public UserWorklogReportRow(JiraIssue <UserWorklogReportFields> i, JiraWorklog w) { IssueKey = i.Key; Date = w.Started; Worklog = w.TimeSpentSeconds; WorklogSummary = w.Comment; IssueSummary = i.Fields?.Summary ?? ""; }
public async Task <JiraWorklog> GetJiraWorkLog(string issueId, string workLogId) { string resultQuery = "rest/api/latest/issue/" + issueId + "/worklog/" + workLogId; logger.Info("JiraApiUrl: " + jiraApiUrl); logger.Info("GetJiraWorkLog: " + resultQuery); JiraWorklog jiraWorklog = await JiraConnection.RestClient.ExecuteRequestAsync <JiraWorklog>(Method.GET, resultQuery); return(jiraWorklog); }
public static Worklog FromWorklog(JiraWorklog jiraWorklog, string user) { return(new Worklog { User = user, Category = jiraWorklog.Category, Date = jiraWorklog.Started.Date, Hours = Convert.ToDecimal(jiraWorklog.Duration.TotalHours), IssueKey = jiraWorklog.IssueKey, ProjectKey = jiraWorklog.ProjectKey }); }
private void SyncronizeWorklog(JiraWorklog worklog, IEnumerable <WorkEntry> entriesForIssue) { foreach (WorkEntry wEntry in entriesForIssue) { JiraWorkEntry jEntry = wEntry.FindMatchingEntry(worklog); if (jEntry == null) { Jira.AddWorkEntry(wEntry); } else if (jEntry.TimeSpentSeconds != (wEntry.DurationInMinutes * 60)) { Jira.SyncWorkEntry(jEntry, wEntry); } else { Logger.DebugFormat("Entry {0} in {1} already correct", wEntry.TogglId, wEntry.IssueId); } } }
private void SyncTogglEntries(IEnumerable <TogglEntry> togglEntries, DateTime startSyncTime) { bool succeeded = true; bool changedIssue = false; IList <WorkEntry> workEntries = TranslateEntries(togglEntries); IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, WorkEntry> > groupedEntries = from e in workEntries where e.Updated > _lastSyncTime group e by e.IssueId into eg select eg; JiraClient jiraClient = Jira; foreach (IGrouping <string, WorkEntry> entriesForIssue in groupedEntries) { // TODO: Handle when issues aren't editable JiraWorklog worklog = jiraClient.GetIssueWorklog(entriesForIssue.Key); if (worklog != null) { Logger.DebugFormat("Syncronizing worklog for {0}", entriesForIssue.Key); SyncronizeWorklog(worklog, entriesForIssue); changedIssue = true; } else { AlertStatusChange("Failed to get Jira issue worklog", Logger.Warn); Logger.ErrorFormat("Unable to get worklog for {0}", entriesForIssue.Key); succeeded = false; } } if (succeeded) { if (changedIssue) { AlertStatusChange("Syncronized successfully", Logger.Info); } Logger.Debug("Successfully syncronized systems"); _lastSyncTime = startSyncTime; } }
public virtual Worklogs GetWorklogs(IEnumerable <string> users, DateTime from, DateTime till) { Worklogs results = new Worklogs(); ConcurrentBag <dynamic> issuesJsons = new ConcurrentBag <dynamic>(); dynamic firstIssuesJson = GetIssuesWithWorklogs(users, from, till, 0); PagingJob issuesPagingJob = new PagingJob(firstIssuesJson.issues.Count,; issuesJsons.Add(firstIssuesJson); if (issuesPagingJob.IsPagingNecessary) { Parallel.ForEach(issuesPagingJob.GetPageStarts(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }, pageStart => { issuesJsons.Add(GetIssuesWithWorklogs(users, from, till, pageStart)); }); } ConcurrentBag <dynamic> worklogsJsons = new ConcurrentBag <dynamic>(); ConcurrentBag <WorklogsPagingJob> worklogsPagingJobs = new ConcurrentBag <WorklogsPagingJob>(); foreach (dynamic issuesJson in issuesJsons) { Parallel.ForEach(issuesJson.issues, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }, (Action <dynamic>)(issueJson => { if (issueJson.fields != null && issueJson.fields.worklog != null) { List <string> labels = new List <string>(); if (issueJson.fields.parent != null) { dynamic issueParent = GetIssue((string)issueJson.fields.parent.key, "labels"); foreach (dynamic label in issueParent.fields.labels) { labels.Add((string)label); } } else if (issueJson.fields.labels != null) { foreach (dynamic label in issueJson.fields.labels) { labels.Add((string)label); } } dynamic firstWorklogsJson = issueJson.fields.worklog; WorklogsPagingJob worklogsPagingJob = new WorklogsPagingJob(issueJson.key.Value, labels, firstWorklogsJson.worklogs.Count,; if (worklogsPagingJob.IsPagingNecessary) { worklogsPagingJobs.Add(worklogsPagingJob); } else { firstWorklogsJson.issueKey = issueJson.key; firstWorklogsJson.labels = String.Join("||", labels); worklogsJsons.Add(firstWorklogsJson); } } else { worklogsPagingJobs.Add(new WorklogsPagingJob(issueJson.key.Value, Enumerable.Empty <string>(), 0, 1000)); } })); } Parallel.ForEach(worklogsPagingJobs, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }, x => { dynamic worklogsJson = GetWorklogsForIssue(x.IssueKey, 0); worklogsJson.issueKey = x.IssueKey; worklogsJson.labels = String.Join("||", x.Labels); worklogsJsons.Add(worklogsJson); }); foreach (dynamic worklogJsons in worklogsJsons) { string issueKey = worklogJsons.issueKey; string labels = worklogJsons.labels ?? String.Empty; foreach (dynamic worklogJson in worklogJsons.worklogs) { DateTime startTime = worklogJson.started.Value; string workLoggedByUserName =; string workLoggedByUser = users.SingleOrDefault(x => x == workLoggedByUserName); if (startTime >= from && startTime <= till && workLoggedByUser != null) { JiraWorklog jiraWorklog = new JiraWorklog { IssueKey = issueKey, Labels = labels.Split(new[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), Started = startTime, Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(worklogJson.timeSpentSeconds.Value)) }; results.AddWorklogForUser(workLoggedByUser, jiraWorklog); } } } return(results); }
internal JiraWorkEntry FindMatchingEntry(JiraWorklog worklog) { return(worklog.Entries.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Comment.Contains(LogMarker))); }