Пример #1
        private void WriteSections(StringBuilder sb, JournalSection section, string prefix)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.Body_Text))
                sb.Append(" : ").AppendLine(section.Body_Text);

            if (section.Sections.Any())
                foreach (var subSection in section.Sections)
                    WriteSections(sb, subSection, prefix + "-");
Пример #2
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            [Blob("wow")] CloudBlobContainer container,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            string localeString = req.Query["locale"];

            string  requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
            dynamic data        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
            var     localeName  = localeString ?? "en-US";

            CASCConfig  config  = CASCConfig.LoadLocalStorageConfig(@"C:\Games\World of Warcraft", "wow");
            CASCHandler handler = CASCHandler.OpenStorage(config, null);

            handler.Root.LoadListFile(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "listfile8x.csv"));

            var locale = WowLocales.Locales.Single(x => x.Name.Equals(localeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            CASCFolder root = handler.Root.SetFlags(locale.Flag);


            var dbfiles = (CASCFolder)root.Entries["dbfilesclient"];

            await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            // Apply translations to expansion / tiers
            var tiers = WowExpansion.All;
                var entry = dbfiles.GetEntry("journaltier.db2");
                await using var stream = handler.OpenFile(entry.Hash);
                var reader = new WDC3Reader(stream);

                foreach (var pair in reader)
                    var tier = tiers.Single(x => x.Value.TierId == pair.Key);
                    tier.Value.Name = pair.Value.GetField <string>(0);
            await container.GetBlockBlobReference("expansions." + localeName + ".json")
            .UploadTextAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tiers.Values, serializerSettings));

            var instanceTiers = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                var entry = dbfiles.GetEntry("JournalTierXInstance.db2");
                await using var stream = handler.OpenFile(entry.Hash);
                var reader = new WDC3Reader(stream);
                foreach (var pair in reader)
                    var tierId     = pair.Value.GetField <int>(0);
                    var instanceId = pair.Value.GetField <int>(1);
                    instanceTiers[instanceId] = tierId;

            // Get all instances
            var instances = new List <Instance>();
                var entry = dbfiles.GetEntry("JournalInstance.db2");
                await using var stream = handler.OpenFile(entry.Hash);
                var reader = new WDC3Reader(stream);
                foreach (var pair in reader)
                    if (!instanceTiers.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                    var tierId = instanceTiers[pair.Key];

                    var instance = new Instance
                        Id                 = pair.Key,
                        Name               = pair.Value.GetField <string>(0),
                        Description        = pair.Value.GetField <string>(1),
                        MapId              = pair.Value.GetField <int>(3),
                        BackgroundImageId  = pair.Value.GetField <int>(4),
                        ButtonImageId      = pair.Value.GetField <int>(5),
                        ButtonSmallImageId = pair.Value.GetField <int>(6),
                        LoreImageId        = pair.Value.GetField <int>(7),
                        Order              = pair.Value.GetField <int>(8),
                        Flags              = pair.Value.GetField <int>(9),
                        TierId             = tierId


            // Save the list of all instances
            await container.GetBlockBlobReference("data/dungeons." + localeName + ".json")
            .UploadTextAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(instances, serializerSettings));

            foreach (var tier in tiers.Values)
                var dungeons = new List <Instance>();

                // Get details and images for each dungeon
                foreach (var instance in instances)
                    // Only encounters for this tier
                    if (instance.TierId != tier.TierId)

                    // World instances are flagged with 0x2
                    if ((instance.Flags & 0x2) == 0x2)

                    // Raids have an order number, dungeons have order of 0 and sorted by name
                    if (instance.Order != 0)


                    var blobPath = "static/img/instance/" + instance.Id + "/";

                    // Get the dungeon images
                    using var loreStream = handler.OpenFile(instance.LoreImageId);
                    await container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobPath + "lg." + localeName + ".blp").UploadFromStreamAsync(loreStream);

                    using var bg = handler.OpenFile(instance.BackgroundImageId);
                    await container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobPath + "xl." + localeName + ".blp").UploadFromStreamAsync(bg);

                    using var btnLarge = handler.OpenFile(instance.ButtonImageId);
                    await container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobPath + "sm." + localeName + ".blp").UploadFromStreamAsync(btnLarge);

                    using var btnSmall = handler.OpenFile(instance.ButtonImageId);
                    await container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobPath + "xs." + localeName + ".blp").UploadFromStreamAsync(btnSmall);

                    var encounters = new List <Encounter>();

                    foreach (var encounter in dbfiles.EnumerateTable("JournalEncounter", handler))
                        var instanceId = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(3);
                        if (instanceId != instance.Id)

                        var journalEncounter = new Encounter
                            Id                    = encounter.Key,
                            Name                  = encounter.Value.GetField <string>(0),
                            Description           = encounter.Value.GetField <string>(1),
                            MapX                  = encounter.Value.GetField <float>(2, 0),
                            MapY                  = encounter.Value.GetField <float>(2, 1),
                            InstanceId            = instanceId,
                            EncounterId           = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(4),
                            Order                 = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(5),
                            FirstSectionId        = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(6),
                            UiMapId               = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(7),
                            MapDisplayConditionId = encounter.Value.GetField <int>(8),
                            Flags                 = encounter.Value.GetField <byte>(9),
                            Difficulty            = encounter.Value.GetField <byte>(10),
                            Sections              = new List <JournalSection>()

                        var sections = new Dictionary <int, JournalSection>();

                        foreach (var encounterSection in dbfiles.EnumerateTable("JournalEncounterSection", handler))
                            var section = new JournalSection
                                Id                    = encounterSection.Key,
                                Name                  = encounterSection.Value.GetField <string>(0),
                                Description           = encounterSection.Value.GetField <string>(1),
                                JournalEncounterId    = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(2),
                                Order                 = encounterSection.Value.GetField <byte>(3),
                                ParentSectionId       = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(4),
                                FirstChildSectionId   = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(5),
                                NextSiblingSectionId  = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(6),
                                SectionType           = encounterSection.Value.GetField <byte>(7), // 3 = overview, 1 = creature, 2 = spell
                                IconCreatureDisplayId = encounterSection.Value.GetField <uint>(8),
                                UiModelSceneId        = encounterSection.Value.GetField <int>(9),
                                SpellId               = encounterSection.Value.GetField <int>(10),
                                IconFileDataId        = encounterSection.Value.GetField <int>(11),
                                Flags                 = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(12),
                                IconFlags             = encounterSection.Value.GetField <ushort>(13), // 1=tank, 2=dps, 4=healer,
                                DifficultyMask        = encounterSection.Value.GetField <byte>(14),

                            if (section.JournalEncounterId != journalEncounter.Id)

                            sections[section.Id] = section;

                        journalEncounter.Sections = BuildSectionTree(sections);


                    await container.GetBlockBlobReference("data/dungeon/" + instance.Id + "/encounters." + localeName + ".json")
                    .UploadTextAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(encounters, serializerSettings));

                // Save the list of dungeons for this tier
                await container.GetBlockBlobReference("data/" + tier.Id + "/dungeons." + localeName + ".json")
                .UploadTextAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dungeons, serializerSettings));

            return(new OkObjectResult(tiers));