private async Task WaitUntilJobCompletedAsync(string jobId, int maxWaitInMilliseconds = 5000) { IMonitoringApi monitoringApi = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi(); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); JobDetailsDto jobDetails = null; while ((jobDetails == null || jobDetails.History.All(s => s.StateName != "Succeeded")) && (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds < maxWaitInMilliseconds || Debugger.IsAttached)) { await Task.Delay(25); jobDetails = monitoringApi.JobDetails(jobId); if (monitoringApi.FailedCount() > 0) { break; } } FailedJobDto failedJob = monitoringApi .FailedJobs(0, int.MaxValue) .Select(j => j.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); if (failedJob != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Job failed: {failedJob.ExceptionDetails}."); } _client.Delete(jobId); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnHistory() { const string jobStateName = "Scheduled"; const string stateData = "{\"EnqueueAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:56:05.0561988Z\", \"ScheduledAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:55:50.0561988Z\"}"; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var jobId = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>( "insert into Job (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) " + "values (@createdAt, @invocationData, @arguments,@expireAt);" + "set @jobId = last_insert_id(); " + "insert into State (JobId, Name, CreatedAt, Data) " + "values (@jobId, @jobStateName, @createdAt, @stateData);" + "select @jobId;", new { createdAt = _createdAt, invocationData = _invocationData, arguments = _arguments, expireAt = _expireAt, jobStateName, stateData }); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId); }); Assert.Equal(1, result.History.Count); }
/// <summary> /// The mock monitor api with exception. /// </summary> private void MockMonitorApiWithException() { var sh = new StateHistoryDto { Data = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "ExceptionMessage", "string message" }, { "ExceptionDetails", "string details" } }, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Reason = "A reason", StateName = "BadState" }; var jd = new JobDetailsDto { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, History = new List <StateHistoryDto> { sh } }; this.StateHistoryWithException = jd; this.MonitorApiMock.Setup(m => m.JobDetails(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(jd); }
public async Task <object> RetryParticipationSyncImmediately( CrmData data, Configurations requestWideSettings, bool requestConsumerId = false) { var jobId = await Task.Run(() => BackgroundJob.Enqueue <ICrmConsumerProvider>( iCrmProvider => iCrmProvider.CreateParticipationAsync( data, requestWideSettings, requestConsumerId))); var result = new object(); IMonitoringApi monitoringApi = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi(); JobDetailsDto jobDetails = monitoringApi.JobDetails(jobId); SucceededJobDto jobDto = monitoringApi.SucceededJobs(0, int.MaxValue) .First() //.FirstOrDefault(job => job.Key == "Key") .Value; if (jobDto != null) { result = jobDto.Result; return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrmResponse>(result.ToString())); } return(null); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnHistory() { const string jobStateName = "Scheduled"; const string stateData = "{\"EnqueueAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:56:05.0561988Z\", \"ScheduledAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:55:50.0561988Z\"}"; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseStatelessSession(connection => { var newJob = new _Job { CreatedAt = _createdAt, InvocationData = _invocationData, Arguments = _arguments, ExpireAt = _expireAt }; connection.Insert(newJob); connection.Insert(new _JobState { Job = newJob, CreatedAt = _createdAt, Name = jobStateName, Data = stateData }); //does nothing var jobId = newJob.Id; result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(1, result.History.Count); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnProperties() { var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); properties["CurrentUICulture"] = "en-US"; properties["CurrentCulture"] = "lt-LT"; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var jobId = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>( "insert into Job (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) " + "values (@createdAt, @invocationData, @arguments,@expireAt);" + "set @jobId = last_insert_id(); " + "insert into JobParameter (JobId, Name, Value) " + "values (@jobId, 'CurrentUICulture', 'en-US')," + " (@jobId, 'CurrentCulture', 'lt-LT');" + "select @jobId;", new { createdAt = _createdAt, invocationData = _invocationData, arguments = _arguments, expireAt = _expireAt }); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId); }); Assert.Equal(properties, result.Properties); }
public JobDetailsDto JobDetails(string jobId) { return(UsingDatabase <JobDetailsDto>(db => { var job = db.GetTable <Entities.Job>().SingleById(jobId); var histories = db.GetTable <Entities.JobState>().Where(js => js.JobId == job.Id).Select(jobState => new StateHistoryDto() { CreatedAt = jobState.CreatedAt, Reason = jobState.Reason, StateName = jobState.Name, Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jobState.Data) }).ToList(); var jobDetailsDto = new JobDetailsDto() { CreatedAt = job.CreatedAt, ExpireAt = job.ExpireAt, Properties = db.GetTable <Entities.JobParameter>().Where(jp => jp.JobId == job.Id).ToDictionary(jp => jp.Name, jp => jp.Value), History = histories }; return jobDetailsDto; })); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnHistory() { const string jobStateName = "Scheduled"; const string stateData = "{\"EnqueueAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:56:05.0561988Z\", \"ScheduledAt\":\"2016-02-21T11:55:50.0561988Z\"}"; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("createdAt", _createdAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("invocationData", _invocationData, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("arguments", _arguments, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("expireAt", _expireAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("jobStateName", jobStateName, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add("stateData", stateData, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "jobid", dbType: