Пример #1
 public HubManager(ServerConnectionSettings connectionSettings)
     _connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
     _connection.On <string>("botnewjobnotification", (agentId) => JobNotificationReceived?.Invoke(agentId));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks printer(s) for notifications.
        /// </summary>
        private void ListenForChanges()
            // Check for cancellation.

            SafePrinterChangeNotificationHandle hChange = null;

                hChange = WaitForMultipleObjects(_hChanges);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                // No object changed within the timeout period.
                // This could mean that there was really no change,
                // or because the spooler is no longer sending updates to us.
                // Since we can't tell the difference, clean up existing structures and sign up for events again.

                // If the cancel token has been set, it might be a bit before we get back to checking it again,
                // so check it here before resetting.  If it has been set, bail out so the monitor can stop.

                LogDebug("No job changes detected.  Resetting listener.");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                // Unsuccessful in getting the change notification handle.  Bail out.

            // WaitForMultipleObjects could have taken a while, so check for cancellation again.

            // Get the notify information that changed.
            PrinterNotifyInfoReader infoReader = FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(hChange);

            if (infoReader == null)
                LogDebug("Lost job data.  Trying a refresh.");
                infoReader = FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(hChange, _options);

            using (infoReader)
                foreach (PrinterNotifyInfoData infoData in infoReader.ReadInfoData())
                    if (infoData.NotifyType == NotifyType.Job)
                        JobNotificationReceived?.Invoke(this, new JobNotificationEventArgs(infoData));