Пример #1
        //20/80 jobs
        // creates the  20/80 jobs based upon the parameters given from main returns job times
        public static JobC[] JobType3(int numJobs)
            JobC[] jobs           = new JobC[numJobs];   //create jobs
            var    large          = new Normal(250, 50); //large jobs
            var    small          = new Normal(50, 5);   //small jobs
            var    gausianarrtime = new Normal(160, 15); //gussian normal
            double arrival        = 0;                   //arrival initialized

            for (int i = 0; i < numJobs; i++)            //for lopp used to populate jobclass

                arrival += gausianarrtime.Sample();              //creates arrival times based on guassian normal and increments for each job, a sum.
                if (rndm.NextDouble() <= 0.8)                    //if the random number between 0 and 1 is less than 0.8 creates a  large job and otherwise creates a small job
                    jobs[i] = new JobC(large.Sample(), arrival); // instanianting the process job array with runtime and job arrival time and time taken

                    jobs[i] = new JobC(small.Sample(), arrival);//creation of small jobs

            return(jobs); //return job times
Пример #2
        //   SHortest-Job First   //
        //shortest job first takes in process job class and the job number and returns context switches
        public static int Sjf(JobC[] Process, int numJobs)
            JobC   temp       = new JobC(); //tempary jobClass used
            double globalTime = 0;

            // time taken
            for (int i = 0; i < Process.Length; i++)// first for loop
                temp = null;

                // if (Process[i].JobLength > 0)// see if job has arrived

                for (int j = 0; j < Process.Length; j++)                                   // second for loop
                    if (Process[j].JobArrival <= globalTime && Process[j].Status == false) // checking if arrival time is less than global time
                        if (temp == null)                                                  //if temp node is empty set it to the current process
                            temp = Process[j];
                        else if (Process[j].JobLength < temp.JobLength) //if the job unit time is less than the temporary job length, set it to the current process
                            temp = Process[j];

                if (temp != null)// if shortest jobs

                    //if temp is not null set the temporray startitme to the global time
                    temp.StarTime = globalTime;

                    globalTime  += temp.JobLength; //globalTime is the sum of temp job lengths
                    temp.EndTime = globalTime;     //EndTime

                    temp.Status = true;            //the tempory job is processed
                else //if temp is empty
                    globalTime          = Process[i].JobArrival; //globaltime set to the process job arrival
                    Process[i].StarTime = globalTime;            //startme set tothe value of global time
                    globalTime         += Process[i].JobLength;  //globalTime is the sum of process job lengths
                    Process[i].EndTime  = globalTime;            //endtime of the process is equal to this golbal time
                    Process[i].Status   = true;                  //return process status as being done
Пример #3
        // creates the  guassian jobs based upon the parameters given from main returns job times
        public static JobC[] Jobtype1(int numJobs)

            var gausianarrtime = new Normal(160, 15);                 //creation of normal disbution
            var firstInstance  = new Normal(150, 20);                 //initial job length of a class

            JobC[] jobs    = new JobC[numJobs];                       //job class creation, used to fill in each job with its times
            double arrival = 0;                                       //initializes arrival to be 0

            for (int i = 0; i < numJobs; i++)                         //for loop used to populate each jobclass with the times used
                arrival += gausianarrtime.Sample();                   //sets the arrival for each incremeted job,
                jobs[i]  = new JobC(firstInstance.Sample(), arrival); // instanianting the process job array with runtime and job arrival time and time taken
                // Console.WriteLine(" Jruntime :" + Process[i].JobLength + "   JArrivalTime: " + Process[i].JobArrival)
            return(jobs);//returns the values of the job class
Пример #4
        //80/20 jobs
        // creates the  80/20 jobs based upon the parameters given from main returns job times
        public static JobC[] JobType2(int numJobs)
            var gausianarrtime = new Normal(160, 15); //guassian normal for arrival times