System.Data.DbType.Int32, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute(@" declare jobid number(11); begin insert into HANGFIRE_JOB (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) values (:createdAt, :invocationData, :arguments, :expireAt) returning ID into jobid; insert into HANGFIRE_STATE (JobId, Name, CreatedAt, Data) values (jobId, :jobStateName, :createdAt, :stateData); :jobId := jobid; end;", param); var jobId = param.Get <int>("jobid"); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(1, result.History.Count); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnProperties() { var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(); properties["CurrentUICulture"] = "en-US"; properties["CurrentCulture"] = "lt-LT"; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add(name: "createdAt", value: _createdAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "invocationData", value: _invocationData, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "arguments", value: _arguments, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "expireAt", value: _expireAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "jobid", dbType: System.Data.DbType.Int32, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute(@" declare jobid number(11); begin insert into HANGFIRE_JOB (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) values (:createdAt, :invocationData, :arguments, :expireAt) returning ID into jobid; insert into HANGFIRE_JOBParameter (JobId, Name, Value) values (jobId, 'CurrentUICulture', 'en-US'); insert into HANGFIRE_JOBParameter (JobId, Name, Value) values (jobId, 'CurrentCulture', 'lt-LT'); :jobid := jobid; end;", param); var jobId = param.Get <int>("jobid"); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(properties, result.Properties); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnCreatedAtAndExpireAt() { JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add(name: "createdAt", value: _createdAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "invocationData", value: _invocationData, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "arguments", value: _arguments, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "expireAt", value: _expireAt, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input); param.Add(name: "jobid", dbType: System.Data.DbType.Int32, direction: System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute(@" declare jobid number(11); begin insert into HANGFIRE_JOB (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) values (:createdAt, :invocationData, :arguments, :expireAt) returning ID into jobid; :jobid := jobid; end;", param); var jobId = param.Get <int>("jobid"); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(_createdAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.CreatedAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); Assert.Equal(_expireAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.ExpireAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnCreatedAtAndExpireAt() { JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseStatelessSession(connection => { var newJob = new _Job { CreatedAt = _createdAt, InvocationData = _invocationData, Arguments = _arguments, ExpireAt = _expireAt }; connection.Insert(newJob); //does nothing var jobId = newJob.Id; result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(_createdAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.CreatedAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); Assert.Equal(_expireAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.ExpireAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); }
/// <summary> /// The mock monitor api without history. /// </summary> private void MockMonitorApiWithoutHistory() { var jd = new JobDetailsDto { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, History = new List <StateHistoryDto>() }; this.StateHistoryNotFound = jd; this.MonitorApiMock.Setup(m => m.JobDetails(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(jd); }
private JobDto CreateJobDto(string id, JobDetailsDto jobDetails) { var status = jobDetails.History.FirstOrDefault(); var jobDto = new JobDto { Id = id, CreatedAt = jobDetails.CreatedAt ?? DateTime.MinValue, StateChangedAt = status?.CreatedAt, Status = status?.StateName, Reason = status?.Reason }; return(jobDto); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnJob() { JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var jobId = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>( "insert into Job (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) " + "values (@createdAt, @invocationData, @arguments,@expireAt);" + "select last_insert_id(); ", new { createdAt = _createdAt, invocationData = _invocationData, arguments = _arguments, expireAt = _expireAt }); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId); }); Assert.NotNull(result.Job); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnCreatedAtAndExpireAt() { JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseConnection(connection => { var jobId = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>( "insert into Job (CreatedAt,InvocationData,Arguments,ExpireAt) " + "values (@createdAt, @invocationData, @arguments,@expireAt);" + "select last_insert_id(); ", new { createdAt = _createdAt, invocationData = _invocationData, arguments = _arguments, expireAt = _expireAt }); result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId); }); Assert.Equal(_createdAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.CreatedAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); Assert.Equal(_expireAt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), result.ExpireAt.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); }
