Пример #1
        public AppWindow(MyFlightSimulatorModel model, MainWindow main, IVM vm)

            // initializing the main wondow fields and the vm field
            this._main = main;
            this.vm    = vm;

            // creating the view model of the dashboard
            DashboardVM dashboardVM = new DashboardVM(model);

            myDashboard.DataContext = dashboardVM;

            // creating the view model of the map
            MapVM mapVM = new MapVM(model);

            myMap.DataContext = mapVM;

            // creating the view model of the joystick
            JoystickVM joystickVm = new JoystickVM(model);

            myControlPlane.DataContext            = joystickVm;
            myControlPlane.myJoystick.DataContext = joystickVm;

            // creating the view model of the dashboard errors
            myDashboardErrors.DataContext = dashboardVM;
Пример #2
        /*public double Elevator
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return Convert.ToDouble(GetValue(ElevatorProp));
         *  }
         *  set
         *  {
         *      SetValue(ElevatorProp, value);
         *  }
         * }
         * public double Aileron
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return Convert.ToDouble(GetValue(AileronProp));
         *  }
         *  set
         *  {
         *      SetValue(AileronProp, value);
         *  }
         * }
         */        /*public static readonly DependencyProperty ElevatorProp = DependencyProperty.Register("Elevator", typeof(double), typeof(Joystick), null);
         * public static readonly DependencyProperty AileronProp = DependencyProperty.Register("Aileron", typeof(double), typeof(Joystick), null);*/

        /*private Point start;
         * private double totalWidth, totalHeight;
         * private readonly Storyboard cb;
         * private bool pressed = false;*/

        public Joystick()
            this.joystick = new JoystickVM(new JoystickM());
            DataContext   = joystick;
            //    cb = Knob.Resources["CenterKnob"] as Storyboard;
Пример #3
        public MainWindow()
            TcpClient telnetClient = new TcpClient();

            myModel          = new Model(telnetClient);
            joystickVM       = new JoystickVM(myModel);
            this.DataContext = joystickVM;