            JobC[] jobs    = new JobC[numJobs];       //create jobs
            var    large   = new Normal(250, 50);     //creation of large normal distrubution
            var    small   = new Normal(50, 5);       //creation of small normal distrubution
            double arrival = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numJobs; i++)                    //for loop used to populate jobs
                arrival += gausianarrtime.Sample();              //arrival is set and incremented for each incomming job
                if (rndm.NextDouble() >= 0.8)                    //if the random number is greater than .8, it creates a large job, else makes a small job
                    jobs[i] = new JobC(large.Sample(), arrival); // instanianting the process job array with runtime and job arrival time and time taken
                    jobs[i] = new JobC(small.Sample(), arrival);// instanianting the process job array with runtime and job arrival time and time taken
            return(jobs);//return job information
Пример #5
        //   RoundRobin method     //
        // Roundrobin takes in the initial job process and quanta and returns
        public static int RoundRobin(JobC[] Process, double pTime)
            JobC   temp       = new JobC(); // temp job object which has nothing in it
            JobC   Cswithc    = new JobC(); // making another temp job for context switches
            int    switc      = 0;
            double globalTime = 0;

            // arrival of jobs
                temp = null;
                // if (Process[i].JobLength > 0)// see if job has arrived
                // makes the job arrive and sets temp to be equal the process job
                for (int j = 0; j < Process.Length; j++)
                    if (globalTime < Process[j].JobArrival && temp == null)
                        // clock to jobarrival time plus the job length time which equals the completion time
                        temp = Process[j];
                    else if (Process[j].JobArrival <= globalTime && Process[j].Status == false) //else set temp to process instance
                        temp = Process[j];

                if (temp != null) // if shortest jobs

                {                 ///procesinng jobs
                    //same way of processing jobs of PSJF
                    if (temp.JobArrival > globalTime)
                        globalTime = temp.JobArrival;
                    if (temp.StarTime < 0)
                        temp.StarTime = globalTime;

                    if (temp.RemaningRuntime <= pTime)
                        globalTime          += temp.RemaningRuntime;
                        temp.RemaningRuntime = 0;
                        temp.EndTime         = globalTime;
                        temp.Status          = true;

                        globalTime           += pTime;
                        temp.RemaningRuntime -= pTime;

                    if (temp != Cswithc)

                    Cswithc = temp;
            } while (temp != null);

            return(switc);//return context switches
Пример #6
        //  Preemptive Shortest Job First //
        //pre-emptive shortest job first takes in the initial job class and quanta time, returns
        public static int PSjf(JobC[] Process, double pTime)
            JobC   temp       = new JobC(); // temp job object which has nothing in it
            JobC   Cswithc    = new JobC(); // making another temp job for context switches, used as comparison for the temp
            int    switc      = 0;          //context switch
            double globalTime = 0;          //clock that keeps track of the sum of job unit times

            // time taken
                temp = null;

                // if (Process[i].JobLength > 0)// see if job has arrived
                // makes the job arrive and sets temp to be equal the process job
                for (int j = 0; j < Process.Length; j++)
                    if (globalTime < Process[j].JobArrival && temp == null) //if globalTime is lest than the instance of the arrival time
                    {                                                       //and there is no shortest job set the temp to this instance
                        temp = Process[j];
                    else if (Process[j].JobArrival <= globalTime && Process[j].Status == false) // checking if arrival time is less than global time
                        if (temp == null)
                            temp = Process[j];//if temporary node is empty, set to the instance of process
                        else if (Process[j].RemaningRuntime < temp.RemaningRuntime)
                            temp = Process[j]; //if remaining runtime of the instnce is less than the temporary
                                               //set temp equal to that process
                if (temp != null)                     // if shortest jobs

                {                                     ///procesinng jobs
                    if (temp.JobArrival > globalTime) //if temp Arrival is less than global time, temp  is set
                        globalTime = temp.JobArrival;
                    //if temp.startTime is less than zero set temp startime to globall time
                    if (temp.StarTime < 0)
                        temp.StarTime = globalTime;

                    if (temp.RemaningRuntime <= pTime)
                        //if the remaining temp runtime is less than the quanta, finish the job
                        globalTime          += temp.RemaningRuntime;
                        temp.RemaningRuntime = 0;
                        temp.EndTime         = globalTime;
                        temp.Status          = true;

                        globalTime           += pTime; //global sum of the quanta
                        temp.RemaningRuntime -= pTime; //if temp is greater than quanta, subtract quanta to time remaining
                    if (temp != Cswithc)               //every time temp is not equal to the normal job process, a contect switch occurs

                    Cswithc = temp;
            } while (temp != null); //while the temp node is not empty
            return(switc);          //return context switch