public JobDetailsDto Update(JobDetailsDto jobDetails) { if (sqlUnSafe(jobDetails.AppliedBy) || sqlUnSafe(jobDetails.Id.ToString())) { throw new Exception("Error occured while updating record. Please contact your supervisor"); } try { using var conn = new MySqlConnection(connString); conn.Open(); using var command = conn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = $"UPDATE autoapply_uipath.jobsdetailed SET AppliedBy ='{jobDetails.AppliedBy}', AppliedDate=now() WHERE JobId = {jobDetails.Id}"; var a = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error occured while updating record. Please contact your supervisor", ex); } return(jobDetails); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get(Guid id) { //2 design options-- query the queue or query the side effect of the action. IMonitoringApi monitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi(); JobDetailsDto dto = monitor.JobDetails(QueueMap[id]); //if (QueueResults.ContainsKey(id) && QueueResults[id]!=null && QueueResults[id].Url!="") if (dto.History.Any(x => x.StateName == "Succeeded")) { HttpResponseMessage message = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.SeeOther); message.Headers.Location = new Uri(QueueResults[id].Url); return(message); } else { HttpResponseMessage message = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); message.Content = new StringContent("Not ready yet, try again in a few seconds."); return(message); } }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnJob() { JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseStatelessSession(connection => { var newJob = new _Job { CreatedAt = _createdAt, InvocationData = _invocationData, Arguments = _arguments, ExpireAt = _expireAt }; connection.Insert(newJob); //does nothing var jobId = newJob.Id; result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.NotNull(result.Job); }
public void JobDetails_ShouldReturnProperties() { var properties = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["CurrentUICulture"] = "en-US", ["CurrentCulture"] = "lt-LT" }; JobDetailsDto result = null; _storage.UseStatelessSession(connection => { var newJob = new _Job { CreatedAt = _createdAt, InvocationData = _invocationData, Arguments = _arguments, ExpireAt = _expireAt }; connection.Insert(newJob); foreach (var x in properties) { connection.Insert(new _JobParameter { Job = newJob, Name = x.Key, Value = x.Value }); } //does nothing var jobId = newJob.Id; result = _sut.JobDetails(jobId.ToString()); }); Assert.Equal(properties, result.Properties); }
public List <JobDetailsDto> GetByPageNum(int first, int last, JobDetailsDto filter) { //pageNum = (pageNum - 1) * 100; var jd = new List <JobDetailsDto>(); try { using var conn = new MySqlConnection(connString); conn.Open(); using var command = conn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT JobId, JobTitle, JobUrl, PostedBy, PostedDate, AppliedBy, AppliedDate" + " FROM autoapply_uipath.jobsdetailed WHERE 1=1 "; if (filter.Id != 0 && !sqlUnSafe(filter.Id.ToString())) { command.CommandText += $" && JobId LIKE '%{filter.Id}%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.JobTitle) && !sqlUnSafe(filter.JobTitle)) { command.CommandText += $" && JobTitle LIKE '%{filter.JobTitle}%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.JobUrl) && !sqlUnSafe(filter.JobUrl)) { command.CommandText += $" && JobUrl LIKE '%{filter.JobUrl}%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.PostedBy) && !sqlUnSafe(filter.PostedBy)) { command.CommandText += $" && PostedBy LIKE '%{filter.PostedBy}%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.AppliedBy) && !sqlUnSafe(filter.AppliedBy)) { command.CommandText += $" && AppliedBy LIKE '%{filter.AppliedBy}%'"; } command.CommandText += $" ORDER BY PostedDate desc, JobId desc, AppliedBy asc LIMIT @last OFFSET @first;"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@last", last); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@first", first); var rdr = command.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { try { var job = new JobDetailsDto(); job.Id = rdr.GetInt32(0); job.JobTitle = rdr.IsDBNull("jobtitle") ? "" : rdr.GetString(1);; job.JobUrl = rdr.IsDBNull("joburl") ? "" : rdr.GetString(2); job.PostedBy = rdr.IsDBNull("postedby") ? "" : rdr.GetString(3); job.PostedDate = rdr.IsDBNull("posteddate") ? (DateTime?)null : rdr.GetDateTime(4); job.AppliedBy = rdr.IsDBNull("appliedby") ? "" : rdr.GetString(5); job.AppliedDate = rdr.IsDBNull("applieddate") ? (DateTime?)null : rdr.GetDateTime(6); jd.Add(job); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error occured while processing your request. Please contact your supervisor", ex); } } ; } catch (Exception ex) { var a = ex; } return(jd); }
public JobDetailsModel(string id, JobDetailsDto job) { Id = id; Name = $"{job.Job.Type.Name}.{job.Job.Method.Name}"; Job = BuildJob(id, job.Job); }
public IActionResult GetByPageNum([FromQuery] JobDetailsDto filters, int first = 0, int last = 100) { return(Ok(_jobDetailsManager.GetByPageNum(first, last, filters))); }
public IActionResult Update([FromBody] JobDetailsDto jobDetails) { return(Ok(_jobDetailsManager.Update(jobDetails))); }
public override void Execute() { WriteLiteral("\n"); #line 11 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" var monitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi(); JobDetailsDto job = monitor.JobDetails(JobId.ToString()); string title = null; if (job != null) { title = job.Job != null?String.Format("{0}.{1}", job.Job.Type.Name, job.Job.Method.Name) : null; } title = title ?? "Job"; Layout = new LayoutPage { Title = title }; #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\n"); #line 27 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (job == null) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" "); WriteLiteral(" The job with id \'"); #line 29 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(JobId); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\' was expired or was not existed on the server.\n"); #line 30 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } else { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-snippet-header\">\n <span class=\"job-snippet-tab\">\n " + " Job ID: <span class=\"job-snippet-id\">"); #line 35 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(HtmlHelper.JobId(JobId.ToString(), false)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</span>\n </span>\n\n <span class=\"job-snippet-buttons pull-right\">\n " + " <button class=\"btn btn-xs btn-default\" data-ajax=\""); #line 39 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(Request.LinkTo("/actions/requeue/" + JobId)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\" data-loading-text=\"Enqueueing...