Institution.Name": // return "Institution.Id"; } return(fieldName); }, delegate(User model) { return(model.MapToViewModel()); } , gridSettings); return(gridResult); }