\">Requeue</button>\n <button class=\"b" + "tn btn-xs btn-death\" data-ajax=\""); #line 40 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(Request.LinkTo("/actions/delete/" + JobId)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\" data-loading-text=\"Deleting...\" data-confirm=\"Do you really want to delete this" + " job?\">Delete</button>\n </span>\n\n <div class=\"clearfix\"></div>\n " + " </div>\n"); WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-snippet\">\n <div class=\"job-snippet-code\">\n"); #line 47 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (job.CreatedAt.HasValue) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"pull-right job-creation-date\">\n Cr" + "eated\n <span data-moment=\""); #line 51 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(JobHelper.ToStringTimestamp(job.CreatedAt.Value)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\"></span>\n </div>\n"); #line 53 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden #line 54 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (job != null) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <pre><code>"); #line 56 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(JobMethodCallRenderer.Render(job.Job)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</code></pre>\n"); #line 57 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"clearfix\"></div>\n </div>\n\n"); #line 61 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (job.Properties.Count > 0) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-snippet-properties\">\n <dl>\n"); #line 65 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" foreach (var property in job.Properties) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <dt>"); #line 67 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(property.Key); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</dt>\n"); WriteLiteral(" <dd>\n <pre>"); #line 69 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(property.Value); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</pre>\n </dd>\n"); #line 71 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </dl>\n </div>\n"); #line 74 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </div>\n"); #line 76 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (job.History.Count > 0) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <h3>History</h3>\n"); #line 80 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" var index = 0; DateTime[] entriesCreationTime = job.History.Select(x => x.CreatedAt).ToArray(); var nextEntry = 1; foreach (var entry in job.History) { var background = JobHistoryRenderer.BackgroundStateColors.ContainsKey(entry.StateName) ? JobHistoryRenderer.BackgroundStateColors[entry.StateName] : null; if (index == 0) { background = JobHistoryRenderer.ForegroundStateColors.ContainsKey(entry.StateName) ? JobHistoryRenderer.ForegroundStateColors[entry.StateName] : null; } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-history "); #line 98 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(index == 0 ? "job-history-current" : null); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\">\n <div class=\"job-history-heading\" style=\""); #line 99 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(background != null ? String.Format("background-color: {0};", background) : null); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\">\n <span class=\"pull-right\" data-moment-title=\""); #line 100 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(JobHelper.ToStringTimestamp(entry.CreatedAt)); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\">\n "); #line 101 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(HtmlHelper.ToHumanDuration(entry.CreatedAt - (nextEntry < entriesCreationTime.Length ? entriesCreationTime[nextEntry] : job.CreatedAt))); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\n"); #line 102 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" nextEntry++; #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </span>\n <h4 class=\"job-history-title\">\n " + " "); #line 105 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(entry.StateName); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\n\n"); #line 107 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Reason)) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <small>"); #line 109 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(entry.Reason); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</small>\n"); #line 110 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </h4>\n </div>\n\n"); #line 114 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" if (JobHistoryRenderer.Exists(entry.StateName)) { var rendered = JobHistoryRenderer.Render(entry.StateName, entry.Data); if (rendered != null) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-history-body\">\n " + " "); #line 120 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(rendered); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("\n </div>\n"); #line 122 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } } else { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <div class=\"job-history-body\">\n <dl cl" + "ass=\"dl-horizontal\">\n"); #line 128 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" foreach (var item in entry.Data) { #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" <dt>"); #line 130 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(item.Key); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(":</dt>\n"); WriteLiteral(" <dd>"); #line 131 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" Write(item.Value); #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral("</dd>\n"); #line 132 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </dl>\n </div>\n"); #line 135 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" } #line default #line hidden WriteLiteral(" </div>\n"); #line 137 "..\..\Pages\JobDetailsPage.cshtml" index++; } } } #line default #line hidden }